liccaQrispy Joybox
mapped by [_Chichinya_]
HP Drain
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Thanks to all for make this possible ^^ for rank one of my maps and... well Rank our map Alepat is Happy too, FOR REAL THANKS <3 i don't have words for this... Just... Enjoy playing ^^ and thanks for real <3.

:D i like this song very very much :3333 , and i want this map Ranked

BN's Checks
- OzzyOzrock thanks/ gracias :3 por el el primero en chekear uno de mis maps ;_;And AGAIN!!! gracias, AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!, And again :^) i really love you dude <3 in a future i'll buy Overwatch and i'll play with you ;_;
- newyams99 Ty~~~~ i'll wait 3 weaks~~ :D!
- Volta XD thanks :D

Bubble History :X

- 1# OzzyOzrock
- Bubble Popped cuz Inner Oni errors by Volta
- Re-Bubble~ By Volta
- one stupid error of my part
- RE - BUBBLE AND LAST!~ By OzzyOzrock
- QUAL / RANKED By Volta <3 we love you too

Mods and Help
- Surono Sur.... ONO xD okno <3 thanks x2
-xtrem3x Gracias muchas gracias por el mod mas largo de todo el map XD ( y probablemente el que mas ayudo) / gracias por la ayuda ( 13-023-16 ), Gracias de nuevo XD huehue Espero rankear esto pronto :D!
- Hanjamon GRACIAS :D!
- SKSalt Thanks to check the "Oni" :3
-Vulikin <3 Muchisimas gracias <3 de verdad
-Ilikecheese BEST MOD EVER <3 THANKS A LOT *w*
-Firce777 Thanks *-*
-Chromoxx <3 Arigato Google Chrome :3 okya xD
-Steins <3 Thanks
-carnivore101 Thanks ^w^
-Black Wol159 Thanks bro :33
-SKSalt Tahnks *3*
-DarkDunskin Thanks for the mod ^^
-IControl Thanks for the real quick mod o.o
-Niko-Nyan thanks for the mod
-[I]MMoRTal[S] thank you uwu
-pkhg Gracias :33 espero que te alla gustado el map
-Flaus Thanks :)
-Sh1n1- muchisimas gracias por liberar las ataduras que tenia en la muzu y poner algo de consistencia en los maps
-Ulqui o.o gracias por el BG y por el mini mod
-game rock muchisimas gracias *-* y graias por la reision :333
-toara_fict thanks
-Kuki ty men :3
-Nyan ty ^^ for M4M
-S a n d <3 i love you thanks <333
-OzzyOzrock Thank you, por modear <3
-Prophecy Thanks for give me your star *w*
-Zaid thanks xD
-Midnaait it's helping too xD
-Alepay thanks and thanks :D and THANKS for the gd bro :3
-LZD Thanks .w.
-kirston Thanks

Success Rate


Points of Failure

