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Malhalkka malkka halkka malkka Malhalkka malkka halkka malkkayo
I love this mapping, because this is anty pp
Why doesn't the preview work? I don't like having to go to youtube to see what a beatmap sounds like.
At the start yesterday I was 21, now doubled my place to 42 :-:
apink ♡
Thank you so much for this map ^-^
Still waiting for a BTS ranked map..... T^T
finally, a ranked apink beatmap. thank you!
P A N map fun map c:
pan , thx to map <3
http://puu.sh/jZyOG/593b6e7... ♥♥♥ >w<
I love P A N
don't tell me you downvote this jesus
Come on man! I'm waiting for your AoA!
ahaha he's trying
gr8 8/8 m8
congratz #modreqs master
not over yet.
말할까♡ 말까♡
Euny anda a dormir es tarde y tengo hambre * hides *
tell engurishi pls