youve been filling my notifications for the past couple hours can you please go comment on another map about how its gonna be the pp record instead of posting paragraphs about how people are mean to you because you said the n word
i don't know what you're expecting; that's just how star rating calculation favors things. if you wanted no-LN 7* it would either be really really hard (= not farm) or it would have massive like 300bpm+ jumptrills (often hard to justify). either way, youre not going to get a no-LN map that is anywhere near as "free pp" (bleh) as what is possible with LNs. no-LN maps that are of similar or harder difficulty to this you can find in the high 5*-6* range (shinbatsu, azure arbitrator off the top of my head, im probably missing some more). there isn't a lack of hard no-LN maps, they are just hidden from view because all people care about is that little number that gives the pp