lol i post this in the wrong forum area (Sorry!) so I'm just going to copy and paste.
Well, this is my first post so here I go.
I love playing Osu, its so fun but there are some problems I encountered while playing it.
1. Combo Anxiety. Is there any way I can never be nervous for the 4 min songs? All the 4 min songs I fced usually have a pretty bad acc so I just wonder if there is anyway I can not be nervous.
2. Cannot pass the maps I did before. So basically, I literally cannot do these maps now and I passed these maps so much before but now I just cannot. Is it because I did too much high star maps? Some maps I used to able to do but now can't would be Killer Song Short ver, The First Star, Luv Letter, Artcore Jinja etc.
3. Cannot pass this one map. This map specifically is Hoshizora no Ima S.S. My jumping skill is not that bad imo but for some reason I just cannot pass this one map, like the star pattern in the middle is literally the hardest pattern I done in my whole life and I played it like 200 times and yet I cannot pass it. Any tips? I tried going to the edit thing and look at the pattern but I still cannot do it, I tried ht it, I tried HR it. For some reason, HR makes it some what easier but that makes no sense why I can do it with HR and can't do it No-Mod. People in my rank can actually FC this map so it is kinda frustrating.
Thanks~~ ^_^
Well, this is my first post so here I go.
I love playing Osu, its so fun but there are some problems I encountered while playing it.
1. Combo Anxiety. Is there any way I can never be nervous for the 4 min songs? All the 4 min songs I fced usually have a pretty bad acc so I just wonder if there is anyway I can not be nervous.
2. Cannot pass the maps I did before. So basically, I literally cannot do these maps now and I passed these maps so much before but now I just cannot. Is it because I did too much high star maps? Some maps I used to able to do but now can't would be Killer Song Short ver, The First Star, Luv Letter, Artcore Jinja etc.
3. Cannot pass this one map. This map specifically is Hoshizora no Ima S.S. My jumping skill is not that bad imo but for some reason I just cannot pass this one map, like the star pattern in the middle is literally the hardest pattern I done in my whole life and I played it like 200 times and yet I cannot pass it. Any tips? I tried going to the edit thing and look at the pattern but I still cannot do it, I tried ht it, I tried HR it. For some reason, HR makes it some what easier but that makes no sense why I can do it with HR and can't do it No-Mod. People in my rank can actually FC this map so it is kinda frustrating.
Thanks~~ ^_^