This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
모딩 감사합니다!intoon wrote:
00:11:647 (1) - bpm이 바뀌니까 뉴콤 넣어야될듯요 - 수정
00:25:869 (1,2,3) - 멜로디에 따른거면 노트 1개 더 넣는게 맞아보임. - 수정
01:09:062 (2,3) - 간격?
02:40:790 (5,6) - ^
01:20:999 (5,6,7,8) - 음악이 빠른파트이기도 하고 다른 키아이파트도 다 일정 디스턴스이상 유지하고있어서
여기도 간격 벌리셔야 될거같은데, 구지 여기만 붙이신 이유가.... - 수정
01:26:340 (5,6) - 위와 같은 맥락으로 간격 up - 수정
01:31:994 (1) - NC - 굳이 넣을 필요는 없을 것 같네요
01:32:308 (11,12,1) - 음악이 느려지는 부분도 아닌데 이렇게 노트간격 바짝 붙이는거 비추함.... - 패턴수정했습니다.
01:35:136 (1,2) - 위와 비슷한 내용 - 수정
01:42:361 (9,10,1) - ^ - 수정
01:36:078 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 같은 음악파트이므로 일관성 있게 통일할 필요성을 조금 느껴염. :: 01:36:078 (5,6,7) - 맞추고, 01:36:706 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 맞추시면 될듯요 - 수정
01:46:130 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) - ^ - 이부분은 좋다고 생각됩니다.
02:27:596 (1,2,3,4) - ^ 피아노소리 따라 넣은거라서 완전히 통일은 안하겠습니다.
03:04:036 (5,6,7) - 같은 음악까진 아니지만 이 패턴 굉장히 플레이할때 위화감이 느껴져요 - 수정
01:36:706 (1) - 위에 패턴 고치고 NC? - 아까랑 같습니다.
01:40:005 - 뭔가를 추가? - 추가 안해도 될 것 같습니다.
01:49:586 (10,11) - 여기 1/4가 아니라 1/6같아요
02:20:842 (1) - 음악이 점점 빨라지고있는데 갑자기 슬라 속도를 줄일필요가 없는거같아용. 어색해보임 - 수정
02:23:827 (1) - ^ - 수정
02:51:471 (1) - 여기도 어색해보여요 변속 - 여기는 괜찮다고 생각합니다.
04:05:136 (1) - ^ - 수정
04:08:120 (1) - ^ - 수정
04:37:020 (1) - ^ - 아까와 같습니다.
04:41:890 (1) - ^ - ^
02:37:177 (5,6) - 간격이 다른부분에 비해 너무 넓어보여요 - 수정
03:12:832 (1,2,3,4) - 릴렉스 파트인데 점프는 줄이는게 좋다고 생각해요 - 수정
03:44:246 (1,2) - 합치는게 멜로디에 더 맞다고 생각해요 제눈엔 1번노트 좀 오버매핑처럼 보임. - 무음힛사로 대체합니다.
03:49:272 (1,2) - ^
03:50:528 (1,2) - ^
04:10:005 (4,5) - ^
03:46:130 (5,6) - 음.. 6번노트 x240 y384정도가 적당하다고 생각
03:55:554 (1) - NC? 박자가 여기부터 조금 달라지니까요 - 할 필요는 없을 것 같습니다.
04:01:209 (10,11,12) - 논란의 여지가 좀 보이는데 이게 박자가 맞는지는 잘 모르겟지만, 그냥 노트로 하는게 안전하다고 생각.. - 수정
04:16:916 (1) - 여기부터 슬라 속도 올리세요 키아이타임 부분은 여기부터 시작하니까요.. - 키아이시작은 이 슬라 끝나고 나서 시작되므로 높일 필요는 없을 것 같습니다.
04:12:518 (7,9) - 이렇게 딱 붙여놓으면 읽기에 좀.. 7번슬라 끝나기전에 9번슬라가 나와서 완전히 겹쳐서 7번 다 치고나서야 9번노트가 보여서
읽기 좀 불편함 - 수정
04:20:685 (6,7,8,9) - 다른 패턴 DS만큼 이것도 좀 떼는게 낫다고 생각해요
04:21:314 (10,11) - ^
04:24:455 (1) - 앞뒤 멜로디가 별 차이없어서 x1.5 쓸 이유가 없는거 같은데, 그냥 x1.2 유지하는게 나을거같아요 - 1.5도 괝찮다고 생각됩니다.
04:31:994 (1) - ^
04:44:560 (1) - ^
04:47:073 (1) - 변속x 위와 마찬가지인데, 이런식의 노래가 한창 빠른 시점에서 갑자기 속도 줄이는 변속은 첫플에 읽기 어렵다고 생각해요.
노래가 한창 빠른데 갑자기 속도 줄이는것도 뭔가 어색하구요 - 수정
04:33:565 (5,6) - 간격 늘리세요 - 수정
04:47:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 다른파트에 비해 너무 어려워요 여기.. 좀 쉽게 하는걸 추천 - 수정
04:49:586 (1,1) - 둘중 하나 nc 지우세요 - 수정
슬라 모양 다듬어야 할것들이 꽤 많아보이네요..
M4M 귀찮으면 안하셔도 됩니다만, 하신다면 이거 해주세염 :
애초에 그걸 노리고 모딩한건 아니라서요..
난이도가 많으므로 난이도 1개던 8개던 님 하고싶은만 골라서 하시면 되요
Thanks!HappyRocket88 wrote:
Hi! Sorry for modding this map so late. But I was trying to pass the semester. ;_;
- Consider the idea to add a break time. ;__; - It is for Approve, so I can't add break time.
- 00:16:449 (3,1) Try to fix the blanket between these two objects. Isn't perfect after all. - Fixed
- 00:26:340 (5,1) ^ - Fixed
- 00:28:853 (1) Try to make this slider shape more symmetric. - Fixed
- 01:05:921 (2) Weird slider shape. o.o - Fixed
- 01:12:204 (1) Set this slider here x=148 | y=44 and try this to fix the flow - Fixed
- 04:35:450 (10,11,12,13) Don't you think this is so overmapped?
- 01:28:225 (5,6,7,8) ^ - hmm....I think It's ok.
Sorry I just have lost my ability to mod extras. ;__; Hope this would help out in something. Good luck. n.n7
Thank you!!!Ant wrote:
From my mod queue!
Blue for personal taste.
Red for something I see as a problem.
Orange for a small problem.Heavens
Add "marathon" to the tags. Try thinking of some more tags, too, I'd suggest. I'll find some more tags, but I think 'marathons' doesn't have to include.
I think the artist should be "xi", uncapitalized, after looking at recent ranked xi songs. - Fixed
00:04:894 (1) - Maybe make it a single-repeat slider like That follows the music more closely. - keep
00:06:779 (5) - Move to (260, 347) so it's a nicer triangle with 00:05:837 (2,3) - - Fixed
00:16:652 (3) - I also don't know if this is allowed, how it flips back at the tip. It might count as aBurai Slider. Try asking a BN or something. - Oh, I didn't see this slider. fixed
00:31:569 (1) - Try spacing it 1.30x away, just like the previous circles. I think that would look nicer. - Fixed
00:58:271 (4,5) - Barely touching, try moving these two a liiitle downwards. - Fixed
01:21:202 (5,7) - I think the way these overlap looks ugly. - Fixed
01:24:187 (7) - I don't think a repeating slider makes sense with the music here. Maybe just another two sliders would work (replacing 01:24:658 (8) - too.) - Fixed
01:28:428 (5,6,7,8) - It would probably look nicer to face the sliders into the stream, kinda like - keep
01:37:538 (1) - Why is this one spaced closer than the rest of the stream? - Fixed
01:47:904 (2,3) - These two don't feel consistent with the rest of your map.
01:52:066 (7,8) - These are awkwardly barely touching. I suggest you either move them closer, or further.
01:55:129 (9,10) - This pause feels awkward, to me. - Fixed
01:56:229 (2,3) - It sounds like there should be a circle between these. - Fixed
01:57:642 (12,1) - This pause also feels awkward. - Fixed
02:09:265 (1,2,3,4) - This whole thing flows very awkwardly, and looks very prone to random (unfun) sliderbreaks, primarily because of the huge gap between 2 and 3. - Fixed
02:29:056 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Try and curve this a bit more. The best way I can describe how this looks right now is "clunky". - Fixed
02:35:496 (6) - It would make more sense musically for this to be a slider, and for the next to sliders to follow suit. - Fixed
02:45:234 (4,5,6,7) - Try moving 02:45:391 (5,6,7) - half a beat back and 02:45:234 (4) - over to 02:46:176. I think this follows the music better. - Fixed
03:05:182 (13) - Why is this spaced differently in the stream? - Fixed
03:05:339 (1,2) - It sounds like there should be a circle between these. - I think it's good
03:53:558 (1,2,3,4) - Kinda like 02:09:265 (1,2,3,4) - , this also looks like random-sliderbreak hell. - keep
04:36:360 (6,7,8) - Just this one angle here does not look nice at all. - Fixed
Fun map overall, and I love the song. Good luck getting it approved!
힛사 관련해서 모딩해주신거 아마 대부분은 안 고쳐졌을거에요. 근데 지적해주신 거 덕분에 힛사좀 꽤나 넣을 수 있었습니다. 감사합니다!!!_ Hatsune Miku wrote:
i see your map in #modreqHeavens
- 00:41:621 (1,2) - 00:42:092 (2) - ctrl + G and 이렇게하는게? - 패턴수정했습니다.
- 01:34:394 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 홀수 노드에 whistle 추가
- 01:42:876 (3) - 슬라이더 시작 부분에 whistle 추가
- 02:34:551 (2,3) - 02:35:808 (7) - ^
- 02:45:232 (4,5,6,7) - ^
- 04:27:640 (3,4) - ^
04:30:782 (5,6,7,8,9) - ^- 01:44:447 (8,9,10,11) - 슬라이더 모두 whistle 추가
- 02:21:358 (9) - whistle 추가
- 02:36:122 (8) - ^
- 04:04:551 (1) - 여기에잇는 초록색 선 볼륨을 70 ->60으로 낮추세요 - 수정
- 04:40:991 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - 뉴콤보가 너무 많네요.. 이유가 없으면 하나로 통일해주세요. - 이렇게 해놓는게 좋을 것 같습니다.
OMG. It's the longest mod that I have ever been got. You're really good modder!!L0rdCthulhu wrote:
HAI MAI! Here from Chocox Inc; so why don't we get started?General
- BPM and Offset : ( ? )
- Aimod : ( × ) Your file size is 10.7mb, something which Aimod doesn't like. Also, try compressing the bitrate of the song to 128kbps, which is recommended for osu! - Some maps are over 10mb. I'll ask about these things. Maybe I'll change MP3 Again.
- Kiai : ( ? )
- Metadata : ( ? ), although you do want to capitalize the word "Halcyon" just for good measure.
- Hitsound : ( ? ) Some nice hitsounding here and there!
- Video : ( ? )
01:31:724 (6) - Refer to (%) - Changed slider.01:34:394 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Nice stream blanket! 01:35:337 (1) - Remove a point and pull the slider to curve where necessary; the extra point causes the slider to turn into a awkward shape. - FixedIs this slider 01:37:536 (1) in line with this stream? 01:37:222 (11,12,13,14) - Fixed a bitCurve this 01:39:735 (5,6,7,8,9) - the other way around; the butt of it brushes against the notes behind it. It looks nicer in general. - Curved to East.HEAVEN
- 00:20:265 (1) - This loong slider could be placed as this; where the sharp corner indicates the piano note in between the buildup. - It's good for me.
- 00:29:056 (2) - Is this slider supposed to be a S shape? If not, the slider itself looks awkward already. Suggested: - Fixed
- 00:32:511 (3,4) - Could be nicer; something like this? - This is it what I find!!
- 00:39:422 (2) - Turn into straight elbow shape? - Fixed
- 00:42:563 (3,4) - Try to blanket these two long sliders if you can; suggested below: - changed slider
- 00:46:647 (1) - Turn to a Bent L shape like here: - Fixed
- 00:49:474 (2,3) - Blanket the second one to the first one? - keep
- 00:54:657 (2) - Flip the other way so that the hump is facing the other way from where it was originally from - ^
- 00:59:212 (1,2) - The elbow isn't centred in relation to the slider tick. For reference, use the slider tick as the center of the slider and have the point of the elbow there. - Fixed
- 01:01:254 (6) - Shift this repeat to stack with these two slider heads 01:00:783 (5,1) and have it face roughly 45 degrees to the north east. Also, copy paste this slider 01:00:783 (5) and replace 01:01:725 (1) with the copy pasted one. Symmetry FTW - First thing is not accept, but last one accept.
- 01:02:356 (2) - ^, change this to the copy pasted slider too. Fixed
- 01:04:474 (1) - Nice! You know that the slider holes in loop-da-loops need to be a little water droplet. But, try to balance the slider tail in accordance to the slider head. Notice how the slider ticks are right by each other? - Fixed
- 01:06:152 (2) - The head must fit snugly inside the body; also remove the red anchor point. - Fixed
- 01:09:264 (2) - The bent on this slider isn't obvious enough; well to a player at least. - Fixed
- 01:14:761 (8) - (%) Have the slider to be a perfect S on the horizontal plane first; then rotate where necessary. - Fixed
- 01:16:646 (14,15) - A slider blanket is possible here.
- Either change this slider 01:18:531 (4) to be a curved one and have the arrow stack over the start of this slider 01:17:902 (2) or leave the elbow and stack the arrow above it. - I think stack don't need.
- 01:19:944 (1) - Accentuate the elbows; make the slider proud of it's curves! - I think it doesn't have to.
- Stack 01:19:944 (1) to the end of this slider 01:19:944 (1) ?
- 01:22:143 (9,10,11,12) - Streams don't always have to curve inside; try mixing them up so they wiggle wherever you want them to. - keep
- 01:23:557 (4) - If you wish, you could also stack this up with one of the notes in the stream beneath it. - keep
- 01:24:970 (1) - For this to work well, the angles on this corner of a octagon must be 135 degrees; A right angle plus a 45 degree one. Also copy paste this to the one below here 01:25:442 (2) too. - Fixed
SPOILERNotice the slider tick?- 01:26:541 (5) - Change this into a curve slider; preferably the one it's trying to overlap. - Fixed
- 01:28:426 (5,6,7,8) - Hitsound this to one of the drum hitsounds; the music allows it. - Fixed
- 01:28:112 (2,3,4) - Shift this triples to the other side and separate them a bit: - Stack looks good.
- 01:28:740 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Streams! <3 Play around with the shape of the stream; my suggestion isn't the best, but maybe you could take some pointers from it? - Keep
Stack 01:42:405 (8) to the end of this slider 01:41:777 (6) and stack 01:42:562 (1) to the head of this slider 01:41:148 (4). Adjust 01:42:248 (7) to make the shape fit like a equilateral triangle. - I like this pattern. 01:43:661 (6) - What's up with that extra point in between the two red ones? Makes it look weird. - FixedStack 01:45:860 (3) to the start of the stream which is this 01:46:960 (9) - I try it. But it looks weird.01:48:216 (4) - Slider ends with red anchor; doesn't have them curves. Just looks like a stunted slider.01:49:159 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Change it up! Shift it around; bent it the other way; whatever you like. Maybe see some streamy maps for inspiration? i.e. Ice angel, Freedom dive (trust me it has lovely streams), Aragami - Fixed01:50:415 (1) - Pull the white point out a little more to bend the top part of the slider. - Fixed01:51:593 (5) - Stack the head of this over the head of 01:50:415 (1), and vertically invert (Control+J) 01:51:358 (4) and move to fit flow where necessary. It looks it doesn't need to.01:51:829 (6) - Shift this to fit snugly inside the slider of 01:52:928 (3); if you have troubles seeing pull them closer on the timeline.
01:58:740 (11) - Rotate hold slider to the bearing of 200 degrees.01:59:211 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I'm sure the streams can do better. - Fixed as I can
02:00:468 (1) - Change it up! It looks too awkward to stay. - Fixed
02:00:939 (2) - Stack to the start of stream 01:59:839 (6) (only if you did move the stream to face the hump inwards) - changed pattern02:03:923 (9) - Move the white point after the red anchor to form a roughly perpendicular angle. - Fixcd02:37:536 (6) - Shift this a little more to stack beneath this slider 02:38:792 (12) - Fixed02:39:106 (1,2) - Symmetry; either one of these slider shapes stay. (#) - Fixed02:44:133 (1) - So, is this a slider elbow? Or is it a normal curved slider? - Uh......corved slider?02:46:646 (1,2) - Same as (#) -Well... I think this part looks good 02:50:101 (10,11,12,13) - Hitsound to drums; the bzzt of the music allows for this. - Fixed02:51:986 (1) - So this is supposed to fly outwards to complement the stream; so why don't you drag it outwards? Like so: - I like this slider.
Stack 02:52:614 (2) to either the end or start of this slider 02:53:400 (5) - Fixed02:56:227 (7,8,9,2,3,4) - These triples; maybe you would want to space them out more. Since it's the chorus of this song.Shift 02:59:682 (2) right underneath the crest of 02:59:211 (1) After that, shift 03:00:311 (4) like so: - To blanket (2), not fixed.
03:06:750 (1,2) - One of the shapes must go; also if you wish, the could intersect nicely like so: - make them same sliderSPOILER03:24:342 (1,2) - Overlap with nice semi circles like so: - Keep
03:20:258 (3) - Make this a nice arch like so: - Fixed
03:30:310 (3) - Refer to nice semicircles above ^03:31:881 (1) - Shift middle white point to the middle of the curve and remove the extra point at the end. - Fixed03:31:881 (1) - Blanket?03:49:630 (2) - Make this a semicircle slider.03:50:886 (2) - Refer to (%) - Fixed04:08:321 (1) - Change this to the Zigzag Slider? - Fixed04:14:604 (1) - Try this thread for more slider art suggestions! t/37194 - Fixed as i can04:23:242 (6) - Refer to (%) - Fixed04:24:656 (1,2) - Symmetry yet again; but this time I would rather you keep the more exotic slider. Cause that looks nice.04:39:420 (8,9,10,11) - Maybe you wanna space them out more? Since this is the more exciting part. - Fixed04:43:190 (2,8) - Barely stacked. - Fixed04:52:300 (1,4) - Stack the head of the 1 to the end of the 4. - FixedAwkward slider; change it up with one of the slides found in the delicious slider thread. Suggestion: - FixedOverall
- I absolutely loved the song choice <3
- The jumps were moderately fun, but not unenjoyable.
- Some slider art was a bit off here and there.
- The streams were indeed in sync with the music, and was really fun to play.
- I was amazed by the hitsounding in the first part of the map. I hope you do work on the hitsounds for the rest of the map, then it'll be just perfect.
I hope that my work pays off well and this helped you tons! I heard that this is for rank; Good luck with rank!!
Sorry. Your mod was not accepted at all...Boobs wrote:
I'm new to modding and I don't have a lot of experience. I might make a few mistakes here and there.Heavens (5.71 stars, 1208 notes) Quick Modding01:06:152 (2) - Pretty sure that is an improper slider. - It looks good to me.
02:51:436 (6,7,8,1) - Why isn't this one following the pattern? Shouldn't have decrease DS. - Because tone goes high
02:52:771 (3,4,5) - Plays out really bad. - Also, It looks good to me.
Boobs wrote:
I'm new to modding and I don't have a lot of experience. I might make a few mistakes here and there.Heavens (5.71 stars, 1208 notes) Quick Modding01:06:152 (2) - Pretty sure that is an improper slider.
02:51:436 (6,7,8,1) - Why isn't this one following the pattern? Shouldn't have decrease DS.
02:52:771 (3,4,5) - Plays out really bad.
I'm pretty stupid. Bad mod!
Thank you!!Natsu wrote:
- Unused hitsound: soft-hitnormal7.wav - Fixed
- pure white combo colour isn't rankable anymore, use a gray one instead - Used grey one.
GL with this c:
- At the beginning of the song, the slider sound is really bad and doesn't fit the music, I suggest you to add a silent slider-slide + lower the volume a bit - Add silent sliderslide 1 to 6.
- 00:39:422 (2,3,4) - use the same spacing between them, so it doesn't looks like a mistake - Fixed
- 00:52:301 (2,3,4) - there are alot of similar parts were the lack of hitsounds isn't cool - It looks fine to me.
- 01:13:661 (5) - rhythm goes wrong here, aif you want to follow the nice melody in the music, try this: - Fixed
- 01:28:426 (5,6,7,8) - not sure about this, I think a 1/4 repeats will work better, since its more noticeable in the music - Hmm...more opinion.
- 01:36:279 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - not a fan of this rhythm, I feel that a singles repeats can worl better with the music, something like this: - Fixed
- 01:44:447 (8) - add NC and remove it from 01:45:075 (1) - , then add a NC in 01:45:389 (2) - - Fixed
- 01:46:646 (7,8) - same as previous suggestion, according to the music this 01:46:646 (7,8) - should be a single repeat like you did with 01:46:332 (6) -
- 01:53:871 (1) - this can be confused, I mean the repeat is going to the wrong direction, just ctrl g 01:53:871 (1) - - Fixed
- 02:02:510 (10) - add NC and remove it from 02:02:667 (1) -
- 02:05:180 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - your comboing looks a bit weird here - It looks fine to me.
- 02:14:604 (9) - use a single 3/4 slider or an 1/2 one, since there isn't any 1/4 - 3/4 one.
- 02:20:572 (3,4,5,6,7) - a bit nazi, but the stream shape looks really weird, I think you can improve the curve - Hope now is better than before
- 02:22:143 (3,4,5,6,7) - same as above - ^
- 02:30:468 (1) - start the spinner 1/4 early - Fixed
- 02:52:300 (1) - tail need a click action as well, due the melody, so use 2 circles instead - Fixed
- 02:54:813 (3) - similar as above, but in this case is the repeat that need a click action, so 1 circle and 1/2 slider will do the work - I use 3 circle
- 03:10:520 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - spacing seems a bit weird in this stream, I suggest you to redo it - Fixed as I can
- 04:05:651 (6) - probably will be a nice idea to space it more from 04:05:808 (1) - since people can't confuse it with an 1/4 jump
- 04:50:415 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - not a fan of the erratic spacing here - If fan you wrote mean that I think, I'm fan of this pattern. Also, this stream increases DS 0.2x steadily
Thanks!Kuki wrote:
00:01:444 (2,3,4) - Fix triangle pattern. - Hope now it's better
01:06:152 (2) - The sliders here are great but this may be a little better. - ^
01:08:958 (1) - Stack on the start of 01:06:152 (2) - to blanket with 01:06:152 (2) - , I don't make them stack
01:34:394 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Move so (5) is stacked on 01:33:295 (2) - Fixed
01:42:562 (1,2) - Mapped to the same sound as 01:42:405 (8) - but it's 1.5x ds instead of 1.15? Fix spacing to fix emphasis here. - Fixed
Thanks!Forbiddenplayer wrote:
- Try to lower OD down to 7.5-7.7 or 7.8 - OD 8 also good.
- Map plays fine so i might just point out on aesthetics mostly.
- I found out some weird sliders/patterns.
- Might as well mod about blankets.
00:12:209 (2) - A little weird overlap. - Hope now is better
00:29:060 (2) - Improve the slider. Make it a blanket with 00:26:547 (1) and 00:30:630 (3). - blanket with 00:26:547 (1) is too hard, but 00:30:630 (3) blanket
00:46:651 (1) - Make it a good blanket for 00:46:023 (2). - Fixed
00:50:106 (3) - Unnecessary overlap. - looks good to me.
01:01:258 (6) - ^ - a little bit changed
01:03:981 (5) - Try making this a slider and delete 01:04:231 (6) because players have a high chance of misreading it. - more opinion
01:08:958 (1) - Try this for readability. - Fixed
01:17:117 (8) - Unnecessary overlap. - also good to me
01:45:389 (1) - Change bezier. - Fixed
02:09:263 (1,2,3,4) - Player having a high chance misreading this. - more opinion
02:36:436 (1) - Change bezier. - Fixed
02:47:117 (2) - How about just copying 02:46:646 (1) instead? - I like this slider.
02:56:541 (1) - Change bezier. - Fixed
02:57:798 (7) - ^ - Fixed
03:07:222 (2) - For the sake of aesthetics, remove overlap. - Fixed
03:20:258 (3) - Improve this. - Hope now is better
03:30:310 (3) - Change bezier. - Fixed
03:41:933 (4) - ^ - Fixed
03:44:447 (1) - I think this part is a bit overmapped because there is no reason for using a slider (no beat in the music). Change to a circle. - I used blank hitsound.
03:49:473 (1) - ^ - ^
03:50:886 (2) - I think you can improve this slider. - Hope now is better
03:53:556 (1,2,3,4) - Readable but confusing just like the other one. - more opinion
04:14:604 (1) - Polish this. - Hope now is better.
Sorry for late feedback I ignore almost of your mods, but mods I accept was really helpful! thanks!Hathz wrote:
Oh boy Halcyon~[Heaven]Nice hitsounds
- 00:12:209 (2,1) - Remove overlap? - Looks fine to me.
- 00:13:825 (3,4) - rip blanket - Revived(?).
- 00:16:652 (3,1) - ^ - I don't know what's problem....
- 00:19:273 - I think you should map this piano note, and this one too 00:19:441 - There's a slider tick, so don't need to fix.[/color]
- 00:50:420 (4,5,6) - Make spacing equal xD 4 and 5 almost touch - (3) is short slider, so this is right.
- 00:56:075 (5,6) - Swap these in time - not have to.
- 01:51:358 (4,5,6,7) - Reduce spacing on these a bit If i do, it looks weird to me.
- 02:01:410 (5,6,7,8) - And these, also NC might be good to add - like 01:51:358 (4,5,6,7) - , I don't add NC
- 02:23:714 (8) - This can be a 1/4 slider with no repeat, the fast piano notes are only on this slider 02:23:871 (9) - there's 1/6 piano sound, so I don't make these 1/4
- 02:28:583 (4,5) - Swap these in time it's weird to play - I think click action is need because there's a piano sound.
- 02:51:672 (1,1) - I don't know about this SV change, it's a bit unexpected - I want to emphasize 02:51:986 (1) - 's clap sound. Also, there's grey/sky slider which show the slider speed.
- 03:14:133 (4,1) - These touch D:
- 04:05:337 (5) - Triple instead? - Stream? then fixed.
- 04:12:876 (7,8) - Swap these, same case as before - same as before
- 04:37:221 (1,1) - SV change - same as before.
- 04:56:070 (1,2,3,4) - Spread them out a bit - Okay.
- 05:00:153 - I would put a circle here to click instead of ending with a slider - end with slider looks fine to me.
Good luck
모딩 정말 감사합니다!Kloyd wrote:
- 헤붕
- 00:01:444 (2,3,4) - 슬라 모양 참조 -
이건 뭐 모딩오는사람마다 지적하는군요수정- 00:06:465 (4) - 궂이 찍자면 00:05:837 (2,3,4,5) - 요게 마름모 모양이 되면 괜찮지 않을까 싶음 - 확실히 괜찮군요 수정
- 00:12:209 (2,1) - 아예 간격을 벌리는것도 - 수정
- 00:13:825 (3) - 이걸 지우고 00:14:139 - 여기만 서클로 하는게 소리에 더 맞는거같음 - 서클로 하면 이상한거 같아서 수정은 안하겠습니다
- 00:29:060 (2) - 궂이 점 여러개 안넣어도 포인트가 되는 부분만 찍어주면 슬라는 괜찮게 나옵니다. 이런식으로 - 수정
- 00:44:138 (4) - 45도 돌려서 이렇게 하는게 흐름상은 더 좋을듯 - 너무 벌어지는거 같으니 30도만 돌릴게요
- 00:50:106 (3) - 이런 오버랩보단 - 오버랩도 괜찮은 거 같아서 수정 안하겠습니다
- 00:54:661 (2) - 리듬만 고쳐봄. 모양은 알아서 원하시는대로 수정해주세요 - 바이올린 소리에 슬라이더 넣은거니까 괜찮지 않을까요?
- 01:01:258 (6) - 더 나은 오버랩 - 수정
- 01:07:156 (4) - 뉴콤 - 원래는 흰색이 느린 슬라이더지만 이건 더 느리니 뉴콤색 수정해서 하나 넣겠습니다
- 01:13:504 (4,5) - 여기에 휘슬을 넣으실거면 차라리 멜로디 전체에 넣는게 좋지 않을까 싶음 - 휘슬 너무 많이 쓰는 것 같아서 이대로 두겠습니다
- 01:17:117 (8) - 아까 얘기했듯 아예 떨어트리는게 나음 - 아까랑 같습니다.
- 01:17:431 (1) - 애매하게 꼬여있는데 끝에있는 점 한개를 아예 없애는게 나을듯 - 수정
- 01:44:447 (1,2,3,4) - 이때까지의 가속을 생각해서 조금 더 뒤에 서클을 벌리는것도 나쁘진 않을듯 - 수정
- 01:53:400 (4,5,6,1) - 마름모로 - 수정
- 02:02:353 (9) - 여기로 옮기면 더 모양이 나아보임 - 수정
- 02:16:803 (6,7) - 한개로 바꿔보실 생각은? - 수정
- 02:47:117 (2) - 차라리 앞의 슬라이더 1이랑 모양 같게하는건? - 수정
- 03:44:447 - 박자가 밀린느낌? 배치는 마음껏 고쳐주세요 - 수정
- 04:03:295 (8) - 뉴콤 - 수정
- 04:25:127 (2) - 이것도 스라이더 보정이 좀 필요할듯 - 그냥 커브슬라이더로 만들겠습니다.
- 04:40:991 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - 무지개똥칼라파워!! 도 좋은데 3개씩 묶는것도 나쁘진 않을듯ㄷ -
무지개...뭐요?흠.....그냥 냅두는게 좋을 듯 하네요- 04:59:839 (1) - 왠지는 모르겠지만 저라면 여기 감속으로 처리했을거같은 느낌도 - 한번 넣어봤는데 좀 이상한거 같아서 배속으로 넣겠습니다.
Thanks for mod!dekutai wrote:
Hi, nm requested from my queue~!General
- Every screenshot and/or suggestion I make are ideas that can be grasp of your way! I will in any case forces you to do the same.
- This mod will focus on aesthetics, flows and jumps.
00:04:265 (3)- Add an mid tail? 160;200 so it have a good flow with the (1)? - I can't know what is changed....but fixed
01:18:373 (3)- 96;148, better placement, and if you want to increase the flow, 108;146 but you decrease DS at cost. - I stack with 01:19:473 (6) - I don't fix
01:22:928 (2,3,4)- Maybe curve them a little bit?01:37:535 (1)- Curve it, a little bit? like 464;306 - Stream goes straight, so I don't make curve
- (2) mid tail 412;148
- (3) 176;292 - moved end anchor to make better
- (4) 108;92~ - Copy 01:22:928 (2) -
01:47:274 (11,12)- Same, a little bit; (11) 404;316, (12) 464;132. - Fixed
01:48:059 (3)- Ok, maybe a little bit there, not the previous one, for the (4) which is a bit direct? 88;228 - I want to make parallel with 01:47:588 (1) -
01:48:216 (4)- Modifiy thoses tail and improve the form? top red tail 228;180, bot red tail 236;208, and end tail 232;244. - Fixed
02:10:206 (1,3,5)- Curve them, to not get X sliders direct but.. All about aesthetic!02:13:347 (3,8)- Curve (3) oneeee more time, 208;68 mid tail, and (8) two choice for you, curve again with 460;232 or no mid tail, but bend it east side? end tail 460;272. - Same as above
- (1) mid tail 388;336 and end tail 436;320 - Well...these thing are sweet to me. Just straight looks good.
- (3) mid tail 372;92
- (5) 112;100~
02:17:745 (1)- Curve it, i think this one is important to not be a direct slider, so mid tail 384;96 or opposite side. - I agree, but more higher
02:45:232 (4,6)- Curve party time! (4) 176;152, (6) 268;328? it's really beautiful imo. - more left, and copy 02:45:232 (4) -
02:47:117 (2)- Curve the end tail, no? it help the flow imo, create a tail at 264;240? - Okay
03:29:368 (1)- Curve it? a little bit, (1) 184;248? - more higher.
Very nice diff anyway, all my wish to RANK THIS!
Good luck,
and.. Yataii!
Where is bad mods? I can't see it.Kaine wrote:
Hey, I'm terrible at modding but I decided to do this because I love the song.
00:01:444 (2,3,4) - Rotate by 30 degrees? I don't like sliders going straight down, and it's a shame to ruin the entire pattern - Looks fine ti me.
00:16:652 (3) - Blanket this to 2's end? like this --> - Cool. Fixed
00:18:601 (2,3) - I think starting a slider at 2 would be better than a circle to slider combo. - I think not....
00:20:265 (5) - Just a curve is boring I think, make a cool shape like or something - Hope this slider would workcuz it's so mess
00:46:651 (1) - TOO FAST, make it just a little slower. - Why? There's other color NC, so there's no problem imo
00:55:446 (3) - fix blanket ;w; - Hmm....It's already blanketed enough....
00:56:232 (6) - make it curved? you could blanket with 00:55:760 (4) - as well xd - Yep. fixed.
01:09:892 (1) - strong sound, weak slider. make it a little more curved, as in follow the curve of the stream. - make more curve(?)
01:26:070 (4,5) - blanket, looks neater and plays better - Okay fixed
01:27:326 (1) - blanket with 5's start? - Okay
01:34:080 (5) - move it to (204, 194) ? - Fixed
01:36:279 (5,6,7) - straight things r hard, make it like this - No, I like these straight.
01:39:735 (5,6,7,8,9) - make it more regular - Fixed
02:02:823 (4) - fix blanket - Fixed
02:19:630 (5) - move to 115, 112 - I replace these because of distance
03:05:337 (1) - i like it better when there are 3/4 sliders in this part - I don't like that pattern.
03:16:174 (4,1) - blanket - This is not what I want to.
04:40:991 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - NICE
04:31:096 (6) - CTRL-G?
04:31:724 (8) - CTRL-G? - I want to make these symmetry, so I won't fix it
Sorry for bad mod.
But just one thing, you could try to reduce the straight sliders, but i understand that that's your style so i didnt point all of them out
Nice streams!
osu needs more xi
모딩 감사합니다!Beomsan wrote:
M4M replyGeneral
- 이미 소수점으로 해버린 cs지만 4로 갔으면 좋겠네요 - 개인적으로 4.3 좋은듯
- 00:57:959 (3) - 간격이 좁아보이기도 하고 블랭킷 잘 안맞기도 하니까 곡률을 좀 줄이시는게 좋은 거 같아요 - 수정
- 01:00:787 (5) - ^ - 수정
- 01:12:405 (1) - 20도 돌려서 디스턴스 맞추시면 더 좋을듯 - 돌리는건 좀 이상하니 그냥 거리조절함
- 02:51:044 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ) -15도 돌려서 x372 y296 - 수정
- 03:46:881 - 음이 있네요 노트추가
- 03:49:473 (1) - 03:49:630 - 여기로 옮기고 길이 줄이고 03:49:394 - 노트추가
- 03:50:729 (1) -03:50:886 - ^ 03:50:729 - ^ - 으야 여기 수정하는거 잊어먹었네요 감사
- 03:56:384 (1,2,3) - 1/6박이니 슬라이더로 처리하는게 무난할 거 같네요 - 여긴 딱히 1/6으로 처리할 부분이 없는거 같네요
- 04:01:619 (2,3) - ^ - 근데 여긴 있는듯 수정
- 04:08:321 (1) - 여기 뒤에 빈 박자 다 음 있는듯 여긴 점프로 냅둬도 무난할듯
- 04:26:855 (7,8) - 너무 접은 거 같네요 - 수정
that's all
good luck~!!
Thanks for your mod~Smoothie World wrote:
All good.[Heaven]
00:39:112 - I feel like this bell sounds a tad flat. Check up on this and just make sure it's all good. It's fine when listened to alone but it just doesn't sound quite right when listened with the song. Likewise:
00:59:216 - Hmm... I'm not sure about this right now, but I think this is good. more opinion
01:10:677 (3,4,5,6) - This is a pretty random spike in spacing here and there really isn't anything in the song to suggest this large of a difficulty spike. I'd recommend lowering this spacing by a fair amount. - Fixed
01:14:604 (7,1) - Spacing can be increased here for better emphasis. - It seems nothing to emphasize here....
02:06:044 (4,1) - I like the idea but at the same time I feel it's a bit too extreme for a part like this. You can keep the same concept but don't make it such a sharp jump. - Okay
02:14:918 - Here it sounds like much smaller snap than 1/4. I don't feel like a 1/4 stream is very fitting for such a rapid cluster of piano notes. - I think not.
02:24:970 (5,6,1) - Spacing between 6 and 1 should be larger than 5 and 6 for better emphasis on the finish hitsound in addition to the downbeat. Likewise:
02:46:174 (7,8,9) - Different combo numbers of course.
03:08:792 (6,7,8) - At least make these even spacing. No reason to have 6 and 7 larger than 7 and 8.
04:24:342 (10,11,1) - This also plays very odd when you have completely linear flow and constantly shifting spacing. - Fixed these
02:32:824 (5,6,7,8) - Form this into a perfect square please. It just looks sloppy and imperfect right now. - Why? these patterns looks good to me.
03:30:310 (3) - Any way you can remove the slider sound near the beginning in between the two green lines? I know why they are there but is there a way to remove the default slider sound while still keeping the jingle sound on the tick? - That two green lines have slidertick hitsound (S:C1 whistle) Also I make this slider according to violin sound.
03:56:384 (1,2,3) - Maintain even spacing here. Tricky to read otherwise. - What the.....Fixed
04:18:216 (4,5,6,7) - Try to make the spacing less random. It doesn't feel right to play a rectangle with totally random spacing. - Fixed
04:20:729 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - There is nothing in the song that changes here that suggests a jump after the 3rd note as opposed to the 2nd or the 4th. Try to keep it consistent when the song stays the same. - Fixed
04:32:038 (9,10,1) - Why is your spacing so low here? It's very anticlimactic to have this in a big buildup point. - Fixed