Major skill issue, I barely cleared this song in CTB x'D
peppy self nom kick from bn
real :tf:
wtf re:re but not kessoku band
last two eps of the anime were explaining the plot too fast
Bruh this song was released before Boku dake ga Inai Machi was.
Amazing song
re:your mom
this. map. was. made. before. i. was. born. im 14
hello little kid
I would give my opinions on this map, but it crashes my game when I try to load it lmao, it's the only 2007 map that does this
upd: this map was NOT last updated in 2007. it was last updated in 2010, thats why it crashes. the map was likely re-exported sometime then. why? idfk
so nostalgic
re:re is so old??
hello again sir
Peppy is a time traveler, with his superior mapping skills this guy was way ahead of everyone else. Rhythm, patterns, good taste, this guy is just so much better than every other mapper. Why did he stop mapping :(
I love this song so much
peppy is a time traveler confirmed
Classic 2007 patterns. Nice and simple
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Wait Peppy Made This I Think He Watched Erased That Anime
are you a retard
Erased didn't exist when peppy made this map
when i saw this was made in 2007 i was like "Thats a Jah moment"
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I love how the most of players dont get that peppy (creator) can just manipulate upload time xd
but it was in first beatmap pack and dont forget the song actually existed before the anime
i love this song an i love the anime of the song
peppy = Gaku Yashiro Cookiezi = Satoru Fujinuma
peppy tries to ban cookiezi, but years later Cookiezi isn't banned sort of like how (blank because of spoilers)
baka nano
How the fuck did peppy map this years before the anime lmao
How the fuck did god make grass before anime? Makes no fuckin sense.
because its an actual song
i cant even win easy
Omg, peppy already mapped this song a long time ago xd Boku dake ga inai machi <3
So he knew the song before the anime, wow
is it only me but you guys think it is peppy cover too? listen to the original one.
that's the 2016 rerecord this map is the original 2004 release
Come on guys, this song is an OLD song, but remaked for Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, from Sol-Fa album.
what is this revival thing about?
Did peppy use revival?