RRM Modding QueueFor all images, the suggestion is on the left and the original on the right
Move any notes around the suggestions if they become uncomfortable
0 1 2 3
I'll be going over the patterning first, then the consistency. The consistency section, whenever the suggestions are applied, will ruin the patterning changes. This is intended, since my aim is to potentially give you ideas on how what patterns work, which you can apply to other things you're mapping - not just to improve this difficulty
ff15PatterningThough this section is called Patterning, there are some consistency related stuff. It's because I've stopped the before the end, as consistency is repetitive and takes much more time to do when compared to patterning. The consistency related stuff I point out in this section are stuff I don't expect you to have changed after reading the Consistency section
I personally find LNs capped with a SN in the same hand slightly awkward to play, like 00:01:691 (1691|0,1964|1) -. Just move 00:01:964 (1964|1) - to the LH, preferably {2}. There are a lot of options so I'd prefer something more comfortable. It's mostly like this because you're playing two notes in a row in the same hand
00:02:146 (2146|3,2509|2) - is the same as the above, probably move 00:02:509 (2509|2) - to {1}
00:06:509 (6509|0,6600|1) - is slightly uncomfortable for the same reason given in the first suggestion - two notes being played in the same hand in a row. It's more noticeable when the notes have a short interval between them (relative to the difficulty) or when the first note is an LN
I don't think that 00:08:782 (8782|1,9055|1) - should be jacked. It's normally used to show that a sound, or pitch, is being repeated. And, unlike 00:09:236 (9236|3,9327|2,9509|2,9600|1,9782|1) -, it seems kinda random. 00:09:236 (9236|3,9327|2,9509|2,9600|1,9782|1) - is being used in an obvious pattern, where 00:08:782 (8782|1,9055|1) - is just a random jack by itself
That being said, I don't like the fact that 00:09:236 (9236|3,9327|2,9509|2,9600|1,9782|1) - is jacked but I guess I'll just leave it
I'd probably ctrl+H 00:39:600 (39600|0,39873|2,39873|3,39964|1,40055|0,40146|1,40236|2,40327|3,40418|2,40418|0,40418|1) -. This keeps it consistent with the patterning for 00:36:600 (36600|3,36600|2,36873|2,36873|3,37691|2,37691|3) -
Since 00:43:418 (43418|2,43418|3,43600|2,43600|3) - have different sounds, I'd remove the jack and just have a {23,01} pattern
You had a stack in {3} with 00:53:782 (53782|3,54055|3,54327|3,54600|3,54873|3,55146|3) -. 00:55:691 (55691|2,55964|2,56236|2,56509|2,56782|2,56964|2) - should therefore be in a LH column
00:57:055 (57055|0,57236|0) - don't have the same pitch as each other, so I'd remove the jack
With 00:57:327 (57327|1,57509|1) - already being in {1}, I'd move 00:57:873 (57873|1,58146|1,58418|1,58691|1,58964|1,59236|1,59509|1) - to {0}
Since there's already a stack in the LH, I'd move two notes from 00:58:873 (58873|0,59146|0,59418|0) - to the RH
Just to reiterate, I'd definitely move 01:00:055 (60055|0,60327|0,60600|0,60782|0,60873|1,61055|1,61146|0) - to the RH, since there was a stack in the LH
If you're keeping the stack in the LH, 01:00:873 (60873|1,61055|1) - should go in the RH. If the stack gets moved to the RH, keep these in the LH.
Between 01:03:509 (63509|1) - and 01:04:327 (64327|1) -, {0} is a bit empty. I kinda like the {23} stack so I'd just move 01:03:782 (63782|1) - to {0}
01:04:418 (64418|3,64418|2,64600|3) - is pretty annoying to play and looks weird, if you ask me. Unless you actually want it to be a heavier there, because of the jack and the LN in the same hand, I'd change it. If you're wanting to keep 01:04:691 (64691|0,64691|1) - , you could rearrange as in the image below
Since LNs restrict the amount of columns, I dislike it when there's a long LN in 4K, as it reduces the available columns to 3 - limiting the total patterns and making unintentional jacks. That is what happens with 01:30:600 (90600|3,92782|1,93873|0,94964|2) -. I'd just remove the LNs
By unintentional jacks, I mean stuff like 01:32:691 (92691|2,92782|2,92782|1,92782|0) -. It's when it's impossible to avoid making a jack, given the chord sizes
As with earlier, I don't like 01:56:236 (116236|3,116236|2,116418|3) -. I'd move 01:56:418 (116418|3) - to {0}
02:05:146 (125146|2,125236|3) - uses a weird pattern. You used the same pattern for 02:04:646 (124646|2,124691|3) - but it made sense there because of the piano grace note (it plays similar to this on a piano). Those are just two different instruments. It's also slightly misleading, as I would expect the same piano to happen there, except slower, but it doesn't.
02:04:964 (124964|0,125146|2,125236|3) - are all hi-hat sounds (plus 02:05:418 - also has a hi-hat sound) so you could do the pattern in the image instead
There's a trill to represent the repeated hi-hat sound, which is probably better than using a jack, as that would probably give a larger difficulty spike than you'd want
02:11:964 (131964|1,132055|2,132055|0,132236|1,132327|0,132327|2,132509|1,132600|0,132600|2,132782|1,132873|0,132873|2) - could probably have some jacks in it. You've used jacks before to prevent this repetition of a pattern
02:14:236 (134236|2,134418|2,134782|2,135191|2,135464|2,135782|2,135873|3,136055|2,136146|3,136327|2) - feels "wrong" to play. Adding a note or two at 02:15:327 - in the LH makes it feel better to play. I used two notes, {01}
As with above, 02:16:418 (136418|0,136600|0,136964|0,137373|0,137691|0,137782|1,138055|0) - felt off when playing it. Adding a note or two at 02:17:509 - fixes it, because it adds hand balance whilst not being too difficult to play (relative to the overall difficulty)
I can't hear the sound for 02:18:418 (138418|2) -, so I'd remove the note. I'd rearrange the patterning for 02:18:236 (138236|0,138327|1,138509|3) - to be {2,1,3}, since that's the most comfortable pattern available
02:19:055 (139055|3,139146|2,139327|2,139555|3,139691|2,139873|2,140146|3,140236|2,140509|3,140691|3,140782|2,141055|2,141236|3,141327|2) - makes a kinda "trill" thing in the RH, as well as having more notes than the LH. The notes between the triples should be on different hands. For example, 02:18:782 (138782|2,139055|3,139327|2,139555|0,139873|2,140146|3) - could be {RH, LH, RH, LH...} for more comfort
I know a lot of the patterns here are intentionally unbalanced, but maybe 02:42:327 (162327|3,162327|2,162509|2,162600|3,162782|3,162873|2) - is too RH heavy. Just ctrl+H 02:42:782 (162782|3,163055|0) - for a quick fix
I would say that 03:05:964 (185964|1) - should end at 03:06:055 -
03:08:691 (188691|3,188691|2,188691|0) - should have two notes for the snare and 03:08:782 (188782|3) - should have two notes for the finish. The reason why I'm point these out (where I'm leaving the rest for the consistency section) is because it leads into the next suggestion. I would strongly suggest {23,01} for these notes
The rhythm for 03:08:873 (188873|0,188964|3,189055|0,189146|3,189236|0,189327|3) - feels off. It sounds more like a 1/8 snap trill, as shown in the image
As shown in the image as well, I'd say that 03:09:327 (189327|0) - should get a double, for the snare
Since 03:12:236 (192236|2,192327|3) - and 03:12:509 (192509|2,192600|3) - don't have the same pitch, use different columns
I'd ctrl+H 03:26:782 (206782|0,206782|3) -. It ruins the "upwards" pattern you had but 03:26:782 (206782|2) - kinda ruins it anyway
ConsistencyAs an overall statement, I'd say that you should assign a consistent number of notes for each sound. This whole section is just pointing out where the number of notes for a sound is inconsistent
Assuming that the double for 00:01:145 (1145|3,1145|0) - is because of the guitar, 00:02:236 (2236|0,2236|1) - should also have a double
00:06:600 (6600|1) - ^
00:10:327 (10327|1) - has a hi-hat sound. You've included it ahead with 00:10:873 (10873|2) -, 00:11:418 (11418|0) -, etc
00:11:146 (11146|1) - ^
00:12:600 (12600|2,12600|1) -, 00:13:146 (13146|1,13146|0) - and 00:13:691 (13691|1,13691|3) - have the same sound as 00:09:873 (9873|3,9873|1,9873|0) -, 00:10:418 (10418|2,10418|3,10418|0) -, 00:10:964 (10964|0,10964|3,10964|1) -, 00:11:509 (11509|2,11509|1,11509|3) - and 00:12:055 (12055|1,12055|0,12055|2) -. Since they're really in the same section, I'd keep the chord sizes consistent
00:13:918 (13918|0) - I can't really hear a distinguishable sound here - though the sound isn't very clean here. I'd remove the note. It also gives a consistent single note into chord pattern for the section
00:14:055 (14055|1) - ^
00:18:873 (18873|1,18873|0) - can't hear why this is a double, since there's only a hi-hat sound and synth. If you're having two notes because of the synth and hi-hat, 00:19:146 (19146|1,19146|3) - should have three notes - one for the synth and two for the snare. I'll assume you don't want the this
00:19:418 (19418|2,19418|3) - should be a single, only a hi-hat and synth
00:19:691 (19691|1,19691|2) - only a hi-hat, change to a single
00:19:873 (19873|3) - should be a double for the snare
00:20:509 (20509|3,20509|2) - should be a single, only a hi-hat
00:20:782 (20782|0,20782|1,20782|3) - remove a note, it's only a kick
00:21:055 (21055|3,21055|2) - change to a single, hi-hat
00:21:236 (21236|3) - could be a double. If you want a double but don't want a jack, you could make 00:20:782 (20782|3) - end at 00:21:236 -
00:21:873 (21873|3,21873|1) - change to single, hi-hat
00:22:964 (22964|1,22964|0,22964|2) - change to double, only kick and synth
00:23:782 (23782|3,23782|1) - change to single, hi-hat and synth
00:24:236 (24236|0) - change to double, snare
00:24:782 (24782|0) - can't hear a sound, remove
00:24:873 (24873|1,24873|2) - change to single, hi-hat and synth. You could make the SN an LN that ends at 00:25:055 -, to represent the synth better
00:25:146 (25146|3,25146|2,25146|1) - change to double, kick and synth
00:25:418 (25418|2,25418|3) - change to single, hi-hat
00:25:782 - can't hear a sound, remove
00:26:782 (26782|3,26782|2) - change to single, hi-hat
00:27:236 (27236|1) - change to double, snare
I guess I'll stop here for consistency. No point in listing everything, as you'll be able to find it if you're interested
PM me through the forums if you have any questions