
How do you perfer to spin?

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Which hand do you use and which direction do you perfer to spin?

Left-handed spinning Clockwise
Left-handed spinning Counter-Clockwise
Right-handed spinning Clockwise
Right-handed spinning Counter-Clockwise
Total votes: 705
Topic Starter
I seen a thread from a couple months ago regarding which direction people spin and i figured i wanted to make a poll based off it. So how bout' it? Which hand do you play with and which direction do you spin?
Right hand counter clockwise. Spinned clockwise before, wasn't that effective :P
Right handed spinning clockwise here. It's good for me.

Gens wrote:

Wow, we had that many threads?

loltehpwn wrote:

I seen a thread from a couple months ago regarding which direction people spin and i figured i wanted to make a poll based off it. So how bout' it? Which hand do you play with and which direction do you spin?
Or you could have read that thread and not posted a new one. Unless you really had something important to say and necrobumping is bad.

"Darn, I'm in the minority of people who spin this way" is not an important thing to say.
Right-handed CCW and it's SUPER EFFECTIVE!!! (450 RPM average) but when I first played osu! tatakae! ouendan I spin CW (300 RPM average 360 MAX)
Right Handed spinning counter clockwise, in EBA it was left handed spinning clockwise but since I've kind of grown with the mouse on my right hand, I'm too lazy to try to change it to left hand configuration. Oh and I get around 320 RPM at home and 440 at school (it really just depends on the mouse pad)
Topic Starter

loltehpwn wrote:

I seen a thread from a couple months ago regarding which direction people spin and i figured i wanted to make a poll based off it. So how bout' it? Which hand do you play with and which direction do you spin?

JInxyjem wrote:

Or you could have read that thread and not posted a new one. Unless you really had something important to say and necrobumping is bad.

"Darn, I'm in the minority of people who spin this way" is not an important thing to say.
Gnehhhhh i wanted my own poll though ;(
I've found that right-handed CCW feels the most comfortable for myself.

I think I need a new mouse though, it keeps doing weird jittery movement at random times and sometimes during spinner making it not go in a circle motion. *very frustrating*

Also only started learning how to actually play Osu, I've become quite addicted to it where I would sit on songs for hours trying to SS them... on easy thought. :p

But yea at times the spinners do give me a headache.

well I spin anti-clockwise with right hand, seems most right hander spin clockwise.
I'm right-handed. And i remember when i started to play osu. I was spinning clockwise for first 2 weeks, since then to present day i spin counter-clockwise. A lot better for me. But i guess it's just a question of getting used to your way of spinning.
It's odd really, I hear people saying that right-hand clockwise is the most common, yet this poll is currently saying otherwise (CCW). I'm part of those that spin CCW.
Agent Faust
I'm right handed and I spin it clockwise as I used to do in the DS. However in this version I cannot make many rpm, how does people can be in rank SS with these limitations?

:( :( :(
Right-handed spinning Clockwise. I spin lot slower with Counter-Clockwise.
Kyonko Hizara
Right hand 90% clockwise 10% cc
Firo Prochainezo
Right-handed spinning Clockwise
Left handed clockwise because I'm lame.
Keep in mind that most left-handed people adapt at a young age to use the mouse with the right hand.
can i just say right handed?
cause i spin clockwise on short spinners and anticlockwise on longer spinners >.<
Right-Handed Counter-Clockwise.. it's impossible for me to make Clockwise spins
Right-hand clockwise
I just can't do it anyother way. I dont have nearly as much control spinning counter-clockwise and left hand is out of the question.
giant panda
Ambidextrous, i switch back and forth but i go counter clockwise left handed and clockwise right handed. I spin either way but i spin faster those ways.

I am however just swinging my mouse left to right if the spinner is really short and there's a bunch of stuff besides it as well
I'm among the minority. left handed counter clockwise. I spin in small circles too
Right handed Clockwise, sometimes spin small, sometimes spin big.
it's hard to do counter clockwise T^T
Right-handed clockwise, cuz i suck on spinners and can't spin counter clockwise at all ;_;
right handed clockwise for point and speed but counter clockwise for better control and recover :p
right handed - counter clockwise.

I saw some pros and most (if not all)my friends doing it clockwise so i was like "maybe i'm weird and i'm doing it wrong" but i tried it clockwise and it felt so awkward so i was like. "EFF THIS SHET! i only need to get used to my own style"
i prefer using RHCCW than CW,it feels weird with right hand doing CW and oftenly my little finger stucking my circling miton andit hurt == afterthat i just need to start spinning with smaller motion
Right-Handed Clockwise here. I tried counter-clockwise and it just felt awkward for my hand.
Right Handed, Counter Clockwise.
Right handed, CCW. When I play left handed I spin clockwise.
Right-handed, spinning clockwise.
It just feels more natural to spin it clockwise to me than spinning clockwise.
Nice bump. Anyways...

Right-handed spinning counter-clockwise for me. I've been drawing circles this way since primary school, and has been this way ever since (including spinning on the actual EBA game).

Because of that, my hand feels weird when I tried spinning clockwise. :P
right hand ccw... imo it's up to each person who they spin >.> some ppl are used to clockwise, some ppl are used to counter clock wise, really doesn't make a difference...
Right hand ccw
omg its so mainstream Q_Q
Dr Sensei-Hugo
I sometimes spin to left, sometimes to right. I dont care, i just spin :P
come the fuck on
Nice necropost.

Right-handed. I spin counter-clockwise. I try to use my entire arm when I need to spin quickly (I need more stamina :( )
I spin counter-clockwise. My stamina is veeery unstable for some reason, and i can't spin for too long,otherwise my hand goes numb.
Now that I switched my mouse to my left, I spin counter-clockwise constantly.

When I had my mouse on my right, I would actually alternate, with a tendency to be more often on the clockwise side of it,
I like to spin right round, baby right round like a record, baby right round round round
I spin with my righty, clockwise.

a loli wrote:

come the fuck on

Barusamikosu wrote:

Nice necropost.
This is a timeless poll and topic. It stays interesting no matter when you post it, so I don't see a problem with necroing it. It's actually even better to necro it instead of making a new thread, because that way the old votes still get used. A poll with more votes will automatically become more accurate, according to the law of large numbers. I approve of this decision.

On topic: Right, CCW. I'm surprised at how even the results are, actually.
Y-You c-can spin counter-clockwise? O.o
[ yogurt ]
tfw I spin clockwise but draw circles counter clockwise.
Houtarou Oreki
Clockwise with a pen but counter-clockwise with a mouse :v
Dr Sensei-Hugo

Houtarou Oreki wrote:

Clockwise with a pen but counter-clockwise with a mouse :v
Marry me pls
Counter-clockwise with mouse, right-handed
where's the hexagon alternative
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