
[added] [Web] Disallow users to double post

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +2
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A suggestion for the new forum website:
[Option A]
If the last post is under the same name as the user trying to post, warn the user of double posting and optionally show a message saying "Please use the edit button unless you intend to bump this topic". Also user should be able to opt out these warnings in their profile settings. Getting the warnings until it annoys them should get the point across.

[Option B]

F1r3tar wrote:

Why not just develop or implement a plugin (for lack of a better word) that merges a double post into one post? I've seen this on Xenforo software, so it's not impossible to do.
Well, I don't find good to completely disallow double posts, since it could be necesary on some threads (The first one that comes to my mind is the "Issues with Latest Cutting Edge build" thread.)

But I would like and I think it's a good idea, to, at least, show a warning message, telling you that you probably should use the Edit button instead of double posting.
Topic Starter

Trosk- wrote:

But I would like and I think it's a good idea, to, at least, show a warning message, telling you that you probably should use the Edit button instead of double posting.
That's a better idea.
drum drum
mybb (current forum software is phpbb) does this already but since we're making our own forum software this should be considered
Why not just develop or implement a plugin (for lack of a better word) that merges a double post into one post? I've seen this on Xenforo software, so it's not impossible to do.
Topic Starter
Like the idea, added it as an option B

F1r3tar wrote:

Why not just develop or implement a plugin (for lack of a better word) that merges a double post into one post? I've seen this on Xenforo software, so it's not impossible to do.
I don't know, but, wouldn't this be like disallowing bumping threads again? I actually thought about it yesterday but I found it a bit weird.
Vuelo Eluko
Terrible idea.
Topic Starter

Trosk- wrote:

I don't know, but, wouldn't this be like disallowing bumping threads again? I actually thought about it yesterday but I found it a bit weird.
Make it merge + bump if the last post is more than a week old?
I'd say only disallow until a day has passed
I don't really agree with this though

xxjesus1412fanx wrote:

Terrible idea.
Topic Starter
Update: It's on its way, though not implemented yet!
Remembered something
In Some sub-forums, most likely the WIP/Pending/Modding Queues subforums, double posting is NOT bad
I regularly say: I'll check the mods later, and make a new post 1 day later fixing the mod
Okay, that can be done via edit, but w/e

However, this feature may NEVER EVER come to Modding Queues
You want to say, that if you close it, you need to wait at least n days before opening it?
Most people only check the most recent queues, so an edit after 2 days means the thread is already on page 2, and no one will see it
When you bump it, and say it's open you can get requests
But it would destroy the chance of making organized thread, or incase reserving a post in modding queue after creation of new queue.


Just my example of double post uses, when implementing this, there should be some exceptions though.
Don't worry. It will be implemented
Topic Starter

Sirade wrote:

But it would destroy the chance of making organized thread, or incase reserving a post in modding queue after creation of new queue.

Redon wrote:

I've never seen people double post so much that it could be considered enough of a problem to add patronizing restrictions that might to do more harm than good. Some things are better off being left to common sense.

Thanks a lot OP.
Ok so the main argument right now is the organizations of modding queue, specifically bumping of the thread. IMO, the new website should have specialized integration to handle queues since those are not your standard threads. Unless queues are not the only thing that would significantly suffer from this, I would consider of making a feature request for specialized threads for queues and how the UI for them should look like (visible open queue list somewhere, counter of how many requests completed/open, etc).
Option B is my vote.
I don't like the whole "give them an amount of time before they can post again" bullshit because it doesn't prevent double posting, meanwhile option B does.

As seen in the photo, this forum implements option B.

Trosk- wrote:

But I would like and I think it's a good idea, to, at least, show a warning message, telling you that you probably should use the Edit button instead of double posting.
I feel like a warning isn't going to stop spammers / trolls.

Flannel wrote:

I feel like a warning isn't going to stop spammers / trolls.
As I said in your request, there's already something like that in the new CMS. They're not able to comment for a short time. I actually don't know how long but maybe long enough that there's no reason to wait until they can post again. I also think that most users would stop with that when they see this warning.
And I said in that request I highly disagree with that method. Option B is far more spam proof. Option B stops it entirely, meanwhile that method stops it EVENTUALLY.
Option B seems better to me
In the new forum design, a user is disallowed double posting for a certain period of time so we can mark this added.

PR: disabling-doubleposts feature #424

Nathanael wrote:

In the new forum design, a user is disallowed double posting for a certain period of time so we can mark this added.
Great new feature
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