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last section of the EZ dificulty seems out of sync (?)
Found it
The patterns want me to be fast but the BPM is way to slow... Like literally it just sounds like spam and I keep getting thrown off trying to be accurate cause the notes just don't follow the rhythm, sigh
Those patterns are really confusing and unpleasant to me, are keys really follow the music? Love the beautiful rhythm though.
Felicidades!! :D
Gracias >w<
Thanks :33
good song <3
Thank you :33
what is bg
raaaanked! venezuela yey
Venezuela yey hahahahaha :33
Lol, so new that I'm on global, i dont even play mania
Now this is something new! DnB rhythm in mania, amazing :)
Hahaha thanks :33
Gracias vale :A
SS farming map :D
Thanks Marirose :3!
Congratz! <3 Nice map quality :)
lol gavin g with animu bg
Good map ranked, grats !!!
OMG! :3 Thanks Shana!! ^w^
Woah Gavin G mania mapset ?
Nice :D
wuw gem rokc, shini is mine OwO
game is mine OwO
Awww Blizs OwwO
love this song XD congratz >w<)b
Hahaha Thanks ^w^