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my first passed Insane ctb difficulty on this map, very smooth and really love the flows <3
i love this
Nice map :3
Holy crap this is amazing, more please.
I love you
Beautiful map :3
<3 x2
Nice :D gz with ranked!
whiii thanks <3
ill eat bennys banana <3
oh noes D:
4th day hype?
hype :D
Congrats, hopefully we can ranked more maps from second & third generation of CtB mappers.
thanks <3
Congrats on first rank
good job benny! Nice map! and hope to see more from you!
<3 <3 <3
now piano mode
That title reminds me of westlife's song; If I Let You Go
osu! needs more FELT! <3
grats benny good work :D
nice song
i just read it like Day After Bananas
hahahaha what xD
IDK man, just happened x-x
Ayyyyyyyy :D
Gratz Benny <3
GG ez map
Still you couldn't pass :^)
ayy, first time plating this minigame
Ayyyy! Well done Benny on your first ranked map! It's about... blooming time (^:
please xD thanks <3
beautiful song