
Loki/Thaehan - Onee-chan !!!!

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 8 août 2017 at 19:50:40

Artist: Loki/Thaehan
Title: Onee-chan !!!!
Source: Riot Games
Tags: Corobizar League of legends
BPM: 160
Filesize: 1751kb
Play Time: 01:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,5 stars, 97 notes)
  2. eXtrA (5,72 stars, 309 notes)
  3. Insane (4,42 stars, 254 notes)
  4. Normal (2,11 stars, 133 notes)
  5. Normal+ (2,72 stars, 152 notes)
  6. ONEE-CHAAAAN (4,93 stars, 297 notes)
Download: Loki/Thaehan - Onee-chan !!!!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

I love you Corobizar!!!!

08 / 08 / 2017 -> lot of remap + new eXtrA diff (working on a new Hard version)
Hi~ M4M request in-game.

- General :
  1. Ton backgroud est en 1365*768 au lieu de 1366*768.
  2. Tes combo colors sont trop proche l'un de l'autre et ne permet pas de les différencier assez. Aussi j'en ajouterais une 3eme perso. Ne reste pas que sur du orange quoi.
  3. Desactive le Countdown, le Widescrenn Support et Letterbox during Break (les 2 derniers parce que tu n'utilise pas de SB).

- Easy :
  1. Settings : AR3 / OD2 serait plus adapté. Pourquoi pas un CS2.5 mais ça c'est comme tu veux.
  2. Place un NC tout les temps forts (les grands tics blancs) parce que les diffs faciles ne doivent pas contenir des combo gigantesque tu te doute.
  3. 00:03:453 - Pour le rythme de cette partie je te conseil celui-là -> Il est beaucoup plus adapté, plus simple et tu ne manque pas de temps fort qui pourraient être cliqué.
  4. 00:09:078 (3) - Déplace le à 476:128, autant suivre le flow du slider c'est plus logique.
  5. 00:16:578 (5) - 344:304 pour rester dans le mouvement et que tous les objets s'enchaine parfaitement.
  6. 00:18:453 (1) - J'aurais plus vu quelque chose comme ça ->
  7. 00:34:578 (5,1) - Evite ce genre de petit overlaps pas beau.
  8. 00:41:703 (1) - Fait le completement vertical, l'enchainement avec le reste ne sera que bien mieux ->
  9. 00:43:203 - Fait simplement un grand 1/1 slider en reverse, pas besoin de compliquer plus.
  10. 01:04:953 (1,1) - Il faut un plus grand recover après le spinner. Je finirais 01:04:953 (1) - à 01:07:953 - et redémarre le mapping à 01:09:453 - .
  11. 01:14:703 (2,3) - N'utilise pas de 1/2 dans une Easy. C'est bien trop dur.
  12. 01:19:203 (5) - Fait un long 2/1 slider ici. Un reverse comme ça ne ferait que perdre un nouveau.
  13. 01:20:046 (1) - Utilise le Soft hitsound pour finir ce spinner, sinon ça sonne vraiment très moche. A faire pour toutes les diffs !
  14. Je n'en parle pas en détail mais ça manque de pattern clair, et du coup souvent le flow est pas terrible, en particulier dans le kiai.

- Normal :
  1. AR5 sera mieux. Ca reste une Normal.
  2. Fait tes NC tout les temps forts comme tu as fait pour le kiai, mais partout ailleurs.
  3. 00:02:703 (3,4) - Interverti les 2, le rythme n'en sera que meilleur.
  4. 00:04:953 (6,7,1) - Il vaudrait mieux les aligner, le flow sera mieux et sera un peu plus beau.
  5. 00:06:453 (1) - Fait 2 1/1 sliders, un long reverse ici ne fait que tuer le rythme que tu as crée et ne se calque pas super bien avec la musique.
  6. 00:28:953 (7,1) - Ce blanket est pas terrible.
  7. 00:31:578 (2,3,4) - J'éviterais des 1/4, même si le BPM est low ça reste une Normal, donc évite les rythme un peu complexe. Tu as plein de possibilité, le minimum est juste de faire un 1/2 slider pour 00:31:953 (3) - .
  8. 00:35:703 (1) - Tu manques un temps fort à 00:36:453 - qui devrait être cliqué. Du coup il vaudrait mieux que tu utilise ce rythme ->
  9. 00:43:578 (2,3,4) - Même chose que 00:31:578 (2,3,4) - .
  10. 00:50:703 (2,3,4,1) - Il vaut mieux les aligner. C'est juste...comme si il avait été placé de manière presque random.
  11. 00:56:703 (2,3,4,1) - Pareil. Aussi peut-être blanket 00:57:265 (4,1) - ça pourrait être pas mal.
  12. 00:58:203 (2,3,4,1) - ^
  13. 00:59:703 (2,4) - Overlap pas beau.
  14. 01:04:953 (1,1) - Recover trop court une fois encore. Supprime 01:07:953 (1) - et déplace 01:08:515 (2) - à 01:08:328 - .
  15. 01:10:953 (1,2) - Le flow pls. Change la courbe pour que ça s'enchaine mieux.
  16. 01:18:453 (5) - Choisit un autre rythme que ça. Un long reverse comme ça c'est boring et dans une Normal c'est toujours un peu moyen.

- Hard :
  1. Settings : CS3.5 / AR7 serait plus adapté.
  2. 00:04:953 (4,2) - Maybe CTRL+J pour un enchainement plus cohérent avec 00:06:078 (5) - ?
  3. 00:09:078 (2) - Déplace le à 272:292 pour un flow plus logique.
  4. 00:12:078 (1,2) - Interverti les pour le rythme (tu as compris pourquoi).
  5. 00:36:453 (1) - Fait le comme ça -> , ça se joue tellement mieux avec 00:37:203 (2) - .
  6. 00:39:828 (2) - Déplace le à 108:156, il n'y a pas de raison de le décaler comme ça à par ruin le flow.
  7. 00:42:453 (1) - CTRL+J, c'est plus beau avec 00:41:703 (7) - et améliore le flow avec 00:43:578 (2) - .
  8. 01:04:765 (8,9,10) - Fait un pattern en triangle comme ça ->
  9. 01:08:140 (1,2) - Je les supprimerais pour laisser un peu plus de recover.
  10. 01:13:390 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - C'est un stream d'insane ça, simplifie ce rythme.
  11. 01:19:390 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^

- Insane :
  1. Settings : CS4 / OD6 ou 6.5 / HP6.
  2. 00:00:453 (1,2,3) - Blanket raté.
  3. 00:03:078 (4) - Déplace le à 452:212 et 00:03:453 (1) - à 492:304. Le flow sera meilleur.
  4. 00:12:078 (1,2) - Blanket pas terrible aussi.
  5. 00:19:953 (3,4,5,6) - Déplace le groupe pour que 00:19:953 (3) - soit à 196:80, parce que sinon le flow est trop cassé.
  6. 00:31:953 (4,5) - Fait les de la même forme, ça sera plus beau.
  7. 00:33:828 (2) - Fait le d'un angle de 45°, pour que l'enchainement avec 00:34:765 (3) - soit plus évident.
  8. 01:00:453 (1,2,3,4) - Je pense qu'un pattern comme ça serait plus jouable ->
  9. 01:12:265 (11,1) - Pourquoi ne pas les stack ? c'est moche comme ça.
  10. 01:13:390 - Je pense que le bon rythme serait comme ça ->
  11. 01:18:265 (11,1) - Pas beau non plus :c.

  1. Settings : CS4 / OD entre 7 et 8. / HP7.
  2. 00:00:453 (1,2) - Fail blanket.
  3. 00:03:828 (2,3) - Le flow est bof entre les 2 tu peux améliorer ça je pense.
  4. 00:09:453 (1,2,3,4) - Encore une fois le flow n'est vraiment pas intuitif avec cet AR. Change ça.
  5. 00:18:078 (6,1) - Blanket pls.
  6. 00:20:328 (2,3) - Déplace les à 436:132 ça s'enchainera mieux.
  7. 00:39:453 (1,2,3,4) - C'est un blanket ça ?
  8. 00:42:078 (7,1) - Aligne les (00:42:453 (1) - à 468:144 et ajuste 00:43:578 (2,3,4,5) - ).
  9. 00:55:578 (7,8,9,10,1) - Je pense pas que ce soit nécessaire de changer le spacing du stream, la musique ne suggère absolument pas ce genre de changement. Fait de même avec les cas similaires.
  10. 01:03:640 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ici ok la musique le suggère, mais ne change pas le spacing d'un groupe d'objets à l'autre. Garde le même pour les 2.
  11. 01:10:390 (9,10,11) - Pour que ce soit plus jouable, il vaudrait mieux qu'ils aient tous la même forme.
  12. 01:16:390 (9,10,11) - ^ et aussi, pourquoi n'ont-ils pas le même spacing alors que c'est le même pattern ?

Voila j'espère que ça t'aidera. GL HF.
Topic Starter
Fiou, j'ai eu du travail! Merci d'avoir accepté de moddé ma map!!

- General :
Ton backgroud est en 1365*768 au lieu de 1366*768. fuc**** pixel! Je vais essayé de changé ça.
Tes combo colors sont trop proche l'un de l'autre et ne permet pas de les différencier assez. Aussi j'en ajouterais une 3eme perso. Ne reste pas que sur du orange quoi. Fixé
Desactive le Countdown, le Widescrenn Support et Letterbox during Break (les 2 derniers parce que tu n'utilise pas de SB). Ok
- Easy :
Settings : AR3 / OD2 serait plus adapté. Pourquoi pas un CS2.5 mais ça c'est comme tu veux. Ok
Place un NC tout les temps forts (les grands tics blancs) parce que les diffs faciles ne doivent pas contenir des combo gigantesque tu te doute. Ok
00:03:453 - Pour le rythme de cette partie je te conseil celui-là -> Il est beaucoup plus adapté, plus simple et tu ne manque pas de temps fort qui pourraient être cliqué. Fixé
00:09:078 (3) - Déplace le à 476:128, autant suivre le flow du slider c'est plus logique. J'ai dûs déplacer le slider -> ainsi que le hitcircle
00:16:578 (5) - 344:304 pour rester dans le mouvement et que tous les objets s'enchaine parfaitement. Fixé
00:18:453 (1) - J'aurais plus vu quelque chose comme ça -> Fixé
00:34:578 (5,1) - Evite ce genre de petit overlaps pas beau. Légèrement décalé
00:41:703 (1) - Fait le completement vertical, l'enchainement avec le reste ne sera que bien mieux -> mmmh, pourquoi pas
00:43:203 - Fait simplement un grand 1/1 slider en reverse, pas besoin de compliquer plus. Ok ok
01:04:953 (1,1) - Il faut un plus grand recover après le spinner. Je finirais 01:04:953 (1) - à 01:07:953 - et redémarre le mapping à 01:09:453 - . A ce point 0_o
01:14:703 (2,3) - N'utilise pas de 1/2 dans une Easy. C'est bien trop dur. Remplacé par des hitcircles+ Légèrement amélioré le flow
01:19:203 (5) - Fait un long 2/1 slider ici. Un reverse comme ça ne ferait que perdre un nouveau. Fixé
01:20:046 (1) - Utilise le Soft hitsound pour finir ce spinner, sinon ça sonne vraiment très moche. A faire pour toutes les diffs ! ok
Je n'en parle pas en détail mais ça manque de pattern clair, et du coup souvent le flow est pas terrible, en particulier dans le kiai. /!\ Après m'être instrui (Live d'Azer) j'ai modifié pas mal de placement dans la map, dans le but d'améliorer le "flow" (je ne connaissais pas avant). Je ferais probablement ceci pour toutes les difficultés.
- Normal :
AR5 sera mieux. Ca reste une Normal. ok
Fait tes NC tout les temps forts comme tu as fait pour le kiai, mais partout ailleurs. ok
00:02:703 (3,4) - Interverti les 2, le rythme n'en sera que meilleur. Fixé
00:04:953 (6,7,1) - Il vaudrait mieux les aligner, le flow sera mieux et sera un peu plus beau. Fixé
00:06:453 (1) - Fait 2 1/1 sliders, un long reverse ici ne fait que tuer le rythme que tu as crée et ne se calque pas super bien avec la musique. Je préferais le reverse mais en mappant ces 2 sliders, je me dis que ça rend pas mal :D
00:28:953 (7,1) - Ce blanket est pas terrible. ~Fixé
00:31:578 (2,3,4) - J'éviterais des 1/4, même si le BPM est low ça reste une Normal, donc évite les rythme un peu complexe. Tu as plein de possibilité, le minimum est juste de faire un 1/2 slider pour 00:31:953 (3) - . J'ai gardé le 4 en 1/4, je ne pense pas qu'il soit vraiment compliquer, surtout que si un joueur ne peut passer ce slider, comment peut-il finir la map? xD
00:35:703 (1) - Tu manques un temps fort à 00:36:453 - qui devrait être cliqué. Du coup il vaudrait mieux que tu utilise ce rythme -> Ok ok
00:43:578 (2,3,4) - Même chose que 00:31:578 (2,3,4) - . Ok ok
00:50:703 (2,3,4,1) - Il vaut mieux les aligner. C'est juste...comme si il avait été placé de manière presque random. Je retravaille un peu toute la map
00:56:703 (2,3,4,1) - Pareil. Aussi peut-être blanket 00:57:265 (4,1) - ça pourrait être pas mal. ^, je préfère pas, je pense que continuer la ligne droite est bien.
00:58:203 (2,3,4,1) - ^^ (ça fait un smiley >_<
00:59:703 (2,4) - Overlap pas beau. Fixé
01:04:953 (1,1) - Recover trop court une fois encore. Supprime 01:07:953 (1) - et déplace 01:08:515 (2) - à 01:08:328 - . Fixé
01:10:953 (1,2) - Le flow pls. Change la courbe pour que ça s'enchaine mieux. Fixé
01:18:453 (5) - Choisit un autre rythme que ça. Un long reverse comme ça c'est boring et dans une Normal c'est toujours un peu moyen. Ok :D ça n'a pas été facile...
- Hard :
Settings : CS3.5 / AR7 serait plus adapté. ok
00:04:953 (4,2) - Maybe CTRL+J pour un enchainement plus cohérent avec 00:06:078 (5) - ? Fixé
00:09:078 (2) - Déplace le à 272:292 pour un flow plus logique. Ok, avec le ctrl+J
00:12:078 (1,2) - Interverti les pour le rythme (tu as compris pourquoi). Mouais
00:36:453 (1) - Fait le comme ça -> , ça se joue tellement mieux avec 00:37:203 (2) - . Fixé
00:39:828 (2) - Déplace le à 108:156, il n'y a pas de raison de le décaler comme ça à par ruin le flow. Ok ok
00:42:453 (1) - CTRL+J, c'est plus beau avec 00:41:703 (7) - et améliore le flow avec 00:43:578 (2) - .Pourquoi pas
01:04:765 (8,9,10) - Fait un pattern en triangle comme ça -> Fixé
01:08:140 (1,2) - Je les supprimerais pour laisser un peu plus de recover. La vitesse des slid étant rapide, ça fait bizar, mais pourquoi pas.
01:13:390 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - C'est un stream d'insane ça, simplifie ce rythme. ok xD
01:19:390 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^^
- Insane :
Settings : CS4 / OD6 ou 6.5 / HP6. ok
00:00:453 (1,2,3) - Blanket raté. J'ai fais ce que j'ai pus, ça à l'aire d'être bon >_<
00:03:078 (4) - Déplace le à 452:212 et 00:03:453 (1) - à 492:304. Le flow sera meilleur. Fixé
00:12:078 (1,2) - Blanket pas terrible aussi. :'( (la suite va m'achevé), ça à l'aire d'être bon
00:19:953 (3,4,5,6) - Déplace le groupe pour que 00:19:953 (3) - soit à 196:80, parce que sinon le flow est trop cassé. Ok, j'ai aussi courbé le slid, plus agréable à jouer (j'ai test en DT)
00:31:953 (4,5) - Fait les de la même forme, ça sera plus beau. Je vois pas trop où tu veux en venir, mais je pense qu'il falais juste les mettre de même direction, longueur mais pas même sens? :D
00:33:828 (2) - Fait le d'un angle de 45°, pour que l'enchainement avec 00:34:765 (3) - soit plus évident.Fixé
01:00:453 (1,2,3,4) - Je pense qu'un pattern comme ça serait plus jouable -> suis d'accord, j'ai retravaillé les patterns du même style pour les rendre plus fluide
01:12:265 (11,1) - Pourquoi ne pas les stack ? c'est moche comme ça.Fixé
01:13:390 - Je pense que le bon rythme serait comme ça -> Ah ouais x_x J'ai bugué en mappant?
01:18:265 (11,1) - Pas beau non plus :c.Fixé
Settings : CS4 / OD entre 7 et 8. / HP7. ok
00:00:453 (1,2) - Fail blanket. Blanked, le retour. Fixé (je crois)
00:03:828 (2,3) - Le flow est bof entre les 2 tu peux améliorer ça je pense. Fixé
00:09:453 (1,2,3,4) - Encore une fois le flow n'est vraiment pas intuitif avec cet AR. Change ça.Fixé, j'ai été obligé de CTRL+H la suite pour garder un bon flow
00:18:078 (6,1) - Blanket pls. Il est pas si horrible que ça lui!? :'( Bon, je l'ai légèrement retravaillé.
00:20:328 (2,3) - Déplace les à 436:132 ça s'enchainera mieux. Ok, +le CTRL+H
00:39:453 (1,2,3,4) - C'est un blanket ça ? Non pourquoi? >_< bon ok, c'est retravaillé
00:42:078 (7,1) - Aligne les (00:42:453 (1) - à 468:144 et ajuste 00:43:578 (2,3,4,5) - ). Fixé
00:55:578 (7,8,9,10,1) - Je pense pas que ce soit nécessaire de changer le spacing du stream, la musique ne suggère absolument pas ce genre de changement. Fait de même avec les cas similaires. Au contraire, j'ai trouvé que la musique appellait ce changement, du 1/4 qui va faire l'aïgu, j'ai pensé indispensable de donné un rythme soutenu au stream. Je laisse comme c'est pour le moment (surtout que j'ai galéré à rendre ça jouable) mais si ce problème revient trop souvant, je changerais ça.
01:03:640 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Ici ok la musique le suggère, mais ne change pas le spacing d'un groupe d'objets à l'autre. Garde le même pour les 2. Fixé
01:10:390 (9,10,11) - Pour que ce soit plus jouable, il vaudrait mieux qu'ils aient tous la même forme. J'ai encore du mal à comprendre où tu veux en venir, j'ai donc fais comme précedemment.
01:16:390 (9,10,11) - ^ et aussi, pourquoi n'ont-ils pas le même spacing alors que c'est le même pattern ? ^ copié-collé+CTRL+H, ça marche
Voila! Encore merci ;) Comme je l'ai dis, j'ai retravaillé un peu tout de mon côté, en espérant que ce soit mieux ;p
00:03:078 (4) - Either blanket with 00:01:953 (3) - or move it so it points in the direction more of the slider (00:01:953 (3) - )
00:03:453 (1) - Seems unnecessary, move 00:03:828 (2) - back and get rid of this circle if you agree
00:09:453 (1) - Try to make this slider a bit special, (maybe going with the instrument used)
00:11:328 (6,7) - These two notes are heard nowhere in the music; overmapped
00:13:578 (2) - Try not to make a slider end on a downbeat (big white tick), big white ticks are supposed to be emphasized, so begin the big white tick with a slider or put a circle there.
00:14:703 (4) - The end of this slider is not in the song
00:16:578 (2,3,4) - You should make these into sliders that still correspond with the music, as it is now, it seems completely random and does not fit with the present music
00:25:578 (4,5,6) - Stacking like this is very plain, I would go for a reverse slider or something like this

00:28:015 (4) - Slider begins on red tick and skips white tick. This is normally okay, but in this case, I cannot even hear it in the song
00:27:828 (3) - One circle too much makes what's after it delayed
00:29:140 (6,7) - ^^ (about stacking = plain)
00:31:578 (2,3) - ^
00:39:453 (1,2,3) - ^
00:43:578 (2,3) - ^
00:34:765 (4,5) - Reverse slider imo, but 00:34:765 (4) - ends on downbeat
00:49:578 (1,2,3,4) - I would make this a stream, not stacked
00:52:015 (3) - stack this on 00:50:703 (5) -
00:53:328 (2) - stack this on the head of 00:51:640 (2) - , and move the whole stream so it looks fine
00:53:890 (7,8,9) - Removes the flow from the stream, because it's placed not facing in the direction of the end of the stream. You can make this a reverse slider, maybe?
00:56:703 (5) - Try to restack some things to make the overall map neater, like this to stack on 00:55:671 (8) -
01:00:265 (10) - Stack on one of these 00:59:328 (2,3,4,5,6) -
01:03:828 (4,5) - this gap is really messy, use convert slider to stream
01:04:390 (9,10,11) - stack one of these on 01:04:390 (9,10,11) - , direct it towards 01:04:765 (12) -
01:07:953 (1) - You increase SV here but you can't really see it, so 01:10:203 (8,9,10) - new combos for each
01:12:453 (2,3,4) - NC for each
01:16:203 (8,9,10) - ^
01:18:828 (3) - stack head on 01:18:265 (10) -
The hitsounds are too loud
I don't really like the spread out streams, I like my streams more like this 00:58:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , but also this is all in kiai so try to keep the stream spacing constant, it's confusing the way it is
00:55:578 (7,8,9,10) - This is nearly impossible, I thought I was supposed to tap slower a bit as if you were using 1/8

00:04:953 (3) - Unnecessary, move the slider down to this (00:05:328 (4) - )
00:16:578 (2) - Place in center to use that spot a lot so there are a lot of overlaps, which make the map neater
00:21:078 (6) - Unnecessary
00:29:328 (6) - Place a little further, normally don't use DS in harder diffs, but you should when the song is slow
00:33:828 (2) - Too close, use CONSTANT SPACING ~!
00:41:140 (5,6) - further apart etc etc
00:44:703 (5) - Make these a little neater; it's picky, but it looks live you've randomly placed a lot of stuff
00:52:015 (4) - stack on 00:50:703 (5) -
00:55:390 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - CONSTANT SPACING, look you place them close together here but right before, 00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - far away
01:16:015 (4) - was this on purpose

00:20:328 (2) - stack on 00:20:328 (2) -
00:41:703 (7,1) - randomly placed? at least where 00:41:703 (7) - is placed?
00:58:578 (5) - stack on 01:00:078 (4) -
00:58:765 (6) - neater
01:10:390 (6,7) - slider is not exactly pointing to circle
01:12:265 (5) - stack on head of 01:10:953 (1) -
01:15:453 (1) - stack head on head of 01:15:453 (1) -
01:18:453 (1) - head stack on 01:16:765 (7) -

That's it, sorry if I sounded harsh at all, I just try to get my point through ASAP :3
I decided to only mod 3 diffs because I found a lot of stuff in this map, and also because I have a lot of trouble modding easier difficulties.
Good luck~! 8-)

Your hard difficulty was the best :3
Topic Starter
Thank you very much~ :)

00:03:078 (4) - Either blanket with 00:01:953 (3) - or move it so it points in the direction more of the slider (00:01:953 (3) - )Fixed
00:03:453 (1) - Seems unnecessary, move 00:03:828 (2) - back and get rid of this circle if you agreeI prefer to keep it like that.
00:09:453 (1) - Try to make this slider a bit special, (maybe going with the instrument used)This slider follow the instrument and needn’t to be special (I don’t really like special slider, It’s breaking the rythme of the map, that’s why it’s good on dubstep song)
00:11:328 (6,7) - These two notes are heard nowhere in the music; overmapped, I agree, it’s overmapped, but I think it’s good for follow the rythme that I made before.
00:13:578 (2) - Try not to make a slider end on a downbeat (big white tick), big white ticks are supposed to be emphasized, so begin the big white tick with a slider or put a circle there.Fixed
00:14:703 (4) - The end of this slider is not in the song ??? There is no note here xD (in the song), ok, there is the « chan » but it’s a lyric and I didn’t really mapped it on the lyrics (Onee-chan is a language !!)
00:16:578 (2,3,4) - You should make these into sliders that still correspond with the music, as it is now, it seems completely random and does not fit with the present music It’s a Pentagon :D I prefer keep it like that, but if another modder say that, I’ll change.
00:25:578 (4,5,6) - Stacking like this is very plain, I would go for a reverse slider or something like this
Image I anderstand what you mean, but a player will prefer click than follow a slider on this type of sound. But yes, it’s very plain :D
00:28:015 (4) - Slider begins on red tick and skips white tick. This is normally okay, but in this case, I cannot even hear it in the song Fixed
00:27:828 (3) - One circle too much makes what's after it delayed Fixed
00:29:140 (6,7) - ^^ (about stacking = plain) I keep it like is it.
00:31:578 (2,3) - ^
00:39:453 (1,2,3) - ^
00:43:578 (2,3) - ^
00:34:765 (4,5) - Reverse slider imo, but 00:34:765 (4) - ends on downbeat It’s following the song, here, people will prefer to keep clicked then click for follow the sound.
00:49:578 (1,2,3,4) - I would make this a stream, not stacked This one is following the drum, I anderstand what you mean but if I want to destack it, it will be a stream pretty spaced…
00:52:015 (3) - stack this on 00:50:703 (5) - No ! ‘0’ This hitcircle follow nothing in the song, it’s just for the rythme of the map, I’ll loose the player if I stack it (and the jump will be too big..)
00:53:328 (2) - stack this on the head of 00:51:640 (2) - , and move the whole stream so it looks fine It’s a good idea , but if i do this, the stream will have to go on the right and it’s ugly :’(
00:53:890 (7,8,9) - Removes the flow from the stream, because it's placed not facing in the direction of the end of the stream. You can make this a reverse slider, maybe? Reverse will break the rythme of the map, but I have replaced it for a better flow ;)
00:56:703 (5) - Try to restack some things to make the overall map neater, like this to stack on 00:55:671 (8) - It will be to close if I do this… I prefer to keep the 1.5*
01:00:265 (10) - Stack on one of these 00:59:328 (2,3,4,5,6) - Fixed
01:03:828 (4,5) - this gap is really messy, use convert slider to stream It’s doing on purpose for follow the song, It’s 2 streams, not 1.
01:04:390 (9,10,11) - stack one of these on 01:04:390 (9,10,11) - , direct it towards 01:04:765 (12) - ^ This part want to break the flow, that’s why it’s not directed towards it.
01:07:953 (1) - You increase SV here but you can't really see it, so 01:10:203 (8,9,10) - new combos for each Can’t see it ?? Oh ? And not NC for each ! 0_o
01:12:453 (2,3,4) - NC for each
01:16:203 (8,9,10) - ^
01:18:828 (3) - stack head on 01:18:265 (10) - The big black pattern style, I won’t stack it :D
The hitsounds are too loud I'll fix it
I don't really like the spread out streams, I like my streams more like this 00:58:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - , but also this is all in kiai so try to keep the stream spacing constant, it's confusing the way it is
00:55:578 (7,8,9,10) - This is nearly impossible, I thought I was supposed to tap slower a bit as if you were using 1/8 Mmmmh, someone say it’s good, someone say it’s bad… Because I can FC it with HRHD, I’ll keep it like that. I know the map it’s true but if you listen the song when you play, it’s easy to do (easy, easy, no… I agree that it’s not the level of a 5 stars map, but it’s a special map, not an insane or extra). But I change a little for make it easier. I didn’t change others, they are fine.

00:04:953 (3) - Unnecessary, move the slider down to this (00:05:328 (4) - )I placed it for follow the rythme of the map.
00:16:578 (2) - Place in center to use that spot a lot so there are a lot of overlaps, which make the map neater Fixed
00:21:078 (6) - Unnecessary Necessary for continue the pentagon.. :D
00:29:328 (6) - Place a little further, normally don't use DS in harder diffs, but you should when the song is slow Fixed
00:33:828 (2) - Too close, use CONSTANT SPACING ~! Oh !? I use constant spacing :D !!
00:41:140 (5,6) - further apart etc etc Fixed
00:44:703 (5) - Make these a little neater; it's picky, but it looks live you've randomly placed a lot of stuff Diriged to the center ;p
00:52:015 (4) - stack on 00:50:703 (5) - Fixed
00:55:390 (6,7,8,9,10,11) - CONSTANT SPACING, look you place them close together here but right before, 00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - far away
01:16:015 (4) - was this on purpose It’s doing on purpose.

00:20:328 (2) - stack on 00:20:328 (2) - I don’t think it’s good.
00:41:703 (7,1) - randomly placed? at least where 00:41:703 (7) - is placed? Not randomly ;p I don’t think it’s bad, it’s overlap but easy to do and not ugly :D
00:58:578 (5) - stack on 01:00:078 (4) - Ok
00:58:765 (6) - neater Fixed
01:10:390 (6,7) - slider is not exactly pointing to circle Fixed
01:12:265 (5) - stack on head of 01:10:953 (1) - The spacing will be bad with it..
01:15:453 (1) - stack head on head of 01:15:453 (1) - Fixed
01:18:453 (1) - head stack on 01:16:765 (7) - Fixed
Again, thank you!! I'll mod you map tomorrow! :)
Yo, M4M request from Wild and Hyper's Modding Queue

General Comments:
  1. Song Folder: mp3 bitrate is 128kbps, which is the minimum allowed quality - I'd try to find a 192kbps version if possible. Also, BG image is 1365x768 - gotta get that extra column of pixels back! :D
  2. Song Setup: Disable countdown, widescreen support and letterbox during breaks for all diffs (this has to be done individually for each diff). Also, maybe try an AR spread of 2.5/4.5/6.5/8.5/9.3, since the current BPM isn't really fast enough to justify an AR9 Insane IMO
  3. Metadata: No issues, but I'm no expert. Since it's LoL related, maybe add Riot Games?
  4. Timing: BPM for the first half of the song (up until 00:49:953 (1) -) is 80, not 160 - the music is in traditional 4/4 time signature, so there should be 4 bars between each new measure. Currently you have 8, and thee are weak beats on every other white tick which doesn't sound right. You can easily fix this by doing the following -
    1. Place a new timing point at 00:49:953 (1) with 160 BPM
    2. Set the beat snap divisor to 1/1 for Easy, 1/2 for Normal and 1/4 for the other 3 diffs
    3. Change the BPM in the Timing Setup menu and check the box "Scale objects to new timing" in the bottom left
  5. Hitsounds: You're only using the default hitsounds, which is fine, if a little plain. If you're interested in finding some custom hitsounds, try looking through the song folders of similar types of song and picking out the ones you like. Otherwise, LordRaika has a huge catalogue of hitsounds on their profile page that's sure to have something you like
  6. AImod: Just the Song Setup conflicts mentioned above, be sure to make these consistent across all difficulties
Also, I'd only use tick rate 1, TR2 creates too many beats that aren't present in the music IMO

Difficulty-Specific Comments:
00:00:453 (1) - Try and bring the first object closer to the middle of the play field so it's easier for beginners to react. I'd rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise and move to about [x-292,y-248], then put 00:01:953 (2) directly above it

00:29:703 (3,1,2) - The flow here is kinda awkward for me - I'd rotate (1) 150 degrees anticlockwise, Ctrl+G and move to about [x-56,y-248]

01:01:953 - Since you've got a break, end kiai time here instead of at 01:07:859 - (kiai through the break looks weird IMO) and then let it restart as you have done at 01:07:953 - if you decide to do this, make sure to do it for all diffs for consistency

01:09:453 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - This pattern's fine, but it suffers from clockpattern syndrome - the flow just goes round in one big anticlockwise circle here and it's a bit of an anticlimax for the end of the song. If you select all the notes in this section, you'll see that you hardly use the centre of the play field! Try and rearrange some of the notes to create a more varied and interesting flow here

01:13:203 (3) - This is off-screen, so you should move it somewhere else (easy fix if you do it with the above)

Normal diffs should be between 1.5 and 2.25 stars, so you'll need to reduce the difficulty here. Try a lower SV, and reduce the DS if possible

00:09:078 - Add a circle here for the guitar sound

00:20:703 (5) - Make this a 1/1 slider for the guitar sound

00:25:578 (2) - Personal preference, but I find the consecutive whistles quite annoying - I think it's fine just having it on the tail at 00:25:953
00:27:453 (1,3) - As above, but this time only on the slider heads

00:29:703 (4,1) - Try to avoid stacking in Easy and Normal diffs as it's very confusing for newer players. I'd put (4) where 00:28:953 (3) currently is, so it's blanketed by 00:30:453 (1) and move 00:28:953 (3) to [x-240,y-144]

00:31:953 (3,4,1,2,3) - Too many whistles again for my taste - I'd remove all whistles except the body of 00:31:953 (3) - 00:33:453 (1) - and the tails of 00:33:828 (2,3)
00:37:578 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - This section is better, but you could probably still lose the whistles on the repeat slider heads and bodies at 00:39:453 (1,3)

00:41:703 (4,1) - Stacking again, try to do something similar to what I suggested for 00:29:703 (4,1)

00:56:703 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - The flow is very linear here, try to move these notes left/right a little (mainly the circles) to create a bit of variety

Again, the second half of the kiai just goes around in big anticlockwise circles, so you could rearrange some notes here for more variety

00:20:703 - There's a long guitar sound here, so maybe move 00:20:328 (2) forward to here and place a circle where it currently starts?

00:25:578 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - Yeah I'm gonna stop mentioning these whistles now lol. If you like them, keep them, but they're kinda annoying to me, sorry ;_;

00:31:953 (4,5) - These would be better as longer 1/1 sliders IMO, for the guitar sounds

00:41:703 (7,1) - Try to avoid weird slider overlaps like this, they don't look all that great. I'd rotate (7) 45 degrees clockwise and make a far-away blanket with (1) by curving the slider a little more

00:43:953 (4,5) - Same as at 00:31:953 (4,5) - I feel this fit better as 1/1 sliders

00:51:453 (1) - from here on, you use a lot of linear sliders, which feel a bit plain. Try making some of them into curved sliders for variety and to create a good flow

00:55:203 (8) - If you wan't to keep this, I'd NC either here or at 00:54:453 (5) -, since it's difficult to tell how many repeats there are, and therefore is quite easy to mess up and lose a good chunk of health

01:04:203 (6,7,8) - Try and do something different with thee notes - repeating the same pentagon pattern again is a bit boring

The increase in difficulty between Hard and this diff is really high (like, 1 whole star xD) you should try to reduce this gap a little if possible

00:21:078 (6) - There's no beat here, just the continuation of the guitar sound. I'd remove this make 00:20:703 (5) into a 1/1 slider

00:31:953 (4,5) - As in Hard, I think these would be better as 1/1 slider

00:41:328 (6) - This note is off the screen, so try angling 00:40:578 (4,5,6) -slightly clockwise to avoid this

00:44:703 (5) - Make this a 1/1 or maybe even a 3/2 slider to better fit the guitar sound - you can go closer to the spinner here since it's a harder diff

00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - Here and throughout the kiai, you use a lot of streams, which is fine, but I would NC at the beginning of each to reduce the difficulty spike a tiny bit

01:19:390 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Maybe create a stream or pattern here? It;s the end of the song and the stack isn't all that interesting to play, so you could add a lot of variety here to compliment the climax of the music

00:31:953 (4,5) - As in Hard, I think these would be better as 1/1 slider
00:44:703 (5) - As above and in the Insane, maybe even a 3/2 slider - you can go closer to the spinner here since it's a harder diff

00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - Same comments as in the Insane, NC at the beginning of each to reduce the difficulty spike of the streams a tiny bit

00:52:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The sharp direction change here is quite annoying to play, try smoothing it out a bit

00:56:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - As above, this sharp turn whilst streaming is really quite hard to play. It would be much better as a flowing curve IMO

00:58:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Here's not quite so bad, since the DS is reduced, but I still think it should be less tightly curved

01:12:453 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is very odd to me - if you want sliders moving this quickly, they should at least be pointed somewhat towards each other, more like what you have at 01:18:453 (1,2,3,4) - outside of super-insane levels of play

Well that's all from me - hopefully you found this useful, but if there's anything you want me to explain in more detail, feel free to PM me or send me a forum message and I'll do what I can to help.

Best of luck! (:
Topic Starter
Thank you very much for your mod!!! ~

General Comments:
  • Song Folder: mp3 bitrate is 128kbps, which is the minimum allowed quality - I'd try to find a 192kbps version if possible. Also, BG image is 1365x768 - gotta get that extra column of pixels back! :D I'll search a better mp3 too.
    Song Setup: Disable countdown, widescreen support and letterbox during breaks for all diffs (this has to be done individually for each diff). Also, maybe try an AR spread of 2.5/4.5/6.5/8.5/9.3, since the current BPM isn't really fast enough to justify an AR9 Insane IMO Okok. I pref those AR xD and for the insane diff, AR9 is justifyed by the strea ms :)
    Metadata: No issues, but I'm no expert. Since it's LoL related, maybe add Riot Games? mmmh yeah :D
    Timing: BPM for the first half of the song (up until 00:49:953 (1) -) is 80, not 160 - the music is in traditional 4/4 time signature, so there should be 4 bars between each new measure. Currently you have 8, and thee are weak beats on every other white tick which doesn't sound right. You can easily fix this by doing the following - It was like it before, but I prenfered to change it for all 160 BPM. Otherwise, it's a little too hard for osu-mania diff etc.. ;)
    collapsed text
    Place a new timing point at 00:49:953 (1) with 160 BPM
    Set the beat snap divisor to 1/1 for Easy, 1/2 for Normal and 1/4 for the other 3 diffs ?? I don't anderstand.. xD
    Change the BPM in the Timing Setup menu and check the box "Scale objects to new timing" in the bottom left I didn't change the timing so..
    Hitsounds: You're only using the default hitsounds, which is fine, if a little plain. If you're interested in finding some custom hitsounds, try looking through the song folders of similar types of song and picking out the ones you like. Otherwise, LordRaika has a huge catalogue of hitsounds on their profile page that's sure to have something you like I'll try to change it.
    AImod: Just the Song Setup conflicts mentioned above, be sure to make these consistent across all difficulties

    Also, I'd only use tick rate 1, TR2 creates too many beats that aren't present in the music IMO
Difficulty-Specific Comments:

  • 00:00:453 (1) - Try and bring the first object closer to the middle of the play field so it's easier for beginners to react. I'd rotate 90 degrees anticlockwise and move to about [x-292,y-248], then put 00:01:953 (2) directly above it Fixed (I didn't do like you said but, it's better now)

    00:29:703 (3,1,2) - The flow here is kinda awkward for me - I'd rotate (1) 150 degrees anticlockwise, Ctrl+G and move to about [x-56,y-248] I prefer like is it. For a better flow into 00:30:453 (1,2,3) -

    01:01:953 - Since you've got a break, end kiai time here instead of at 01:07:859 - (kiai through the break looks weird IMO) and then let it restart as you have done at 01:07:953 - if you decide to do this, make sure to do it for all diffs for consistency Fixed

    01:09:453 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - This pattern's fine, but it suffers from clockpattern syndrome - the flow just goes round in one big anticlockwise circle here and it's a bit of an anticlimax for the end of the song. If you select all the notes in this section, you'll see that you hardly use the centre of the play field! Try and rearrange some of the notes to create a more varied and interesting flow here I'll try do fix it.

    01:13:203 (3) - This is off-screen, so you should move it somewhere else (easy fix if you do it with the above) ^

  • Normal diffs should be between 1.5 and 2.25 stars, so you'll need to reduce the difficulty here. Try a lower SV, and reduce the DS if possible I'll remap the 2nd kiai time. the SV is too high :D

    00:09:078 - Add a circle here for the guitar sound Fixed

    00:20:703 (5) - Make this a 1/1 slider for the guitar sound Fixed

    00:25:578 (2) - Personal preference, but I find the consecutive whistles quite annoying - I think it's fine just having it on the tail at 00:25:953 I prefer like that for follow the song. And with a better hitsound it could be nice ;p
    00:27:453 (1,3) - As above, but this time only on the slider heads ^

    00:29:703 (4,1) - Try to avoid stacking in Easy and Normal diffs as it's very confusing for newer players. I'd put (4) where 00:28:953 (3) currently is, so it's blanketed by 00:30:453 (1) and move 00:28:953 (3) to [x-240,y-144] Fixed

    00:31:953 (3,4,1,2,3) - Too many whistles again for my taste - I'd remove all whistles except the body of 00:31:953 (3) - 00:33:453 (1) - and the tails of 00:33:828 (2,3) I removed some whistles
    00:37:578 (2,3,4,1,2,3) - This section is better, but you could probably still lose the whistles on the repeat slider heads and bodies at 00:39:453 (1,3) ^

    00:41:703 (4,1) - Stacking again, try to do something similar to what I suggested for 00:29:703 (4,1) Fixed

    00:56:703 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - The flow is very linear here, try to move these notes left/right a little (mainly the circles) to create a bit of variety I prefer to keep it like it is.

    Again, the second half of the kiai just goes around in big anticlockwise circles, so you could rearrange some notes here for more variety I'll fix it

  • 00:20:703 - There's a long guitar sound here, so maybe move 00:20:328 (2) forward to here and place a circle where it currently starts? Fixed

    00:25:578 (4,5,6,1,2,3) - Yeah I'm gonna stop mentioning these whistles now lol. If you like them, keep them, but they're kinda annoying to me, sorry ;_; xD It's good here

    00:31:953 (4,5) - These would be better as longer 1/1 sliders IMO, for the guitar sounds I don't really want to follow this sound here, I prefer my whistles <3

    00:41:703 (7,1) - Try to avoid weird slider overlaps like this, they don't look all that great. I'd rotate (7) 45 degrees clockwise and make a far-away blanket with (1) by curving the slider a little more Mmmh, NolanM said it too, so I'll change it, Fixed

    00:43:953 (4,5) - Same as at 00:31:953 (4,5) - I feel this fit better as 1/1 sliders Same as before.

    00:51:453 (1) - from here on, you use a lot of linear sliders, which feel a bit plain. Try making some of them into curved sliders for variety and to create a good flow Fixed

    00:55:203 (8) - If you wan't to keep this, I'd NC either here or at 00:54:453 (5) -, since it's difficult to tell how many repeats there are, and therefore is quite easy to mess up and lose a good chunk of health Mmmmh, ok

    01:04:203 (6,7,8) - Try and do something different with thee notes - repeating the same pentagon pattern again is a bit boring I prefer to keep it.


  • The increase in difficulty between Hard and this diff is really high (like, 1 whole star xD) you should try to reduce this gap a little if possible the difficulty is higher because of streams :D I don't think I can reduce the diff...

    00:21:078 (6) - There's no beat here, just the continuation of the guitar sound. I'd remove this make 00:20:703 (5) into a 1/1 slider I prefer it, It's not hard and have a good following about before.

    00:31:953 (4,5) - As in Hard, I think these would be better as 1/1 slider I won't change it xD (don't kill me please :'( )

    00:41:328 (6) - This note is off the screen, so try angling 00:40:578 (4,5,6) -slightly clockwise to avoid this It's not really out of the screen :/ In-game, all the circle appear.

    00:44:703 (5) - Make this a 1/1 or maybe even a 3/2 slider to better fit the guitar sound - you can go closer to the spinner here since it's a harder diff "I won't change it xD (don't kill me please :'( )"

    00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - Here and throughout the kiai, you use a lot of streams, which is fine, but I would NC at the beginning of each to reduce the difficulty spike a tiny bit I don't think so. It's easier to now where is the stream without a NC
    01:19:390 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Maybe create a stream or pattern here? It;s the end of the song and the stack isn't all that interesting to play, so you could add a lot of variety here to compliment the climax of the music It's for do like before, I think it's fine like it :)

  • 00:31:953 (4,5) - As in Hard, I think these would be better as 1/1 slider NYAAAAAAA :D
    00:44:703 (5) - As above and in the Insane, maybe even a 3/2 slider - you can go closer to the spinner here since it's a harder diff *dead* (what did I say!!! :'( )

    00:50:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - Same comments as in the Insane, NC at the beginning of each to reduce the difficulty spike of the streams a tiny bit "Same comments as in the Insane" ;p

    00:52:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - The sharp direction change here is quite annoying to play, try smoothing it out a bit I want to keep it sorry

    00:56:703 (5,6,7,8,9) - As above, this sharp turn whilst streaming is really quite hard to play. It would be much better as a flowing curve IMO It's a special diff, not a regular and made for good player. I don't think it's possible to farm PP on this diff (for a 5* player), it's more for fun here, therefore it's hard :)

    00:58:203 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1) - Here's not quite so bad, since the DS is reduced, but I still think it should be less tightly curved ^

    01:12:453 (1,2,3,4) - The flow here is very odd to me - if you want sliders moving this quickly, they should at least be pointed somewhat towards each other, more like what you have at 01:18:453 (1,2,3,4) - outside of super-insane levels of play I have already said why. It's a special diff and "the big black"'s paterns can be used. (I hope)
I still have a lot of work but really thank you ;)
M4M :3

add a muted "soft-sliderslide" in sampleset would be better imo

00:16:578 (2,1) - overlap
00:34:765 (4) - move its tail to x352y152, and move 00:35:140 (5) - to x364y204 to form a straight line
00:36:453 (1,2) - make a blanket?
00:42:078 (7) - move the tail to x416y84 looks better

00:40:203 (3,4) - blanket?
00:54:640 (2) - move to x324y208 00:55:015 (4) - x488y248 00:55:203 (5) - x384y360

00:18:078 (4,2) - overlap

00:06:453 (1,2) - slider tails unsnapped
00:31:953 (3,4) - distance unsnapped
00:40:203 (2,3) - ^
00:41:703 (4,1) - ^

00:28:203 (1,2) - distance unsnapped (just a little bit)
00:41:703 (1) - move its tail to x376y132 to make it exactly in the middle between 00:40:203 (3) and 00:43:203 (2)
00:52:203 (2) - move tail to x224y140 to keep a same distance from 00:53:703 (2)
01:08:703 - kinda empty. better add a note here

they look pretty nice, good luck!
Topic Starter
thank you!

  • add a muted "soft-sliderslide" in sampleset would be better imo mmmmh, no xD.-


00:16:578 (2,1) - overlap Fixed
00:34:765 (4) - move its tail to x352y152, and move 00:35:140 (5) - to x364y204 to form a straight line What?
00:36:453 (1,2) - make a blanket? Fixed
00:42:078 (7) - move the tail to x416y84 looks better Fixed

00:40:203 (3,4) - blanket? Fixed
00:54:640 (2) - move to x324y208 00:55:015 (4) - x488y248 00:55:203 (5) - x384y360 Fixed

00:18:078 (4,2) - overlap Fixed

00:06:453 (1,2) - slider tails unsnapped I pref like is it.
00:31:953 (3,4) - distance unsnapped Fixed
00:40:203 (2,3) - ^ Doing on purpose
00:41:703 (4,1) - ^ ^

00:28:203 (1,2) - distance unsnapped (just a little bit) Fixed
00:41:703 (1) - move its tail to x376y132 to make it exactly in the middle between 00:40:203 (3) and 00:43:203 (2) I changed but not like you said.
00:52:203 (2) - move tail to x224y140 to keep a same distance from 00:53:703 (2) I prefer like it
01:08:703 - kinda empty. better add a note here For an easy map, it's better like that.
Hi, from M4M o/

Difficulty Spreads - I think its ok


00:01:953 - Move to x:212, y:108. Follows the slider shape.
00:02:703 - Move to x:296, y:52. Same as above.
00:55:203 - I think better move this to x:184 y:320, create a shape movement, like U instead of Straight lines.
00:55:578 - Same like up here, move to x:280 y:344.
01:08:703 - I think you need to add Notes here. So it sounds like (End Spin - Note - Slider - Slider+Note) Don`t mind the example :D

00:06:453 - Object End is not snapped :o
00:07:953 - ^
01:07:953 - Same like up here, but this time, Spinner ends faster. You can try add slider and end until 01:08:703. Make like 01:10:953 :)

00:55:203 - I think it sounds more like this :

00:58:953 till 01:00:078 - Maybe you can try pattern like (Jump - H-Jump - Jump - H-Jump) since it distance more like (1.5x - 2.0x - 1.5x - 2.0x)
01:01:953 - There`s sound behind this repeated sliders, try add note there.
01:13:203 - The sound looks more like this one, but ignore it if wanna keep that way.

00:55:296 - I think need something, cause there`s sound here. I`m not sure, Slider or Notes. Maybe ignore if don`t wanna.

01:12:453 till 01:13:015 - It sounds horrible. This slider adding too much sounds, clap/whistle/finish in Start and whistle on end slider, but body slider is whistle. Try just put whistle on body only.
01:13:203 - Add Combo
01:18:453 till 01:19:015 - Similar to 01:12:453 till 01:13:015, put whistle on body only.
01:19:203 - Add Combo

Funny song, nice map xD
Gud luck for ranking o/
Topic Starter
Thank you~


00:01:953 - Move to x:212, y:108. Follows the slider shape. Fixed
00:02:703 - Move to x:296, y:52. Same as above. Fixed
00:55:203 - I think better move this to x:184 y:320, create a shape movement, like U instead of Straight lines. Fixed
00:55:578 - Same like up here, move to x:280 y:344. Fixed
01:08:703 - I think you need to add Notes here. So it sounds like (End Spin - Note - Slider - Slider+Note) Don`t mind the example :D It was but Nozhomi said me to keep a long time next to a spin in easy map~

00:06:453 - Object End is not snapped :o Oh sh**! xD fixed
00:07:953 - ^ ^
01:07:953 - Same like up here, but this time, Spinner ends faster. You can try add slider and end until 01:08:703. Make like 01:10:953 :) ~fixed

00:55:203 - I think it sounds more like this : fixed
00:58:953 till 01:00:078 - Maybe you can try pattern like (Jump - H-Jump - Jump - H-Jump) since it distance more like (1.5x - 2.0x - 1.5x - 2.0x) I prefer don't make too big jumps
01:01:953 - There`s sound behind this repeated sliders, try add note there. I'm not following the melody here but the drum.
01:13:203 - The sound looks more like this one, but ignore it if wanna keep that way. If I would like to change here, it's more like a "long" stream, it's fine like this

00:55:296 - I think need something, cause there`s sound here. I`m not sure, Slider or Notes. Maybe ignore if don`t wanna.
There is not 0_o maybe a slider for the melody but I prefer keep the jump.

01:12:453 till 01:13:015 - It sounds horrible. This slider adding too much sounds, clap/whistle/finish in Start and whistle on end slider, but body slider is whistle. Try just put whistle on body only. Fixed
01:13:203 - Add Combo Nope
01:18:453 till 01:19:015 - Similar to 01:12:453 till 01:13:015, put whistle on body only. Fixed
01:19:203 - Add Combo Nope
My Mod For M4M YO

this song shoudnt exist lol

DeppyDf's Modding Setup
  1. Black = Recommend
  2. Orange = Suggestion / Comment
  3. Underline = Diff Name
  1. SV Change In Easy Is Uncommon But Rankable.BUT THIS CHANGED TOO MUCH Easy Can Change Only Like 0.9 / 1.0 / 1.1x
  2. 00:07:953 (2) - Something Like that
  3. 00:20:140 - Start Spinner Here?
  4. 00:41:703 (1,2,3) - Make Spacing Even
  5. 00:55:203 (2,3) - change to a Slider
  6. 01:09:078 - Add Circle
  7. 01:16:203 (2,3) - Slider
  8. Change To Reverse Slider Instead Of Long One
  9. Little Bit Too Hard For Easy Maybe Make Some Jumps Smaller
  1. 00:00:453 (1) - Make This Symmetrical
  2. 00:03:453 (1,2,3) - make spacing even
  3. 00:36:078 - add note here
  4. 01:07:953 - Spinner End Here
  1. 00:04:578 (3) - NC
  2. 00:06:453 (1) -
  3. 00:13:203 (3) - remove this and add an arrow to 2
  4. 00:28:953 (5) - 3 Circlez And Add NC To First one
  5. 00:40:953 (4) - NC
  6. 00:50:328 (3,4,5,6) - Turn Some Of This Pattern To 2 Reverse Sliders
  1. 00:01:578 (2,3) - dont stack this
  2. 00:03:453 (1) - change the way this curve to U. this is upside down U. basically i mean move second dot down
  3. 00:06:453 (1) - 2 or more sliders. This Slider Made This Part Too EZ
  4. 00:25:765 (4,5) - dont stack this straightly. try use distance snap too make it harder ofc >w>
  5. 00:27:453 (1,2) - ^
  6. 00:34:765 (3,4) - ^ >w<
  7. 00:37:578 (2,3) - >w<
  8. 00:39:640 (1,2) - >w>
  9. 00:43:578 (2,3) - -w-
  10. 00:43:578 (2,3) - .w.
  11. 00:48:453 - end spinner here
  12. 00:50:703 (5) - NC!
  13. 00:52:203 (5) - NC
  14. 00:55:390 (6) - NC..
  15. 00:56:703 (5) - Nc..
  16. 00:58:203 (5) - nc....
  17. 01:01:390 (6) - new comb....
  18. 01:04:203 (7) - x464 y332
  19. 01:12:453 (1) - split to 2 sliders
  20. 01:18:453 (1) - 01:18:453 (1) - split to 2 slider but not as necessary as the one before this
  1. that diff name realli?
  2. 00:01:953 (3) - make it like 1's curve
  3. 00:03:453 (1,2) - swap places in timeline and move the circle
  4. 00:06:453 (1) - 2 sliderz
  5. 00:20:328 (2) - no stack
  6. 00:25:578 (4,5) - no stack
  7. 00:29:140 (5,6) - dont stack
  8. 00:31:578 (2,3) - dont stack
  9. 00:43:578 (2,3) - dont fking stack
  10. 00:45:453 (1) - end at 00:48:453 - or add new one here and end at 00:49:203
  11. 00:52:578 (8) - NC
  12. 00:53:890 (7) - NC
  13. 00:55:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Fix Distance Plz sir. This Is fking hard to play and read. usualli mapper make it the same distance for some notes and add new circle every 4 note (in 1/4) and NC it every beat to make it ez to read.
  14. 01:01:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - WOOOT
  15. 01:08:515 (4,5) - Is This Too Big Jump?
  16. 01:08:703 (5) - NightcoreI mean new combo
  17. 01:11:890 (7) - nc
  18. 01:13:203 (5) - nc
  19. 01:14:703 (5) - new combu
  20. 01:17:890 (7) - y' know right?
  21. 01:19:203 (5) - .w.
Done! Good Luck xDD
This Song Still Shouldnt Exist
OMG this just updated

Ignore Some If You've Already Done Then xD
Heeey :^)

- What about changing the background to something else? Idk what, but I don't feel that the pumpkin scarecrow don't go well with a song about big sisters??

00:20:328 (1) - Make the spinner start at 00:20:328 (1) and then add like a 1/1 slider at 00:20:328 or something like that??
00:41:703 (1,2,3) - Uneven spacing
00:57:453 (1) - Make it less curvy, doesn't look good like that imo

00:30:453 (1) - I'm probably being picky here, but fix the blanket??
00:42:453 (1) - Same as above uh
01:16:203 (4) - Ctrl+g?

00:04:953 (4,5,1) - The spacing looks a little uneven, maybe try to fix it??
00:37:953 (5) - Ctrl+g?

00:12:453 (2) - Fix blanket
00:21:078 (6) - Remove note
01:12:453 (1) - Maybe try to fix it so the later notes are centered??
01:18:453 (1) - Same as above

00:08:328 - Remove note
00:11:328 (2,3) - Same as above
00:17:328 (4) - Same as above

annika69 wrote:

- What about changing the background to something else? Idk what, but I don't feel that the pumpkin scarecrow don't go well with a song about big sisters??
Very Agree With With This lol
BuT MaybE It Has SomethinG To Do WitH Da ArtisT/SourcE So....

First Part Sounds Like Chinese Shrine To Me
Topic Starter
Thank you Very much!!

00:07:953 (2) - Something Like that Fixed
00:20:140 - Start Spinner Here? Nope ;p
00:41:703 (1,2,3) - Make Spacing Even Fixed
00:55:203 (2,3) - change to a Slider Fixed
01:09:078 - Add Circle Everyone says it need a note here, so :/ Fixed
01:16:203 (2,3) - Slider I pref 2 circles

00:00:453 (1) - Make This Symmetrical ???
00:03:453 (1,2,3) - make spacing even Fixed
00:36:078 - add note here Fixed
01:07:953 - Spinner End Here Already Fixed ;p

00:04:578 (3) - NC ~Fixed
00:06:453 (1) - Image Pref Keep like that
00:13:203 (3) - remove this and add an arrow to 2 ^
00:28:953 (5) - 3 Circlez And Add NC To First one ~Fixed
00:40:953 (4) - NC Nope
00:50:328 (3,4,5,6) - Turn Some Of This Pattern To 2 Reverse Sliders I pref like it is.

00:01:578 (2,3) - dont stack this
Why? '0' It's fine for an insane.

00:03:453 (1) - change the way this curve to U. this is upside down U. basically i mean move second dot down Fixed
00:06:453 (1) - 2 or more sliders. This Slider Made This Part Too EZ Don't need to be harder :)
00:25:765 (4,5) - dont stack this straightly. try use distance snap too make it harder ofc >w> I don't think it's easy because notes are "hidden". I prefer to keep stacked.
00:27:453 (1,2) - ^ ^
00:34:765 (3,4) - ^ >w<
00:37:578 (2,3) - >w<
00:39:640 (1,2) - >w>
00:43:578 (2,3) - -w-
00:43:578 (2,3) - .w.
00:48:453 - end spinner here Nope
00:50:703 (5) - NC! mmmh, everyone says I have to add a NC here, so ok.. :/
00:52:203 (5) - NC
00:55:390 (6) - NC..
00:56:703 (5) - Nc..
00:58:203 (5) - nc....
01:01:390 (6) - new comb....
01:04:203 (7) - x464 y332 Fixed
01:12:453 (1) - split to 2 sliders Nope
01:18:453 (1) - 01:18:453 (1) - split to 2 slider but not as necessary as the one before this ^

that diff name realli? HIHI!
00:01:953 (3) - make it like 1's curve mmh, no ;D
00:03:453 (1,2) - swap places in timeline and move the circle Fixed
00:06:453 (1) - 2 sliderz Nope
00:20:328 (2) - no stack Fixed
00:25:578 (4,5) - no stack Fixed
00:29:140 (5,6) - dont stack I prefer to keep it stacked
00:31:578 (2,3) - dont stack ^
00:43:578 (2,3) - dont fking stack
00:45:453 (1) - end at 00:48:453 - or add new one here and end at 00:49:203 I prefer like that
00:52:578 (8) - NC :/ ok
00:53:890 (7) - NC ^
00:55:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - Fix Distance Plz sir. This Is fking hard to play and read. usualli mapper make it the same distance for some notes and add new circle every 4 note (in 1/4) and NC it every beat to make it ez to read. It's not very hard :D Because I can FC it with HR easy ;p But I've changed it a little.
01:01:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - WOOOT ^ And I won't add new combo :D
01:08:515 (4,5) - Is This Too Big Jump? A very big sure. I changed a little for a distance snap of 2.75
01:08:703 (5) - I mean new combo ok :/ But Gl for do the jump XD
01:11:890 (7) - nc Fixed
01:13:203 (5) - nc ^
01:14:703 (5) - new combu Fixu
01:17:890 (7) - y' know right? I've to make a very big jump with a 1/64 stream right? (Fixed)
01:19:203 (5) - .w. Ok for the stream but without jump ;p
Was funny :'D
Topic Starter
Thank you~!

- What about changing the background to something else? Idk what, but I don't feel that the pumpkin scarecrow don't go well with a song about big sisters?? OP FIDDLE STYLE : Now you know Corobizar, go look his other video, you'll anderstand this BG (don't care what he say, it's french :D so it's wtf). And yes, I'll fix this fuc**** pixel :D

00:20:328 (1) - Make the spinner start at 00:20:328 (1) and then add like a 1/1 slider at 00:20:328 or something like that?? I pref like that for a longer spinner
00:41:703 (1,2,3) - Uneven spacing Already fixed
00:57:453 (1) - Make it less curvy, doesn't look good like that imo Fixed

00:30:453 (1) - I'm probably being picky here, but fix the blanket?? I can't really make better :/ (but I tryed)
00:42:453 (1) - Same as above uh Fixed
01:16:203 (4) - Ctrl+g? ???

00:04:953 (4,5,1) - The spacing looks a little uneven, maybe try to fix it?? ??? It's good for me
00:37:953 (5) - Ctrl+g? ^

00:12:453 (2) - Fix blanket This blanket is good :/
00:21:078 (6) - Remove note I need this note for the rythme of the map :/
01:12:453 (1) - Maybe try to fix it so the later notes are centered?? That pixel '0'
01:18:453 (1) - Same as above ^

00:08:328 - Remove note I need this note for the rythme of the map :/
00:11:328 (2,3) - Same as above I removed one note
00:17:328 (4) - Same as above Nope

00:01:953 (3) - try to do this stream a bit more.."circled" (?) ;w;
00:06:453 (1) - same^
00:27:078 (7) - why don't you do something like this?
00:35:140 (5) - you kinda need to fix his space, it's...ugly (?)
00:53:890 (1) - remove NC
00:55:203 (3) - NC
01:10:203 (1,2,3,4) - why don't you try to lower the speed of ONLY those 4 sliders? They're single-tap, slowering them means they'll be easier to follow and more "flowy"
01:16:203 (1,2,3,4) - same^

00:04:578 (2,3,4) - try like that?
00:19:203 (2,3) - try to do as the "tail" of the slider follows the note, like this
01:16:203 (1,2,1) - try like this, I think the song actually follow that beat..

I'm sorry If I couldn't help more but I'm still noob at mapping ;_;
This song >< I r8 8/8 m8
I come here for m4m :^)

  • General

  1. Dont think the hitclap you have fits with the song tbh D:
    try one of these:
  2. the light green doesnt fit the bg imo D:

    this colours fits more
    Combo1 : 53,182,219
    Combo2 : 255,128,64
    Combo3 : 193,0,0
    Combo4 : 0,128,128

  • Ez

    Only thing im gonna say is, Easy shouldnt have sv changes really

  • Normal

  1. You can remove the 0.50x slider velo at start and just go with 0.55x because the spacing on 0.50 seems bad because of overlaps etc
  2. 00:00:453 (1,2) - slider end should be on 00:01:578 -
  3. 00:03:453 (1) - ^ on 00:04:203 -
  4. 00:16:578 (2,3) - fix blanket

  • Hard

    Im not good at modding Hard diffs so..
    but could do with more patterns

  • Insane

  1. 00:13:953 (4,5) - keep slider consistency. something like this could fit
  2. 00:28:578 (4,5,6) - could be a pattern for example a triangle
  3. 00:31:578 (2,3,4) - ^
  4. 00:40:578 (4,5,6) - could be here as well if you can fit it there
  5. 00:56:234 (2,3) - stack properly
  6. 01:12:265 (11,1) - loses flow here a little bit, because you suddenly stop for the double, then the slider velo on the slider is too big, people tend to get sliderbreaks on those all the time, try to fix it. you can try something like this
  7. 01:18:265 (11,1) - ^


  1. 00:01:578 (2) - Fix blanket (slightly off) at x:184 y:72 should fix it (fixes spacing as well)
  2. 00:03:453 (1) - rotate +20 and place at x:404 y:304
  3. if you do this^ you will have to place the next note elsewhere 00:04:578 (2) - should fit around x:228 y:184
  4. 00:18:078 (6,1) - blanket fix, you can do this by slightly moving the slider end
  5. 00:20:703 (3) - slider end on 00:21:265 - ?
  6. 00:24:453 (2) - this loses flow a little bit try making it like this for example
  7. 00:27:453 (1,2,3) - could make a pattern here. Example:
  8. 00:31:953 (4) - NC
  9. 00:32:703 (5) - NC
  10. 00:33:453 (1,2,3) - pattern?
  11. 00:34:765 (4,5) - Ctrl+G and dont stack. Example pic:
  12. 00:34:953 (5) - NC
  13. 00:37:765 (3) - fix spacing
  14. 00:39:828 (3,4) - blanket. curve the slider less
  15. 00:40:953 (1) - NC
  16. 00:44:703 (5) - could be a reverse slider
  17. 00:51:078 (9,2) - Keep your slider consistency up <-- just an example
  18. 01:04:765 (12,1) - im hearing a tripple in the song here, might be a suggestion? :P
  19. 01:05:515 (5) - starting from here could be like this example:
  20. 01:08:703 (1,2,3,4,5) - ctrl+h for better flow
Good luck~
  1. offset seems to be 470.


  • Checked this just in case.
  1. 00:07:953 (2,3) –check DS.
  2. 00:09:453 (1) –decrease slider length to 00:10:953 -, as it is an unrankable issue in Easy/Normals to have an approach circle showing while the spinner is going on. So be sure to check the normal difficulty for this issue, as well!
  3. 00:20:328 (1), 01:04:953 (1) - -^

  1. 00:34:765 (4,5) –move (5) to 368, 200, as it would look better to have (5) linear to (4). I would have first made a perfectly vertical slider, use shift key to place (5) in a perfectly linear position, and then use the rotate function. I had already done this for you to figure out where (5) is supposed to be at. Remember that small perfections are what make a map look good!
  2. 00:34:953 – it is usually not okay to end a slider on the big white tick. It’s okay when there’s no other better rhythm than to end a slider here. How about ctrl + G 00:34:765 (4,5) –for better rhythm?
  3. 00:55:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) –I get what you intended, but doesn’t look very nice to me. Try making this part more neat. Try making a symmetrical slider and use it as an outline for the stream.
  4. hitsounds are missing on the beginning of this map. Try putting whistles on: 00:00:453 - , 00:01:578 - , 00:01:953 - , 00:02:703 - , 00:03:453 - 00:04:578 - 00:04:953 – and so on. I tried to follow the parts that with the ukulele/some sort of instrument(?) sound.
  5. 00:17:328 (4) –delete? There’s no significant sound here. Or, just make (3) into a slider and end its tail at this part.
  6. 00:24:453 (2) –try this rhythm:
  7. 00:30:453 (1) -
  8. 00:40:203 (4) -
  9. 00:43:953 (4) -
  10. 01:03:640 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –this doesn’t look good. Try making a slider and do ctrl + F. To decide the spacing of the stream, you can increase the amount of the objects.

Also remember to mostly start objects (single notes/sliders) on the bigger sound.
Edit: also double-check Ai-mod for various things like DS in Easy/normal and all sorts of stuff.
Nice map, good luck!
Topic Starter
Ludosama's mod :

00:01:953 (3) - try to do this stream a bit more.."circled" (?) ;w; Fixed
00:06:453 (1) - same^ Fixed
00:27:078 (7) - why don't you do something like this? mmmh,I think this part is already good :/ I just made a blanket here 00:25:953 (6,1) -
00:35:140 (5) - you kinda need to fix his space, it's...ugly (?) It's true >_< Fixed !
00:53:890 (1) - remove NC xD That was like that before :D fixed!
00:55:203 (3) - NC ^
01:10:203 (1,2,3,4) - why don't you try to lower the speed of ONLY those 4 sliders? They're single-tap, slowering them means they'll be easier to follow and more "flowy" They are not really hard, I like high SV so I pref keep it.
01:16:203 (1,2,3,4) - same^ ^


00:04:578 (2,3,4) - try like that? Fixed
00:19:203 (2,3) - try to do as the "tail" of the slider follows the note, like this Fixed
01:16:203 (1,2,1) - try like this, I think the song actually follow that beat.. I prefer the stream

Keada's mod

Dont think the hitclap you have fits with the song tbh D:
try one of these: I like this hitclap :/ Yours are more like snare in Frutyloops :D
the light green doesnt fit the bg imo D:
this colours fits more
Combo1 : 53,182,219
Combo2 : 255,128,64
Combo3 : 193,0,0
Combo4 : 0,128,128 Yeah, why not :D


Only thing im gonna say is, Easy shouldnt have sv changes really xD I think it's rankable because there are 2 parts in this map. The first part is like a 80 BPM song and the second, a 160. It was like that before but I changed for only 160. Therefore I /2 all timing point in the first part. The 0,63* (1.25 in 160bpm) is for prepare the second part. I think (I hope) it's enjoyable for new players.


You can remove the 0.50x slider velo at start and just go with 0.55x because the spacing on 0.50 seems bad because of overlaps etc I don't think it's unrankable and it's not ugly imo :D (And it's easy)
Oh! There is a note in the song here :/

00:00:453 (1,2) - slider end should be on 00:01:578 - Oh! There is a note in the song here :/
00:03:453 (1) - ^ on 00:04:203 - I don't really like 3/1 sliders, I don't think it's hard to read for a new player.
00:16:578 (2,3) - fix blanket Fixed


Im not good at modding Hard diffs so..
but could do with more patterns xD okok


00:13:953 (4,5) - keep slider consistency. something like this could fit Fixed
00:28:578 (4,5,6) - could be a pattern for example a triangle I prefer keep this distance snap.
00:31:578 (2,3,4) - ^ ^
00:40:578 (4,5,6) - could be here as well if you can fit it there ^
00:56:234 (2,3) - stack properly Oh! Bug :'( I had to remove and replace those circles :D
01:12:265 (11,1) - loses flow here a little bit, because you suddenly stop for the double, then the slider velo on the slider is too big, people tend to get sliderbreaks on those all the time, try to fix it. you can try something like this Fixed
01:18:265 (11,1) - ^ Fixed


00:01:578 (2) - Fix blanket (slightly off) at x:184 y:72 should fix it (fixes spacing as well) Fixed
00:03:453 (1) - rotate +20 and place at x:404 y:304
if you do this^ you will have to place the next note elsewhere 00:04:578 (2) - should fit around x:228 y:184 Fixed
00:18:078 (6,1) - blanket fix, you can do this by slightly moving the slider end Fixed
00:20:703 (3) - slider end on 00:21:265 - ? I pref a 1/1 slider
00:24:453 (2) - this loses flow a little bit try making it like this for example Fixed
00:27:453 (1,2,3) - could make a pattern here. Example: Same as before, I prefer this distance snap
00:31:953 (4) - NC Fixed
00:32:703 (5) - NC Nope, I don't like 1 1 1 etc...
00:33:453 (1,2,3) - pattern? Same as before
00:34:765 (4,5) - Ctrl+G and dont stack. Example pic: I like how is it now :/
00:34:953 (5) - NC Fixed
00:37:765 (3) - fix spacing Fixed
00:39:828 (3,4) - blanket. curve the slider less Fixed
00:40:953 (1) - NC Fixed
00:44:703 (5) - could be a reverse slider I prefer it.
00:51:078 (9,2) - Keep your slider consistency up <-- just an example Fixed
01:04:765 (12,1) - im hearing a tripple in the song here, might be a suggestion? :P I tried with a triple but it's ugly imo (sound) :/ let's fu** off the drum! :D (I can't be reported, there are stars!!)
01:05:515 (5) - starting from here could be like this example: "let's fu** off the drum!"
01:08:703 (1,2,3,4,5) - ctrl+h for better flow I prefer keep this jump, big jump, very big jump :D

Thank you very much!!! You're mod come soon ;)
Topic Starter
Ninja Bunny's mod

offset seems to be 470. 459 is better for me :/ I always click too early with 470...


Checked this just in case.
00:07:953 (2,3) –check DS.

00:09:453 (1) –decrease slider length to 00:10:953 -, as it is an unrankable issue in Easy/Normals to have an approach circle showing while the spinner is going on. So be sure to check the normal difficulty for this issue, as well! It's rankable :/
00:20:328 (1), 0104:953 (1) - -^ ^


00:34:765 (4,5) –move (5) to 368, 200, as it would look better to have (5) linear to (4). I would have first made a perfectly vertical slider, use shift key to place (5) in a perfectly linear position, and then use the rotate function. I had already done this for you to figure out where (5) is supposed to be at. Remember that small perfections are what make a map look good! I don't really like vertical slider first :D And I think this one is already good :/
00:34:953 – it is usually not okay to end a slider on the big white tick. It’s okay when there’s no other better rhythm than to end a slider here. How about ctrl + G 00:34:765 (4,5) –for better rhythm? Fixed
00:55:203 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) –I get what you intended, but doesn’t look very nice to me. Try making this part more neat. Try making a symmetrical slider and use it as an outline for the stream. I used sliders for make this stream and I think it's good!
hitsounds are missing on the beginning of this map. Try putting whistles on: 00:00:453 - , 00:01:578 - , 00:01:953 - , 00:02:703 - , 00:03:453 - 00:04:578 - 00:04:953 – and so on. I tried to follow the parts that with the ukulele/some sort of instrument(?) sound. It don't need hitsound on this part. I don't want to overload (it's this word right??) of hitsounds.
00:17:328 (4) –delete? There’s no significant sound here. Or, just make (3) into a slider and end its tail at this part. I think this circle is good here :D Easy to play and it's on a white tick :/
00:24:453 (2) –try this rhythm: Already good here..
00:30:453 (1) - Hum, You wanted to remove a note and here to add, sorry but It don't need circles here.
00:40:203 (4) - I anderstood why you wanted to do but I prefer keep a 1/1 slider :/
00:43:953 (4) - the reverse is following an other sound in the song...
01:03:640 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –this doesn’t look good. Try making a slider and do ctrl + F. To decide the spacing of the stream, you can increase the amount of the objects. That's what I used, but I fixed just a little this one.

Thank you for your mod!! My mod for you (and Kaeda) will take some times because I'll be absent for 5 days :/ (and I have school) Sorry for it!
My participation for your M4M request in my queue.


Nice set, doe. gr8, gr8 6/8 m8


- 00:20:334 (1) - This spinner came in a tad too early, in my opinion.
- 00:52:584 (3,2) - Rotate (2) a bit more so that its distance from (3) is the same with (1) and (3).


- 01:13:771 (5,1) - Blanket this, please.
- 01:16:209 (4) - Rotate it a bit to avoid overlap.


- 00:06:459 (1,2) - 2Close2EachOther. Stacking is unnecessary because the previous object at the same spot isn't even visible anymore.
- 00:16:584 (2,3,4) - I'd prefer (circle) (slider) (slider) than this pattern.
- 00:40:209 (3) - Lower the third slider point a bit. The turn is too tight.


- 00:12:084 (1,2) - The imperfection is noticeable in-game.
- 00:14:709 (5) - Ctrl+G, rotate by 150 degrees, then place it to its original position again.
- 01:12:459 (1) - Change the color of this combo, its so close to green that some players might get confused.
- 01:18:271 (11,1) - Same problem here.
- 01:18:459 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Didn't you enable show stacking in editor? If not, you should This is a really bad blanket.


- 00:00:459 - I'd suggest making more complex sliders here in the first part. Just make simple elegant sliders. I suggest using no more than 2 red dots in 1/1 sliders, and make sure they're not too near each other.
- 00:55:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - These streams aren't really fun to play, just use 1 DS. It's enough.
- 00:56:240 (2) - I'd suggest using 2 1/4 hitcircles instead.
- 01:01:209 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - This stream again.
- 01:03:834 (4,5) - This space is really unnecessary.
Wahey, hiya, M4M or something
New to modding, go easy on me :I


Not much wrong here, but if I'm to point out a couple of things...
  1. 00:28:209 (1) - This slider seems off, maybe a note after 00:25:959 (3) would solve the problem. Something like this?
  2. 00:40:209 (3) - This one slider seems really out of place seeing as it's the only slider like it in the map, if there was something more harsh in the music to cause for a sharper slider, it'd be okay, but it stands out and feels kind of awkward.
  3. 01:04:959 (1) - Even though you need to give some more time after a spinner in an easier diff, there should really be something here.


  1. 00:29:709 (4,1) - I would put something between these two, the pause breaks the flow and a note like this would fit the music better (listen to bass)
  2. 00:49:959 (1) - The spacing of the next part following this slider seems too high for a normal diff, even if it is kiai, consider reducing.
  3. 01:04:959 (1) - Again, I feel there should be more following this spinner.
  4. 01:16:209 (4) - Have this slider face this way, maybe. Rather than an overlap :D
  5. 01:20:052 (1) - Spinner starts too early, I'd say put it on the red tick :I (Noticed this in all diffs)


  1. 01:02:334 (1) - I found this note particularly hard to read, move it further away from the previous slider, maybe?
  2. 01:05:146 (1) - Felt awkward, I'd have it possibly face upward more like this (and move the next slider to compensate):
  3. 01:08:334 (1) - I couldn't read this slider change, possibly ease it in more if you can.


  1. 00:59:334 (2) - Picky, but I'd have this as a stack. :I
  2. 00:59:334 (2) - Ctrl+J


  1. 00:09:459 (1) - Introduction seems a bit monotonous to play, I'd suggest adding a smoother slider like this one (note this is really rough, lol, this is picky anyway):
  2. 00:55:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These streams are really weird and break the flow a little. Keep DS consistent.
  3. 01:01:209 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^
  4. 01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same here, keep spacing consistent :I
yo comme promis je te fais ce mod :D (m4m)


ton preview point est pas stack, ça a probablement pas d'importance mais bon au moins ça me fait écrire des trucs :D
enlève ton pseudo des tags xD ainsi que japon parce que je pense que ça a pas sa place


en fait y'a absolument rien à dire, peut-être que le fait que tu changes radicalement le SV pour la part kiai est un peu trop subite par contre, puisque ce sont des gens qui jouent leurs premières parties qui vont jouer cette map, alors si les mecs sont perdus parceque d'un coup la map fait "woalkozrkazoprjoazjroazjroi" ben c'est chaud, mais je pense sincèrement que c'est largement faisable.


00:30:084 - j'aurais rajouté une note ici puisque le spacing qu'il y a entre la note avant et celle d'après porte a confusion et pourrait laisser croire qu'il s'agit ici encore d'un 1/2 alors que ce n'est pas le cas, si tu ne veux pas ajouter de note ici, je te conseille de changer le spacing donc le pattern
00:32:709 (4) - spacing?

sinon c'est bien foutu au kiai :D


le 2e kiai est ptetre un peu rapide mais je pense que ça passe large :D j'aime beaucoup :D


je te conseille de mettre AR8.5 plutôt

par contre c'est super bien mappé :D


en fait y'a pas grand chose a dire.. xD
juste que le début est exactement le même que sur la Insane et c'est dommage tu pourrais innover :D
00:51:459 (1) - Enlève le NC et ajoutes-en un 00:52:209 (4) - ici.
00:52:584 (1) - Enlève celui là aussi
01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - je pense que tu pourrais faire un stream bien plus beau/technique a jouer que ça surtout avec le triplet qu'on doit enchaîner après, tu peux faire un truc avec ça :(
01:19:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ici tu peux faire du spacing croissant genre c'est de plus en plus espacés, moi je trouve ça fun en fin de maps et avec la musique ça va bien :D

voili voilou c'est une très bonne map :D
Topic Starter
LGV894's mod

- 00:20:334 (1) - This spinner came in a tad too early, in my opinion.Fixed. +add a 1/1 slid
- 00:52:584 (3,2) - Rotate (2) a bit more so that its distance from (3) is the same with (1) and (3).Fixed


- 01:13:771 (5,1) - Blanket this, please. Fixed
- 01:16:209 (4) - Rotate it a bit to avoid overlap. It's intentional


- 00:06:459 (1,2) - 2Close2EachOther. Stacking is unnecessary because the previous object at the same spot isn't even visible anymore. Fixed
- 00:16:584 (2,3,4) - I'd prefer (circle) (slider) (slider) than this pattern. This one is good imo
- 00:40:209 (3) - Lower the third slider point a bit. The turn is too tight. Fixed


- 00:12:084 (1,2) - The imperfection is noticeable in-game. Fixed
- 00:14:709 (5) - Ctrl+G, rotate by 150 degrees, then place it to its original position again. Fixed
- 01:12:459 (1) - Change the color of this combo, its so close to green that some players might get confused. It's fine.
- 01:18:271 (11,1) - Same problem here. ^
- 01:18:459 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Didn't you enable show stacking in editor? If not, you should This is a really bad blanket. I didn't, fixed


- 00:00:459 - I'd suggest making more complex sliders here in the first part. Just make simple elegant sliders. I suggest using no more than 2 red dots in 1/1 sliders, and make sure they're not too near each other.
I don't like special sliders

- 00:55:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - These streams aren't really fun to play, just use 1 DS. It's enough. Those streams are funny to play, when you can pass there.
- 00:56:240 (2) - I'd suggest using 2 1/4 hitcircles instead. Hard to make a good spacing with 2 circles. This one is not ugly and easier( for the player and me)
- 01:01:209 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - This stream again. As I said
- 01:03:834 (4,5) - This space is really unnecessary. It is :/

yamikarasu's mod

Not much wrong here, but if I'm to point out a couple of things...
00:28:209 (1) - This slider seems off, maybe a note after 00:25:959 (3) would solve the problem. Something like this? I don't think it need a note here.
00:40:209 (3) - This one slider seems really out of place seeing as it's the only slider like it in the map, if there was something more harsh in the music to cause for a sharper slider, it'd be okay, but it stands out and feels kind of awkward. Fixed
01:04:959 (1) - Even though you need to give some more time after a spinner in an easier diff, there should really be something here. Fixed


00:29:709 (4,1) - I would put something between these two, the pause breaks the flow and a note like this would fit the music better (listen to bass) Fixed
00:49:959 (1) - The spacing of the next part following this slider seems too high for a normal diff, even if it is kiai, consider reducing. Fixed
01:04:959 (1) - Again, I feel there should be more following this spinner. I think it's fine for a normal diff :D
01:16:209 (4) - Have this slider face this way, maybe. Rather than an overlap :D It's intentional :)
01:20:052 (1) - Spinner starts too early, I'd say put it on the red tick :I (Noticed this in all diffs) ^


01:02:334 (1) - I found this note particularly hard to read, move it further away from the previous slider, maybe? It's not hard to read :/
01:05:146 (1) - Felt awkward, I'd have it possibly face upward more like this (and move the next slider to compensate): It's breaking the flow..
01:08:334 (1) - I couldn't read this slider change, possibly ease it in more if you can. I curved it. Hope it's better now :D


00:59:334 (2) - Picky, but I'd have this as a stack. :I The diff is becoming to hard with a stream here imo.
00:59:334 (2) - Ctrl+J It's fine like it..


00:09:459 (1) - Introduction seems a bit monotonous to play, I'd suggest adding a smoother slider like this one (note this is really rough, lol, this is picky anyway): There is no change in the song. I think this slider is fine. :D
00:55:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - These streams are really weird and break the flow a little. Keep DS consistent. xD nobody like those streams, but they are good :D Funny to play and to watch, I keep it.
01:01:209 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - ^ ^
01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same here, keep spacing consistent :I ^

Musty's mod

ton preview point est pas stack, ça a probablement pas d'importance mais bon au moins ça me fait écrire des trucs :D Oh! J'avais pas vu >_<
enlève ton pseudo des tags xD ainsi que japon parce que je pense que ça a pas sa place En fait, je suis tellement important que je veux être sûr qu'on trouve ma map grâce à mon pseudo. Nan, j'ai enlevé ça :D


en fait y'a absolument rien à dire, peut-être que le fait que tu changes radicalement le SV pour la part kiai est un peu trop subite par contre, puisque ce sont des gens qui jouent leurs premières parties qui vont jouer cette map, alors si les mecs sont perdus parceque d'un coup la map fait "woalkozrkazoprjoazjroazjroi" ben c'est chaud, mais je pense sincèrement que c'est largement faisable. woalkozrkazoprjoazjroazjroi dans leurs faces aux pitis nouveaux <3 . Je suis d'accord mais honnêtement, j'ai la flemme de refaire tout le kiai. Donc va faloir qu'ils y arrivent hein!! :D


00:30:084 - j'aurais rajouté une note ici puisque le spacing qu'il y a entre la note avant et celle d'après porte a confusion et pourrait laisser croire qu'il s'agit ici encore d'un 1/2 alors que ce n'est pas le cas, si tu ne veux pas ajouter de note ici, je te conseille de changer le spacing donc le pattern Fixed
00:32:709 (4) - spacing? Il est bon le spacing là?! (il est bon mon poisson, il est bon)

sinon c'est bien foutu au kiai :D Fix... Ô wait! merci :D


le 2e kiai est ptetre un peu rapide mais je pense que ça passe large :D j'aime beaucoup :D Ouais, mais les pitis nouv... Me***, bon, les joueurs d'hard map ce débrouillerons avec ça :D NAH!! Merci :)


je te conseille de mettre AR8.5 plutôt C'est hardcore de stream en ar 8.5 tu trouve pas :/ Après, faut voir l’avis d'un piti nouveau joueur :'D

par contre c'est super bien mappé :D Merci!! :)


en fait y'a pas grand chose a dire.. xD Pourtant c'est ici que tu en as dis le plus ;'p
juste que le début est exactement le même que sur la Insane et c'est dommage tu pourrais innover :D J'ai pas trouvé grand chose à changer :/ Sans overmap, ça dépasse pas les 3 étoiles :D
00:51:459 (1) - Enlève le NC et ajoutes-en un 00:52:209 (4) - ici. Yep, fixed
00:52:584 (1) - Enlève celui là aussi fixed
01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - je pense que tu pourrais faire un stream bien plus beau/technique a jouer que ça surtout avec le triplet qu'on doit enchaîner après, tu peux faire un truc avec ça :( Je l'aime bien ce stream xD Cette partie là est déjà assez dur je pense
01:19:209 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - ici tu peux faire du spacing croissant genre c'est de plus en plus espacés, moi je trouve ça fun en fin de maps et avec la musique ça va bien :D J'ai essayé un truc. Je sais pas si ça va passé xD Y'aura encore tout les modders à 1K pp qui vont crier >_< :D

Merci mec! ;) Avec une rapidité sans précédent!

Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (42 "!" you know why this number!!). 1H42 for edit it!! mmmh :D >_<
nothing wrong here.
Topic Starter

Noseosu wrote:

nothing wrong here.
I'd like you to tell truth :D But if there was nothing wrong, this mapset would be ranked :D
wtf is this map lmao.

oh from what is this? I have played League for a Longasstime I don't know this at all. :o


  1. Remove Onee-chan from tags you have it in title.
  2. "S" at the end is missing in League of Legends.
  3. You doubled the bpm at the beginning. Pls no
  4. Recommending using a silent sliderslide1.wav
00:50:709 (5) - nc maybe
00:51:459 (10,11,12) - stream?
00:53:896 (7,8,9) - maybe try this pattern?
00:59:896 (7,8,9) - ^
00:58:209 (4) - NC
01:00:459 (1,2) - make same slider here.
01:01:209 (3) - NC
01:03:271 (10,1) - In my opinion this was hard to read as double stack. But maybe because I'm noob.
01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try something else here. Like a triplet stack or sth to stay consistent.
01:04:396 (9,10,11,12,1) - NC 9 and make between 12 and 1 a triplet.
01:08:709 (5) - NC
01:09:459 (1,2,3,4,5) - this sound is kinda unique from the rest of the map I would suggest to use kicksliders here instead. Since you almost only use streams in the whole map.
01:15:459 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
01:10:209 (7) - NC
01:11:896 (7) - NC
01:13:209 (5) - NC
01:14:709 (5) - NC
01:16:209 (7) - NC
01:17:896 (7,8,9) - make this straight to and start NC on 7

oh the last kiai is really really loud (hitsounds) hurts ears.


I think this map is a little bit overdone tbh. With spaced stream and stuff. I would not think spaced streams are a thing in >5 star maps.
00:01:959 (2) - try to avoid those tiny overlaps. They are very confusing for lower players. <= fix this and you're good to go.

rest is okay
01:18:459 (1,2,3,4) - seems not right. this runs better with sliders.

rest is okay
ok was all ~
gl with mapset!
Topic Starter

Feb wrote:

wtf is this map lmao. Hehehe

oh from what is this? I have played League for a Longasstime I don't know this at all. :oIt's from france, that's why :p the man who scream "onee-chan" is Corobizar, a crazy french player of LoL :D


  1. Remove Onee-chan from tags you have it in title. True :D
  2. "S" at the end is missing in League of Legends. True :D
  3. You doubled the bpm at the beginning. Pls no It looks better with 160 BPM everywhere...
  4. Recommending using a silent sliderslide1.wav
I don't really like silent sliders :/

00:50:709 (5) - nc maybe Better at the end of the stream imo :3
00:51:459 (10,11,12) - stream? mmh, nop :) there is no note in the song for me :D This diff is already overmapped I think xD
00:53:896 (7,8,9) - maybe try this pattern? Good idea ! Fixed
00:59:896 (7,8,9) - ^ But not here xD I'd prefer like that for prepare the next part
00:58:209 (4) - NC I don't think it need a NC here
01:00:459 (1,2) - make same slider here. Done
01:01:209 (3) - NC I don't think it need a NC here
01:03:271 (10,1) - In my opinion this was hard to read as double stack. But maybe because I'm noob. I know it's hard, but doing on purpose hehe :3
01:03:646 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - try something else here. Like a triplet stack or sth to stay consistent. I like this patern : it's following the song and it's not that hard :D
01:04:396 (9,10,11,12,1) - NC 9 and make between 12 and 1 a triplet. I don't think it need a NC here + I'm not following the drum here :/ I tried to place a triplet here before but it's not good in-game and just... Strange imo :D
01:08:709 (5) - NC I add a lot of NCs xD
01:09:459 (1,2,3,4,5) - this sound is kinda unique from the rest of the map I would suggest to use kicksliders here instead. Since you almost only use streams in the whole map. I like it :/ notes in the song are the same, I think it's good :D
01:15:459 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^^
01:10:209 (7) - NC
01:11:896 (7) - NC
01:13:209 (5) - NC
01:14:709 (5) - NC
01:16:209 (7) - NC
01:17:896 (7,8,9) - make this straight to and start NC on 7 I prefer like that :/

oh the last kiai is really really loud (hitsounds) hurts ears. Turn down the volume of the hitsounds so :p


I think this map is a little bit overdone tbh. With spaced stream and stuff. I would not think spaced streams are a thing in >5 star maps. Not my fault if the star rating program don't know that spaced streams are really hard >_< This map is more like 5.4 stars that 5 stars xD (pretty hard to accu)
00:01:959 (2) - try to avoid those tiny overlaps. They are very confusing for lower players. <= fix this and you're good to go. Fixed

rest is okay
01:18:459 (1,2,3,4) - seems not right. this runs better with sliders. I think it's okay :)

rest is okay
ok was all ~
gl with mapset!
Thank you !!!~~


  • 00:06:459 (1) - This is fine , but don't you find it boring to play ? Just something personal
    00:12:084 (1) - Remove NC and NC here 00:12:459 (2) -
    00:24:084 (1) - Remove NC and NC here 00:24:459 (2) -
    00:28:584 (4) - Don't end sliders on a downbeat , should be something clickable
    00:40:584 (4) - ^
    00:46:771 - You're missing some beats with the slider here
    00:54:459 (1,2,3) - You should just remove these sliders and replace it with circles. I would expect these in your other diff compared to this one
    01:01:209 (5) - Kinda sharp drop to the next stream , maybe move it down for up and down motion coming in from 4. Relocate the stream after ?
    01:02:146 - Make triplet here or a slider to cover it up , right now you're missing those beats
    01:01:958 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^^ and why this huge distance , right after kiai too ?
    01:04:396 - Slider should start here , instead of blue tick. Since the music starts at the red tick
    01:04:959 (1,2,3,4) - Why small spacing compared to 01:02:334 (2,3,4,5,6) - Aren't you suppose to build up with the music and not the opposite ?
    01:12:834 - Missing a drum beat here if you use that long slider lol.
    01:13:396 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Blanket better too
    01:16:771 (1) - Downbeat thing again here
    01:18:459 (1) - Same thing with what I said previous
    01:19:396 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^


  • 00:06:459 (1) - I wouldn't end a slider on a downbeat , just map it like what you did at 00:00:459 (1,2,3) -
    00:08:334 (2) - Theres no sound here , Just add slider at 00:07:959 - and end it where two is placed right now
    00:10:209 - Kinda weird how you have the slider covering this up , but you mapped it out at 00:01:959 (3,4) - and here 00:13:959 (3) -
    00:18:459 (1) - Same thing with the downbeat
    Add some whistles at the start too
    00:24:084 (1) - Remove NC and place it here 00:24:459 (2) -
    00:25:959 (6) - NC here
    00:27:459 (1,2,3) - Might confuse some players with this spacing , just spread it out
    00:28:584 (1) - Again with the downbeat
    00:39:459 (1,2,3) - Make a shape with these three notes , personally I don't like stacking them
    00:40:959 (1) - Just use three notes , repeat slider kinda throws off the tempo and flow
    00:44:709 (5) - End this slider at 00:45:084 -
    00:45:459 (1) - Would map this out since you're missing some drum beats inside the spinner
    00:52:584 (5,6,7,8) - NC here and add more spacing maybe 1.2x
    00:55:584 (5) - NC since you change the stream's spacing
    00:56:240 (2) - two notes instead
    00:56:709 (4,5,6,7,8) - Kinda clumped , I would just remapped this part
    00:57:646 (2) - I don't like how you start the slider on a red tick , because the slider ends on a drum sound. Would be more nice if you have something clickable at the end
    01:01:584 (7) - NC for distance changes
    01:02:146 (2,3,4) - Blanket properly with the stream you created before
    01:02:521 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Why suddenly increase the distance just when kiai time ended? Should be less compared the ones you have in kiai time
    01:03:927 (5) - Don't ever do this if you don't know what you're doing. Stream jumps are tricky to use and often risky to have in qualified section.
    01:04:865 - Missing note here , since there is a drum sound
    01:04:959 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing thingy that I mentioned before
    01:05:990 - Missing note here
    01:19:677 (6) - NC please

    Needs more mods for it to become polished

Nothing much to mention for the lower diffs, just get more mods and polish this mapset up.
Topic Starter
Hi~~ thank you :3

Aerous wrote:


  • 00:06:459 (1) - This is fine , but don't you find it boring to play ? Just something personal Fixed
    00:12:084 (1) - Remove NC and NC here 00:12:459 (2) - I can't remove NC after a spinner :/
    00:24:084 (1) - Remove NC and NC here 00:24:459 (2) - ^
    00:28:584 (4) - Don't end sliders on a downbeat , should be something clickable Fixed
    00:40:584 (4) - ^
    00:46:771 - You're missing some beats with the slider here I think it's ok, it need a spinner for the transition imo :3
    00:54:459 (1,2,3) - You should just remove these sliders and replace it with circles. I would expect these in your other diff compared to this one I think it will be a little overmapped if I place a stream here :D These sliders are not really hard to play xD
    01:01:209 (5) - Kinda sharp drop to the next stream , maybe move it down for up and down motion coming in from 4. Relocate the stream after ? Mmmh, I tried something :D
    01:02:146 - Make triplet here or a slider to cover it up , right now you're missing those beats I reworked all of this part, I think it's better :D
    01:01:958 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^^ and why this huge distance , right after kiai too ?
    01:04:396 - Slider should start here , instead of blue tick. Since the music starts at the red tick
    01:04:959 (1,2,3,4) - Why small spacing compared to 01:02:334 (2,3,4,5,6) - Aren't you suppose to build up with the music and not the opposite ?
    01:12:834 - Missing a drum beat here if you use that long slider lol. I think, I hope it's not really important :D Because I like this slider :')
    01:13:396 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Blanket better too Fixed
    01:16:771 (1) - Downbeat thing again here Tried something else :)
    01:18:459 (1) - Same thing with what I said previous ^
    01:19:396 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ Fixed


  • 00:06:459 (1) - I wouldn't end a slider on a downbeat , just map it like what you did at 00:00:459 (1,2,3) - Fixed
    00:08:334 (2) - Theres no sound here , Just add slider at 00:07:959 - and end it where two is placed right now ^
    00:10:209 - Kinda weird how you have the slider covering this up , but you mapped it out at 00:01:959 (3,4) - and here 00:13:959 (3) - Mmmh, well, there is always a problem with this slider, therfore I place something else :D
    00:18:459 (1) - Same thing with the downbeat Fixed
    Add some whistles at the start too I prefer without :/ It will be overcrowed imo
    00:24:084 (1) - Remove NC and place it here 00:24:459 (2) - I didn't find how or it's just that it's impossible to remove NC after a spinner ? :3
    00:25:959 (6) - NC here Fixed
    00:27:459 (1,2,3) - Might confuse some players with this spacing , just spread it out I don't think it can confuse a 5 stars player xD nobody will triplet this :D
    00:28:584 (1) - Again with the downbeat Fixed
    00:39:459 (1,2,3) - Make a shape with these three notes , personally I don't like stacking them I prefer it stacked because it's the same note in the song and when you stack, it's more like a bass, you press on it etc... Well, I just prefer it stacked :D
    00:40:959 (1) - Just use three notes , repeat slider kinda throws off the tempo and flow Fixed
    00:44:709 (5) - End this slider at 00:45:084 - ??? I placed a reverse for it can't be a 1/1 slider :D
    00:45:459 (1) - Would map this out since you're missing some drum beats inside the spinner As I said in the insane diff, I think and I hope it's ok to place a spinner here. It's better for the transition, this map is like 2 maps : 1st part is 2 stars and the 2nd is 5 stars xD
    00:52:584 (5,6,7,8) - NC here and add more spacing maybe 1.2x I reserve the 1.2* for next streams :3 hehe.
    00:55:584 (5) - NC since you change the stream's spacing Fixed
    00:56:240 (2) - two notes instead Fixed
    00:56:709 (4,5,6,7,8) - Kinda clumped , I would just remapped this part Mmmmh, I like this part and it's pretty hard to play xD (And I like when it's hard *-*)
    00:57:646 (2) - I don't like how you start the slider on a red tick , because the slider ends on a drum sound. Would be more nice if you have something clickable at the end This map is going to be a jumpy map :D
    01:01:584 (7) - NC for distance changes Fixed
    01:02:146 (2,3,4) - Blanket properly with the stream you created before Fixed
    01:02:521 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Why suddenly increase the distance just when kiai time ended? Should be less compared the ones you have in kiai time The song sound like it >_< Kiais are more for streams and here the song is more like big jumps than simple mapping xD
    01:03:927 (5) - Don't ever do this if you don't know what you're doing. Stream jumps are tricky to use and often risky to have in qualified section. I know what i'm doing here X'D This one is pretty easy to do and following the song :) It become hard because it's between a lot of jumps :D
    01:04:865 - Missing note here , since there is a drum sound Well, everyone want it, let's go :D
    01:04:959 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Spacing thingy that I mentioned before Jumps are easy ;p
    01:05:990 - Missing note here Okay, fixed :D
    01:19:677 (6) - NC please Fixed

    Needs more mods for it to become polished

Nothing much to mention for the lower diffs, just get more mods and polish this mapset up.oki, thanks~

Thank you very mush for your mod :3 A lot of red, but it's because I explain why I don't to what you said :D
I'm going to mod your tatoe :D
Hi, sorry for the delay :<

00:42:459 (1) - Move this object a little bit up
01:10:209 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks weird, most of all because of this 01:10:584 (5) - move to X: 187 Y: 341
01:16:209 (4) - Move this to X:444 Y:60
01:08:709 Why not putting a circle here?

Nice beatmap set :-) The diffs Normal and Easy are harder for its level but its ok xD I found nothing more to mod :l

Good luck with the ranking :)
Topic Starter

Ferna52 wrote:

Hi, sorry for the delay :<

00:42:459 (1) - Move this object a little bit up This one is good imo :3
01:10:209 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks weird, most of all because of this 01:10:584 (5) - move to X: 187 Y: 341 fixed
01:16:209 (4) - Move this to X:444 Y:60 ? It's fine for a normal, this "overlap" is not ugly :D
01:08:709 Why not putting a circle here? Too early after a spinner ;)

Nice beatmap set :-) The diffs Normal and Easy are harder for its level but its ok xD I found nothing more to mod :l Np np :) I like all of mods :3

Good luck with the ranking :)Thanks~~ !

Thanks you for your mod ! :)
Kyle Y
#modding queue

00:09:459 (1) - circle and spinner start at 00:09:552 -
00:20:709 (5) - extent to 00:21:271 -
00:24:459 - I suggest this,

00:31:584 (2) - 1/2 slider,
00:37:959 (3) - extent to red, just like above, or just reject above
00:45:459 (1) - just like 00:09:459 (1) -
00:48:459 - break?
00:49:959 - try this... I think it is more fluent? and then 00:51:084 (3,4) - better not straight, straight is more difficult than curve for me
these also, 00:57:084 (3,4) -
01:10:959 (1) - blanket
01:11:709 (2,3) - this two blanket, at least don't overlap.
01:16:021 (3,4) - separate, or overlap more, just like:

I do not suggest to use SV change in Easy, although it is rankable.
00:09:459 (1) - recovery time for spinner is 4 beats, about 1500ms
00:21:459 (1) - otherwise it is unrankable.
00:37:209 (2,3) - ctrl+g
00:41:709 -

00:52:209 (2,3) - avoid overlap and stack in Easy, and Normal also. Overlap can be use depends on suitable.
01:17:709 (2,1) - New player do not know what drop-off flow is. Even they know, 2->1 is okay, but then 1->2 a lillt bit hard also
alright, i believe the hard could use some work, here are some of the things I found:

00:12:459 after this slider the hit circle doesn't make sense to me. maybe you should make the slider longer (probably end it on 00:13:209)

00:15:084 this hit circle doesn't follow the music that well, you might wanna remove it.

00:17:334 i believe this slider doesn't follow the music, maybe convert it's end to a hit circle?

00:20:709 i believe this slider would be better if it ended on 00:21:459

01:05:146 maybe this slider should be replaced by three hit circles on 1/2 beat snap. just a thought.

01:12:459 this spinner seems a little weird, you got such a good rhythm going. i believe it would be better if the beat kept going here, and the spinner wasn't there.

these are just my thoughts on the hard difficulty. the map itself is awesome, and I can't wait to see it ranked. :)

well i guess that's it. hope to see more of your awesome mapping skills in the future. ;)
Topic Starter
HEEEEEEEY !!!! Sorry for the delay (looong...), I took a "little" break aaand... I forgot my maps >_<

Well !

Kyle Y's mod
00:09:459 (1) - circle and spinner start at 00:09:552 - It's not that good here imo. Place something like that make the map going fast. I'm not looking for that here :D
00:20:709 (5) - extent to 00:21:271 - same thing.
00:24:459 - I suggest this, Fixed. But for a normal diff, 3 and 4 are 1/1 ;)
00:31:584 (2) - 1/2 slider, Fixed
00:37:959 (3) - extent to red, just like above, or just reject above Naa xD it will loose the player :D
00:45:459 (1) - just like 00:09:459 (1) - nop, as I said ;)
00:48:459 - break? mmh, too little... :(
00:49:959 - try this... I think it is more fluent? and then 00:51:084 (3,4) - better not straight, straight is more difficult than curve for me I tried to fix the curve ;) (not everywhere, I think it's good for some moments)
these also, 00:57:084 (3,4) - ^
01:10:959 (1) - blanket sure :D
01:11:709 (2,3) - this two blanket, at least don't overlap. sure :D but the "overlap" is ok imo :)
01:16:021 (3,4) - separate, or overlap more, just like: Done ! :)

I do not suggest to use SV change in Easy, although it is rankable. I know, but the song is 80 bpm then 160 bpm. I used a little SV changes but I think it's necessary to go to the 160 bpm part ;)

00:09:459 (1) - recovery time for spinner is 4 beats, about 1500ms I think it's ok here. like, the slider is very slow and the spinner is not hard to take. If I replace it by a 1/1 spinner, it's going to be to little, and I can't move the slider :) it's rankable imo ;)
00:21:459 (1) - otherwise it is unrankable. ^
00:37:209 (2,3) - ctrl+g Why ? :/ the flow will be broken...
00:41:709 - fixed
00:52:209 (2,3) - avoid overlap and stack in Easy, and Normal also. Overlap can be use depends on suitable. fixed
01:17:709 (2,1) - New player do not know what drop-off flow is. Even they know, 2->1 is okay, but then 1->2 a lillt bit hard also I think i've fixed it :D

dacuber's mod
00:12:459 after this slider the hit circle doesn't make sense to me. maybe you should make the slider longer (probably end it on 00:13:209) Fixed

00:15:084 this hit circle doesn't follow the music that well, you might wanna remove it. This circle is important for the flow of the map imo. And it's following the "chan" Kappa xD

00:17:334 i believe this slider doesn't follow the music, maybe convert it's end to a hit circle? This one is good imo ;)

00:20:709 i believe this slider would be better if it ended on 00:21:459 Fixed

01:05:146 maybe this slider should be replaced by three hit circles on 1/2 beat snap. just a thought. It could be 3 cirlces yep :D but I prefer a slider xD why ? I don't know xD

01:12:459 this spinner seems a little weird, you got such a good rhythm going. i believe it would be better if the beat kept going here, and the spinner wasn't there. I think too, but this part is an insane part : jumps into stream... I tried to map it but everytime, it's too hard :D That's why I put a spinner, breaking the rhythm, but help the player imo (the SV is pretty hard to follow, a little break is helpful i think :) )

these are just my thoughts on the hard difficulty. the map itself is awesome, and I can't wait to see it ranked. :) Sorry :'( let's harass BNs to help it !! xD

well i guess that's it. hope to see more of your awesome mapping skills in the future. ;) Arigatouuu~~

Thank you !!!
Ciyus Miapah
update your map
All clear

Set slidertick rate to 1, as there is no need for 2 as you don't use 1/2 in the map. Unless you use it for SV changes, which can also be distinguished by colorhaxing/storyboarding, which imo is more favourable. Also the SV changes are too excessive, I honestly believe this is not rankable
00:04:584 (2) - Polarity can be improved, better make them 2 circles
00:06:459 (1,2) - Why is there a jump in easy?
00:09:459 (1) - Add a circle instead of spinnerstart, start the spinner 1/2-1/1 later
00:12:459 (1) - Too soon after the spinenr, it must be at least 4 beats. It's better to shorten the spinner
00:31:584 (2) - Feels weird, as there is no sound at the start/end, only at the reverse, better make it a single circle at the downbeat
00:52:959 (1,2,1,2) - Spacing!!!
01:04:959 (1) - Why not end it at 01:06:459, and start mapping from 01:07:959?
01:20:052 (1) - Spinner is too soon after the slider, move it 1/4 later in time
Needs quite a lot more work tbh

Same comment as Easy
00:06:459 (5) - Nc, as you have a SV change
00:27:459 (1,3) - Direct full body overlap (which even falied)
00:25:584 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Spacing
00:29:709 (4,1) - Blanket
00:40:959 (3,1) - Doesn't look good, move (3) to 277:153 (it also fixed distance issues)
Kiai way too hard with the circles at high SV/DS Change them to sliders, see how I tackled something similar in this map, Normal Fast sliders work better then sldiers+circles, due to leniency
01:04:959 (1) - Why not end it at 01:06:459, and start mapping from 01:07:959?
01:10:959 (1,2) - Spacing
01:16:209 (4,5,1) - Spacing

00:06:459 (1) - I personally dislike such long (kinda boring) sliders
00:20:334 (2,3) - Blanket
00:21:552 (1) - It's generally a bad idea to give spinnerends such powerful parts. Shorten by 1/1 and add a circle at the "old-end"
00:29:709 (8) - Don't end sliders on downbeats please, it causes a huge loss of emphasis
00:49:584 (1) - Please remove 1 reverse, and add a circle at 00:49:959
01:01:209 (4) - ^^
01:06:177 (1) - It's generally a bad idea to give spinnerends such powerful parts. Shorten by 1/1 and add a circle at the "old-end"
01:12:459 (1) - ^^
01:18:459 (1,2,3,4,5) - The stack at (3,4) and the low distance from (4,5) compared to (1,2,3) is quite awkward, and should be remade

Hmm, this map needs a lot of work, it has lots of unrankable things (red) due to spacing in lower diffs
I also strongly disagree with the SV changes in Easy/Normal
Good luck though
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