AiMod- No Problem
Timing- Clear
Hitsound- no problem
Metadata/Song Setup- delete "Test" from the tags ? since its already in the tittle
File/BG/etc.- No Problem
00:01:828 (1828|0,2161|3) - better to be normal note ? or ucan stop the LN 00:01:994 - here and 00:02:328 - here // Fix the LN
00:12:494 - 00:12:828 - 00:13:161 - theres a loud piano like 00:10:661 (10661|2,10994|1,11328|2,11661|2,11994|1,12328|1) - here, so i thik u can make 3 note so it wouldnt be same like 00:13:328 (13328|3,13328|2) - which is no loud piano like those // i know... but i want to keep it like that, * For now
00:31:161 - same here tho, btw free to reject this // same
00:32:828 (32828|3,32828|2,33161|3,33161|2) - diffrent pitch
00:34:161 (34161|2,34161|1,34494|1,34494|2) - diffrent pitch u can change this to the other kiai part tho since it got an same issue, and so i dont have to mentiion every part xD // Fixed Pitch
00:41:161 (41161|3,41161|0,41494|1,41494|3) - Ctrl G for Pitch
00:41:828 (41828|3,41828|0) - u should re-arrange this if u apply ^ cause of diffrent pitch // re-arrange
- well just a suggestion for make it more make sense with the pitch
- 00:49:494 (49494|2,49661|3) - move 1 to left, bcos it has a diffrent pitch with 00:49:161 (49161|0,49161|2) -
- 00:49:828 (49828|2) - move to 4 cause of same pitch with 00:49:994 - and also cause of ^ xD // re arrange all
00:50:494 (50494|0,50494|2,50661|1,50661|3) - Ctrl H for pitch ?
00:57:828 (57828|3,57828|1,57994|0,57994|2,58161|1,58161|3,58328|0,58328|2) - might want to make somethng like
for pitch
01:17:494 (77494|3,77494|0) - move to 2 3 for pitch and better feel when play it // already Re-make
01:21:828 - haha air mendidih // awas kuping
01:24:328 (84328|2,84494|3,84494|1,84661|2,84661|0,84828|3,84828|1,84994|0,84994|2) - Ctrl H ?
01:25:328 (85328|0,85494|3,85661|1,85828|3,85828|2,85994|1,86161|2,86161|3,86328|0,86328|1,86369|2) - might want to follow the pitch like
00:01:661 (1661|2) - move to 2 ? // low pitch.. why?
00:02:494 (2494|1,2828|3) - move to 3 2 ? // keep
00:12:828 (12828|1,12994|0) - Ctrl G ? // keep
00:13:494 (13494|0) - are u kidding me -_- EZ is even use 2 note, better to make it like EZ cuz the HD is using 1/8, tbh u can even make an 1/4 here cuz of the HD // lol. okay then
00:32:161 (32161|1) - 00:50:828 (50828|0) - 01:09:494 (69494|1) - here too // kay okaay
00:58:161 (58161|2,58328|3) - Ctrl G ? //keep
00:58:661 (58661|0,58828|1,58994|2) - Ctrl H ? for pitch // Focus on Flow
01:16:494 (76494|2,76661|1,76828|3,76994|2) - make a jack ? like 33 22 ? its more sync with the song
01:25:828 (85828|3,85994|0,86161|1) - 1 2 3 ? cuz 01:25:828 (85828|3) - not really high pitch
00:01:828 (1828|0,2161|3) - normal note ? the reasong i same like HD // kay, Normal Here
00:20:661 - add note ?
00:39:328 - 00:57:994 - 01:16:661 - here too
01:25:328 (85328|0,85661|1) - actually u can just delete this and make it empty since u didnt follow such piano like this // keeeeep[/notice]