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such an amazing map
what the actual hell are those tags it looks like it was ai generated
hi-hat on a hi-hat.....
bro i wanted to search for lionheart not this shit
you do not need this many tags, a waste of time honestly
Original Sauce: Twitter | PixivNote: Both have been taken down or made private
bruh tags moment this comes up when I search lionheart
Lads & lasses, I literally haven't touched this game for years now, but I just remembered about this map and its background. WHAT IS THE SOURCE?! ARTIST? WHO?! I need this so I can embed it as the cover for the song.
what does this have to do with richard lionheart
infinite tags, no matter what i look up, i get this
Playing the Insane diff with Hardrock is just bootleg Sudden death
Great map for training. Recommend it!
i like the map but why the background tho
Why so many Tags
this is hands down the one of the most satisfying map packs to play
anyone else hear "shit the pants on you" during the break?
"she depends on you" but nice misheard lyrics lmao
this map is so fun!
The best map
where can i find the original picture
its on your beatmap folder, and i hope you wont do something bad
Who would believe that after 5 years, this would be featured artist. Nice
report this dude
bruh wtf is wrong with you
Tags: medicineMe: wtf?
oh yes "powerpuff grills"
Nice music and map really good rythm
anime name?
it's not an anime
such a disappoiment...
damn it
I enjoyed it! Thank you~
beautiful map!
i think too
says the guy with no rank
way too late but https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49604869 (deleted by artist)
yet you can only do first difficulty
JUST HOW MANY TAGS ARE THERE!!!!this map comes up for any general tag u search up for OOF
I have absolutely no idea how all of these tags got there, I sure didn't add THIS many.
Huh! D-d-d-d Damn
Come cavolo si fa xD io non riesco ad andare oltrela normal
bad map
* powerpuff grills *
I search, and all I've found is you.
damn i gotta say that was pretty clean
hope you enjoy!
who want some grape soda?
Your Insane beatmap was the best thing I've ever played!