
Tatsh - HEAVENLY MOON [Taiko]

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2017年4月4日 at 下午 08:34:16

Artist: Tatsh
Source: jubeat copious
Tags: Haereticus PING kazenotama
BPM: 185
Filesize: 2938kb
Play Time: 01:53
Difficulties Available:
  1. Haereticus' Inner Oni (5.99 stars, 970 notes)
Download: Tatsh - HEAVENLY MOON
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Random mod~


Rename the diff into a more comprehensible name.
Please add a background.

Basic (3)

00:11:756 (2) - Maybe remove this timing point? I think this is surprising for a newbie.
01:14:026 (1) - k
01:19:216 (1,2,3) - ^
01:25:378 (2,3,1,1,1,1,2) - I think this is too hard for an easy
01:28:945 (1,2) - k
01:38:026 (1,2) - ^
01:41:918 (8) - remove finish
01:43:216 (12) - ^
01:44:513 (4) - ^
01:45:810 (8) - ^

Medium (6)

00:01:053 - There is a double note here.
00:10:378 - Add a d here
00:10:459 (8) - Remove this
00:10:621 - Add a d here
00:11:270 (4) - Remove this
00:11:432 (1) - d
00:17:594 (2) - k
00:20:189 (2,3) - k
00:20:513 (1) - d
00:26:999 (1) - d
00:27:648 (3,4) - d
00:27:972 (5) - k
00:30:243 (1) - k
00:30:405 - remove this
00:56:999 (7) - remove this
00:57:486 (9) - ^
00:57:972 (11) - ^
01:14:999 (1,2,3,4,5) - kdkdk

Hard (9)

This is too hard for a Muzukashii diff. Make 1/4 cluster on the same color (like ddd or kkk but not ddk or kkd)
Hard (9)

00:23:189 - delete
00:23:648 change to 00:23:594
00:24:405~ use 1/2 beats
00:35:756- ddd
00:45:162- k
00:47:351- add don ..etc

No additional kudosu, please.
Topic Starter
I made a background , but still having problems uploading it ...

Hard (9)

00:45:972 - K
00:46:135 - K
Hard (9)

00:36:081 d
00:37:378 d
00:41:270 d
00:42:243 k
00:57:324 k


00:45:081 - (4.5) 感覺有點多餘
00:45:972 - (6.7) 我覺得可以試試看ddk
00:57:324 - (3) k
I forgot: Please set a preview point.
佔2kd位 等mod xD

Yo ~
[ General]
  1. 01:53:594 - End the kiai time here
  2. 難度名稱不如全改成Kantan muzukashii就好了 不用再加Hard Basic那些的了
[ Taiko Oni]

d= don ( Normal )
k= katsu ( Clap or Whistle )
D= Big Don ( Finish )
K= Big Katsu ( Clap/Whistle + Finish )
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:48:405 (272,273,274,275,276) - 1/4 big D/K stream is not allow sadly :'(
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. I do not propose to change the volume on Taiko Difficulties , sense The Taiko Game on the PS2 Wii etc isn't change its volume too
    2. 00:32:513 - Add a circle here?
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:29:432 (96,97) - kk?
    2. 00:44:513 (199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206) - Try kkddkkdk? follow the music more!
    3. 01:08:432 (310,1) - Too close , You need to make a 1/2 break between spinner and circle :)

spboxer3 wrote:


  1. Custom combo colours
    Custom combo colours do not really matter to taiko as they will be overwritten in actual gameplay. The case is the same with combo numbering, but you may wish to use the numbering to mark out red/blue notes visually within edit mode (assuming no custom colours have been set), this would make modding for other people easier and could make mapping easier:
好ㄅ 就這些 做的很棒呢!!~
Good Luck :3
Topic Starter
感謝剝絲絲老大mod >w<//
2kd 0.0

Taiko Mod ♪
哇mlien姥爷的谱 0.0

d = don
k = kat
re = remove

你忘了放 Lead - in Second了. 到 Song Setup -> Audio Tab 那边找然后放 2.
不会觉得hitsound太大声嘛? 把hitsound放到70%就够了.


Perfect 0.0

Combo Colour 不对哦~

00:03:648 - 这边 k 到 d 感觉好奇怪. 试试 k k k k d k?
00:09:486 - k
00:28:297 - d 比较好.
00:30:243 - 试试 k k d?


00:42:243 - k?

Yia's Taiko 和 Taiko Inner 好棒~
Good Luck~
Basic ( Kantan )

00:14:026 - 加個d
00:55:864 - d
01:24:081 - 加個k

Medium ( Muzukashii )

Combo Color 有錯

01:02:026 ~ 01:07:053 - 用4個連音的排列感覺頗怪的 要不填3空3 或者填滿
01:45:567 - 加個k

Hard ( Oni )

00:16:621 - d
00:42:243 - k
01:49:216 - D

Insane ( Inner Oni )

00:45:486 - Combo Color 有錯
inner oni 很讚 combo數也很讚 :)
[Guest Diff]


[Guest Diff]
This is my version.

Need to change mp3, cuz different.

Can cut off some long 1/6's if too hard.
hi mlien-chan. from PM >~</

  1. add tags copious Haereticus Ping-ping Taiko

  1. HP3/OD3 SV1.4 => 1.2 ?
  2. 00:11:756 (2) - del or 00:14:675 - add d
  3. 00:44:189 (4) - del
  4. 01:28:945 (1) - del
  5. 01:41:270 (5,9,2,6) - del
  6. 01:51:648 (2) - del
  1. 00:55:702 (2,3) - d
  2. 00:56:513 (5) - d
  3. 00:57:810 (8) - D
  4. 01:05:918 (6,7,8,9) - kddkD ?
  5. 01:40:945 ~ 01:46:135 - change d and k
  6. 01:46:135 (1,2,3) - k k D
  7. 01:48:405 (4,5,1,2) - d
[Haereticus' Taiko]
  1. offset => 1054
  2. 00:42:526 (161) - this slider is 00:43:499 finish better.
  3. 00:45:121 (175) - del
  4. 01:08:634 (400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,409) - del notes?
    too many streams.
    so mod is hard x_x
    but i think. good map :D
[Ping's Taiko]
  1. 00:09:162 (70) - k ?
  2. 00:17:919 (96) - d
  3. 01:07:054 (5) - d
  4. 01:39:649 (332) - K
    keep 1/6 of stream ? OAO
  1. 00:21:810 (2) - k
  2. 00:34:216 (1) - del
  3. 01:36:081 (5) - D ?
  4. 01:45:486 (13) - D
  5. 01:47:108 (3) - D
  6. 01:48:405 (4,5,6,7) - d
  7. 01:49:216 (1) - D
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:20:189 (6,7,8,9,1) - kkkkd
  2. 00:20:837 (1,2,3,4) - k
  3. 00:23:108 (1,2,3,4,5) - ddd d k ?
  4. 00:56:513 (2) - d
  5. 01:07:378 (2,3,4,5,6) - D ?
  6. 01:08:513 (11) - k
  7. 01:47:108 (3) - K
  8. 01:49:702 (3) - K
  9. 01:53:270 (1,2) - K
go go rank
good luck =w=b
Topic Starter
Thanks TKSalt-chan for modding >A</ !!
Haereticus' Oni

01:36:243 (667) - k
01:40:620 (713) - d

Inner Oni

00:19:864 (5) - remove
00:43:864 (1) - D

Ping's Oni

01:53:756 (744) - remove

其他難度已完美 :)
al sana star <3
Topic Starter

UnderminE wrote:

al sana star <3
çok sağol XD
Hello~ mappers~~ :3
Here's a Taiko Mod via My Takio Moding Queue as M4M
I am glad if it becomes helpful. :)

My mod is for suggetions. if you dont like, ignore please.
d is Red Note.
k is Blue Note.
and, D , K is Big Notes .. d,k.
“+ ?” is I like pattern (※example→ add? , remove?
  1. Difficulty Spread isn’t good. Kantan~Muzu.
    ↑~~ on the time 00:24:405 - ~~ . diff Kantan,Futsuu,Muzu.
    Here’s Taiko Guide.
    I think you should remap Kantan~Muzukashii diff. ._.
    Try to look at the other Kantan~Muzu Ranked diffs.
  1. 00:20:189 (2) –delete.
  2. 00:24:405 (5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,1) - make a break time.
    Example… how about delete?
    00:32:837 (2,4) –
    00:26:351 (2) -,00:28:945 (2) -,00:30:243 (2) – k , 00:31:540 (1) - delete
  3. 00:35:270 (3,5,7) - unnecessary finisher as kantan.
  4. 00:38:999 (2) – delete.
  5. 00:44:513 (1) – k?
  6. 01:01:053 (3) – move 1/1 right or delete. * delete.. making a break is better I think (cause next phrase rhythm is different from common that 1/1 rhythm. )
  7. 01:02:026 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) –how about?
  8. 01:10:135 (7,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,4) – decrease the notes& make a break.
    01:30:567 (4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - put few 1/2 triplet… I think good as these notes. .
  9. 01:30:567 (4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) – make a break.
  10. 01:40:945 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) – not kantan, level is futsuu.
    Decreasing note.
  11. 01:47:108 (1) - ,01:49:702 (1) - same d.
  12. 01:48:729 (1,2,1) – all finisher
  13. 01:52:945 (4) – delete is better I think.
  14. following the kinds of sound are good.but not good as beginners. ._.
    check the other ranked Kantan Taiko diffs. They avoid to make players press the bottons too long. they make many break time points.
  1. 00:46:783 (70) – add note.
  2. 00:48:081 (73) – same. Etc…
  3. 01:00:081 (96) – add d feels better rhythm to ddk.
  4. comment is same as Kantan.
  5. have to increase notes.
  1. 00:10:378 (8) – d , 00:09:810 (7) – add k
  2. 00:12:081 (3) – , 00:14:675 (2) - d ?
  3. 00:16:297 (2) – k?
  4. 00:17:918 (3) – delete finisher.
  5. 00:29:432 (11,12,13) – swap
  6. 00:44:351 (5,6,7) – ddk?
  7. 01:04:297 (15) – d
  8. 01:05:108 (5) – d
  9. 01:06:405 (13) – d?
  10. 01:08:513 (24) – delete finisher?
  11. 01:20:189 (1,2,1,2,3,4) – how about?
  12. 01:28:135 (2) – delete
  13. 01:31:216 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) – increase the notes ._.
  1. 00:35:594 (5) – how about delete?
  2. 00:36:891 (5) - 00:40:783 (5) - ^
  3. 00:55:135 (2) – add k?
  4. 00:56:351 (2) – add d?
  5. 00:59:108 (3) - , 00:58:783 (3) – add note?
  6. 01:07:053 (1) – d?
  7. 01:12:891 (3) – add d
  8. 01:12:729 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1) - How about?
[Ping’s Oni]
  1. 00:12:729 (94) – delete finisher same 00:15:324 (106) -.
  2. 00:23:189 (159) - => 00:23:216 (159) - , 00:23:675 (161) – =>00:23:648 (161) - (not 1/4 . using 1/3 is true.)
  3. 00:34:702 (232) – delete, 00:34:783 (233) – add finisher. 00:34:783 (233) – very want to put finisher. (weird for me cause 00:36:081 (238) – etc used finisher)
  4. 00:50:837 (303) – finisher. 00:51:324 (305) – delete finisher 00:51:324 (305,306) – is slar.
  5. 01:25:053 (541) – k? or 01:24:891 (540) – k?
  6. 01:30:486 (591) - how about d?
  7. 01:43:378 (681,682,683,684,685) – kkdkd , kddkd, dkdkd ddkkd either 5streams are better than formal.
  8. 01:47:432 (717) – how about delete?
  9. 01:50:026 (729,734) -^
  10. 01:53:756 (742) – please delete… in factly, lead hit sounds .but really important?
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:15:810 (2) – add d
  2. 00:40:135 (2) -d
  3. 00:40:540 (2) – add d
  4. 00:41:026 (4) -^
  5. 00:58:459 (3) – k?
  6. 01:00:891 (3,4,1,2,3,1) – ddk d kd ?
  7. 01:04:135 (3,4) – d?
  8. 01:14:594 (2) – k?
  9. 01:19:864 (3) – d?
  10. 01:23:594 (2,3,1,1) – swap
  11. 01:25:702 (3) – k
  12. 01:27:891 (5) – add d
  13. 01:28:702 (4) – add note
  14. 01:28:864 (2) – add note
  15. 01:41:270 (4,5,9,10,14,15,19) – how about k?
[Haereticus’ Oni]
  1. almost just suggestions.
  2. 00:23:594 (5) - => 00:23:648 (5) – 1/3
  3. 00:51:081 (221) – d
  4. 00:53:594 (244) – k
  5. 00:55:540 (261,262,263,264,265,266,267) – kkddkdk
  6. 00:57:972 (284) –k
  7. 01:06:243 (370,371,372) – kdk
  8. 01:06:810 (377,378) – swap
  9. 01:07:135 (381) – k
  10. 01:20:107 (515) – d
  11. 01:20:432 (518) – k
  12. 01:22:621 (539,540) – swap
  13. 01:49:864 (817,818,819,820,821) – how about?
Good Luck! :D
Topic Starter


Hello~ mappers~~ :3
Here's a Taiko Mod via My Takio Moding Queue as M4M
I am glad if it becomes helpful. :)

My mod is for suggetions. if you dont like, ignore please.
d is Red Note.
k is Blue Note.
and, D , K is Big Notes .. d,k.
“+ ?” is I like pattern (※example→ add? , remove?
  1. Difficulty Spread isn’t good. Kantan~Muzu.
    ↑~~ on the time 00:24:405 - ~~ . diff Kantan,Futsuu,Muzu.
    Here’s Taiko Guide.
    I think you should remap Kantan~Muzukashii diff. ._.
    Try to look at the other Kantan~Muzu Ranked diffs.
  1. 00:20:189 (2) –delete.
  2. 00:24:405 (5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,1) - make a break time.
    Example… how about delete?
    00:32:837 (2,4) –
    00:26:351 (2) -,00:28:945 (2) -,00:30:243 (2) – k , 00:31:540 (1) - delete
  3. 00:35:270 (3,5,7) - unnecessary finisher as kantan.
  4. 00:38:999 (2) – delete.
  5. 00:44:513 (1) – k?
  6. 01:01:053 (3) – move 1/1 right or delete. * delete.. making a break is better I think (cause next phrase rhythm is different from common that 1/1 rhythm. )
  7. 01:02:026 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) –how about?
  8. 01:10:135 (7,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,4) – decrease the notes& make a break.
    01:30:567 (4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) - put few 1/2 triplet… I think good as these notes. .
  9. 01:30:567 (4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1) – make a break.
  10. 01:40:945 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) – not kantan, level is futsuu.
    Decreasing note.
  11. 01:47:108 (1) - ,01:49:702 (1) - same d.
  12. 01:48:729 (1,2,1) – all finisher
  13. 01:52:945 (4) – delete is better I think.
  14. following the kinds of sound are good.but not good as beginners. ._.
    check the other ranked Kantan Taiko diffs. They avoid to make players press the bottons too long. they make many break time points.
  1. 00:46:783 (70) – add note.
  2. 00:48:081 (73) – same. Etc…
  3. 01:00:081 (96) – add d feels better rhythm to ddk.
  4. comment is same as Kantan.
  5. have to increase notes.
  1. 00:10:378 (8) – d , 00:09:810 (7) – add k
  2. 00:12:081 (3) – , 00:14:675 (2) - d ?
  3. 00:16:297 (2) – k?
  4. 00:17:918 (3) – delete finisher.
  5. 00:29:432 (11,12,13) – swap
  6. 00:44:351 (5,6,7) – ddk?
  7. 01:04:297 (15) – d
  8. 01:05:108 (5) – d
  9. 01:06:405 (13) – d?
  10. 01:08:513 (24) – delete finisher?
  11. 01:20:189 (1,2,1,2,3,4) – how about?
  12. 01:28:135 (2) – delete
  13. 01:31:216 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) – increase the notes ._.
  1. 00:35:594 (5) – how about delete? changed
  2. 00:36:891 (5) - 00:40:783 (5) - ^ changed
  3. 00:55:135 (2) – add k? changed to dk
  4. 00:56:351 (2) – add d?
  5. 00:59:108 (3) - , 00:58:783 (3) – add note? added
  6. 01:07:053 (1) – d?
  7. 01:12:891 (3) – add d added
  8. 01:12:729 (2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1) - How about?
[Ping’s Oni]
  1. 00:12:729 (94) – delete finisher same 00:15:324 (106) -.
  2. 00:23:189 (159) - => 00:23:216 (159) - , 00:23:675 (161) – =>00:23:648 (161) - (not 1/4 . using 1/3 is true.)
  3. 00:34:702 (232) – delete, 00:34:783 (233) – add finisher. 00:34:783 (233) – very want to put finisher. (weird for me cause 00:36:081 (238) – etc used finisher) added
  4. 00:50:837 (303) – finisher. 00:51:324 (305) – delete finisher 00:51:324 (305,306) – is slar. done
  5. 01:25:053 (541) – k? or 01:24:891 (540) – k? first changed, second remains the same
  6. 01:30:486 (591) - how about d? good one, changed
  7. 01:43:378 (681,682,683,684,685) – kkdkd , kddkd, dkdkd ddkkd either 5streams are better than formal. done
  8. 01:47:432 (717) – how about delete? deleted
  9. 01:50:026 (729,734) -^ ^
  10. 01:53:756 (742) – please delete… in factly, lead hit sounds .but really important?I also recommended Ping to deleted that one, I'll delete it anyways
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:15:810 (2) – add d
  2. 00:40:135 (2) -d changed
  3. 00:40:540 (2) – add d added
  4. 00:41:026 (4) -^ ^
  5. 00:58:459 (3) – k? changed
  6. 01:00:891 (3,4,1,2,3,1) – ddk d kd ?
  7. 01:04:135 (3,4) – d? changed
  8. 01:14:594 (2) – k? changed 01:14:675 to k instead
  9. 01:19:864 (3) – d? changed
  10. 01:23:594 (2,3,1,1) – swap
  11. 01:25:702 (3) – k changed
  12. 01:27:891 (5) – add d added
  13. 01:28:702 (4) – add note added
  14. 01:28:864 (2) – add note^
  15. 01:41:270 (4,5,9,10,14,15,19) – how about k?done
[Haereticus’ Oni]
  1. almost just suggestions.
  2. 00:23:594 (5) - => 00:23:648 (5) – 1/3 done
  3. 00:51:081 (221) – d done
  4. 00:53:594 (244) – k
  5. 00:55:540 (261,262,263,264,265,266,267) – kkddkdk done
  6. 00:57:972 (284) –k
  7. 01:06:243 (370,371,372) – kdk done
  8. 01:06:810 (377,378) – swap
  9. 01:07:135 (381) – k done
  10. 01:20:107 (515) – d
  11. 01:20:432 (518) – k
  12. 01:22:621 (539,540) – swap
  13. 01:49:864 (817,818,819,820,821) – how about? done
Good Luck! :D

Kantan ~ Muzukashii are remapped and took some suggestions.
Thanks for your mod ;) ~

You are a good mapper, I like your taiko maps :)
connect connect hi
新手mod ~

00:10:135 -k
00:14:351 -add d
00:19:216 -d
00:20:513 -d
00:56:837 -d
01:37:053 -k

00:02:351 -k
00:04:945 -k
00:25:053 -k
00:27:648 -k
00:30:243 -d
00:32:837 -d
01:17:594 -d
01:38:351 -k

00:02:351 -k
00:14:675 -k
00:33:486 -k
00:34:459 -d
00:51:972 -k
00:53:270 -k
00:59:432 -k

00:07:864 -d
00:08:999 -k
00:17:918 -d
00:31:378 -k
00:38:999 -k
01:08:513 -d
01:12:891 -k
01:29:675 -k

00:11:432 -k
00:14:675 -k
00:24:729 -k
00:27:486 -d
00:30:243 -k
00:36:243 -k
00:43:783 -d
00:45:486 -d


00:01:135 -d
00:01:783 -d
00:08:351 -d
00:08:432 -k
00:12:729 -k
00:12:810 -d
00:31:621 -k
00:32:026 -k
01:01:378 -k

00:01:297 -k
00:01:945 -k
00:02:594 -k
00:09:162 -k
00:15:324 -d
00:20:189 -d
00:27:972 -k
00:31:135 -k
00:38:026 -k
00:44:026 -d
01:17:270 -k
01:25:135 -k

this map is great
let me mod again :D


00:52:945 d

00:54:243 d

01:09:810 k

01:12:405 k

01:18:891 d

01:22:783 k

01:27:972 d

01:32:513 k


00:34:783 k

00:41:918 k

00:43:864 d

00:51:648 d

00:52:945 d

00:54:243 d

00:55:540 d

01:18:243 d

01:30:567 d

01:40:297 k

01:53:270 k


00:11:270 k

00:16:297 d

00:25:378 k

00:30:243 d

00:44:837 d

01:25:864 d

01:26:351 d

01:37:053 k


00:20:351 k

00:20:513 d

01:13:459 d

01:26:675 k

[inner oni]

00:14:675 k

00:28:621 k

00:35:675 d

01:04:297 d

[ping's oni]

00:09:162 k

00:23:432 d

00:57:324 k

01:17:756 k

[haereticus' oni]

00:05:756 k

00:12:729 k

00:16:053 k

00:27:729 k

00:44:026 k

00:44:108 k

01:49:864 k


00:21:810 d

00:30:891 d

00:34:783 k

00:43:864 d

01:07:864 k

01:08:513 k


00:07:540 d

00:28:297 k

01:00:729 k

01:07:216 (85,86,87,88,89) kkkkk

01:19:216 d


00:03:972 k

00:10:783 k

00:20:189 k

00:31:540 d

00:34:135 d

00:53:432 k


00:38:999 k

00:42:243 k

00:45:810 k

00:59:594 k

01:10:297 k

01:11:999 k

01:24:891 d

[Inner Oni]

00:15:648 k

00:30:243 k

00:32:432 k

01:17:837 k

[Ping's Oni]

00:17:432 k

01:14:918 d

01:37:216 k

[Haeretticus' Oni]

00:06:405 k

00:09:972 k

00:13:540 k

00:20:189 k

01:48:729 k
Topic Starter

tsfrog12 wrote:

connect connect hi
新手mod ~

00:10:135 -k
00:14:351 -add d
00:19:216 -d
00:20:513 -d
00:56:837 -d
01:37:053 -k -已改

00:02:351 -k
00:04:945 -k
00:25:053 -k
00:27:648 -k
00:30:243 -d
00:32:837 -d
01:17:594 -d -已改
01:38:351 -k

00:02:351 -k
00:14:675 -k -已改
00:33:486 -k
00:34:459 -d
00:51:972 -k
00:53:270 -k
00:59:432 -k

00:07:864 -d
00:08:999 -k
00:17:918 -d
00:31:378 -k
00:38:999 -k
01:08:513 -d
01:12:891 -k
01:29:675 -k

00:11:432 -k
00:14:675 -k
00:24:729 -k
00:27:486 -d
00:30:243 -k
00:36:243 -k
00:43:783 -d
00:45:486 -d


00:01:135 -d
00:01:783 -d
00:08:351 -d
00:08:432 -k
00:12:729 -k
00:12:810 -d
00:31:621 -k
00:32:026 -k
01:01:378 -k

00:01:297 -k
00:01:945 -k
00:02:594 -k
00:09:162 -k
00:15:324 -d
00:20:189 -d
00:27:972 -k
00:31:135 -k
00:38:026 -k
00:44:026 -d
01:17:270 -k
01:25:135 -k

泰迪感謝mod :)
Topic Starter

howar5041 wrote:



00:52:945 d

00:54:243 d

01:09:810 k

01:12:405 k

01:18:891 d

01:22:783 k

01:27:972 d

01:32:513 k


00:34:783 k

00:41:918 k

00:43:864 d

00:51:648 d

00:52:945 d

00:54:243 d

00:55:540 d

01:18:243 d

01:30:567 d

01:40:297 k

01:53:270 k


00:11:270 k

00:16:297 d

00:25:378 k

00:30:243 d

00:44:837 d

01:25:864 d

01:26:351 d

01:37:053 k


00:20:351 k

00:20:513 d

01:13:459 d -changed

01:26:675 k

[inner oni]

00:14:675 k -changed

00:28:621 k

00:35:675 d

01:04:297 d

[ping's oni]

00:09:162 k

00:23:432 d

00:57:324 k

01:17:756 k

[haereticus' oni]

00:05:756 k

00:12:729 k

00:16:053 k

00:27:729 k

00:44:026 k

00:44:108 k

01:49:864 k

Topic Starter




00:21:810 d

00:30:891 d

00:34:783 k

00:43:864 d

01:07:864 k

01:08:513 k


00:07:540 d

00:28:297 k

01:00:729 k

01:07:216 (85,86,87,88,89) kkkkk -changed

01:19:216 d


00:03:972 k

00:10:783 k

00:20:189 k

00:31:540 d

00:34:135 d

00:53:432 k


00:38:999 k

00:42:243 k

00:45:810 k

00:59:594 k

01:10:297 k

01:11:999 k

01:24:891 d

[Inner Oni]

00:15:648 k

00:30:243 k

00:32:432 k

01:17:837 k

[Ping's Oni]

00:17:432 k

01:14:918 d -changed

01:37:216 k

[Haeretticus' Oni]

00:06:405 k

00:09:972 k -changed

00:13:540 k -changed

00:20:189 k

01:48:729 k
Asagi Mutsuki
占个坑过后mod :3
wey i finally get to mod this \:D/ Modding all diffs except for the GDs.

General stuff
Source: Jubeat -> jubeat if you wish to be entirely correct
Increase Muzukashii HP and OD: 3 -> 4
Delete inherited point (green line) at 00:24:405

00:07:540 (6) - change to don to show lower pitch
00:24:405 (20) - change to kat or big don for emphasis
00:50:999 - Add note here to keep consistency with 2-beat patterns like 00:10:135 (8,9,10) -
00:56:189 - ^
01:09:810 (59) - see suggestion at 00:24:405
01:24:081 (75) - Move to 01:23:756 - to keep consistency with other 3-beat patterns like 01:02:026 (51,52,53,54,55) - except this would be a 3-3-2 pattern, like the previous one, same deal really.
01:27:324 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96) - Suddenly restless 2/1s. Such a jump in difficulty, 2/1s aren't too often used in this, and you're using 18 of them here. Maybe delete two or three to keep the (probably) intended easy style of Kantan?
01:40:945 (98,99,100,101,102) - Make all these kats because the pitch is high

00:07:540 (9) - see first suggestion on Kantan
00:46:459 - from here to 00:55:540 - you're using 1/2 patterns when you didn't even use more than 1 1/1 in Kantan ;;
01:39:648 (137) - change to kat to show the slightly lower pitch on the next note?
This seems way too easy to be a Futsuu but at the same time it's not able to be a Kantan because you used 1/2 notes so suddenly. Increase the note count to about 180~200 using simple 1/1 patterns and increase density of the beginning part and the Kiai Time. Otherwise the spread from Kantan to Muzukashii will still remain bad.

00:20:189 (42,43,44) - Invert colours on these notes
Remove finishers on 00:34:783 (86) - 00:36:081 (88) - and 00:37:378 (90) - or add finishers on 00:39:972 (98) - and 00:41:270 (101) - for consistency
01:30:972 (261) - remove note to emphasise the note before it
01:36:162 (277) - ^
01:40:945 (287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319) - Why did you do this, this is restless! This is too hard for Muzukashii, having over 30 1/2s in a row ;; delete about 5-7 inbetween to make it suitable for Muzukashii players
01:53:270 (331,332,333) - Make all of these kats to emphasise the higher pitch?

not sure if this is necessary to mention but why the inconsistent comboing style (aka putting a new combo at almost every note) compared to all the other diffs?
00:23:108 (1) - Replace with 4 1/2 notes, because no spinners were used in previous diffs
00:39:891 (2) - Maybe remove this to give players a small break as this seems to be mapped rather simplistically?
01:02:026 (2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Maybe delete some notes (2-3) to give players a small break because, again, this seems to be mapped with an easy style in mind
01:18:891 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Why do you use this stream, it's such a jump from Muzukashii ;; simplify it or break it up
01:27:648 (1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - ^
01:29:270 (1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1) - ^ except maybe not as much 'cause it's a simpler stream
01:40:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1) - See suggestion at 01:02:026

Inner Oni
see Oni's first statement
00:13:216 (2) - Maybe remove this to focus more on the main instruments?
00:38:675 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1) - Maybe simplify this?
Add finishers at 00:52:945 (1) - and 00:54:243 (1) - for consistency
01:02:026 (2,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Try focusing more on the main instruments here as what you're doing is making it harder than it needs to be (the deathstream is such a jump from the Oni ;;)
01:38:351 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ^ except not as much because it's a simpler stream
01:51:324 (4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ddddk d ddddk d ddddk for consistency with the music

good luck for rank

00:09:486 add k

00:12:081 k

00:15:972 add d

00:20:189 d

00:41:918 k

01:38:351 k[/box]


00:02:351 k

00:11:270 k

00:11:432 add d

00:26:351 (54, 55, 56) ddd

00:30:243 (70, 71, 72) ddk

01:24:729 d

01:36:729 (280, 281) k k

01:38:351 k


00:14:675 d

00:32:513 k

00:45:810 k

00:56:513 k

00:59:756 k

[Inner Oni]

00:09:891 d

00:44:513 k

[Haereticus' Oni]

00:02:513 k

00:13:378 k

[Ping's Oni]

00:07:864 k

00:10:783 k

00:11:918 (90, 91) dk

00:14:026 k
Topic Starter

Dainesl wrote:

wey i finally get to mod this \:D/ Modding all diffs except for the GDs.

General stuff
Source: Jubeat -> jubeat if you wish to be entirely correct
Increase Muzukashii HP and OD: 3 -> 4
Delete inherited point (green line) at 00:24:405

00:07:540 (6) - change to don to show lower pitch -changed
00:24:405 (20) - change to kat or big don for emphasis
00:50:999 - Add note here to keep consistency with 2-beat patterns like 00:10:135 (8,9,10) - -added
00:56:189 - ^
01:09:810 (59) - see suggestion at 00:24:405
01:24:081 (75) - Move to 01:23:756 - to keep consistency with other 3-beat patterns like 01:02:026 (51,52,53,54,55) - except this would be a 3-3-2 pattern, like the previous one, same deal really.
01:27:324 (79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96) - Suddenly restless 2/1s. Such a jump in difficulty, 2/1s aren't too often used in this, and you're using 18 of them here. Maybe delete two or three to keep the (probably) intended easy style of Kantan?
01:40:945 (98,99,100,101,102) - Make all these kats because the pitch is high

00:07:540 (9) - see first suggestion on Kantan -changed
00:46:459 - from here to 00:55:540 - you're using 1/2 patterns when you didn't even use more than 1 1/1 in Kantan ;;
01:39:648 (137) - change to kat to show the slightly lower pitch on the next note?
This seems way too easy to be a Futsuu but at the same time it's not able to be a Kantan because you used 1/2 notes so suddenly. Increase the note count to about 180~200 using simple 1/1 patterns and increase density of the beginning part and the Kiai Time. Otherwise the spread from Kantan to Muzukashii will still remain bad.

00:20:189 (42,43,44) - Invert colours on these notes -inverted
Remove finishers on 00:34:783 (86) - 00:36:081 (88) - and 00:37:378 (90) - or add finishers on 00:39:972 (98) - and 00:41:270 (101) - for consistency -added finishers
01:30:972 (261) - remove note to emphasise the note before it -remain same
01:36:162 (277) - ^
01:40:945 (287,288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319) - Why did you do this, this is restless! This is too hard for Muzukashii, having over 30 1/2s in a row ;; delete about 5-7 inbetween to make it suitable for Muzukashii players -I prefer to stay this way, muzukashii players will be able the play this I beleive lol
01:53:270 (331,332,333) - Make all of these kats to emphasise the higher pitch?

not sure if this is necessary to mention but why the inconsistent comboing style (aka putting a new combo at almost every note) compared to all the other diffs? because this map was made few years ago, the combo color doesn't change automatically, thus changing it manually
00:23:108 (1) - Replace with 4 1/2 notes, because no spinners were used in previous diffs remain the same
00:39:891 (2) - Maybe remove this to give players a small break as this seems to be mapped rather simplistically?
01:02:026 (2,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Maybe delete some notes (2-3) to give players a small break because, again, this seems to be mapped with an easy style in mind
01:18:891 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - Why do you use this stream, it's such a jump from Muzukashii ;; simplify it or break it up i'll keep those streams, new players need challenges to improve
in authentic maps muzukashii and oni often differ a lot lol

01:27:648 (1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1) - ^
01:29:270 (1,2,1,2,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1) - ^ except maybe not as much 'cause it's a simpler stream
01:40:945 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1) - See suggestion at 01:02:026

Inner Oni
see Oni's first statement
00:13:216 (2) - Maybe remove this to focus more on the main instruments?
00:38:675 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1) - Maybe simplify this? changed 1 d to k
Add finishers at 00:52:945 (1) - and 00:54:243 (1) - for consistency added finishers
01:02:026 (2,3,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Try focusing more on the main instruments here as what you're doing is making it harder than it needs to be (the deathstream is such a jump from the Oni ;;) simplified and cut the stream
01:38:351 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - ^ except not as much because it's a simpler stream
01:51:324 (4,5,6,7,1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3) - ddddk d ddddk d ddddk for consistency with the music
changed the two first streams

good luck for rank
Thanks for mod :)
好久不見/ 今天上線剛好有看到這張譜晚點來mod一下 :P
Topic Starter

yoyo wrote:


00:09:486 add k ok

00:12:081 k ok

00:15:972 add d

00:20:189 d

00:41:918 k ok

01:38:351 k ok


00:02:351 k ok

00:11:270 k ok

00:11:432 add d ok

00:26:351 (54, 55, 56) ddd ok

00:30:243 (70, 71, 72) ddk ok

01:24:729 d

01:36:729 (280, 281) k k ok

01:38:351 k


00:14:675 d ok

00:32:513 k ok

00:45:810 k

00:56:513 k ok

00:59:756 k ok

[Inner Oni]

00:09:891 d ok

00:44:513 k

[Haereticus' Oni]

00:02:513 k ok

00:13:378 k

[Ping's Oni]

00:07:864 k

00:10:783 k

00:11:918 (90, 91) dk

00:14:026 k
Topic Starter

kazenotama wrote:

好久不見/ 今天上線剛好有看到這張譜晚點來mod一下 :P

好,找時間把你的譜也上傳 :)
Placeholder for mod (more like a recheck but idc)

Choose language: French/English (lol)
Topic Starter

dialgadu77 wrote:

Placeholder for mod (more like a recheck but idc)

Choose language: French/English (lol)
Can i give kudosu for recheck ?

Use any language you like :)
or you can use both of them (X

-----mliencheng----- wrote:

dialgadu77 wrote:

Placeholder for mod (more like a recheck but idc)

Choose language: French/English (lol)
Can i give kudosu for recheck ?

Use any language you like :)
or you can use both of them (X
Well the last time i modded this map was 2 years ago, so maybe I d'like to have a kd x) *runs*

EDIT: Here goes the mod (FRENCH PLS)


  1. Mets comme source "jubeat", pour toute les diffs, il n'y a que la diff de kazenotama et celle de Haereticus qui ont comme source "jubeat" (sans majuscule)

  1. HP et OD +1?

  1. HP et OD +1?
  2. 01:40:945 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168) - essaie de couper ce stream? Il paraît un peu long (coupe le a 01:43:216 (159) - par exemple)

  1. HP et OD +2?
  2. 00:15:972 (37) - change en d?
  3. 00:20:189 (43) - ^
  4. 01:01:702 (162) - ^, je trouve que un k n'a rien a faire ici
  5. 01:40:945 (288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320) - Ce stream est beaucoup trop long pour un Muzukashii, essaie de le couper a certains endroits

  1. HP et OD +1?
  2. 00:07:864 (1) - pourquoi ne mets tu pas un d ici? pour rester logique par rapport aux patterns précédents?
[Tama's Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1?
  2. 00:24:405 - and 01:09:486 - remove those timing points, since they are useless
[Ping's Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1?
  2. 00:08:026 (62,63) - change to kk?
  3. 00:12:729 (93) - remove finisher here?
  4. 00:18:567 (127) - change to d here? sounds and plays better
  5. 00:56:189 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331) - useless 1/6s, remove them
  6. 00:56:189 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331) - ^
  7. 01:01:702 (366,367,368,369) - ^
  8. 01:22:621 (520,521,522,523,524,525) - ^
  9. 01:45:810 (705,706,707,708,709,710,711) - the drum in the back is 1/4 actually
[Inner Oni]

  1. HP et OD +1?
  2. Enlève les timing points inutiles comome dans la diff de kazenotama
  3. 01:09:486 (1) - je sais que ca sonne bien, mais retire ca stp, y'a aucun son ici
[Haereticus' Inner Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1?
Bon, je crois que c'est tout!
Bonne chance pour ranker la map!
Topic Starter

dialgadu77 wrote:

Well the last i modded this map was 2 years ago, so maybe I d'like to have a kd x) *runs*

EDIT: Here goes the mod (FRENCH PLS)


  1. Mets comme source "jubeat", pour toute les diffs, il n'y a que la diff de kazenotama et celle de Haereticus qui ont comme source "jubeat" (sans majuscule)
- ok , c'est fait


  1. HP et OD +1?
- changé . En fait je n'ai pas remarqué les HP et OD des autres ranked maps. . . y a pas de standard ?


  1. HP et OD +1? - changé
  2. 01:40:945 (152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168) - essaie de couper ce stream? Il paraît un peu long (coupe le a 01:43:216 (159) - par exemple)
- coupé en 3 3 3 3


  1. HP et OD +2? -HP+2 , OD+1
  2. 00:15:972 (37) - change en d? - changé
  3. 00:20:189 (43) - ^ - changé
  4. 01:01:702 (162) - ^, je trouve que un k n'a rien a faire ici je prefère de le rester
  5. 01:40:945 (288,289,290,291,292,293,294,295,296,297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304,305,306,307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320) - Ce stream est beaucoup trop long pour un Muzukashii, essaie de le couper a certains endroits
- certains coupé


  1. HP et OD +1? - HP+1
  2. 00:07:864 (1) - pourquoi ne mets tu pas un d ici? pour rester logique par rapport aux patterns précédents?
- t'as raison

[Tama's Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1? - HP+1
  2. 00:24:405 - and 01:09:486 - remove those timing points, since they are useless

[Ping's Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1? - HP+1
  2. 00:08:026 (62,63) - change to kk?
  3. 00:12:729 (93) - remove finisher here?
  4. 00:18:567 (127) - change to d here? sounds and plays better
  5. 00:56:189 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331) - useless 1/6s, remove them
  6. 00:56:189 (324,325,326,327,328,329,330,331) - ^
  7. 01:01:702 (366,367,368,369) - ^
  8. 01:22:621 (520,521,522,523,524,525) - ^
  9. 01:45:810 (705,706,707,708,709,710,711) - the drum in the back is 1/4 actually
i'm gonna get permission from him first to change any notes

[Inner Oni]

  1. HP et OD +1? - HP+1
  2. Enlève les timing points inutiles comome dans la diff de kazenotama
  3. 01:09:486 (1) - je sais que ca sonne bien, mais retire ca stp, y'a aucun son ici

[Haereticus' Inner Oni]

  1. HP and OD +1?
i'll try (?

Bon, je crois que c'est tout!
Bonne chance pour ranker la map!
merci bcp pour le mod :)
Pour les settings, c'est pas obligatoire mais c'est des recommandations en fait
[Ping's Oni]

00:14:026 D
00:18:486 d
00:18:648 k
00:18:810 k
00:18:891 d
00:34:540 k
00:34:702 k
00:34:783 k
Konpaku Sariel
haeri's inner
00:42:081 (158,159) - ctrl + G
00:53:837 (245,246) - ^
01:03:162 (331,332,333,334) - ^
01:10:702 (410,411) - ^
01:11:351 (418,419) - ^
01:11:594 (421) - d
01:11:918 (425,426,427) - dkd

00:01:217 (2,4,6,8) - k

00:26:351 (3) - K

00:27:486 (2) - d

01:25:053 (2,3,1,1,1) - kdkdk

01:26:026 (1) - d

01:29:270 (1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1) -

source:Jubeat -> jubeat

Ping's oni
00:08:026 (62,63) - kk

00:08:026 (63,64) - overlayed note

00:14:999 (104) - d

00:46:783 (285,290,295) - k

00:50:351 (299,300,301,302) - DdkD

00:51:972 (307,312) - k
Hi from Charlotte's Taiko Modding Queue

D(big d)
K(big k)


00:34:783 (87) - change D
00:37:378 (91) - change D
00:42:243 (104) - change d
00:44:026 (108) - change k
00:46:783 (116) - change k
00:48:081 (121) - change k
00:49:378 (126) - change k
00:51:972 (137) - change k
00:53:270 (142) - change k
01:06:891 (184) - change d
01:07:379 - add d
01:07:699 - add d
01:08:026 - add d
01:25:378 (250) - change d
01:26:351 (252) - change d
01:27:324 (254) - change d or D

Tama's Oni

This map Inner Oni?

There is no need for 1/6 to Oni

01:28:945 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1) - Think again

Ping's Oni

This map Inner Oni?

There is no need for 1/6 to Oni

01:18:891 (488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504) - Think again
01:29:270 (575,576,577,578,579,580,581,582,583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591) - Think again

Other ...


00:02:513 (1) - change d
00:02:675 (1) - change k
00:05:270 (1) - change k
00:07:702 (1) - change d
01:08:104 - add k
01:18:891 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - change dkkkdkkkdkkkd

Inner Oni

OD5→6 best?

Haereticus' Inner Oni

OD5→OD6 best?

over map? A little easier :)

Good luck
Topic Starter

Konpaku Sariel wrote:

haeri's inner
00:42:081 (158,159) - ctrl + G fixed
00:53:837 (245,246) - ^ i'm following the rythme with don, so i prefer not to change ;w;
01:03:162 (331,332,333,334) - ^ fixed
01:10:702 (410,411) - ^ good one, fixed
01:11:351 (418,419) - ^ fixed
01:11:594 (421) - d
01:11:918 (425,426,427) - dkd

00:01:217 (2,4,6,8) - k

00:26:351 (3) - K

00:27:486 (2) - d

01:25:053 (2,3,1,1,1) - kdkdk

01:26:026 (1) - d fixed

01:29:270 (1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1) -
dddkdkddkkdkddkdk changed some notes

source:Jubeat -> jubeat

Ping's oni
00:08:026 (62,63) - kk

00:08:026 (63,64) - overlayed note

00:14:999 (104) - d

00:46:783 (285,290,295) - k

00:50:351 (299,300,301,302) - DdkD

00:51:972 (307,312) - k

fixed some

Thanks for mod :)
Topic Starter

Charlotte wrote:

Hi from Charlotte's Taiko Modding Queue

D(big d)
K(big k)


00:34:783 (87) - change D fixed
00:37:378 (91) - change D fixed
00:42:243 (104) - change d fixed
00:44:026 (108) - change k fixed
00:46:783 (116) - change k fixed
00:48:081 (121) - change k fixed
00:49:378 (126) - change k fixed
00:51:972 (137) - change k fixed
00:53:270 (142) - change k fixed
01:06:891 (184) - change d fixed
01:07:379 - add d fixed
01:07:699 - add d fixed
01:08:026 - add d fixed
01:25:378 (250) - change d prefer k k k k
01:26:351 (252) - change d ^
01:27:324 (254) - change d or D ^

Tama's Oni

This map Inner Oni?

There is no need for 1/6 to Oni

01:28:945 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1) - Think again

Ping's Oni

This map Inner Oni?

There is no need for 1/6 to Oni

01:18:891 (488,489,490,491,492,493,494,495,496,497,498,499,500,501,502,503,504) - Think again
01:29:270 (575,576,577,578,579,580,581,582,583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591) - Think again

Other ... Ping wants 1/6 to remains the same ..


00:02:513 (1) - change d
00:02:675 (1) - change k
00:05:270 (1) - change k
00:07:702 (1) - change d
01:08:104 - add k
01:18:891 (1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,2,1) - change dkkkdkkkdkkkd changed stream

Inner Oni

OD5→6 best? i don't like high OD , too strict for players ;w;;

Haereticus' Inner Oni

OD5→OD6 best? ^

over map? A little easier :) XD

Good luck

Thanks for mod ~ :)
I took my time to slowly get over this map since it is actually hard to make a useful mod. sorry.
I hope you understand a lot of english because there's incoming a wall of text wwww

Haereticus' Inner Oni
- Ok, before i start i wanted to say something which in my opinion is relevant at the point you can't even argue back. This map is overmapped, ok, but what i do understand for overmapped isnt to use more notes than it should have, only for making it harder. For me, overmapped means to actually use a lot of notes to make it harder but making the map having not sense at all. You can see some of my maps like Reizoko Cj - Hardcore Syndrome or t+pazolite - Of Course You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME? where i overmapped a lot but still every note in those Taikocalypse have something to support them in the song.
What i mean, is that you have to think better how to overmap this, because it is possible and still rankeable -no matter how BATs think it is hard-
Also, i took my time to say this because i wanted to get a Full combo on it so you wouldnt think im a noob complaining at how hard this is. So please, i pray you will accept most of this mod.

-OD 6~7. You literally can't say OD6 is hard, first because this map is intended to be hard and you dont want to "balance" it by lowering the OD. Right now the standard is OD6 in most maps also. Second, i think 90% of the people playing this when this get ranked wont be anyone who cant deal with OD7~8, because this is actually I'm you daddy-tier. These are my reasons as why you must leave this diff at OD6 as a minimum.

- I will take a look at this diff later, if you decide to change patterns to follow the song better, so please call me for a recheck at forum PM. I highly recommend trying to avoid repetitive patterns as you can easily use Abekobe to make them look and sound a lot better.

- Most of the long patterns are really nice in my opinion, you did a really good job on them.

- 01:24:729 (555,556,557,558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567) - i dont recommend to use odd number of notes, like these 5 kats because its kinda uncomfortable to play, and to be honest making a map harder by making it uncomfortable (as i seen in a lot of maps actually called "hard") is pretty stupid.

-01:36:081 (665) - i would put a finisher or a k here

-01:51:324 (827,828,829,830,831,832,833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847,848,849,850,851,852,853,854,855) -
at the very end of the stream, starting at 01:53:108 (849) - i would make it ddkdkdk

-That's all for now, please recall me when you finish with this so i can give you another pattern mods.

I'll write the mod for the other diffs later since i have to go right now xD but they have pretty much the same errors (i have already played every map) and all the onis seems to be like, parts which shouldnt be like that, like Ping's having unnecessary 1/6, etc. But i will point them later so you specifically will know what i mean and why i do point them, so you know why some people already pointed it :3
Topic Starter

-Anhedonia- wrote:

I took my time to slowly get over this map since it is actually hard to make a useful mod. sorry.
I hope you understand a lot of english because there's incoming a wall of text wwww

Haereticus' Inner Oni
- Ok, before i start i wanted to say something which in my opinion is relevant at the point you can't even argue back. This map is overmapped, ok, but what i do understand for overmapped isnt to use more notes than it should have, only for making it harder. For me, overmapped means to actually use a lot of notes to make it harder but making the map having not sense at all. You can see some of my maps like Reizoko Cj - Hardcore Syndrome or t+pazolite - Of Course You Need and nEed and neEd and neeD and NEED ME? where i overmapped a lot but still every note in those Taikocalypse have something to support them in the song.
What i mean, is that you have to think better how to overmap this, because it is possible and still rankeable -no matter how BATs think it is hard-
Also, i took my time to say this because i wanted to get a Full combo on it so you wouldnt think im a noob complaining at how hard this is. So please, i pray you will accept most of this mod.

-OD 6~7. You literally can't say OD6 is hard, first because this map is intended to be hard and you dont want to "balance" it by lowering the OD. Right now the standard is OD6 in most maps also. Second, i think 90% of the people playing this when this get ranked wont be anyone who cant deal with OD7~8, because this is actually I'm you daddy-tier. These are my reasons as why you must leave this diff at OD6 as a minimum. OD 5->6

- I will take a look at this diff later, if you decide to change patterns to follow the song better, so please call me for a recheck at forum PM. I highly recommend trying to avoid repetitive patterns as you can easily use Abekobe to make them look and sound a lot better.

- Most of the long patterns are really nice in my opinion, you did a really good job on them.

- 01:24:729 (555,556,557,558,559,560,561,562,563,564,565,566,567) - i dont recommend to use odd number of notes, like these 5 kats because its kinda uncomfortable to play, and to be honest making a map harder by making it uncomfortable (as i seen in a lot of maps actually called "hard") is pretty stupid. Changed to a better stream corresponding to the sound

-01:36:081 (665) - i would put a finisher or a k here added finisher

-01:51:324 (827,828,829,830,831,832,833,834,835,836,837,838,839,840,841,842,843,844,845,846,847,848,849,850,851,852,853,854,855) -
at the very end of the stream, starting at 01:53:108 (849) - i would make it ddkdkdk applied

-That's all for now, please recall me when you finish with this so i can give you another pattern mods.

I'll write the mod for the other diffs later since i have to go right now xD but they have pretty much the same errors (i have already played every map) and all the onis seems to be like, parts which shouldnt be like that, like Ping's having unnecessary 1/6, etc. But i will point them later so you specifically will know what i mean and why i do point them, so you know why some people already pointed it :3
Thanks for this experienced mod, really gives much help. Sorry about some baka patterns, cuz it was mapped long time ago :D

For Ping's diff, he may remove some 1/6 but he has his own ideas. Although he's younger than me but he's much more experienced.

PS: What Taiko is or osu!Taiko is, I don't care much. It's the same thing. So how namco maps is always right, since they created this game. Conclusion: Oni may be hard and have 1/6s (must be used in a reasonable way of course)
No offence :oops:

mliencheng wrote:

PS: What Taiko is or osu!Taiko is, I don't care much. It's the same thing. So how namco maps is always right, since they created this game. Conclusion: Oni may be hard and have 1/6s (must be used in a reasonable way of course)
No offence :oops:
it is ,indeed, but here in osu there are some standards to stick to, and im not saying you to remap but think better on which patterns do you use.
Namco insane maps are also good following the music. What they do is to create a song which sounds insane to stick to it and make it hard.
In the other hand, here we have a song which is pretty constant and you cannot spam a lot of notes, but you still did great in some sections. So, please, dont take this as a "omg pls nerf this" because im not an unexperienced player and as i enjoy hard maps, i do not enjoy maps who are hard "because reasons".
Got it?
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