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Is this taken down because of copyright? If that's the case, then why is this the only nano song that was taken down?
so good
who was whistling at the end lmao
Esta canción la jugaba desde el 2012, ahora que perdí todos los beatmap que tenía quise volver a descargar esta canción pero no pude desde acá. Usen esta página para descargarla https://bloodcat.com/osu/
https://bloodcat.com/osu/ use this to search the song!!
just put the url in the search and click on the name of the song!
that's all
Thanks :)
Déjenlo descargar :'v
Porque noooooooooooooooooo xc a la v
I can't download it :( Are there any other links?
Pasen Zelda prros :T
Rip Zeldas :,v
this was like my fave map ughhhh so sad that it's down
Ah great copyright, where else can you get this map. i used to play it and loved it... anyone have a download link for it?
can't download this songs :'(
too bad the song has been taken down pls do something peppy
podrian arreglarlo porfavor no puedo descargar el link
its down , boi :^(
Alguem pofavor me manda o link para download
A shame this song was taken down.
The link doesn't work anymore :^(
No anda arreglenlo u.u
Aww.. I miss playing this beatmap! Q.Q
Why isn't it available anymore?
por que no me deja descargarla?D':
Copyright, aunque creo que ya te abras entereda :,v
link plz
Is there a way to get a download for this now?
whyyyyyy thought fing a good song :(
Can't Download QQ
¿porque no se puede descargar?
sugoiiiii ^_^
good song
Me encanta *^*
I like the map but i think the insane should be AR9
still love this song up until now
sugoi.... !!
Ahh! Only 2 100... Soo close too 100.00% xP
shitest bitmap
jejejejejejej la tengo casi en ss