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my first 7 star A rank
my arm oh my
This is art
map P
loved maps dont give 7 star badge have a good day :)
Six digit me was like: "Oh, 7 star map? 3 minutes? 200bpm? Hell yeah let's make this our first 7* pass" IT SOMEHOW WORKED
"this user doesn't exist"https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/comments/rupn06/osustd_dermor_timewarp/nice
leaderboards: still have nomod A ranks on itxooty: how about I just fc with HDHR
xooty wtf
okay spinner contest
Does this map not count as a 7 star badge clear?
i think it does
loved maps dont count
Ah tyty
this song and map is so good. i haven't played it yet, but damn i just wonder why this isn't ranked
not a marathon 1 diff doesnt qual for ranked
very true https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1450489#osu/3007185 https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1444539#osu/2971438 https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1519005#osu/3109358
Why this map isn't Ranked Im sad T^T
this map is so smooth, why it isn't ranked?
i almost passed the map on my 1st try but my fingers gave up on me D: 3 minute 200 bpm sadge
same now...
I was about to favorite this map but I can't do it because its as of now 727... :(
can u give me the link for the original song ? I cant find it anywhere
красивая песня
Pog J
can barely play it but i love it
how is this not ranked
Only Edward BTS will play with Pefrect mod
Bad shit map
maybe it's just you bad?
no u
Yes you
Mathi god
Is there any spinner on this map?
Literally at the end
mathi is back?
Classic nathan on osu things
whoa this is so nice
cookiezi = auto
score rankings remind me of ghost rule all over again
do you know the artist of the background?
first fc is ss lolghost rule flashback
oh ok cookiezi
i need this loved
Need to get this loved.
consider it done
What is the name of this song pls ^^ ?