Circle Size | 3 | |
HP Drain | 2 | |
Accuracy | 2 | |
Approach Rate | 3 | |
Star Rating | 1.60 |
The show this song is from presents itself as a slice of life "cute girls doing cute things at school" anime, but is slowly revealed to be a post-zombie apocalypse survival anime about these girls trying to survive. As the series goes on, it starts to get darker and darker to reflect the true nature of the show, which is why the difficulty starts off being bright and colourful in the Easy difficulty, then slowly starts to lose its colour as the difficulty increases, and then changes to show the post-apocalyptic setting in the hardest difficulty.You can click on the Insane difficulty name to find a pointless conversation explaining why we ended up going with Insane as a difficulty name instead of a custom name
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First to ss(by mistake with NoFail´
good map,i love it