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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on September 11, 2016 at 12:30:06 PM

Title: Re:Re:
Source: 僕だけがいない街
Tags: boku dake ga inai machi erased rere tv size opening op satoru fujinuma kayo hinazuki
BPM: 155
Filesize: 18339kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.09 stars, 236 notes)
  2. Insane (4.49 stars, 313 notes)
  3. Normal (1.9 stars, 156 notes)
Download: ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
「 君を待った僕は待った 」
Kimi o matta. Boku wa matta.
Waited for you. I waited for you.


cringy quote.
For timing, I feel that a 550 offset and 155 bpm exactly may fit better.

00:15:488 (2,3,4,5) - this may play better as a more tightly concentrated pattern, rather than being so spread out and obtuse.
00:29:848 (2,3) - may be a good idea to keep the spacing here consistent
01:06:329 (1,2) - this reversal kind of throws me off, it might be a good idea to reverse it
i like how the chorus plays, it will hopefully play better with this timing :)

00:02:487 (3,4,1,2,1,2) -
00:05:009 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -
00:07:726 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
^these patterns feel very strange to play on a hard, you may want to simplify them
Woahhh I had no problems before the latest update.

Please fix your circles! They are off line and need to be readjusted because it's making it off beat
Edit: Also for your first inherited time set it at 00:36:492 and then end it at 00:49:330

Also a slider at 00:50:491 needs to be readjusted.
^Same for 00:56:684


Here's an upload of the edits I made for Insane. Feel free to use the changes I made if you'd like or change them yourself :)

(I don't know if this will mess up your current beatmap if you download this. To be safe export your beatmap so you have a backup of it!)
Oh My You Should Really Check AIMOD (CTRL+SHIFT+A)
fix those distance spacing
And again you've got timing points conflicting with each other
fix the distance spacing and ill check the map again
Here from my NM Queue

Bold text means you really need to change it, otherwise it's just a suggestion.

I think kiai time should start at 00:37:711
Turn off Widescreen Support (song setup > design) because you don't have a storyboard.

  1. You need constant Distance Snap. Turn off Grid Snap when you do this too
  2. 00:07:904 (4) - Sliders should never end on the big white beat.
  3. 00:12:743 (1) - This note might be confusing for new players. Either remove it, or put it in the middle of 00:12:549 (4) and 00:12:937 (2)
  4. 01:02:485 (1) - I think you should just remove this and move 01:02:872 (2,3,4,5,1,2) back. This note makes some sliders end on a big white beat.
  5. 01:13:324 (1) - This spinner doesn't give players enough recovery time. You could fix it by removing 01:14:872 (1)

  1. 00:00:162 (1,2) - I don't think you should stack 00:00:162 (1) with 00:00:550 (2), because they are both separate beats of the song.
  2. 00:26:098 (4,1,2) - Bad overlap here
  3. 00:55:517 (2,3) - You can just turn these into circles
  4. 01:09:259 (1,1,1) - Too many spinners in one spot. Just have one spinner please.
  5. 01:26:485 (1,2,3,4) - You changed it from a zig-zag into a square. Please remove that, that's confusing

  1. 00:49:324 (4,5,6) - You need equal spacing for fast beats.
  2. 01:15:066 (1,2,3) - Unnecessary big jumps.

Good luck with your map!
  1. preview point is really bad. I understand well what you think about it: "I don't want it to start suddenly in kiai" but anyway it starts suddenly in a random part
    ou can put it in a few locations, like 00:00:550 - 00:12:743 - 00:37:324 - (I really do dislike this one tbh) 00:49:904 - maybe here, but I think the start voice is a bit too weak
  2. I'm not sure about the offset but check someone about it
  3. Volume looks a bit unbalanced

Literally nothing special here, I don't know if I have some words to say, it's a spam with the same patterns and the same sliders (not even a different red point to change something)
I don't think it's bad, I just think it's rankeable but repetitive (more than a normal diff usually is)

od4 please

ouch, a hard that looks like a normal...
for a hard diff, isn't that cool just spam the same spacing in the entire map since the players who will play it really want a hard diff after all
enjoy the freedom that a hard diff gives you and fix some ugly patterns like 00:05:969 (3) - 00:16:033 (2) - 00:17:969 (2) - ...
I know you have some potential to do it, please, don't give up!

btw ar7.5 od6

  1. 00:00:162 (1) - too near to second note
  2. 00:11:388 (1,2) - ugh
  3. 00:10:420 (3) - move to 00:10:324 - makes more sense to me tbh
  4. 00:36:743 (3) - same, move to 00:36:646 -
  5. 00:39:259 (1,2) - ctrl g and after 00:39:646 (3,4) - ctrl g
  6. 00:40:227 (6) - maybe x:172 y:224 idk just showing ideas
  7. 00:41:388 (3) - idk, for a 4* diff maybe replace to x:424 y:224
  8. 00:43:904 (5,1,2) - nice, no joke
  9. 00:45:840 (3,4) - prev so far next so near
  10. 00:48:937 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - seems a very weak pattern, try replace the first triplet like something like this (just an example)
  11. place something here 00:49:904 - and here 00:50:001 - completing a stream and making a lot of more sense (remember to replace 00:50:098 (1) - after do it)
  12. 00:52:420 (4,5,1) - for a better blanket, I highly recommend you to make a slider like this (or the same with a better curvature in the end)
  13. 00:53:969 (3) - here if you just copy 00:54:356 (1) - use ctrl h and ctrl g you can make a beautiful pattern like this
    why should you do it? not really important, but I think it can give some charm to your map
  14. 00:55:517 (4) - too long, reduce the end to 00:55:904 - and put a circle here 00:56:098 -
  15. 00:58:227 (2,3) - blankets are really cool, not obligatory but try it if you dislike it's ok too
  16. 01:00:743 (5) - x:200 y:200?
  17. 01:10:033 (2) - maybe just a copy from 01:09:646 (1) - + ctrl h seems nice
  18. 01:13:517 (3) - you put a giant slider in a part that clearly have beats to a stream, sure, but after you did a stream 01:14:388 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ??????
  19. ar9 od6 nvm, change od to 7.5 since 7 rarely get ranked now rip
Have potential, but strange spacing in some parts
DeRandom Otaku

i dont understand ur hitsounding at all ~ i wont do hitsound mod right now

General :
  1. 00:11:388 - decrease volume for this part in all diffs
  2. 01:27:453 - ^
Insane :
  1. 00:21:453 (3,1) - stack these
  2. 00:28:420 (1) - remove nc
  3. 00:33:840 (1,2) - fix blanket
  4. 00:37:227 - add circle
  5. 00:40:420 (1) - delete the last anchor point
  6. 00:48:356 (1) - remove nc
  7. 00:50:098 (1,3) - either stack them or remove overlap
  8. 00:52:420 (4,5) - make blanket ~ some thing like this may work ovo
  9. 00:56:485 (1) - remove nc
  10. 01:11:195 (1) - ^
  11. 01:21:453 (1) - ^^
Hard :
  1. 00:08:291 (1,3) - stack these properly
  2. 00:10:808 (1) - remove nc
  3. 00:15:259 (3,1) - make blanket
  4. 00:27:259 (3,1) - change pattern
  5. 00:30:743 (2,3) - there are too close
  6. 00:43:905 (2,3) - fix blanket
  7. 00:46:130 (1) - remove nc and add nc to 00:46:227 (2) -
  8. 00:50:485 (3,1) - blanket
  9. 01:05:582 (4) - not stacked properly
  10. 01:20:679 (3,4) - ^
Normal :
  1. Increase OD to 4
  2. 00:22:227 (3,4) - check aimod ~ theres a spacing error
Thats all from me ~

Good luck!~
Hello frommy modqueue

I will do some quick modding...

  1. Your video settings are weird. The "no video" download is same download size as your "with video" size, and your "no video" .osz contains a .mp4 file of the video, which it shouldn't. You should use .avi file format to not confuse osu.
  2. Check your AiMod
  3. According to Ranking Criteria, your video is not allowed to have audio in it, you should fix that. (The video's audio track must be removed from the video file. The audio track in video is not used in osu!, so removing it reduces that filesize of the beatmap.
  4. Your audio file is a stolen MP3 download from a video of the opening I assume (of the file name). The problem with this is that the quality of the audio is very low, the ranked version ( contains an mp3 of 192kb/s and sounds better, while yours is 128kb/s and sounds worse. I think you can find a 192kb/s audio somewhere, please do.
  5. you need tags such as "tv" "size" "opening" "op" etc for people to be able to search for your map easier and it's organized correctly
  6. Offset should be 162
For Your Hard:

00:09:742 I feel that the triple stack is forced, maybe take out one of the circles
01:14:097 I feel that here, you should make them closer to each other, as it would sync better with the song, while keeping intact the hard diffuclty

Sorry it was short, but hopes this gets modded
Topic Starter
i dont know how to do htisounds!!!! >v<
Topic Starter
he be rollin down da streets, he be rollin to da beat

first mod

do hitsounds!!!

00:00:550 (2,3) - make same slider shape
00:09:065 (3,1,2) - stack these properly
00:10:808 (4,5,6) - move these closer to 00:10:614 (3) -
00:17:195 (5) - maybe make this slider straight
00:22:227 (2,3) - make same shape
00:29:195 (1) - maybe make rounder
00:36:743 (2) - ^
00:37:517 (3,4) - ^
00:40:421 (3,4) - make same shape
00:45:259 (2) - change shape
00:46:227 (1,2) - ^
00:47:775 (3) - ^
00:57:066 (4) - ^
00:57:840 (2) - make less rounder
00:59:776 (3,1) - change shape
01:04:034 (6) - ^
01:18:743 (2) - make this same shape as 1st combo note

00:00:548 (2,3) - make same shape
00:07:902 (5,6) - maybe ^
00:21:451 (3) - stretch out a bit
00:22:226 (5) - make same shape as next note
00:26:096 (1) - maybe stretch out a bit
00:30:354 (1,2) - make same shape
00:31:515 (3,1) - ^
00:33:451 (3,2) - stack properly
00:43:902 (5) - maybe make round
00:46:613 (2) - make rounder
00:48:354 (8) - make round
00:58:225 (2) - maybe make rounder
01:15:644 (1,2) - same shape
01:21:064 (5) - same shape as 01:21:839 (1) -
01:24:936 (6) - maybe make a shape of this slider

im done, kappa

no really, i
Topic Starter

Infernalblast wrote:

he be rollin down da streets, he be rollin to da beat

first mod

do hitsounds!!!

00:00:550 (2,3) - make same slider shape
00:09:065 (3,1,2) - stack these properly
00:10:808 (4,5,6) - move these closer to 00:10:614 (3) -
00:17:195 (5) - maybe make this slider straight
00:22:227 (2,3) - make same shape
00:29:195 (1) - maybe make rounder
00:36:743 (2) - ^
00:37:517 (3,4) - ^
00:40:421 (3,4) - make same shape
00:45:259 (2) - change shape
00:46:227 (1,2) - ^
00:47:775 (3) - ^
00:57:066 (4) - ^
00:57:840 (2) - make less rounder
00:59:776 (3,1) - change shape
01:04:034 (6) - ^
01:18:743 (2) - make this same shape as 1st combo note

00:00:548 (2,3) - make same shape
00:07:902 (5,6) - maybe ^
00:21:451 (3) - stretch out a bit
00:22:226 (5) - make same shape as next note
00:26:096 (1) - maybe stretch out a bit
00:30:354 (1,2) - make same shape
00:31:515 (3,1) - ^
00:33:451 (3,2) - stack properly
00:43:902 (5) - maybe make round
00:46:613 (2) - make rounder
00:48:354 (8) - make round
00:58:225 (2) - maybe make rounder
01:15:644 (1,2) - same shape
01:21:064 (5) - same shape as 01:21:839 (1) -
01:24:936 (6) - maybe make a shape of this slider

im done, kappa

no really, i
how do i hitsound! teach me senpai!!
Topic Starter
thank you for the star, infernal!!!!
yeeeeeeee :)
From my Modding Queue

  1. Try other hitsounds
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. Check AiMod. So many Unsnapped objects.
  4. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. Check AiMod. So many Unsnapped objects.
  4. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%

Aside from those small AiMod checks and hitsounding, I think the mapset so far is great and fun to play.
Topic Starter

-Nitrous wrote:

From my Modding Queue

  1. Try other hitsounds
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. Check AiMod. So many Unsnapped objects.
  4. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%
  1. 00:37:711 - Unsnapped Kiai
  2. 00:50:098 - Unsnapped Kiai
  3. Check AiMod. So many Unsnapped objects.
  4. 01:29:000 - Inherited Timing Point with a volume of 5%

Aside from those small AiMod checks and hitsounding, I think the mapset so far is great and fun to play.
i added hitsounds, they're horrible :)
hi from #modreqs

m4m with


00:02:872 (3,4) - blanket ?

00:03:646 (4,2) - maybe try to stack them

00:14:485 (3,4) - try to make a blanket here

00:16:033 (1,2) - maybe it would be better if they are parallel

00:25:324 (1,2) - blanket ?

00:43:130 (5,1) - maybe this would flow better if the 5 makes a blanket with 1

00:45:453 (3,4,5,6) - i feel like this part would be better like this :

00:53:969 (2,3) - blanket ?

00:58:614 (4,1) - ^

01:00:162 (2,1) - ^

01:00:162 (2,2) - try to not overlap like this

01:16:420 (1,2) - blanket ?

01:16:420 (1,4) - also i think this kind of overlaps are unrankable in Normal - Easy diffs

01:18:743 (1,2) - blanket ?


00:03:259 (4,5,1) - The spacing from 4 - 5 is too big compared to 5 - 1 :(

00:06:742 (5,1,2) - maybe try to make a blanket in the shape of the 5

00:13:710 (4,5) - blanket

00:13:710 (4,1,2) - maybe try to stack them

00:15:258 (3,1) - try a better blanket here

00:30:742 (2,2) - stack

00:40:420 (3,2) - ^

00:53:195 (2,4,1) - stack and blanket the 2 and 1

01:00:936 (5,6,7) - if you are going to make a pattern like this ALWAYS should be in blanket

01:04:613 (1,2,3) - maybe try something like this :


00:01:709 (1,2) - maybe try something more like this to have a better flow with the next note:

00:04:999 (5,7,2) - i would prefer to stack this on 7 or even making a blanket with 5

00:22:999 (2,3,1,2) - stack all this

00:30:355 (1,3) - ^

00:33:838 (1,2) - heey, you can improve this blanket !

00:45:064 (5,3,4) - stack !

00:55:515 (4,1) - blanket

01:01:709 (3) - maybe move it a little up and stack it ?
Hollow Delta
01:17:774 (4) - This note is not snapped.
To turn the awkward notes from earlier into a good flow, put circles here.
01:18:355 - Put circles here to continue the flow.
01:18:549 - ^
01:19:323 - ^

00:36:258 (6) - Remove this note. A triple here feels weird, it feels better with just 2 notes.
01:23:968 (1) - Snap this note please.
Hi, from #modreqs


  1. Offset is 00:00:548 - It not really matters if objects are allocated behind. Anyway this only changes the order of the tick but the map will stay same.
  2. After change fix NC.


  1. 00:18:355 (1) - 00:21:452 (3) - 00:23:000 (2) - 00:24:549 (4) - 00:26:097 (1) - 00:27:645 (1) - There are sounds, and very prominent, I'm not sure but I think you followed the vocal, but here you follow the rhythm and sound same.


  1. Check Ai-Mod!
  2. 00:37:903 (4) - NC
  3. 00:38:291 (1) - Delete NC


  1. Check Ai-Mod! (Check Distance Snap) Normal should lead Distance Snap constant.
  2. 00:37:710 (4) - NC
  3. 00:38:098 (1) - Delete NC
  4. 00:55:517 (4) - Ctrl+J and Ctrl+Shift+R 45º

Good Luck~
Topic Starter
i will fix hitsounds!
Not going to do a lot of mods

At the end of the modding it was quite long ;)

00:07:128 This slider for me doesn't match up with the audio, perhaps make it on straight line instead of it repeating

00:16:806 IMO, this slider could be cut in half and the remaining of the slider that used to be, you could put a circle there

00:25:322 ^ still IMO

00:43:128 ^ still IMO

00:49:515 Perhaps add a slider there to avoid this gap

From 01:19:515 to 01:20:677 is completely IMO and is only to my sense. You should get rid of those two sliders and make them in to 3 mini sliders. However I said this as IMO


00:09:838 to 00:10:031 maybe put these to on top of each other, making it like triple stack but with two

00:36:160 to 00:36:354 completely IMO, but you should add a note and make it a triple stack


00:49:999 IMO, you should remove (9) and move the slider as it would best match with the song IMO, as I think it's one circle to long

Hope this helps, my mods might not be all right as I am not that experienced but I hope this gets ranked :D
Topic Starter
thank you for stars, latias
Topic Starter
Not going to do a lot of mods

At the end of the modding it was quite long ;)

00:07:128 This slider for me doesn't match up with the audio, perhaps make it on straight line instead of it repeating hmm..

00:16:806 IMO, this slider could be cut in half and the remaining of the slider that used to be, you could put a circle there hmm, this is a normal difficulty and i wouldn't want it to get harder than it already is.

00:25:322 ^ still IMO ^

00:43:128 ^ still IMO^

00:49:515 Perhaps add a slider there to avoid this gap ^

From 01:19:515 to 01:20:677 is completely IMO and is only to my sense. You should get rid of those two sliders and make them in to 3 mini sliders. However I said this as IMO ^


00:09:838 to 00:10:031 maybe put these to on top of each other, making it like triple stack but with two nah, i'll stick with what i already have.

00:36:160 to 00:36:354 completely IMO, but you should add a note and make it a triple stack it doesn't sound right to me.


00:49:999 IMO, you should remove (9) and move the slider as it would best match with the song IMO, as I think it's one circle to long the vocals start on that slider, not combo 9

Hope this helps, my mods might not be all right as I am not that experienced but I hope this gets ranked :D
Thank you anyways!
[ Kuki ]
From #Modreq

  1. At 00:17:967 I feel like the circle there would look nicer if pushed behind the slider before it rather than near the right side more
  2. ^ 00:28:806
  3. Could organize 00:45:451 a bit more neater?
  1. At 00:11:580 rather than a spinner, I feel that you have the potential to map this small portion with sliders or something of that sort, since the instrument is still playing
  2. Rather than having the circle at 00:26:677 cower behind the slider a bit, why not place it out a little further
  3. 01:17:193 Seems a little confusing to have those sliders placed like that, perhaps separate them to avoid confusion?
  4. ^ 01:20:289
  5. ^ 01:25:902
  1. Seems fine to me
[End of Mod]
Those were my suggestions! Anyways, good mapset! Hope to see it get ranked (:
Topic Starter

[ KukiLoli ] wrote:

From #Modreq

  1. At 00:17:967 I feel like the circle there would look nicer if pushed behind the slider before it rather than near the right side more sorry, distance spacing
  2. ^ 00:28:806 ^
  3. Could organize 00:45:451 a bit more neater? i tried :?

  1. At 00:11:580 rather than a spinner, I feel that you have the potential to map this small portion with sliders or something of that sort, since the instrument is still playing added ✓
  2. Rather than having the circle at 00:26:677 cower behind the slider a bit, why not place it out a little further i don't understand :?
  3. 01:17:193 Seems a little confusing to have those sliders placed like that, perhaps separate them to avoid confusion? added ✓
  4. ^ 01:20:289 ^
  5. ^ 01:25:902 ^

  1. Seems fine to me
[End of Mod]
Those were my suggestions! Anyways, good mapset! Hope to see it get ranked (:
Thanks for the mod, Kageyama Tobio! :D
Hi, from #modreqs.

00:38:096 (1) - Remove NC

00:39:064 (3) - NC

00:36:160 (5) - NC

00:36:354 (1) - Remove NC

00:48:354 (4,1) - Blanket?

01:14:677 (4) - NC

01:15:064 (1) - Remove NC

01:25:322 (4) - NC

01:25:709 (1) - Remove NC

00:03:644 (6) - Make this into a slider and end it at 00:03:838 to match the beat.

00:10:031 (2,3,4) - The pause feels weird between 3 and 4

00:18:354 (1) - Remove NC

00:22:031 (4) - NC

00:22:612 (1) - Remove NC

00:26:096 (1) - ^

00:26:677 (2) - NC

00:26:677 (2) - Remove NC

00:28:225 (2) - NC

00:33:838 (1) - Remove NC

00:34:418 (2) - NC

00:38:483 (1) - I would turn this into a circle and add another circle at 00:38:677

00:40:806 (2,4) - Blanket?


Good map. Good luck on getting ranked
Topic Starter

Harutora wrote:

Hi, from #modreqs.

00:38:096 (1) - Remove NC

00:39:064 (3) - NC

00:36:160 (5) - NC

00:36:354 (1) - Remove NC

00:48:354 (4,1) - Blanket? tried ✓

01:14:677 (4) - NC

01:15:064 (1) - Remove NC

01:25:322 (4) - NC

01:25:709 (1) - Remove NC

00:03:644 (6) - Make this into a slider and end it at 00:03:838 to match the beat. hmm..

00:10:031 (2,3,4) - The pause feels weird between 3 and 4 meh.

00:18:354 (1) - Remove NC

00:22:031 (4) - NC

00:22:612 (1) - Remove NC

00:26:096 (1) - ^

00:26:677 (2) - NC

00:26:677 (2) - Remove NC

00:28:225 (2) - NC

00:33:838 (1) - Remove NC

00:34:418 (2) - NC

00:38:483 (1) - I would turn this into a circle and add another circle at 00:38:677 meh.

00:40:806 (2,4) - Blanket?


Good map. Good luck on getting ranked
Thanks for the mod!
irc mod ;)
2016-06-11 10:03 Underdogs: hi
2016-06-11 10:04 Underdogs: are you free for irc mod?
2016-06-11 10:04 Agatsu: sure
2016-06-11 10:04 Underdogs: we'll start with normal
2016-06-11 10:04 Underdogs: ACTION is editing [ ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION - Re:Re: (TV Size) [Normal]]
2016-06-11 10:05 Underdogs: first, i want you to recheck distance snap
2016-06-11 10:05 Underdogs: use AiMod
2016-06-11 10:05 Agatsu: ok
2016-06-11 10:05 Underdogs: you can fix the Distance Snap later
2016-06-11 10:05 Agatsu: ok
2016-06-11 10:07 Underdogs: 00:51:644 (3,4) -
2016-06-11 10:07 Underdogs: can you mirror these slider?
2016-06-11 10:07 Agatsu: ok
2016-06-11 10:07 Underdogs: [ like this]
2016-06-11 10:08 Underdogs: reposition 00:52:418 (4) - to X:392 Y:220 or to any position you like
2016-06-11 10:08 Underdogs: for DS
2016-06-11 10:09 Underdogs: 01:01:709 (2,3) - these blanket is bad. Can you redo the slider 01:01:709 (2) - ?
2016-06-11 10:10 Underdogs: 01:01:709 (2) - mirror these as well
2016-06-11 10:10 Underdogs: 01:24:160 (3,4) - this one*
2016-06-11 10:10 Underdogs: mirror these one
2016-06-11 10:11 Underdogs: now, to normal
2016-06-11 10:12 Underdogs: Hard* omg
2016-06-11 10:14 Underdogs: zc00:25:128 (1) - can you place this above 00:25:322 (2) - and make it a triplet?
2016-06-11 10:15 Underdogs: now, moving on to Insane
2016-06-11 10:16 Underdogs: 00:31:902 (1) - you can blanket this on 00:32:289 (2) -
2016-06-11 10:17 Agatsu: can i have an example
2016-06-11 10:18 Underdogs: [ like this]
2016-06-11 10:18 Agatsu: oh
2016-06-11 10:18 Agatsu: so closer
2016-06-11 10:18 Underdogs: yeah
2016-06-11 10:19 Underdogs: i noticed something
2016-06-11 10:19 Underdogs: it's about your Slider Velocity
2016-06-11 10:20 Underdogs: in each diff, it's the same : 1.40
2016-06-11 10:21 Underdogs: revise this. If you want to rank, variety of slider changes are necessary
2016-06-11 10:21 Agatsu: so i have to?
2016-06-11 10:21 Underdogs: In all the ranked map I've seen
2016-06-11 10:22 Underdogs: (not the 2007 version)
2016-06-11 10:22 Underdogs: Slider Velocity on each diff is different
2016-06-11 10:22 Underdogs: the lower the velocity, the easier it is
2016-06-11 10:29 Underdogs: ok are we done
2016-06-11 10:29 Underdogs: lol
2016-06-11 10:30 Underdogs: i forgot to say we're done
2016-06-11 10:30 Agatsu: k
2016-06-11 10:30 Agatsu: thanks
2016-06-11 10:30 Underdogs: I will post our chat on your forum
2016-06-11 10:30 Agatsu: kds
Hi!~ NM from my queue :D
I wrote mod in offline so if something wrong - sorry xd


  1. Difficulties end time is not consistent:
    01:28:999 - Normal
    01:29:193 - Hard
    01:28:999 - Insane


  1. For all objects use spacing 1.2x
  2. 00:06:354 (1) - delete NC
  3. 00:09:451 (1) - ^
  4. 00:11:386 (1) - ^
  5. 00:18:741 (1) - ^
  6. 00:20:677 (1) - ^
  7. 00:32:289 (1) - ^
  8. 00:38:096 (1) - ^
  9. 00:40:225 (1) - ^
  10. 00:46:612 (1) - ^
  11. 01:00:935 (1) - ^
  12. 01:04:806 (1) - ^
  13. 01:06:354 (1) - ^
  14. 01:09:451 (1) - ^
  15. 01:10:999 (1) - ^
  16. 01:12:547 (1) - ^
  17. 01:16:418 (1) - ^
  18. 01:18:741 (1) - ^
  19. 01:22:612 (1) - ^
  20. 01:25:709 (1) - ^
  21. 00:19:128 (2) - NC
  22. 00:22:225 (3) - ^
  23. 00:39:064 (3) - ^
  24. 00:40:806 (2) - ^
  25. 00:42:354 (3) - ^
  26. 01:05:580 (3) - ^
  27. 01:10:225 (3) - ^
  28. 01:11:773 (3) - ^
  29. 01:17:967 (4) - ^
  30. 01:24:160 (3) - ^
  31. 00:10:225 (1,2,1) - hard pattern for amateurs
  32. 00:36:160 (1,2,3) - ^
  33. 00:38:096 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  34. 00:41:967 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  35. 00:45:451 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^
  36. 00:48:547 (1,2,3) - ^
  37. 00:16:031 (1,2) - this pattern can looks better
  38. 00:19:902 (3,2) - ^
  39. 00:46:612 (1,2) - ^
  40. 00:53:193 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  41. 00:57:838 (3,1) - ^
  42. 00:59:386 (1,1) - ^
  43. 01:00:935 (1,2,3) - ^
  44. 01:14:870 (1,1) - ^
  45. 01:21:838 (3,1,2,3,4) - ^
  46. 01:25:709 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  47. 01:27:064 (5) - delete
  48. 01:13:322 (1) - ^ and set here slider/circles


  1. 00:03:644 (5) - NC
  2. 00:06:741 (5) - ^
  3. 00:16:031 (2) - ^
  4. 00:19:128 (2) - ^
  5. 00:22:225 (2) - ^
  6. 00:23:773 (2) - ^
  7. 00:25:322 (2) - ^
  8. 00:26:870 (2) - ^
  9. 00:28:418 (3) - ^
  10. 00:29:967 (3) - ^
  11. 00:33:064 (2) - ^
  12. 00:36:160 (5) - ^
  13. 00:04:225 (1) - delete NC
  14. 00:07:322 (1) - ^
  15. 00:15:838 (1) - ^
  16. 00:18:935 (1) - ^
  17. 00:22:031 (1) - ^
  18. 00:23:386 (1) - ^
  19. 00:25:128 (1) - ^
  20. 00:26:677 (1) - ^
  21. 00:27:644 (1) - ^
  22. 00:29:193 (1) - ^
  23. 00:30:547 (1) - ^
  24. 00:32:870 (1) - ^
  25. 00:36:354 (1) - ^
  26. 00:37:322 (1) - ^
  27. Check other NCs looks like i wrote, i'm lazy :<
  28. 00:13:322 (3,4) - this pattern can looks better
  29. 00:24:160 (3,4) - ^
  30. 00:26:096 (4,1) - ^
  31. 00:38:870 (4,1) - ^
  32. 00:37:902 (1,4) - ^
  33. 00:43:515 (1,2) - ^
  34. 00:52:031 (3,4) - ^
  35. 01:04:612 (1,2,3) - ^
  36. 01:06:935 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
  37. 01:11:386 (5,3) - ^
  38. 01:12:741 (4,2) - ^

Good Luck~ :)
Topic Starter

Revialink wrote:

Hi!~ NM from my queue :D
I wrote mod in offline so if something wrong - sorry xd


  1. Difficulties end time is not consistent:
    01:28:999 - Normal
    01:29:193 - Hard
    01:28:999 - Insane


  1. For all objects use spacing 1.2x
  2. 00:06:354 (1) - delete NC
  3. 00:09:451 (1) - ^
  4. 00:11:386 (1) - ^
  5. 00:18:741 (1) - ^
  6. 00:20:677 (1) - ^
  7. 00:32:289 (1) - ^
  8. 00:38:096 (1) - ^
  9. 00:40:225 (1) - ^
  10. 00:46:612 (1) - ^
  11. 01:00:935 (1) - ^
  12. 01:04:806 (1) - ^
  13. 01:06:354 (1) - ^
  14. 01:09:451 (1) - ^
  15. 01:10:999 (1) - ^
  16. 01:12:547 (1) - ^
  17. 01:16:418 (1) - ^
  18. 01:18:741 (1) - ^
  19. 01:22:612 (1) - ^
  20. 01:25:709 (1) - ^
  21. 00:19:128 (2) - NC
  22. 00:22:225 (3) - ^
  23. 00:39:064 (3) - ^
  24. 00:40:806 (2) - ^
  25. 00:42:354 (3) - ^
  26. 01:05:580 (3) - ^
  27. 01:10:225 (3) - ^
  28. 01:11:773 (3) - ^
  29. 01:17:967 (4) - ^
  30. 01:24:160 (3) - ^
  31. 00:10:225 (1,2,1) - hard pattern for amateurs
  32. 00:36:160 (1,2,3) - ^
  33. 00:38:096 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  34. 00:41:967 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  35. 00:45:451 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^
  36. 00:48:547 (1,2,3) - ^
  37. 00:16:031 (1,2) - this pattern can looks better
  38. 00:19:902 (3,2) - ^
  39. 00:46:612 (1,2) - ^
  40. 00:53:193 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  41. 00:57:838 (3,1) - ^
  42. 00:59:386 (1,1) - ^
  43. 01:00:935 (1,2,3) - ^
  44. 01:14:870 (1,1) - ^
  45. 01:21:838 (3,1,2,3,4) - ^
  46. 01:25:709 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  47. 01:27:064 (5) - delete
  48. 01:13:322 (1) - ^ and set here slider/circles


  1. 00:03:644 (5) - NC
  2. 00:06:741 (5) - ^
  3. 00:16:031 (2) - ^
  4. 00:19:128 (2) - ^
  5. 00:22:225 (2) - ^
  6. 00:23:773 (2) - ^
  7. 00:25:322 (2) - ^
  8. 00:26:870 (2) - ^
  9. 00:28:418 (3) - ^
  10. 00:29:967 (3) - ^
  11. 00:33:064 (2) - ^
  12. 00:36:160 (5) - ^
  13. 00:04:225 (1) - delete NC
  14. 00:07:322 (1) - ^
  15. 00:15:838 (1) - ^
  16. 00:18:935 (1) - ^
  17. 00:22:031 (1) - ^
  18. 00:23:386 (1) - ^
  19. 00:25:128 (1) - ^
  20. 00:26:677 (1) - ^
  21. 00:27:644 (1) - ^
  22. 00:29:193 (1) - ^
  23. 00:30:547 (1) - ^
  24. 00:32:870 (1) - ^
  25. 00:36:354 (1) - ^
  26. 00:37:322 (1) - ^
  27. Check other NCs looks like i wrote, i'm lazy :<
  28. 00:13:322 (3,4) - this pattern can looks better
  29. 00:24:160 (3,4) - ^
  30. 00:26:096 (4,1) - ^
  31. 00:38:870 (4,1) - ^
  32. 00:37:902 (1,4) - ^
  33. 00:43:515 (1,2) - ^
  34. 00:52:031 (3,4) - ^
  35. 01:04:612 (1,2,3) - ^
  36. 01:06:935 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
  37. 01:11:386 (5,3) - ^
  38. 01:12:741 (4,2) - ^

Good Luck~ :)
Thank you! ;)
Not really a mod, so you dont have to give kudo's. But my thinking of your hitsounds.


So for 1 thing, I think you used your hitsounds a little too much. You should only use them on points that really stand out

For Example : Insane
Points like
00:36:160 to about 00:37:709

Basically these points are all single points where the music is key, or slider is long and perhaps long jumps . You dont want to drag out the hit sounds or it sounds like a little song on its own. You want to use hit sounds in moderation.

Some hitsounds I like that you did were in your insane

01:02:483 to 01:06:935
01:13:322 to 01:14:773
01:20:677 to 01:21:064
01:25:709 to 01:27:257

They were plenty more, but i don't want the little mod to get to long

Also, try to add more than that 1 main hitsound, as that one I could mostly hear and other hitsounds could have replaced them.If your going to try to do a hitsound for a particular part, than use a diffrent hitsound other than the one playing in the back. I think the hitsound you chose for the background doesn't fit with the music imo.

Hope this helps :)
Topic Starter

captainlatias wrote:

Not really a mod, so you dont have to give kudo's. But my thinking of your hitsounds.


So for 1 thing, I think you used your hitsounds a little too much. You should only use them on points that really stand out

For Example : Insane
Points like
00:36:160 to about 00:37:709

Basically these points are all single points where the music is key, or slider is long and perhaps long jumps . You dont want to drag out the hit sounds or it sounds like a little song on its own. You want to use hit sounds in moderation.

Some hitsounds I like that you did were in your insane

01:02:483 to 01:06:935
01:13:322 to 01:14:773
01:20:677 to 01:21:064
01:25:709 to 01:27:257

They were plenty more, but i don't want the little mod to get to long

Also, try to add more than that 1 main hitsound, as that one I could mostly hear and other hitsounds could have replaced them.If your going to try to do a hitsound for a particular part, than use a diffrent hitsound other than the one playing in the back. I think the hitsound you chose for the background doesn't fit with the music imo.

Hope this helps :)
the hitsounds i have are very similiar to the ranked ones...
hi m4m from your queue

00:02:870 (3,4,1) - fix these blankets
00:03:644 (4,2) - you can overlap these
00:07:128 (1,2) - possible blanket
00:08:677 (5) - i would curve this slider just a tad bit for aesthetics
00:09:451 (6,7,1) - equal spacing
00:10:225 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:12:935 (1,2) - ^ & i would loosen up 1 a bit for a prettier blanket
00:14:483 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:20:677 (3,4) - ^
00:22:225 (1,2) - maybe ctrl+g? your choice. just to emphasize the big white tick
00:24:160 (3,4) - fix blanket or dont overlap these 2 00:23:773 (2,4) -
00:25:322 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:28:418 (1,2) - same thing as last time
00:31:128 (4) - tad bit higher for better blanket
00:31:515 (1,2) - again same thing
00:32:289 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:33:064 (4,5) - same thing
00:43:128 (3) - move to the right a bit
00:46:612 (7,8) - fix blanket
00:51:644 (3,4) - ^
01:00:160 (2,3) - ^
01:02:483 (5,1) - ^
01:05:580 - for this section, i see that you dont use the right side of the screen often? try to fix
01:17:193 (5,6,1,2,1) - these are too hard for normal imo. make some sliders or you can keep. your choice
01:24:160 (1,3) - you can overlap 3 with 1's slider end

00:05:580 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:03:644 (1,2) - fix overlap
00:16:031 (1) - i would change this to a slider & note
00:17:193 (4,1) - possible blanket
00:26:096 (3,4) - kind of ugly imo but you can keep
00:26:870 (1,2) - make similar
00:29:193 (3,4) - ^
00:32:289 (3,1) - possible blanket
00:32:870 (1) - delete nc
00:36:741 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:37:515 (1,2) - make similar
00:37:902 (2,3) - bad flow imo since the slider is pointing up
00:38:870 (5) - i would change this into a note and move the slider 00:39:064 - here then note here 00:39:644 -
00:47:386 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:49:902 (2,3) - ^
00:50:483 (3,1) - ^
00:50:483 (3,1) - spacing change?
00:51:644 (2,1,2) - stack miss
00:53:193 (2,4) - fix blanket
00:55:515 (4,1) - spacing change?
00:57:838 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:59:773 (3) - i would take out the repeat & put a note here 01:00:160 -
00:59:773 (3,4) - make similar
01:00:354 - note here
01:06:935 (1) - put a lil lower
01:07:128 (2,2,2) - make these similar ;(
01:06:935 (1,1) - put the first one under the second to line up
01:16:806 (2,3) - possible blanket
01:16:806 (2,2) - possible overlap

00:31:902 (1,2) - fix blanekt
00:33:451 (3,4) - ^
00:40:806 (2,3) - bad flow imo
00:49:612 (5,6,7,8,9) - move a lil to the left to line up with 00:49:322 (4) -
00:53:967 (3,1) - make similar
00:54:354 (1,2) - possible blanket
00:55:515 (4,1) - fix blanket
00:55:322 (3,3) - stack miss
01:00:741 (5,3) - possible overlap
pretty diff :)

Topic Starter

Shiratoi wrote:

hi m4m from your queue

00:02:870 (3,4,1) - fix these blankets
00:03:644 (4,2) - you can overlap these
00:07:128 (1,2) - possible blanket
00:08:677 (5) - i would curve this slider just a tad bit for aesthetics
00:09:451 (6,7,1) - equal spacing
00:10:225 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:12:935 (1,2) - ^ & i would loosen up 1 a bit for a prettier blanket
00:14:483 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:20:677 (3,4) - ^
00:22:225 (1,2) - maybe ctrl+g? your choice. just to emphasize the big white tick
00:24:160 (3,4) - fix blanket or dont overlap these 2 00:23:773 (2,4) -
00:25:322 (1,2) - fix blanket
00:28:418 (1,2) - same thing as last time
00:31:128 (4) - tad bit higher for better blanket
00:31:515 (1,2) - again same thing
00:32:289 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:33:064 (4,5) - same thing
00:43:128 (3) - move to the right a bit
00:46:612 (7,8) - fix blanket
00:51:644 (3,4) - ^
01:00:160 (2,3) - ^
01:02:483 (5,1) - ^
01:05:580 - for this section, i see that you dont use the right side of the screen often? try to fix
01:17:193 (5,6,1,2,1) - these are too hard for normal imo. make some sliders or you can keep. your choice
01:24:160 (1,3) - you can overlap 3 with 1's slider end

00:05:580 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:03:644 (1,2) - fix overlap
00:16:031 (1) - i would change this to a slider & note
00:17:193 (4,1) - possible blanket
00:26:096 (3,4) - kind of ugly imo but you can keep
00:26:870 (1,2) - make similar
00:29:193 (3,4) - ^
00:32:289 (3,1) - possible blanket
00:32:870 (1) - delete nc
00:36:741 (3,4) - fix blanket
00:37:515 (1,2) - make similar
00:37:902 (2,3) - bad flow imo since the slider is pointing up
00:38:870 (5) - i would change this into a note and move the slider 00:39:064 - here then note here 00:39:644 -
00:47:386 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:49:902 (2,3) - ^
00:50:483 (3,1) - ^
00:50:483 (3,1) - spacing change?
00:51:644 (2,1,2) - stack miss
00:53:193 (2,4) - fix blanket
00:55:515 (4,1) - spacing change?
00:57:838 (2,3) - fix blanket
00:59:773 (3) - i would take out the repeat & put a note here 01:00:160 -
00:59:773 (3,4) - make similar
01:00:354 - note here
01:06:935 (1) - put a lil lower
01:07:128 (2,2,2) - make these similar ;(
01:06:935 (1,1) - put the first one under the second to line up
01:16:806 (2,3) - possible blanket
01:16:806 (2,2) - possible overlap

00:31:902 (1,2) - fix blanekt
00:33:451 (3,4) - ^
00:40:806 (2,3) - bad flow imo
00:49:612 (5,6,7,8,9) - move a lil to the left to line up with 00:49:322 (4) -
00:53:967 (3,1) - make similar
00:54:354 (1,2) - possible blanket
00:55:515 (4,1) - fix blanket
00:55:322 (3,3) - stack miss
01:00:741 (5,3) - possible overlap
pretty diff :)

thank you for the mod

i realized i didn't reply xD
00:10:031 (2,3,4) - 00:36:354 (2,3,4) - Bad to read. (3,4) needs much more spacing before.
00:22:612 (1) - 00:27:644 (1) - 00:29:193 (1) - No need for nc. Try using a combo when a new stanza starts, instead of adding at random spots. Also aim for having an appropriate length of combo. Currently, several comboes feel too short.
00:25:902 (3) - Weird spacing.

I think the map isn't fine enough for proceeding further. Taking a look on several ranked beatmaps to get a better idea of patterning will help. Having more mapping experience will also benefit.
Topic Starter

Sonnyc wrote:

00:10:031 (2,3,4) - 00:36:354 (2,3,4) - Bad to read. (3,4) needs much more spacing before.
00:22:612 (1) - 00:27:644 (1) - 00:29:193 (1) - No need for nc. Try using a combo when a new stanza starts, instead of adding at random spots. Also aim for having an appropriate length of combo. Currently, several comboes feel too short.
00:25:902 (3) - Weird spacing.

I think the map isn't fine enough for proceeding further. Taking a look on several ranked beatmaps to get a better idea of patterning will help. Having more mapping experience will also benefit.
thank you for the advice!
Froм мy мoddιɴɢ qυeυe

αre yoυ ѕeαrcнιɴɢ αɴ eαѕy dιғғ?
ι coυld do тнαт..

00:04:031 (1) - make this straight since you did it with 00:01:322 (3) -
00:11:773 (3) - maybe make it like this?
00:22:612 (2) - could be straight after 00:22:225 (1) -
00:28:806 (2) - ^

Kιмι o мαттα. Boĸυ wα мαттα.
Wαιтed ғor yoυ. I wαιтed ғor yoυ.
Topic Starter

CookieKivi wrote:

Froм мy мoddιɴɢ qυeυe

αre yoυ ѕeαrcнιɴɢ αɴ eαѕy dιғғ?
ι coυld do тнαт..
ahh no sowy

00:04:031 (1) - make this straight since you did it with 00:01:322 (3) - ok
00:11:773 (3) - maybe make it like this? i am lazy
00:22:612 (2) - could be straight after 00:22:225 (1) - ok
00:28:806 (2) - ^ ok

Kιмι o мαттα. Boĸυ wα мαттα.
Wαιтed ғor yoυ. I wαιтed ғor yoυ.
yes thank you :3
from my modding queue

unsnapped object owo
00:11:483 (1) - spinner recovery time fix this
00:37:515 (3) to 00:50:096 (1) have different spacings and the sliders are reversed such as 00:38:677 (3,4), have some flow by putting slider end towards the next circle or slider
01:27:354 (1) - spinner recovery time
i have no problem with rhythm, just spacing issues

00:37:515 (1,2,3,4) - this part is hard to read
00:21:451 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - same here
01:02:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this jumping pattern is very hard to read
01:20:870 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - different spacing to the jump right after 01:22:612 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
01:25:515 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - different spacings and it it very hard to read since you change the jump pattern *slightly* which causes the player to think before that it would be the same and farther apart
spinner recovery time 01:27:354 (1)
i would definitely look at other mapsets to see how they map to spacing or just ask someone to teach you, it would really benefit
Idk if I'm right but I think the offset is wrong

I found that 530 sounds better but idk if thats perfect or not

Basically the offset is too late, so play around with it
Topic Starter

PlasticMemor wrote:

from my modding queue

unsnapped object owo yesyesyes
00:11:483 (1) - spinner recovery time fix this yesyesyes
00:37:515 (3) to 00:50:096 (1) have different spacings and the sliders are reversed such as 00:38:677 (3,4), have some flow by putting slider end towards the next circle or slider
01:27:354 (1) - spinner recovery time yesyesyes
i have no problem with rhythm, just spacing issues

00:37:515 (1,2,3,4) - this part is hard to read i kinda fixed it
00:21:451 (5,6,7,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6) - same here ahhh
01:02:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this jumping pattern is very hard to read
01:20:870 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - different spacing to the jump right after 01:22:612 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
01:25:515 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - different spacings and it it very hard to read since you change the jump pattern *slightly* which causes the player to think before that it would be the same and farther apart
spinner recovery time 01:27:354 (1) yesyesyes
i would definitely look at other mapsets to see how they map to spacing or just ask someone to teach you, it would really benefit
thank you for the spacing advice!

thank you for the mod :3
Topic Starter

Frostt wrote:

Idk if I'm right but I think the offset is wrong

I found that 530 sounds better but idk if thats perfect or not

Basically the offset is too late, so play around with it
i actually dont know about the offset, Hazu- told me it was 548 so i'll just work with that.
Foxy Grandpa
Hi, sorry for the wait :<


  • One thing i noticed right off the bat with the intro is that you can still add more to match the drum part instead of having it just be jumps. It's your map by all means but i'd recommend adding in the drum rolls.

    00:02:096 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - For this jump and the other pairs like it. I think you should have the jump get gradually less spacey, seeing as the guitar part gets quieter as well

    00:09:838 (1,2) - I would shorten 1 to the red tick and make 2 a stream, fits the full drum track

    00:36:935 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - You can fit in a stream here to match the drum track better.

    00:40:225 (7,8,1) - Don't hear what sound this triplet is supposed to be

    00:50:096 (1) - For this part you should make it something like...

    01:21:644 (5,8) - Fix blanket here


    This sounds off time, 00:11:580 (2,3,4) - if you listen you can clearly hear that 3 is off time. I would fix your offset before anything.

    00:25:128 (4,5,1) - Take out 5, no need for a triplet here

    00:43:515 (5) - Again, if you listen closely, this comes in later than the lyrics.
Thats about all i could find, Good luck!

Agatsu wrote:

Frostt wrote:

Idk if I'm right but I think the offset is wrong

I found that 530 sounds better but idk if thats perfect or not

Basically the offset is too late, so play around with it
i actually dont know about the offset, Hazu- told me it was 548 so i'll just work with that.
I just readjusted the offset because the strong white ticks were not well positioned :3
Topic Starter
Hi, sorry for the wait :<


  • One thing i noticed right off the bat with the intro is that you can still add more to match the drum part instead of having it just be jumps. It's your map by all means but i'd recommend adding in the drum rolls.

    00:02:096 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - For this jump and the other pairs like it. I think you should have the jump get gradually less spacey, seeing as the guitar part gets quieter as well i tried to fix

    00:09:838 (1,2) - I would shorten 1 to the red tick and make 2 a stream, fits the full drum track i'll stay with what i have

    00:36:935 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - You can fit in a stream here to match the drum track better. i want to make this part follow the guitar

    00:40:225 (7,8,1) - Don't hear what sound this triplet is supposed to be yesyesysey

    00:50:096 (1) - For this part you should make it something like... i'll stay with what i have to make it fit in with everything else


    01:21:644 (5,8) - Fix blanket here haihai


    This sounds off time, 00:11:580 (2,3,4) - if you listen you can clearly hear that 3 is off time. I would fix your offset before anything. ahhh

    00:25:128 (4,5,1) - Take out 5, no need for a triplet herehoihoi

    00:43:515 (5) - Again, if you listen closely, this comes in later than the lyrics. :(
Thats about all i could find, Good luck!
thank you for the mod! :3
Hi! from my mod queue. Also I like this artist and i like this song :3

kind of tired kind of lazy so I'm only doing the insane

  1. first comment: I would like to mention that this is a very clean looking map and it does look like you spent a decent amount of time on it.And the cleanliness helps me find the type of things I want to find. so lets get into it
  2. if you want to make sure all your notes are after the white tick and you want to keep your offest, change your red point offset to -1000 (yes that is a negative number and yes it is rankable)
  3. also, either change the volume of the red point or add in a green point before your first note with a lower volume -- maybe like 25 or 30
  4. 00:02:096 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - lets talk about this. The first issue I have with this is its relevance to the music itself. I'm not talking about the rhythms here being bad(because they aren't) but the spacing doesn't really make sense. starting from 00:02:096 - this point in time to 00:03:451 - here, the music is gradually getting softer and softer as a whole. so what I suggest to better represent this is-> as the music gets softer, reduce the spacing. and in some cases you can reduce the rhythms too.
  5. the second issue I have with that is your system of using new combos 00:02:096 (1) - look at where this note is placed on the timeline -- a large white tick. For simpler songs(quite like this one) people use NC only for these large white ticks. 00:03:064 (1) - come to this note and you are not on a large white tick, in fact you are on a red tick(which is a little more strange than a regular white tick. so mappers like me will look at possible reasons as to why you may want to NC which include but are not limited to: change in music, down beat. since this really fits neither of them you should remove it.
  6. I would try and apply the previous two comments to all sections like this which I will try to list here --> 00:04:806 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 00:07:902 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) -
  7. I'm gonna skip ahead in time a bit 00:36:160 - all I can tell you for this is is the correct rhythm. with your current rhythm you place 3 notes in between two spots they should be at. I would suggest to changing to something like I showed you to better follow the song.
  8. 00:43:515 (1) - the issue with this is you miss the large white tick at 00:43:902 - basically you want to make something like the sound at that time clickable so it is more rewarding for the player.
  9. 00:50:096 - I don't remember this in the original ;) xD
  10. I would reduce the volume of 01:02:483 - as well because this is a quieter section than slowly increases in volume, you should probably slowly increase your volume as well :)
  11. also yes I would recommend going back through and then re-doing your NC system. it seems really random as it is. so before you re do it make a rule for when you are going to NC such as "every large white tick" and then experienced mappers should tell you after that if there any exceptions that you should consider.
  12. Finally I would like to claim I think your hitsounds make the intro sound like it is not in time. (because that's how it sounds) so I would make sure your hitsounds have no delay in them
Topic Starter

[alt][F4] wrote:

Hi! from my mod queue. Also I like this artist and i like this song :3

kind of tired kind of lazy so I'm only doing the insane

  1. first comment: I would like to mention that this is a very clean looking map and it does look like you spent a decent amount of time on it.And the cleanliness helps me find the type of things I want to find. so lets get into it
  2. if you want to make sure all your notes are after the white tick and you want to keep your offest, change your red point offset to -1000 (yes that is a negative number and yes it is rankable) i will stay with 548 as my offset
  3. also, either change the volume of the red point or add in a green point before your first note with a lower volume -- maybe like 25 or 30 that sounds too quiet for me
  4. 00:02:096 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - lets talk about this. The first issue I have with this is its relevance to the music itself. I'm not talking about the rhythms here being bad(because they aren't) but the spacing doesn't really make sense. starting from 00:02:096 - this point in time to 00:03:451 - here, the music is gradually getting softer and softer as a whole. so what I suggest to better represent this is-> as the music gets softer, reduce the spacing. and in some cases you can reduce the rhythms too. fixed
  5. the second issue I have with that is your system of using new combos 00:02:096 (1) - look at where this note is placed on the timeline -- a large white tick. For simpler songs(quite like this one) people use NC only for these large white ticks. 00:03:064 (1) - come to this note and you are not on a large white tick, in fact you are on a red tick(which is a little more strange than a regular white tick. so mappers like me will look at possible reasons as to why you may want to NC which include but are not limited to: change in music, down beat. since this really fits neither of them you should remove it. bn told me that i should nc when a new stanza starts and not a white tick
  6. I would try and apply the previous two comments to all sections like this which I will try to list here --> 00:04:806 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - 00:07:902 (3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - i'll fix the jump spacing reduction
  7. I'm gonna skip ahead in time a bit 00:36:160 - all I can tell you for this is is the correct rhythm. with your current rhythm you place 3 notes in between two spots they should be at. I would suggest to changing to something like I showed you to better follow the song. fixed
  8. 00:43:515 (1) - the issue with this is you miss the large white tick at 00:43:902 - basically you want to make something like the sound at that time clickable so it is more rewarding for the player. i like it like this
  9. 00:50:096 - I don't remember this in the original ;) xD ???
  10. I would reduce the volume of 01:02:483 - as well because this is a quieter section than slowly increases in volume, you should probably slowly increase your volume as well :) well the guitar is playing and it's volume is rising
  11. also yes I would recommend going back through and then re-doing your NC system. it seems really random as it is. so before you re do it make a rule for when you are going to NC such as "every large white tick" and then experienced mappers should tell you after that if there any exceptions that you should consider.
  12. Finally I would like to claim I think your hitsounds make the intro sound like it is not in time. (because that's how it sounds) so I would make sure your hitsounds have no delay in them :/

thnank yuo fuor ze mod
The NM request.


The timing

So I played around with the timing a bit in the intro, and it seems to be 155.50 BPM instead of 155.00 UP UNTIL 00:09:808 - , where it switches back to the base bpm of 155.

Here the timing points:

- 00:00:548 - BPM: 155.50 Offset: 548

- 00:09:832 - BPM: 155.00 Offset: 9,832

I'd recommend you lower the Insane's AR down to 8.5 or at least 8.7, because it just feels uncomfortable to read ar9 on a 155 BPM 1/4 map. I also recommend you buff your Normal a bit, the SR difference between Hard is a tad too big. I'm also gonna do a small NC mod note by note, since there are some NC inconsistencies here. Overall, nice mapset and nice song. Onto the mod.


- 00:21:451 (5,6) - The DS between these notes and 00:21:064 (4) - Feel way too close. I suggest spacing them out a bit more.

- 00:43:515 (1) - Sometimes, you can use a reverse slider over a big white tick, but in many cases like this, please do NOT use a reverse slider over a big white tick. You also missed the note 00:43:709 - .

The NC mod
- 00:02:483 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:02:870 (5) - Apply NC.
- 00:03:644 (7) - Apply NC.
- 00:04:031 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:06:741 (5) - Apply NC.
- 00:07:128 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:09:064 (5) - Apply NC.

- 00:12:741 (1) - To keep things from being too redundant, in that section of the map, you NC the red tick. Remove that NC and place the NC on the big white ticks 00:12:935 (2) - . Do that up until 00:36:160 - . Its best to keep consistent and correctly NC your maps so they are readable and understandable in each stanza.

- 00:37:515 (1) - Now in the kiai, you also did the same as earlier, NC'ing on the red tick. NC every big white tick, since the combo doesn't last very long per combo.

- 00:51:451 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:51:644 (2) - Apply NC.
- 00:52:999 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:53:193 (2) - Apply NC.
- 00:56:095 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:56:289 (2) - Apply NC.
- 00:57:644 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:57:838 (2) - Apply NC.
- 00:59:193 (1) - Remove NC.
- 00:59:386 (2) - Apply NC.
- 01:11:386 (1) - Remove NC.
- 01:11:773 (2) - Apply NC.
- 01:17:773 (1) - Remove NC.
- 01:17:967 (2) - Apply NC.
- 01:20:870 (1) - Remove NC.
- 01:21:064 (2) - Apply NC.
- 01:25:515 (1) - Remove NC.
- 01:25:709 (2) - Apply NC.
- 01:27:257 (5) - Apply NC.


So far, its good. Got basic structure and stuff. Everything looks nice, just a lot of NC issues and other small things. Hope the timing works for you, and good luck with this set.
Topic Starter
The NM request.


The timing

So I played around with the timing a bit in the intro, and it seems to be 155.50 BPM instead of 155.00 UP UNTIL 00:09:808 - , where it switches back to the base bpm of 155. If it's just increased by 0.50 then I'd rather not add it.

Here the timing points:

- 00:00:548 - BPM: 155.50 Offset: 548

- 00:09:832 - BPM: 155.00 Offset: 9,832

I'd recommend you lower the Insane's AR down to 8.5 or at least 8.7, because it just feels uncomfortable to read ar9 on a 155 BPM 1/4 map. I also recommend you buff your Normal a bit, the SR difference between Hard is a tad too big. I'm also gonna do a small NC mod note by note, since there are some NC inconsistencies here. Overall, nice mapset and nice song. Onto the mod. ok


- 00:21:451 (5,6) - The DS between these notes and 00:21:064 (4) - Feel way too close. I suggest spacing them out a bit more. ok

- 00:43:515 (1) - Sometimes, you can use a reverse slider over a big white tick, but in many cases like this, please do NOT use a reverse slider over a big white tick. You also missed the note 00:43:709 - . ok

[box=The NC mod]- 00:02:483 (1) - Remove NC. ok
- 00:02:870 (5) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:03:644 (7) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:04:031 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:06:741 (5) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:07:128 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:09:064 (5) - Apply NC. ^

- 00:12:741 (1) - To keep things from being too redundant, in that section of the map, you NC the red tick. Remove that NC and place the NC on the big white ticks 00:12:935 (2) - . Do that up until 00:36:160 - . Its best to keep consistent and correctly NC your maps so they are readable and understandable in each stanza. ^

- 00:37:515 (1) - Now in the kiai, you also did the same as earlier, NC'ing on the red tick. NC every big white tick, since the combo doesn't last very long per combo. ^

- 00:51:451 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:51:644 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:52:999 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:53:193 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:56:095 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:56:289 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:57:644 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:57:838 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 00:59:193 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 00:59:386 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 01:11:386 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 01:11:773 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 01:17:773 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 01:17:967 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 01:20:870 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 01:21:064 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 01:25:515 (1) - Remove NC. ^
- 01:25:709 (2) - Apply NC. ^
- 01:27:257 (5) - Apply NC. ^


So far, its good. Got basic structure and stuff. Everything looks nice, just a lot of NC issues and other small things. Hope the timing works for you, and good luck with this set. tyty

sank kyu 4 ze mod ongako
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