
irc4osu! - Cross-Platform osu! IRC Client

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Claire Farron

I'm really happy I can present you this community-made osu IRC client, which I made with my friend gamelaster.
I'm glad another person helped us with updates, so he's a second programmer. Thanks Hallowatcher!
I'm the designer and "CEO" of this project, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
If you have any ideas on how to improve this client, feel free to tell us (just PM me or post a reply in this topic, both are checked daily by me)

- Simple design which fits new osu!next design.
- User friendly interface
- Online users in current channel
- Simple channel management
- Beatmap management
- Auto-Update system
- Windows, OS X Support
- Night mode
- Settings to make the client fit your needs
- Notification sounds (when someone mentions you in the chat)
- Mouse hover player info
- Multi-language support
- osu! chat additions (you can see who's a mod) [Supporters coming soon]

Coming soon:
- iOS/Android/Windows Phone Support
- Friendlist / Friend management (along with friend status)
- Much more features

Login window:
Main interface:
Join channel context menu:
Join channel by country - dialog box:

If you want more screenshots, just tell me, I'll post them. :P


Source code is available here.

Latest version: 0.1.2
Release date: 26th December 2017
Looks great!
Looks Awesome!!
dat's pretty neat, looks cool :P
Have you considered making this open source?
Seems cool. Good luck with the project!
super kamo :D
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Co0ola wrote:

Looks great!

[ Tokyo ] wrote:

Looks Awesome!!

Soraxus wrote:


lazer09909 wrote:

dat's pretty neat, looks cool :P

Trosk- wrote:

Seems cool. Good luck with the project!

Agrrox wrote:

super kamo :D

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate it.

Pannari wrote:

Have you considered making this open source?

Sure, but I'll have to talk about this with the programmer. ^^
If it won't be open-sourced, we will at least release an API which could be used to make custom skins and other features.
If you're going to blatantly ask for money, please don't use our official designs, trademarks, colour palettes, logos etc.

Without attribution at that.

It's going against the licence it was released under (AGPL for some items, complete copyright for others).

Thread locked until I receive an email resolving these issues.
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

peppy wrote:

If you're going to blatantly ask for money, please don't use our official designs, trademarks, colour palettes, logos etc.

Without attribution at that.

It's going against the licence it was released under (AGPL for some items, complete copyright for others).

Thread locked until I receive an email resolving these issues.
Dear peppy,

thank you for opening this thread once again after the discussion through e-mail.

I want to announce the changes to everyone:
- No donate button
- New "About" button where you can find credits
- GNU v3 license
- Name changes (from osu!irc to "irc4osu!")
- We will also release a source of this client via GitHub

I hope everyone will be happy when using our irc chat tool. :)
looks cool, good luck o/
Thanks guys for support!

Technical info: It will works under Electron, so Linux, OS X! :3
Wow this looks great, I can't wait to download this onto my phone!
Topic Starter
Claire Farron
March 16th, 2016

- Name has already been changed from osu!irc to irc4osu!
- Donation button already removed
- Design is recoded into the app, we are working on the functions right now - that means you will see first public build in few days
- Added credits & license info in "About" tab.
- Minor changes in design (especially the country channel tab)
- We've also created a GItHub repository already, which will be available along with the first public build

If you have any ideas, feel free to psot them.
As always, thanks for your support, guys!

Ayylmao wrote:

Wow this looks great, I can't wait to download this onto my phone!

Ovoui wrote:

looks cool, good luck o/

looking forward for that GA (General Availability) Release.
Looks really nice!

Does the client have a dark theme?
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Ethayth wrote:

Looks really nice!

Does the client have a dark theme?
Thank you!
Well, I didn't think about that but it will be open sourced, so if I won't make a dark theme, you can make it yourself c:
Looks nice, I really hope it can be downloadable in the future :D

Claire_Farron wrote:

Ethayth wrote:

Looks really nice!
Does the client have a dark theme?

Thank you!
Well, I didn't think about that but it will be open sourced, so if I won't make a dark theme, you can make it yourself c:

Thanks for your answer.
Any news?
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Ethayth wrote:

Any news?
We are finishing with some minor changes. If it won't be done in few days, I'll release the source so everyone can do whatever they want with it.
If that happens, I'll continue with support for the design aspect at least.
How about the android version of it? Because it is the one I am waiting for hehehe
looking forward to the continued development of this project
hopefully it doesnt end up dead like the other IRC client

nrglobal wrote:

looking forward to the continued development of this project
hopefully it doesnt end up dead like the other IRC client
haha I hope so too!
Topic Starter
Claire Farron
Hello everyone,
I was just testing some things with it, unfortunately I wasn't able to reach the programmer.
However, I can show you guys another little preview just so you can see I'm trying my best even without the programmer.
It means that the project's not dead. Unfortunately it will probably just take a while without him. If you are experienced in Electron, feel free to PM me. :)

I finally find out time to make a progress, app now is almost release candidate of alpha version, but it still need a some work!
Oh very exciting, finally some progress!!!
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

nrglobal wrote:

Oh very exciting, finally some progress!!!
Here you go, another screenshots that the programmer forgot to mention.
This is what happens when you hover someone's nickname: (credits to Lemmmy -
does it "compress" the url shortener? the one that goes [http;// google]
I'm So Hyped For This.
seems good
waiting for Android version
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

AncuL wrote:

does it "compress" the url shortener? the one that goes [http;// google]
Yep, it also works with beatmaps.
Heyyy, that's pretty good.

Claire_Farron wrote:

Public alpha in few days.
Aha, Very "Public alpha in few days."
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Zozimoto wrote:

Claire_Farron wrote:

Public alpha in few days.
Aha, Very "Public alpha in few days."
Some people already got the test version, we are still fixing as many bugs as possible, feel free to PM me to receive it.
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

1Conan wrote:

Just wondering, why not use html5 and just use something like PhoneGap to easily support every phone platform. For desktop OSs it would be more easier to implement. You can use chrome. (Forgot how but it's used by some apps)
It already works on HTML5 under Electron (, so don't worry about that, it already works that way.
Looks great, and smooth!
Keep up the good work. :)/

1Conan wrote:

Oh. So you're using CEF already :| (Electron uses CEF to work)
Then for the phone apps you can use PhoneGap by adobe. (Unless you use nodejs for the irc implementation I guess)

Just suggesting things here
Well, yeah, but there is a little problem. Library what I use (node-irc) is NodeJS only and Apache Cordova/PhoneGAP doesnt have support of Node libraries, and I think the browserify (conversion into a pure JS) will work on this... So phone version will be harder.. We will see ^^
a few days!

nrglobal wrote:

a few days!

Well, that is my bad, sorry! Anyway, I wanted to rewrite whole project because I dont like it how it was, if you want, you can look the progress here:
I can say it will not take long to finish it...
Like good for me, because i like chat in osu xD
Anyway, this version is very "Unstable" and do you have for x86? im waiting for this :D
Topic Starter
Claire Farron
Topic edited providing the source and unstable build. Any further info will be posted in the first post.
But.... Was I Atleast A Good Beta Tester?
Topic Starter
Claire Farron

Zozimoto wrote:

But.... Was I Atleast A Good Beta Tester?
Sure you were, I got a lot of feedback from the testers and there will be some changes. Stay tuned for it. :)

Also you can grab the source and releases from the first topic from now.
Yey :D
How do you open it? I can't manage to open it. :o :o :( :(
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