2016-02-04 01:12 Kagari: urm are you free at the moment?
2016-02-04 01:12 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:12 Kagari: ACTION is editing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/893985 Camelia feat. Nanahira - Bassdrop Freaks [Platter]]
2016-02-04 01:12 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:13 Kagari: about the first part of the song, i think the intro is a little bit off the beat
2016-02-04 01:13 Kagari: 00:02:417 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) -
2016-02-04 01:13 Tears: how do i fix that
2016-02-04 01:14 Kagari: the beat should start at 00:02:249 - right?
2016-02-04 01:14 Kagari: i mean when you start hearing the beat
2016-02-04 01:14 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:14 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:15 Kagari: okay, now I suggest you move this 00:02:417 (1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) -
2016-02-04 01:15 Kagari: to that beat i mentioned
2016-02-04 01:15 Tears: okay (:
2016-02-04 01:15 Tears: hold on
2016-02-04 01:15 Tears: done
2016-02-04 01:15 Kagari: see if it's match the beat or not
2016-02-04 01:15 Tears: yes omg tysm
2016-02-04 01:16 Kagari: nice
2016-02-04 01:16 Tears: your the best
2016-02-04 01:16 Tears: i seriously dont know about modding
2016-02-04 01:16 Tears: so ill prob suck at modding yours im so sorry
2016-02-04 01:17 Kagari: modding is simply telling something wrong or need suggestion
2016-02-04 01:17 Tears: i did it on your forum thing
2016-02-04 01:17 Kagari: you dont have to completely agree, as long as you have relevant reason
2016-02-04 01:17 Tears: but its prob sucks im sorry
2016-02-04 01:17 Tears: okii
2016-02-04 01:17 Kagari: nvm, first step into modding is kinda like this
2016-02-04 01:18 Kagari: you will learn more in the future
2016-02-04 01:18 Tears: yes im only 12 haha
2016-02-04 01:18 Kagari: my suggestion is that you finish mapping the full song and then call back me to do the full modding
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: um
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: i dont want to map
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: the whole song
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: i want it short
2016-02-04 01:19 Kagari: oh
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: (:
2016-02-04 01:19 Kagari: so the map is complete, I guess?
2016-02-04 01:19 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:20 Kagari: okay, first of, you have to shorten the song, meaning you have to trim (or cut) the song's length
2016-02-04 01:20 Tears: in Osu!
2016-02-04 01:20 Tears: ?
2016-02-04 01:21 Kagari: it's okay if you dont know how to do it, I can help you with the trimming
2016-02-04 01:21 Kagari: no of course not in osu
2016-02-04 01:21 Tears: yes please
2016-02-04 01:21 Kagari: you need external software to edit the song
2016-02-04 01:21 Tears: audacity?
2016-02-04 01:21 Tears: is that fine
2016-02-04 01:21 Kagari: yeah
2016-02-04 01:21 Tears: ok ill do it :)
2016-02-04 01:22 Tears: but
2016-02-04 01:22 Tears: one of them is shorter than the other ...
2016-02-04 01:23 Kagari: you mean the rain is shorter than platter?
2016-02-04 01:23 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:23 Kagari: hmm
2016-02-04 01:24 Kagari: you can add more notes so that the rain has the same length as platter
2016-02-04 01:24 Kagari: 10 seconds isnt that hard to map tho xP
2016-02-04 01:24 Tears: okay hold on xp
2016-02-04 01:25 Kagari: 55 second map is okay already
2016-02-04 01:25 Tears: good thanks
2016-02-04 01:25 Kagari: call me back when you done editing
2016-02-04 01:25 Tears: okay :)
2016-02-04 01:25 Kagari: playing few maps for now
2016-02-04 01:25 Tears: oki
2016-02-04 01:31 Tears: done
2016-02-04 01:31 Tears: im gonna update
2016-02-04 01:32 Tears: done
2016-02-04 01:33 Tears: hello
2016-02-04 01:33 Kagari: yeah
2016-02-04 01:33 Kagari: wait i'm testing
2016-02-04 01:33 Kagari: ACTION is playing [https://osu.ppy.sh/b/893985 Camelia feat. Nanahira - Bassdrop Freaks [Platter]] <CatchTheBeat>
2016-02-04 01:34 Tears: oh ok
2016-02-04 01:38 Kagari: did you edit the mp3 already?
2016-02-04 01:38 Tears: yh
2016-02-04 01:38 Tears: what do i do now
2016-02-04 01:38 Kagari: have you put it in the folder?
2016-02-04 01:38 Tears: oh no hold on
2016-02-04 01:38 Kagari: i mean the beatmap folder?
2016-02-04 01:38 Kagari: oh lol
2016-02-04 01:40 Tears: done
2016-02-04 01:41 Tears: its .wav tho
2016-02-04 01:41 Kagari: can you make it mp3?
2016-02-04 01:41 Tears: theres
2016-02-04 01:41 Tears: no sound :/
2016-02-04 01:41 Tears: hold on
2016-02-04 01:42 Kagari: you have to name it exactly the same as the one before
2016-02-04 01:42 Tears: ok
2016-02-04 01:42 Kagari: and with correct format
2016-02-04 01:42 Kagari: (as in this case mp3 format)
2016-02-04 01:43 Tears: still no sound
2016-02-04 01:43 Tears: :/
2016-02-04 01:43 Tears: it was called audio
2016-02-04 01:43 Tears: :/
2016-02-04 01:44 Kagari: format?
2016-02-04 01:44 Kagari: is it still mp3 or wav
2016-02-04 01:44 Tears: mp3
2016-02-04 01:44 Kagari: are you sere the name is audio.mp3?
2016-02-04 01:44 Kagari: *sure
2016-02-04 01:44 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:44 Tears: i went into the folder
2016-02-04 01:44 Tears: it was called
2016-02-04 01:44 Tears: audio
2016-02-04 01:45 Kagari: can you open the osu. files in the folder?
2016-02-04 01:45 Kagari: using notepad?
2016-02-04 01:45 Tears: yh
2016-02-04 01:46 Kagari: can you check the audiofilename see if its the same?
2016-02-04 01:46 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 01:46 Tears: audio.mp3
2016-02-04 01:46 Kagari: and it's still no sound?
2016-02-04 01:46 Tears: nope
2016-02-04 01:46 Kagari: wow this is weird
2016-02-04 01:46 Kagari: :\
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: should i change
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: the name in .osu file
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: to like bassdrop
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: and then change the mp3 name to that
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: IT WORKED
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: :)
2016-02-04 01:47 Kagari: nice
2016-02-04 01:47 Tears: phew!
2016-02-04 01:50 Tears: wwhat now?
2016-02-04 01:50 Kagari: have you update the map?
2016-02-04 01:50 Tears: oh hold on
2016-02-04 01:51 Tears: done
2016-02-04 01:51 Kagari: okay
2016-02-04 01:53 Tears: :)
2016-02-04 01:55 Kagari: ooooo i forgot to tell you this, but the edited mp3 is somehow not good
2016-02-04 01:55 Tears: how?
2016-02-04 01:55 Kagari: you should make a fade out to end the song
2016-02-04 01:56 Tears: ok hold on
2016-02-04 01:57 Kagari: let the song length like 1 min 10 seconds at most
2016-02-04 01:57 Tears: ugh
2016-02-04 01:57 Tears: okkkkkkkkk
2016-02-04 01:57 Tears: lol
2016-02-04 01:57 Tears: i just made the fade out thing seriously
2016-02-04 01:57 Tears: start over :(
2016-02-04 01:59 Kagari: i should be blamed as well for not giving you proper guideline :\
2016-02-04 01:59 Kagari: on how to edit the mp3
2016-02-04 01:59 Tears: i did it
2016-02-04 02:00 Kagari: so the song should be 1 min 10 sec long?
2016-02-04 02:01 Tears: hey
2016-02-04 02:02 Kagari: yeah?
2016-02-04 02:02 Tears: sorry my osu crashed
2016-02-04 02:03 Tears: is it ready for pending?
2016-02-04 02:03 Kagari: ?
2016-02-04 02:03 Kagari: meaning?
2016-02-04 02:03 Tears: ranking
2016-02-04 02:03 Kagari: it should get more mods
2016-02-04 02:03 Kagari: from different modders
2016-02-04 02:03 Kagari: me myself isnt enough ;w;
2016-02-04 02:04 Tears: how do i find them
2016-02-04 02:04 Kagari: maybe go to the modding queue forums and find catch the beat specific modding queue
2016-02-04 02:05 Kagari: trust me, it's hard to get modders :\
2016-02-04 02:05 Tears: oki
2016-02-04 02:05 Tears: tysm for the mod tho
2016-02-04 02:07 Kagari: nice fade out
2016-02-04 02:07 Kagari: i guess it's okay for now (for the audio part)
2016-02-04 02:08 Tears: thanks bro :)
2016-02-04 02:08 Tears: yes :)
2016-02-04 02:09 Kagari: oh one more thing
2016-02-04 02:09 Kagari: it would be the best of you end the map here 00:56:216 -
2016-02-04 02:09 Kagari: *to end the map
2016-02-04 02:09 Tears: yes
2016-02-04 02:10 Tears: ill put a spinner
2016-02-04 02:11 Kagari: better than nothing :D
2016-02-04 02:11 Kagari: i'll post this on the forum
2016-02-04 02:11 Kagari: *this conversation