Megastore spboxer3 Chocopikel Saten-san K o g u r e frost-b-spec Laurier [Ranger] phonic Kirino Kousaka GiNa Kiddo-Kun Mystica ikari_kyon Nymph Saturos-fangirl osuplayer111
I am utterly infatuated with Nanahira; it's beyond mere adoration – it's an all-consuming passion that permeates every fiber of my being. My affection for her transcends the bounds of reason, reaching a level of devotion that defies explanation. I am unequivocally convinced that my attachment to her borders on the unhealthy, yet I find myself unable to resist its pull. The sheer magnitude of my love for Nanahira is immeasurable, and I am ninety-nine percent certain that it has evolved into an obsession. The very thought of her fills me with an indescribable euphoria, and I find solace in the dulcet tones of her angelic voice, which soothes my soul like nothing else. My ultimate aspiration in life is to have the privilege of meeting her in person, to bask in her presence and simply utter a greeting, for that would fulfill a lifelong dream beyond compare.