
Different Tag Maps Ranking

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Current Priority: +0
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Well, I just thought about a cool idea that would make tag maps rankable (with pp), and would make players have a reason to play tag team on multiplayer.
What if you were able to get ranked scores on tag maps, only if you played in a tag team, the same size the map suggests?
For example, if I wanted a ranked score on a tag 4 map, me and 3 other players (aka, 4 players) would play it on multiplayer, and if we pass we will get a ranked score.
This could work on any tag map (up to tag 16, ofc), and would also courage mappers to make better tag maps.

PPwise, the system can calculate the amount of pp per player (only consider the parts that a specific player played), make an averge of all the pp scores and give it to all the players.
For example: if on a tag 4 map, the pp results were 140, 162, 93, 155, the pp each player will get is (140 + 162 + 93 + 155) / 4 = 137.5

I think this will make tag maps more fun and maybe we will see some new mappers and a different mapping style.
this would be a pretty bad idea. very hard to implement.
also if someone does badly and someone does good then why should the one who did bad get the same pp as the one who did good?
also theres a reason why TAG4 maps are not ranked but approved
There are only 7 tag4 maps approved IIRC, so what's the point into having this?
Okay, there are some Tag and Tag 2, but those are quite doable normally...
that's not surely how it goes tho. Your reasoning is based on simple factors and I see it a hard task to split exactly the amount of pp among players in multi (it is also unfair that someone has to work harder, aka have more skill, than others yet receives the same amount of pp).

As a personal opinion, I find Tag4 maps (or whatever sort of tag) just a sort of funny thing to play once in a while in multi, but it becomes even less worth playing them the higher you go in rank, since I highly doubt Tag4 maps will ever have high pp patterns...
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