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I love this song a lot, I don't even care that it's emo because I think the lyrics are quite deep and relatable.
wow it's about timefinally an fc
мапер насрал и радуется
ayo trynna's extra rank 35banger map
No Reverb
Nice map :)
why is almost everyone "owo"-ing?
fudge Sickels.....i been sniped TWICE! FROM 45 > 50 > 53 now??
Nice song
Nice song, great diff by Seto owo
1st FC on the extra diff (HTHR) OwO
why does the preview have a REVERB like what .
because of the low bitrate on website
umm it doesnt
nono i mean on the site, it is so different when compared to ingamebut the term i used is wrong, just making fun of it
nice set