There comes a point where artists works transcend the total of it's ideas as it reaches an archetypal state of being within it's medium, and we join each other here as we witness yet another leap for what humanity has been able to etch into this marriage of sound and pattern.
Often I have found myself mute attempting to centralize a theory on what makes the great works great, but I think this is ultimetaly liquid as it keeps morphing, always fleeing from a thinkers hands. One conclusion that can be drawn is the reductionist view, that while our vocabulary updates with time as we interact with each other trading relationships with language, its the overarching umbrella of what the artists output is able to make the consumer feel, or rather experience, which is all that matters. It is no coincidence that the cliché of positive map criticism that serves as an approval of design is the simple three words "it was fun". There is no consistent backtracking that allows us to define what fun is as an attribute of the work, we can only feel, feel what the intercourse of the artist and culture was able to awaken in us.
The vast majority of rhythm gamers have both felt and enjoyed the paradigm shift in our family as the tiebreaker meta has evolved to a recognizable style and structure. As the music was reacting to itself and feeling it's past self assembling new dreams, it is notable that yes, pure quantifiable complexity certainly evolved, but also the feeling of an epic. A close parallel to what we do here, is the physical sports found around the world. It seems to be a fundamental human characteristic to aspire to pioneers and modern innovators within the elite, a kid exploring the sport will dream as they immerse themselves in scenarios of which they like themselves to the idols found in their sport.
Returning to rhythm games, I think part of the emotions that tiebreakers grow towards is of an archetypal nature we feel before we are able to rigidly construct ourselves. It's passion, it's euphoria, it's excitement, it's the dream of the quintessential moment we could experience if we drew up our most epic ambitions of what a moment of rhythm games can be, not only within the map, or the song, but the situational context. It is most certainly undeniable that without the need for an analysis of the specifics, Critical_Star has orchestrated one of the most powerful reflections of the tiebreaker archetype, allowing an appropriate state of mind to reach highly meaningful emotions if it can immerse itself right. How lucky that we find ourselves doing this beautiful hobby, in this beautiful game, playing this beautiful keymode, surrounded by these beautiful people, and having worked on ourselves enough to experience these beautiful collaborations.
Of course I have only touched upon a fraction of the magic, missing constituents such as pacing, direction, the power of pp handled right, and obviously not a single thing has been mentioned in regards to the patterning itself, but I am afraid this comment is already getting too lengthy, so further exploration will have to come another time. Perhaps it can still act as an intro as for attempting to put into words part of what makes this one of the greats. What a blessed existence that we can enjoy the grandiose vision of a dear mapper in which they pushed themselves to their limit, guided by their dream of what could be, such that now, we can become the dreamers.