
Few Questions

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lol i post this in the wrong forum area (Sorry!) so I'm just going to copy and paste.

Well, this is my first post so here I go.
I love playing Osu, its so fun but there are some problems I encountered while playing it.

1. Combo Anxiety. Is there any way I can never be nervous for the 4 min songs? All the 4 min songs I fced usually have a pretty bad acc so I just wonder if there is anyway I can not be nervous.

2. Cannot pass the maps I did before. So basically, I literally cannot do these maps now and I passed these maps so much before but now I just cannot. Is it because I did too much high star maps? Some maps I used to able to do but now can't would be Killer Song Short ver, The First Star, Luv Letter, Artcore Jinja etc.

3. Cannot pass this one map. This map specifically is Hoshizora no Ima S.S. My jumping skill is not that bad imo but for some reason I just cannot pass this one map, like the star pattern in the middle is literally the hardest pattern I done in my whole life and I played it like 200 times and yet I cannot pass it. Any tips? I tried going to the edit thing and look at the pattern but I still cannot do it, I tried ht it, I tried HR it. For some reason, HR makes it some what easier but that makes no sense why I can do it with HR and can't do it No-Mod. People in my rank can actually FC this map so it is kinda frustrating.

Thanks~~ ^_^
E m i
what can i do
i can't help you
but i can say that i have every single one of those problems

hue i even FC'd that pattern you're talking about
9 months ago, when i was rank 45k and playing mouse only
now the beginning is too hard, gg
1. Pick (long) songs that you find very easy then FC them (not same 2-3, pick more) over and over and over and over again till you get sick of them.
You will simply get used to have high combo and stop caring about it.

2. If you mean that you cant play easier maps anymore thhats because you played too much ar9/10. But its not like thats a bad thing.

3. Retrying same map/pattern over and over again wont help you with that kind of thing. Just play harder jumps (faster/more spaced) with easy patterns and eventually you will find that "omg so hard wth nobody could possibly FC this pattern" easy like everything else.
As for HR thing, thats just you not being able to read that pattern. On ar10 you can just click on circle as soon as it appears and you will have a high chance of getting 300.

play more

HK_ wrote:

play more
You're just inexperienced, just playmore to get better.

Faissqualll wrote:

1. Combo Anxiety. Is there any way I can never be nervous for the 4 min songs? All the 4 min songs I fced usually have a pretty bad acc so I just wonder if there is anyway I can not be nervous.
You'll get less nervous if it means less to you (e.g. if you're enjoying doing as well as you can on the map rather than stressing out for a FC) or possibly if you train yourself to think really positive thoughts when you might get nervous.

2. Cannot pass the maps I did before. So basically, I literally cannot do these maps now and I passed these maps so much before but now I just cannot. Is it because I did too much high star maps? Some maps I used to able to do but now can't would be Killer Song Short ver, The First Star, Luv Letter, Artcore Jinja etc.
Based on your next answer, it's probably because your reading is really messed up. It could also be from bad habits produced from playing hard maps (spamspamspamspamspam), but that's less likely imo.

3. Cannot pass this one map. This map specifically is Hoshizora no Ima S.S. My jumping skill is not that bad imo but for some reason I just cannot pass this one map, like the star pattern in the middle is literally the hardest pattern I done in my whole life and I played it like 200 times and yet I cannot pass it. Any tips? I tried going to the edit thing and look at the pattern but I still cannot do it, I tried ht it, I tried HR it. For some reason, HR makes it some what easier but that makes no sense why I can do it with HR and can't do it No-Mod. People in my rank can actually FC this map so it is kinda frustrating.
You can't read 185bpm patterns on AR9. Play more (preferably somewhat dense) AR9 maps and maybe even some AR8 maps if you can stomach them. It also doesn't help that you've played it enough times to train incorrect muscle memory for it.
The biggest problem I see are the high amount of low acc DT plays. This is usually a sign of damaged reading, and of reaction-based gameplay.

First thing I would suggest: Calm down. Anything that you've almost FC'd once you can almost FC again. Don't let the risk of choking consume you. Your biggest concern towards the end of the song should be keeping accuracy as high as possible so that you can see some nice numbers when you get to the results screen.

To fix the rest of your problems, you need to improve your reading. Play more AR8 and AR9. A lot of the maps you listed are note dense and will become easier as your reading improves.

Here are some maps you can play for that: ... ring#gid=0 ... 1032150732
Never give up. Learn how to dt for the massive pp gains.
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Thanks for the replies ^.^ yes I love dt imo because I just love single tapping high BPM idk why but yeah I'm starting to do a lot of ar8 and man they are hard for me loool

pandaBee wrote:

Learn how to dt for the massive pp gains.
probably the most useful tip ever
You think you acc is bad look at my top ranks xD lol my acc is so bad

Funny thing is I got like a fc through all of hoshizora S.S till the very last star pattern and fail missing every note in the pattern I raged so hard did't play for like 2 days did this like a month ago now I can't even pass the song anymore xD.

Also been stuck at my rank for months It seems we are at around the same skill level I just have really bad consistency xD

Bcpwd wrote:

Also been stuck at my rank for months It seems we are at around the same skill level I just have really bad consistency xD
Gee I wonder why.
What is it like to be stuck at your rank for months?

Let's ask WWW

Bcpwd wrote:

You think you acc is bad look at my top ranks xD lol my acc is so bad

Funny thing is I got like a fc through all of hoshizora S.S till the very last star pattern and fail missing every note in the pattern I raged so hard did't play for like 2 days did this like a month ago now I can't even pass the song anymore xD.

Also been stuck at my rank for months It seems we are at around the same skill level I just have really bad consistency xD
Wow someone with lower acc than me.
I know right I can't even Do HR because I did from getting so many 100s I have no idea why my acc is so bad it could be me being bad or my offset I don't even know at this point what to do xD

It makes me really sad when I see other people my rank that have like 99% acc on all of there top ranks I cry a lot

Bcpwd wrote:

I know right I can't even Do HR because I did from getting so many 100s I have no idea why my acc is so bad it could be me being bad or my offset I don't even know at this point what to do xD

It makes me really sad when I see other people my rank that have like 99% acc on all of there top ranks I cry a lot
Listen to the fucking rhythm.
If all else fails turn off music and just leave hitsounds on
Listen to the fucking rhythm.
If all else fails turn off music and just leave hitsounds on
I listen to the rhythm I just suck at listening to the rhythm :) :) :D Help me :cry:

I mean my acc is getting better but I have some derps some times like one try on a song I go through half of it with like only two 100s and then I retry Again and I get like 45 100s and like 10 50s it's retarded how inconsistent my acc is.

Bcpwd wrote:

Listen to the fucking rhythm.
If all else fails turn off music and just leave hitsounds on
I listen to the rhythm I just suck at listening to the rhythm :) :) :D Help me :cry:

I look at the approach circles.

Bcpwd wrote:

I don't even know at this point what to do xD
Try less of this:

and more of this:
That's what happens when you rush into dt maps that are beyond you. You trade rhythm reading for whack-a-mole syndrome.
I did that with nomod.

Who needs all that fancy acc bhehehhehahehaheuaheu
:cry: I will improve my acc one day I hope I can see a SS on a 4.5+ star map That's my dream :)

Bcpwd wrote:

:cry: I will improve my acc one day
Why wait? Bad habits are only going to get worse.

If you need a good starting point, go to the bottom of your Top Ranks and pick the easiest map.
I went from ~94-98% acc mostly fixing old scores.
Ok I will do That xD

Kheldragar wrote:

I did that with nomod.

Who needs all that fancy acc bhehehhehahehaheuaheu
I traded that for aim :D

ZenithPhantasm wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

I did that with nomod.

Who needs all that fancy acc bhehehhehahehaheuaheu
I traded that for aim :D
I did it for the Peppy Points 8-)
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