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map for jump players
first 300 yay :3
person under me is correct
istg mapper must have been puffin on that zaza while mapping this
some1 should 3mod
edit: pewdekz
Absolutely love thhe mapping style! Awesome work 😍
i dont think this cant be played without delay on osu settings
334 without delay
salo salo salo ukaraincko salo
my first 300 les go
mariojudah: hi
this is farm now
hello best mapper
always have been
my fav map :)
dt fc 227pp wtf
200 SS in ctb really :(
easy on last diff
2011 map bro probably better than your mapping
Why the fuck is this 400pp lmfao
Yay #30 on Relaxing diff xd
CTB Map here : https://www.youtube.com/wat...
lol okome!
it won't let me DOWNLOAD! :(
I Like That Streams With DT :D
Its very good practice for getting good at slower streams, good for working on your accuracy with them and getting consistent speed.