
Zedd - Papercut ft. Troye Sivan (Grey Remix)

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Hello RockEmRhythm!
To be honest...I am satisfied with your second map and I wanna say good job on making it!

I can make a difficulty and a better storyboard if you're intrested!
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NyarkoO wrote:

Hello RockEmRhythm!
To be honest...I am satisfied with your second map and I wanna say good job on making it!

I can make a difficulty and a better storyboard if you're intrested!
Hey man! Well sorry for the long wait on my reply. Ive been off for a while, and i am quite interested! Talk to me when you can :)
It is done!
Also, don't put the artist in the title if the artist is already there, I'm trying to say it can't be like this: Zedd - →Zedd← - Papercut
Erase the issue that is highlighted in red.
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NyarkoO wrote:

It is done!
Also, don't put the artist in the title if the artist is already there, I'm trying to say it can't be like this: Zedd - →Zedd← - Papercut
Erase the issue that is highlighted in red.

Alright, will do! Contact me when you can, i believe we are friends in game :P

[Includes: The difficulty and the storyboard pictures]
Random Mod! (I only do this because i love mod!!)

-I qualify the diff with notes
-Maybe i will give ya faqs for your benefit
-if your map is pretty good the kudo you give me i will throw it you your map :3 so GAMBATE!!
-*WARNING* Marked - Optional


Offset: 00:13:746 (1) - put there in every diff that
Combo colors: Erase the black color and the White color, the black doesn't see good and the white in kiai times hurt the eyes
Design: Adjust some Storyboards when the fade looks weird resize a little
Backround: Resize the Background to 1336x768 its better for screens of the resolution


We talk about when the sliders haves at the final or in the medium an long white line, ok?

00:14:174 (2) - Fix this use a combination of 2 sliders helps flow and looks good another examples: 00:17:603 (5) - 00:21:032 (2) - 00:25:317 (2) - 00:27:889 (2) - 00:31:317 (2) - 00:34:746 (2) - 00:39:032 (2) - 00:40:746 (1) - 00:55:317 (1) - 00:57:032 (2) - 01:00:032 (4) - 01:08:174 (4) - 01:09:460 (1) - 01:15:889 (2) - 01:18:460 (4) - 01:22:317 (1) - 01:26:603 (3) - 02:01:317 (2) - 02:02:603 (3) - 02:05:174 (2) - 02:07:746 (5) - 02:11:174 (2) - 02:24:460 (5) - 02:44:603 (1) - 02:48:889 (3) -
01:12:889 (1) - The spinner is too short for an easy do it a little longer Another Expamples: 01:30:032 (1) - 02:35:174 (1) - 02:42:032 (1) -
01:50:174 (1) - Map from here this is a break so long and is boring
02:18:889 (2) - This beats must be in certain times with a beat use that beat! Another Examples: 02:20:603 (3) - 02:22:317 (4) - 02:24:032 (5) -
02:54:889 (1) - Map here the song doesn't ends there

Note: 02:27:460 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1) - This part is really really good but you failed in the last slider xDD

Ok you must know what is overlap, Overlap is when your have a lot of sliders that crash with another object, that is unrakable
Please remap this diff
i ll gonna pass from you map because is a disaster! sorry >:(
Note: F
Leaving a mod because I clicked on the song to preview it and I was literally like: "woooOoOoOoOoOOO HOLY SHHHHH" so have a mod, sorry if it's not perfect or if it didn't help at all :c
from #modreqs

[ General]
  1. Combo Color Inconsistency throughout diffs. Basically, change every difficulty's Combo Color so they're all the same (an easy way to do this is to edit the Combo Colors directly by editing the .osu file of every difficulty and changing it to whichever set of colors you want. Just make sure they're all the same in all the difficulties).
  2. Kiai Time Inconsistency throughout diffs. I explain, the only difficulty that is causing this problem is the "Advanced" diff. Why? Because the second Kiai Time on the Advanced difficulty starts on 02:30:889 and ends on 02:54:857, whereas the norm would be to have the second Kiai Time go from 02:30:889 and ending on 02:54:889.
  3. Aaaaand Inconsistency in unhinterited (reeeeeed) Timing Sections. The Hard difficulty has its Red Timing Point on 00:00:032, you have to move it to 00:13:746 so that it's the same with all the other difficulties.
  4. Erm, add "nyarkoo" to the tags since he made a difficulty. Also optional, but consider adding "future bass" to the tags aswell :3
  5. There are 3 .osb files in the song folder! Delete: "Zedd - Zedd - Papercut ft. Troye Sivan (Grey Remix) (RockEmRhythm)" and "Grey - Zedd - Papercut ft. Troye Sivan (Grey Remix) (RockEmRhythm)" from the song folder. BUT MAKE SURE TO KEEP "Zedd - Papercut ft. Troye Sivan (Grey Remix) (RockEmRhythm).osb" IN THE SONG FOLDER FOR THIS IS THE ONLY .osb FILE THAT THE MAP IS USING.
  6. The .mp3 file size is 320kbps. This is unrankable and I higly suggest compressing it to 192kbps.
erm... thats all the general problems of the set...

just modding the easy becuz im a bit short on time sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorryificanilltrytomodlater

[ Easy]
i don't mean to sound rude, but this diff has a lot of overlaps. Consider moving some notes around so as to decrease the number of these. also consider taking some of aimod's advice on distance spacing sorrysorrysorry
CS: 3 l (to help avoid overlaps or whatever....) HP:4 l AR:7 or 6.5.... l OD:6 because oh my god man thats way too low even for an easy...
  1. 00:17:174 (3) - This slider would look better imo if it was arranged like this.
  2. 00:20:603 (5) - NC.
  3. 00:20:603 (5,6) - Move these two notes a bit so that they don't overlap like this?
  4. 00:24:031 (1) - Ctrl+G (reverse selection) this slider because I feel as though newer players would be able to hit 00:26:174 (2) - this other slider a bit easier.
  5. 00:27:460 (3) - NC.
  6. 00:30:031 (5) - Move this note to the left (or to x:52y:192) so as to avoid this overlap.
  7. 00:56:603 - Why not put 00:57:031 (2) - this slider on this major white tick? It's just a suggestion but it's a bit confusing to play imo..
  8. 01:19:960 (5) - Sorry if it sounds way too forward but... can you make a different slider so that it doesn't overlap with 01:16:531 (3) - this slider? Like... idk this is just an example i just threw something out there.
  9. 01:29:174 (3,4) - Ok dude... really? I am begging you. Break DS and move these two notes so that they don't overlap... Try maybe this for a change?
  10. 01:36:031 (1,2,3,4,5) - Why keep these notes so separated? Change the Distance Spacing by holding down Alt and rearrange these notes a bit better... (im trying to sound as nice as possible believe me...)
  11. 01:54:031 (5) - NC...
  12. 02:51:888 (1) - NC...
get someone's opinion on this diff ;^;
Pretty decent map! I decided to try and mod Normal, sorry if I sound quite critical!


  1. 00:16:317 (1,2,3) - Stacking 2 and 3 under 1 is not a great idea. Unstack these
  2. 00:18:246 (5,6) - I’m a bit borderline on having these stacked. Not too keen on it.
  3. 00:19:532 (7,8) - Definitely unstack this. Spread it out a bit.
  4. 00:36:889 (6,7) - Do these need to be stacked? Sorry I’m focusing on the stacking so much!
  5. 01:01:746 (1) - The notes after this spinner come way too soon. Consider stopping it at 01:04:317.
  6. 01:06:460 (3,4,5) - Too much stacking.
  7. 01:08:174 (1) - Move this back to 01:07:960. It feels more in tune to the word “cut”.
  8. 01:08:603 (1,1) - I think these should be placed closer for distance spacing.
  9. 01:10:317 (2,3) - ^
  10. 01:12:460 (2) - I’m not too keen on having this placed so far out. Maybe make it go downwards rather than across to the left.
  11. 01:13:103 (1,2) - Hiding 2 underneath is a bit mean.
  12. 01:25:746 (1,2,3) - Not too sure about this stack.
  13. 01:29:603 (6) - Maybe place this one on the right so it’s not slightly hidden by the slider.
  14. 02:18:889 (4,5,6) - This probably shouldn’t be stacked.
  15. 02:22:960 (1,2) - I feel like these might be better if the repeats were removed. Fits better with the lyrics.
  16. 02:41:174 (7) - This one should probably go in between the 6 and 8, rather than being stacked,
  17. 02:48:460 (2) - Put this midway between 1 and 3.
    I like the layout between 03:00:889 and 03:18:460. Nothing to complain about here :)

    Other notes:
  18. Too many breaks in my opinion. The break times themselves are also quite long.
  19. Waaaay too many spinners. RIP my arm lol
Wait can a map actually be graveyarded if it's in the WIP forum?
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numbermaniac wrote:

Wait can a map actually be graveyarded if it's in the WIP forum?
If its left idle. Quote "Graveyarded beatmaps are maps that have not been updated or its thread posted in for at least 4 weeks" End quote
Thats why I'm just leaving it alone. So now its gotta wait another 4 weeks basically.
Im gonna leave it graveyarded and eventually i might work on it again, but for now Its kind of a drag.
Plus Ive got other personal things to worry about right now rather than osu.
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