
DJ Genki feat. Yukacco - Planet

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, November 26, 2015 at 10:50:16 PM

Artist: DJ Genki feat. Yukacco
Title: Planet
Tags: Kbuns electronic AlaskaTrooper HARDCORE SYNDROME 8 TANO*C
BPM: 170
Filesize: 6822kb
Play Time: 05:33
Difficulties Available:
  1. Tbuns (5 stars, 1071 notes)
Download: DJ Genki feat. Yukacco - Planet
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
(00:01:503 - 02:53:738) kbuns
(02:53:738 - 05:33:705) Me

STAAAAAAARGAZERRRRRR...cough* cough* wrong song

This map is a train wreck lol

ACEN 2015

  • 00:03:621 (2) - Take (1) and copy paste it here and then ctrl+h ctrl+j.
    00:05:033 (1) - Slider flows weirdly.
    00:09:974 (2) - ctrl+g, having the slider facing the direction is does now kills flow.
    00:11:386 (1,2,3,4,5) - inconsistent spacing, might want to revise.
    00:13:150 (1) - Add soft clap hitsound?
    00:13:856 (2) - ^
    00:14:562 (4) - ^
    00:14:915 (1) - ^ maybe? debatable.
    00:18:797 (3) - Move this circle slightly up so this section keeps a consistent 2.0x snap.
    00:20:562 (4) - there should be something on this red tick.
    00:21:444 (3,4,5,1,2) - This part does not match what's going on in the music.
    00:22:856 (1) - remove NC
    00:23:033 (1) - ^
    00:23:209 (1) - ^
    00:23:562 (1) - ^
    00:25:415 (2) - select this slider and press J. This should start on the red tick so you should also extend it to end on the following white tick.
    00:27:974 (4) - Remove reverse. Doesn't match music.
    00:31:856 (6) - ctrl+G
    00:33:268 (1) - Long slider here is boring for the diff. *Insert creativity*
    00:34:856 you should probably map this section.
More to come...


  • 00:33:268 (8) - REMAP HOMIE
    *00:59:033 (7) - Replace (7) with a hit circle and shift the slider back to start here: 00:59:209 (obviously end it earlier too)
    01:00:444 (1,2,3,4) - LOLOLLOOL rhythm. Replace 01:00:444 (1) - with a hit circle and add nc. 01:00:974 (2) - J x2
    01:03:268 (2) - Fix rhythm (split slider)
    01:06:797 (2,3) - Why is this mapped like this? The note in the vocals is clearly held with no change other than slight vibrato. Fix!
    01:23:386 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Do more rhythms like this
    01:29:739 (8,9) - Split into 3 hit circles and a slider
    01:33:533 (1) - This should start here 01:33:268.
    01:36:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - You should map this with rhythm
    01:44:562 (2) - Flow?
    01:43:151 (1) - These slider bones make me cry a little :(
    02:02:033 (3) - What the DS
    02:03:091 (9) - ^
    02:06:444 (9) - 5.74x spacing plz
    02:06:797 (10) - I'm a hungry hungry hippo and I eat slider bones! Remove at least half of these to make the slider look less :shock:
    02:07:327 (1,2,3) - Give triplet a curve
    02:09:974 (1,2,3) - ^
    01:56:209 (1) - Clap
    01:56:915 (3) - ^
    01:57:621 (5) - ^
    01:58:327 (1) - ^ on slider begin
    01:59:033 (2) - ^
    01:59:739 (4) - ^
    02:01:150 (7) - ^ on slider begin
    02:01:856 (2) - ^
    02:02:562 (6) - ^
    this is too much. Just put claps on beats 2 and 4 for fast sections.
    02:15:268 (1,2,3) - Curve this
    02:17:915 (1,2,3) - ^ improves flow
    02:18:268 (4) - Bad flow
    02:07:128 Preview point here.
    02:11:386 (2,3) - Lol DS
    02:12:621 (1,2,3) - Curve ResidentSleeper
    02:15:268 (1,2,3) - ^
    02:17:915 (1,2,3) -
    02:22:680 (7) - Remove reverse; k 2x
    02:24:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - DS this you fool >:[ or make the pattern look more interesting.
    02:25:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - We have very different mapping styles. This is nasty
    02:27:797 (6) - Make the x value equal to 02:27:444 (4)
    02:28:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This rhythm
    02:39:444 (1) - Don't stack that
    02:33:974 (8) - DS
    02:43:856 (1) - Replace with a circle
    02:44:739 (9) - k x2
    02:45:091 (10) - End here 02:45:444 and fix DS
    02:46:680 (1,2,3) - Curve
    02:47:739 (1) - Stack on (6)
    02:57:268 (3,4,5) - This rhythm:
    03:04:503 (3) - Add reverse
    03:09:091 (6) - Make this a copy of 03:08:739 (5)
    03:10:680 (1,2) - Flow
    03:32:033 (8,9) - Suddenly SO slow. Replace with some hit circles
    03:35:739 (1,2) - DS awkward
    03:50:562 (2) - Use this rhythm
    03:59:033 (3,4,5,6) - Use same rhythm here ^
    04:16:680 (3) - End this slider here: 04:17:739
    04:35:562 (8) - This rhythm
    04:37:503 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Curve these triplets so that it flows better. This is pretty bad.
    04:41:915 (4,5,6) - ResidentSleeper
    04:43:150 (1,2,1,2,1) - You know.
    04:48:091 (1,2,3) - Curve
    04:50:739 (1,2,3) - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
    04:53:739 (1,2,3) - R E S I D E N T S L E E P E R B O Y Z
    04:56:386 (1,2,3) - yes
    04:59:209 (1,2,3) - yes
    05:05:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - DS B O Y Z
    05:24:092 (5,6,7) - yes
    05:27:621 (1,2,3) - yes
    **You've got a lot of work to do kiddo. Your rhythms need a LOT of work. This post would've taken me ~12 hours if I were to point out all of the oddities in rhythm.
Topic Starter
00:33:268 (8) - REMAP HOMIE done
*00:59:033 (7) - Replace (7) with a hit circle and shift the slider back to start here: 00:59:209 (obviously end it earlier too) done
01:00:444 (1,2,3,4) - LOLOLLOOL rhythm. Replace 01:00:444 (1) - with a hit circle and add nc. 01:00:974 (2) - J x2 done
01:03:268 (2) - Fix rhythm (split slider)done
01:06:797 (2,3) - Why is this mapped like this? The note in the vocals is clearly held with no change other than slight vibrato. Fix!i spiced it up a bit
01:23:386 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Do more rhythms like this
01:29:739 (8,9) - Split into 3 hit circles and a sliderdone
01:33:533 (1) - This should start here 01:33:268. thanks for the catch
01:36:356 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - You should map this with rhythm done
01:44:562 (2) - Flow? i tweaked it up
01:43:151 (1) - These slider bones make me cry a little :( i cleaned the bones
02:02:033 (3) - What the DS i made the DS more consistent
02:03:091 (9) - ^fixed
02:06:444 (9) - 5.74x spacing plz i changed that
02:06:797 (10) - I'm a hungry hungry hippo and I eat slider bones! Remove at least half of these to make the slider look less :shock: done
02:07:327 (1,2,3) - Give triplet a curve done
02:09:974 (1,2,3) - ^ fixed
01:56:209 (1) - Clap
01:56:915 (3) - ^
01:57:621 (5) - ^
01:58:327 (1) - ^ on slider begin
01:59:033 (2) - ^
01:59:739 (4) - ^
02:01:150 (7) - ^ on slider begin
02:01:856 (2) - ^
02:02:562 (6) - ^ i fixed the above hitsounds ^
this is too much. Just put claps on beats 2 and 4 for fast sections.
02:15:268 (1,2,3) - Curve this i prefer this one to be straight
02:17:915 (1,2,3) - ^ improves flowfixed
02:18:268 (4) - Bad flow i changed it up
02:07:128 Preview point here. thanks
02:11:386 (2,3) - Lol DS fixed
02:12:621 (1,2,3) - Curve ResidentSleeper i did my best to spice it up
02:15:268 (1,2,3) - ^
02:17:915 (1,2,3) -
02:22:680 (7) - Remove reverse; k 2x sounds good
02:24:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - DS this you fool >:[ or make the pattern look more interesting. done
02:25:503 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - We have very different mapping styles. This is nasty thanks
02:27:797 (6) - Make the x value equal to 02:27:444 (4) gotcha
02:28:680 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - This rhythm done
02:39:444 (1) - Don't stack thatdone
02:33:974 (8) - DSdone
02:43:856 (1) - Replace with a circle done
02:44:739 (9) - k x2 done
02:45:091 (10) - End here 02:45:444 and fix DS done
02:46:680 (1,2,3) - Curve i prefer the straightness for this one
02:47:739 (1) - Stack on (6) done
02:57:268 (3,4,5) - This rhythm: done
03:04:503 (3) - Add reverse done
03:09:091 (6) - Make this a copy of 03:08:739 (5) done
03:10:680 (1,2) - Flow i changed it up
03:32:033 (8,9) - Suddenly SO slow. Replace with some hit circles done
03:35:739 (1,2) - DS awkward done
03:50:562 (2) - Use this rhythm done
03:59:033 (3,4,5,6) - Use same rhythm here ^ done
04:16:680 (3) - End this slider here: 04:17:739 done
04:35:562 (8) - This rhythm done
04:37:503 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Curve these triplets so that it flows better. This is pretty bad. done
04:41:915 (4,5,6) - ResidentSleeper i changed it up
04:43:150 (1,2,1,2,1) - You know.
04:48:091 (1,2,3) - Curve done
04:50:739 (1,2,3) - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz
04:53:739 (1,2,3) - R E S I D E N T S L E E P E R B O Y Z
04:56:386 (1,2,3) - yes
04:59:209 (1,2,3) - yes
05:05:033 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - DS B O Y Z
05:24:092 (5,6,7) - yes
05:27:621 (1,2,3) - yes i did what i could for those last comments

thank you for the help, it is highly appreciated! :)
M4M here we go:

  • Collab

    00:02:915 (1) - Make it like 00:02:209 (2) -
    00:08:562 (1) - Fix blanket
    00:19:150 (4) - Make it like 00:18:444 (1,4) -
    00:19:856 (1) - ^
    00:21:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The jump was nice until 00:22:680 (1) - but then it started to get weird -'
    00:26:562 (6) - Remove?
    00:28:327 (5) - ^
    00:39:445 (4) - This slider is weird too
    00:41:033 (1) - Change to circle?
    04:17:032 (7) - End of the object isn't snapped according to AiMod
    00:54:621 - 1/2 slider and remove 00:54:797 (5) - ?
    01:00:268 - Circle?
    01:29:739 (9) - Fix blanket
    01:38:033 (7) - Curve it properly :p
    01:41:033 (5) -
    01:55:151 (1) - ^
    01:58:327 (1) - Change to circle at 01:58:327 - 01:58:503 - and 01:58:680 -
    02:01:150 (7) - ^ (same idea)
    02:04:856 (1,2,3,4) - Use same DS
    02:06:797 (10) -
    02:13:150 (3) - ?
    02:28:327 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This is really confusing and weird
    02:53:033 (4) -
    03:14:915 (7) - This slider is ugly ;w;
    04:12:797 (1,2) - ^
    04:23:739 (1) - Should start at 04:24:091 -
    04:43:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - This could look better
    05:10:150 (8) - This is curved weirdly

That's it! you have 24 hours to mod my map back or I'll kill you
Topic Starter

04:17:032 (7) - End of the object isn't snapped according to AiMod gotcha

02:53:033 (4) - i put in something similar

03:14:915 (7) - This slider is ugly ;w; my ugly slider has been reborn into something hopefully less ugly

04:12:797 (1,2) - ^ yep these two naughty dogs have been fixed

04:23:739 (1) - Should start at 04:24:091 - done

04:43:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - This could look better i made the whole pattern more curved, instead of a jagged line

05:10:150 (8) - This is curved weirdly i remade that slider

Since i did the parts past 2:46, i'm responding to those parts. Thanks a bunch for the M4M

LucaSA4 wrote:

M4M here we go:

  • Collab

    00:02:915 (1) - Make it like 00:02:209 (2) -
    This slider represents a different melodic idea than the slider you pointed out. I'll keep it as is.
    00:08:562 (1) - Fix blanket
    00:19:150 (4) - Make it like 00:18:444 (1,4) -
    00:19:856 (1) - ^
    Made these sliders copies, thanks
    00:21:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - The jump was nice until 00:22:680 (1) - but then it started to get weird -'
    What do you mean by weird? I would like more input about this spaced stream.
    00:26:562 (6) - Remove?
    00:28:327 (5) - ^
    00:39:445 (4) - This slider is weird too
    Fixed slider shape
    00:41:033 (1) - Change to circle?
    Surprised I didn't catch this, thanks.
    04:17:032 (7) - End of the object isn't snapped according to AiMod
    I fixed this for the map owner.
    00:54:621 - 1/2 slider and remove 00:54:797 (5) - ?
    I liked the solid rhythm provided by the two quarter notes, but this is probably more proper.
    01:00:268 - Circle?
    Changed. Stacked under slider end of (8)
    01:29:739 (9) - Fix blanket
    01:38:033 (7) - Curve it properly :p
    01:41:033 (5) -
    Fixed owo
    01:55:151 (1) - ^
    Adjusted slider shape
    01:58:327 (1) - Change to circle at 01:58:327 - 01:58:503 - and 01:58:680 -
    02:01:150 (7) - ^ (same idea)
    02:04:856 (1,2,3,4) - Use same DS
    02:06:797 (10) -
    02:13:150 (3) - ?
    Fixed shape
    02:28:327 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This is really confusing and weird
    Remapped to be more like earlier stream patterns
    02:53:033 (4) -
    03:14:915 (7) - This slider is ugly ;w;
    04:12:797 (1,2) - ^
    04:23:739 (1) - Should start at 04:24:091 -
    04:43:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5) - This could look better
    05:10:150 (8) - This is curved weirdly

That's it! you have 24 hours to mod my map back or I'll kill you
That's all for my part, thanks!


  1. disable countdown
  2. disable letter box
  3. 00:02:915 (1) - unrankable pattern

    Standard Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Slider anchors/nodes must not be used to manipulate slider speeds
  4. 00:01:503 - 00:12:444 - i feel your pattern here is a bit boring, even though the drum is 1/1, why dont you follow another rhythm? such as the hihat in the back, the sound might be small but you can still hear it. it is 1/2 and its a lot easier to map compare to the rhythm you are following now. I also suggest you to change the sv to 0.5 because the music here is not high at all, and it doesnt have dense rhythm here too, 0.5 gives more feeling about the music. generally, i suggest you to remap this part with 0.5x sv and 1/2 spacing, but also be creative, you dont have to use ds all the time. also plz keep the map tidy
  5. 00:18:974 (3,1) - flow is not nice at all, its not because your note placement but the shape of the slider. yes, antiflow is fun and nice to play, but not this kind of antiflow,the slider is basicly not connected with the note placement, examples are many, a lot of ranked map have some very nice note-slider combo, recommend mapper: Fycho Asphyxia etc...
  6. 00:19:150 (1,3) - please try to avoid those overlaps, unless you cant find any place to put them, for this one, you can just move 00:19:680 (3) - a bit up and then everything looks nice, same for all slider overlaps you did in this map
  7. 00:21:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - nice idea, but its still uncomfortable to play also it doesnt really fits the song,especially on changes like 00:23:562 (8,1) - which is very random, your hand is hard to change speed when the flow is smooth, well if you dont believe me, testplay it yourself. also plz make sure all your ds changes is because of the music, change ur ds when some significant change happend in the music,those changes is usually on the white ticks, i dont see that in ur stream at all
  8. 00:26:209 (5) - no,no,ds 1.0 is way too fast for this part, the piano is very nice and slow, but ruined by your sv
  9. 00:49:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - jumps are too random though, however, i dont think a peace rhythm like this fits your screen jumps
  10. 01:18:091 (6) - plz dont use the old form of slider, one point is the new type slider and its way better than this. see update in 2012:
  11. 01:33:268 - 01:44:562 - hitsound here really ruined the song, you basically cant hear any loud beat in this part, neither any beats that similar at the hit sound you are using, using a hitsound that extremely different from the song will just ruined the song
  12. 01:58:327 (1,2) - idk if you heard that, but i clearly heard the 1/4 beats here, plz dont ignore any notes, only do when necessary
  13. 02:05:562 (5) - this isnt the right rhythm, right rhythm:
  14. 02:07:150 - plz put some object for hitting here, this is that starting point of kiai, you must let ppl feel that, a object for hitting is really needed ant it gave ppl better feeling to the song
  15. 02:23:033 (1,2,3,1) - i dont think there is any thing to make you to stop the 1/2 rhythm here, the drum is still going and the electro sound is still same as before, the stop make me feel the music slowed down , which doesnt make sense for here
i will stop here, to be honest, i have to say that the map has lack of quality, and its showed because of following reasons:
  1. the hitsound you are using is not fitting the song at all. i think you have to use some custom hitsound for this song, go to and you can find alot of nice hitsound in it, plz choose the hitsounds that really fits the song, it dont have to be exactly similar, but not too different
  2. the spacing is very random and not fitting the song, it dosent "show" the song properly. for example, 03:07:503 (1,2,3,4) - the distace you used is very close to what u have used in kiai, but the part here have a much lower tone and the rhythm is a lot less complex. you should really use smaller jumps for this one
your idea is good, i know you tired hard based on sliders like 03:32:562 (9) - you made, but your mapping skill just cant show them properly. I suggest you to learn the patterns and rhythm in any ranked map, or sure, copy the patterns if you like, when you copied a lot, you will have an idea of patterns.
sry but i have to say that you have to remap the whole diff, if you really want to rank it. nobody's first map is ranked without remapping, i know its sad, but i was a new mapper like you in a year ago, i know what you have to do to improve.
if you have any questions, contact me any time in-game and i will help you
good luck

Mackenzie wrote:



  1. disable countdown
  2. disable letter box
  3. 00:02:915 (1) - unrankable pattern

    Standard Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Slider anchors/nodes must not be used to manipulate slider speeds
  4. 00:01:503 - 00:12:444 - i feel your pattern here is a bit boring, even though the drum is 1/1, why dont you follow another rhythm? such as the hihat in the back, the sound might be small but you can still hear it. it is 1/2 and its a lot easier to map compare to the rhythm you are following now. I also suggest you to change the sv to 0.5 because the music here is not high at all, and it doesnt have dense rhythm here too, 0.5 gives more feeling about the music. generally, i suggest you to remap this part with 0.5x sv and 1/2 spacing, but also be creative, you dont have to use ds all the time. also plz keep the map tidy
  5. 00:18:974 (3,1) - flow is not nice at all, its not because your note placement but the shape of the slider. yes, antiflow is fun and nice to play, but not this kind of antiflow,the slider is basicly not connected with the note placement, examples are many, a lot of ranked map have some very nice note-slider combo, recommend mapper: Fycho Asphyxia etc...
  6. 00:19:150 (1,3) - please try to avoid those overlaps, unless you cant find any place to put them, for this one, you can just move 00:19:680 (3) - a bit up and then everything looks nice, same for all slider overlaps you did in this map
  7. 00:21:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - nice idea, but its still uncomfortable to play also it doesnt really fits the song,especially on changes like 00:23:562 (8,1) - which is very random, your hand is hard to change speed when the flow is smooth, well if you dont believe me, testplay it yourself. also plz make sure all your ds changes is because of the music, change ur ds when some significant change happend in the music,those changes is usually on the white ticks, i dont see that in ur stream at all
  8. 00:26:209 (5) - no,no,ds 1.0 is way too fast for this part, the piano is very nice and slow, but ruined by your sv
  9. 00:49:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - jumps are too random though, however, i dont think a peace rhythm like this fits your screen jumps
  10. 01:18:091 (6) - plz dont use the old form of slider, one point is the new type slider and its way better than this. see update in 2012:
  11. 01:33:268 - 01:44:562 - hitsound here really ruined the song, you basically cant hear any loud beat in this part, neither any beats that similar at the hit sound you are using, using a hitsound that extremely different from the song will just ruined the song
  12. 01:58:327 (1,2) - idk if you heard that, but i clearly heard the 1/4 beats here, plz dont ignore any notes, only do when necessary
  13. 02:05:562 (5) - this isnt the right rhythm, right rhythm:
  14. 02:07:150 - plz put some object for hitting here, this is that starting point of kiai, you must let ppl feel that, a object for hitting is really needed ant it gave ppl better feeling to the song
  15. 02:23:033 (1,2,3,1) - i dont think there is any thing to make you to stop the 1/2 rhythm here, the drum is still going and the electro sound is still same as before, the stop make me feel the music slowed down , which doesnt make sense for here
i will stop here, to be honest, i have to say that the map has lack of quality, and its showed because of following reasons:
  1. the hitsound you are using is not fitting the song at all. i think you have to use some custom hitsound for this song, go to and you can find alot of nice hitsound in it, plz choose the hitsounds that really fits the song, it dont have to be exactly similar, but not too different
  2. the spacing is very random and not fitting the song, it dosent "show" the song properly. for example, 03:07:503 (1,2,3,4) - the distace you used is very close to what u have used in kiai, but the part here have a much lower tone and the rhythm is a lot less complex. you should really use smaller jumps for this one
your idea is good, i know you tired hard based on sliders like 03:32:562 (9) - you made, but your mapping skill just cant show them properly. I suggest you to learn the patterns and rhythm in any ranked map, or sure, copy the patterns if you like, when you copied a lot, you will have an idea of patterns.
sry but i have to say that you have to remap the whole diff, if you really want to rank it. nobody's first map is ranked without remapping, i know its sad, but i was a new mapper like you in a year ago, i know what you have to do to improve.
if you have any questions, contact me any time in-game and i will help you
good luck
Hey there Mackenzie, I'll make the map owner aware of this post and we will have a serious discussion regarding how we proceed with this map. Thank you so much for the feedback and I will do my best to find hit sounds that fit the map better. I will have proper responses to your suggestions within 24 hours. Many thanks,
Woah that one big mod .-.
Well, in quick glace I also found this map kinda out of rhythm...
But I'll just do my job here...
Mod, coming from my modding Q

  1. Yeah, disable countdown and letterbox
  2. 00:01:503 You should use soft hitsound on soft piano sound like this. And would be better if you reduce the SV a bit.
  3. 00:02:209 (2) - Well, you use old styled slider 00:02:209 (2) - just like the nominator said above ^ thanks to the update you can simply use 1 points to make a nice curve. Furthermore, I prefer to make it identical with (1), just like this it looks neater.
  4. 00:02:915 (1) - Firstly, not only it's unrankable (well I don't really sure actually, I still think this is a wiggle one and the one that unrankable is the slider which the red anchors are so close to each other and causing some crazy movement, but whatever) it's also kinda random and don't fit the song at all. I suggest to change it too.
  5. 00:09:974 (1) - This one ugly slider wave .-. Maybe you could fix the shape a bit.... simple way : advanced way :
  6. 00:12:091 (3) - You pull the white tick way too far, it makes the slider looks kinda ugly. Like this look better imo
  7. 00:18:091 you can start a stream here, there's a very noticeable drum sound. If you don't add anything, it feels empty.
  8. 00:23:297 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Right, I prefer to use circular motion, and let it expand smoothly, don't do it too suddenly.
  9. 00:29:739 (1) - you can use the same slider wave technique ^
  10. 00:32:562 (1) - This slider looks ugly, same issue, you pull the white tick (after the red one) too far away.
  11. 00:46:680 (1) - You need to add finish hitsound here.
  12. 00:53:386 Add a note here, to follow vocal and create a better polarity from previous note.
  13. 00:55:150 (6) - Maybe a 1/1 reverse slider would fit better
  14. 00:56:209 (7) - Reposition the red anchor a bit so the vocal (on red tick) will perfectly fall on the pointy part.
  15. 00:59:209 (8) - I don't like this slider shape .-. Like this maybe : or this :
  16. Damn, you need a silent (blank) soft slider slide, it sounds so loud here x-x
  17. 01:07:856 (3) - Fix the elbow shape, so it would be smoother
  18. 01:12:797 (1) - This note is kinda out of place... There's no sound there... Maybe this is what you tried to make
  19. 01:18:091 (6) - Following piano? better not to ignore vocal as well better, but kinda ignoring the piano sound at middle .-.
  20. 01:20:915 (1,2,3) - Are you sure you want the vocal to fall on slider's tail? it feels uncomfortable imo.
  21. 01:23:386 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Umm, better use this. or, for harder rhythm
  22. 02:00:444 (7) - If you want to use circles, keep using circle. If you want to use slider, use more than one. This lonesome slider seems out of place.
  23. 02:01:327 start a triplet to support very big drum sound
  24. 02:05:562 (5) - No, the stream end here 02:05:739 start the slider there. You are missing two circles. Furthermore, better use a circle, to make a little pause since there's no sound there.
  25. 02:06:444 (10) - NC for SV change so the player would be prepared. Furthermore, this SV change is kinda random
  26. 02:06:797 (11) - ^
  27. 02:23:033 Feels kinda empty here, you're missing a lot of notes.
  28. 02:29:739 (8) - Woah, those slider anchors .-. do you really need all of them?
  29. 02:44:209 (2,3,4) - What with the SV change? and these sliders don't fit the song at all :o
  30. 02:48:268 (4) - I think you better keep your sliders to start at white tick... Placing sliders at red tick make it seems off.
  31. 02:56:562 (1,3) - Stack?
  32. 03:00:444 (2) - You don't need all of those slider anchors right?
  33. 03:06:797 (4) - Maybe like this
  34. 03:08:562 (4,5,6) - Ctrl+g, it'll follow the rhyhtm better.
  35. 03:15:974 (7) - Maybe you want to make harder rhythm but I think placing a circle here kinda inappropriate... Just end (6) slider here.
  36. 03:17:562 (2) - You completely ignoring vocal don't you? >.< Keep your sliders at white tick (it has nothing to do with this slider, I just randomly pick it xD)
  37. 03:23:386 (3) - I don't like this slider .-.
  38. 03:31:503 (1,2) - The SV change don't make sense, the music don't change or slowing...
  39. 03:32:562 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe this? increasing jumps would fit this part better imo.
  40. 04:15:621 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you can use the previous rhythm I gave you
  41. 05:24:797 (1,2,3,4) - Why don't you just follow the main sound? I mean like this
  42. Well... pretty big mod as well eh? xD The main problem I find is you put a lot of sliders at red tick. Remember this : avoid starting a slider at red tick unless there's a significant sound that support it (for "filler" or something) most of the time, it'll sounds weird. Second, at some part you seem to randomly place 1/2 slider and ignore the music example: 03:55:503 Solution: listen to the music more, map according to the music. Third, your placement is messy >.< Well, I don't really pay attention at it while modding because it's extra. You can place notes anywhere at extra. But, it would be much better if you can keep the placement tidy, it would be a nice plus point for your map. Fourth, sometime you also randomly change the SV, try to reduce the random SV change sliders and if want ("need" actually) to change SV, use NC so the players would be ready.

Well, good luck~
My part (00:01:503 - 02:53:738 -)has been completely remapped to satisfy the suggestions of Mackenzie and hanyuu. It's not completely finished as there are a few issues that I am aware of and need to touch up, but it is surely mod-ready.
Topic Starter

hanyuu_nanodesu wrote:

Woah that one big mod .-.
Well, in quick glace I also found this map kinda out of rhythm...
But I'll just do my job here...
Mod, coming from my modding Q


[*]02:56:562 (1,3) - Stack? i changed it
[*]03:00:444 (2) - You don't need all of those slider anchors right? corrected the spinal structure of the slider
[*]03:06:797 (4) - Maybe like this i changed it to something similar
[*]03:08:562 (4,5,6) - Ctrl+g, it'll follow the rhyhtm better.
[*]03:15:974 (7) - Maybe you want to make harder rhythm but I think placing a circle here kinda inappropriate... Just end (6) slider here. i changed it
[*]03:17:562 (2) - You completely ignoring vocal don't you? >.< Keep your sliders at white tick (it has nothing to do with this slider, I just randomly pick it xD) i kept to the vocals this time
[*]03:23:386 (3) - I don't like this slider .-. i cleaned it up
[*]03:31:503 (1,2) - The SV change don't make sense, the music don't change or slowing... action has been taken
[*]03:32:562 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe this? increasing jumps would fit this part better imo. i did something similar
[*]04:15:621 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe you can use the previous rhythm I gave you shall decline that offer and stick to my original rhythm
[*]05:24:797 (1,2,3,4) - Why don't you just follow the main sound? I mean like this gotcha, i changed it
[*]Well... pretty big mod as well eh? xD The main problem I find is you put a lot of sliders at red tick. Remember this : avoid starting a slider at red tick unless there's a significant sound that support it (for "filler" or something) most of the time, it'll sounds weird. Second, at some part you seem to randomly place 1/2 slider and ignore the music example: 03:55:503 Solution: listen to the music more, map according to the music. Third, your placement is messy >.< Well, I don't really pay attention at it while modding because it's extra. You can place notes anywhere at extra. But, it would be much better if you can keep the placement tidy, it would be a nice plus point for your map. Fourth, sometime you also randomly change the SV, try to reduce the random SV change sliders and if want ("need" actually) to change SV, use NC so the players would be ready.[/list][/notice]

Well, good luck~
^ (i mapped from about 2:55 - 5:33, so im only addressing those parts, and kbuns will address the earlier segments.) thank you for the mod! i sort of remapped a ton of things before i read this post, but i still changed many things, thanks to your help.
Topic Starter

Mackenzie wrote:



  1. disable countdown
  2. disable letter box
  3. 00:02:915 (1) - unrankable pattern

    Standard Ranking Criteria wrote:

    Slider anchors/nodes must not be used to manipulate slider speeds
  4. 00:01:503 - 00:12:444 - i feel your pattern here is a bit boring, even though the drum is 1/1, why dont you follow another rhythm? such as the hihat in the back, the sound might be small but you can still hear it. it is 1/2 and its a lot easier to map compare to the rhythm you are following now. I also suggest you to change the sv to 0.5 because the music here is not high at all, and it doesnt have dense rhythm here too, 0.5 gives more feeling about the music. generally, i suggest you to remap this part with 0.5x sv and 1/2 spacing, but also be creative, you dont have to use ds all the time. also plz keep the map tidy
  5. 00:18:974 (3,1) - flow is not nice at all, its not because your note placement but the shape of the slider. yes, antiflow is fun and nice to play, but not this kind of antiflow,the slider is basicly not connected with the note placement, examples are many, a lot of ranked map have some very nice note-slider combo, recommend mapper: Fycho Asphyxia etc...
  6. 00:19:150 (1,3) - please try to avoid those overlaps, unless you cant find any place to put them, for this one, you can just move 00:19:680 (3) - a bit up and then everything looks nice, same for all slider overlaps you did in this map
  7. 00:21:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - nice idea, but its still uncomfortable to play also it doesnt really fits the song,especially on changes like 00:23:562 (8,1) - which is very random, your hand is hard to change speed when the flow is smooth, well if you dont believe me, testplay it yourself. also plz make sure all your ds changes is because of the music, change ur ds when some significant change happend in the music,those changes is usually on the white ticks, i dont see that in ur stream at all
  8. 00:26:209 (5) - no,no,ds 1.0 is way too fast for this part, the piano is very nice and slow, but ruined by your sv
  9. 00:49:150 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - jumps are too random though, however, i dont think a peace rhythm like this fits your screen jumps
  10. 01:18:091 (6) - plz dont use the old form of slider, one point is the new type slider and its way better than this. see update in 2012:
  11. 01:33:268 - 01:44:562 - hitsound here really ruined the song, you basically cant hear any loud beat in this part, neither any beats that similar at the hit sound you are using, using a hitsound that extremely different from the song will just ruined the song
  12. 01:58:327 (1,2) - idk if you heard that, but i clearly heard the 1/4 beats here, plz dont ignore any notes, only do when necessary
  13. 02:05:562 (5) - this isnt the right rhythm, right rhythm:
  14. 02:07:150 - plz put some object for hitting here, this is that starting point of kiai, you must let ppl feel that, a object for hitting is really needed ant it gave ppl better feeling to the song
  15. 02:23:033 (1,2,3,1) - i dont think there is any thing to make you to stop the 1/2 rhythm here, the drum is still going and the electro sound is still same as before, the stop make me feel the music slowed down , which doesnt make sense for here
i will stop here, to be honest, i have to say that the map has lack of quality, and its showed because of following reasons:
  1. the hitsound you are using is not fitting the song at all. i think you have to use some custom hitsound for this song, go to and you can find alot of nice hitsound in it, plz choose the hitsounds that really fits the song, it dont have to be exactly similar, but not too different
  2. the spacing is very random and not fitting the song, it dosent "show" the song properly. for example, 03:07:503 (1,2,3,4) - the distace you used is very close to what u have used in kiai, but the part here have a much lower tone and the rhythm is a lot less complex. you should really use smaller jumps for this one
your idea is good, i know you tired hard based on sliders like 03:32:562 (9) - you made, but your mapping skill just cant show them properly. I suggest you to learn the patterns and rhythm in any ranked map, or sure, copy the patterns if you like, when you copied a lot, you will have an idea of patterns.
sry but i have to say that you have to remap the whole diff, if you really want to rank it. nobody's first map is ranked without remapping, i know its sad, but i was a new mapper like you in a year ago, i know what you have to do to improve.
if you have any questions, contact me any time in-game and i will help you
good luck
thanks for the honest, yet brutal opinion. sadly enough, i did not map the parts you modded, but i still took the general idea of remapping and following the beat, fixing my spacing, and adjusting my rhythms and did a general overhaul of the map :)
Hello guy~
my english is poor QAQ so i just can express the sentence i have learned..(不会英语来模什么的好害羞////)
I'm same as you as a mapping-beginner (also a modding-beginner=w=) And i consider your map so long ago..

it's my second time to mod Here is my modding 0w0
[*]First of all,notice aimod.some objects isn't snapped
[*]The jumping in 00:18:532 to 00:21:267 is too abrupt and heavy.make it gradient.
[*]00:32:561 (6) - new combo
00:49:150 (5) - 00:54:444 (5) - 00:55:150 (6) - 00:57:973 (1) - 01:00:797 (1) - 01:03:267 (6) - 01:06:444 (6) - 01:20:561 (5) - 01:29:032 (4) - ^
[*]the new combo setting is a little messy. i suggest you check it whole the map.
[*]01:33:267 to 01:44:473 the jumping is too heavy. u should set such heavy jumping in kiai
[*]the style like 02:07:150 (1,2,3) - is too simple in the first kiai. have some change or add somthing~
[*]02:28:150 to 02:28:944 the sliders here are uncomfortable to play.Modify the sliders' towards and distace
some 1/4 sliders like it setting in others place also should be fixed
[*]the objects in kiai are too can put some challenging notes in it to make it better.and full of the rhythm as for as possible(Of course it needn't really full of rhythm of the whole map.)
Your idea is good~ But if you want to rank the map,it is still has a distance to acheve what you for the details and more hard working!
the song is very beautiful~I like it very much:D
this is all.thx for readingXD
(my english is really badQAQ)

ICboom wrote:

Hello guy~
my english is poor QAQ so i just can express the sentence i have learned..(不会英语来模什么的好害羞////)
I'm same as you as a mapping-beginner (also a modding-beginner=w=) And i consider your map so long ago..

it's my second time to mod Here is my modding 0w0
[*]First of all,notice aimod.some objects isn't snapped
Fixed all
[*]The jumping in 00:18:532 to 00:21:267 is too abrupt and heavy.make it gradient.
I took this suggestion and made the jumps increase in DS over time.
[*]00:32:561 (6) - new combo
00:49:150 (5) - 00:54:444 (5) - 00:55:150 (6) - 00:57:973 (1) - 01:00:797 (1) - 01:03:267 (6) - 01:06:444 (6) - 01:20:561 (5) - 01:29:032 (4) - ^
Included NC when I felt it was appropriate. (Pick-up notes ect.)
[*]the new combo setting is a little messy. i suggest you check it whole the map.
[*]01:33:267 to 01:44:473 the jumping is too heavy. u should set such heavy jumping in kiai
01:33:267 (1,2,3) - Reduced DS from 1.8x to 1.6x. The rest I believe is perfectly playable.
[*]the style like 02:07:150 (1,2,3) - is too simple in the first kiai. have some change or add somthing~
Increased DS, and added more interesting rhythms.
[*]02:28:150 to 02:28:944 the sliders here are uncomfortable to play.Modify the sliders' towards and distace
some 1/4 sliders like it setting in others place also should be fixed
Fixed the way the rhythm and the song work together in this part. Also used 1.5x ds. Much more comfortable to play.
[*]the objects in kiai are too can put some challenging notes in it to make it better.and full of the rhythm as for as possible(Of course it needn't really full of rhythm of the whole map.)
Your idea is good~ But if you want to rank the map,it is still has a distance to acheve what you for the details and more hard working!
the song is very beautiful~I like it very much:D
this is all.thx for readingXD
(my english is really badQAQ)
Thanks for modding ^^ your english is better than you give yourself credit for
Hi, m4m here ^^


During the kiai times, I'm not too fond of how you've chosen to place the finishes, as all three of them are inconsistent to each other. Make it so that for the first two kiais, the finishes are in the same place as the third kiai, as I preferred that kiai the best.
  1. 00:18:091 (1) - Replace this slider with a stream. It's bad to have a slider like this end on a heavy downbeat (the large white tick) because the player isn't hitting anything to emphasise it, they are simply just letting go. Other sliders can get away with this, but because this goes into a set of jumps, it's important that the player feels the first note of them.
  2. 01:44:561 (2) - I would recommend mapping this break. The music doesn't get much calmer compared to what has just been mapped, so it will make the map longer and more enjoyable if you mapped it.
  3. 02:07:679 (3,3) - You should stack these. Although this cannot be noticed in gameplay, it will make the map neater overall and it isn't that hard to do.
  4. 02:13:855 (8,1) - Blanket these? Again this is a neatness issue, but this can be noticed during gameplay. I think making this a proper blanket would look a lot nicer.
  5. 02:24:797 (4,5,6) - Why are these overlapping? The other patterns like this aren't overlapping, so it would be cleaner and more consistent if you moved them further apart.
  6. 02:30:797 - Add a note here. You can clearly hear a piano note here. Even though it's slightly quieter than the others doesn't mean it shouldn't be mapped. It will make your map flow and play nicer in general, and the player won't have to wait a beat to hit 02:30:973 (3) -
  7. 02:42:091 - Pretty much the same as the above ^^^^
  8. 02:44:208 (2) - Make it so the end of this slider is properly blanketed by 02:44:561 (3) - . It will look nicer.
  9. 02:56:562 (1,2,3) - Curve (1) as well. It will be more consistent, and if you rearrange the pattern as a whole it then it will look a lot nicer.

  10. 03:07:503 (1,2,3) - Make these notes evenly spaced. There is no reason for one of them to be drastically closer to one than the other. The things these circles have been mapped to are consistent and have around the same strength, so the pattern should reflect upon that.
  11. 03:29:386 (5,1,2,3,1) - What's with the 1/1 pauses? Add notes to fill the gaps, as it would complement the music better and so the map will be better to play; the player won't have to wait beats in the middle of an intense jump pattern.
  12. 03:53:915 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders start on the red tick and end on the white tick. White ticks are a lot stronger than red ticks, so this is bad rhythm wise. You want the player to be pressing the key on the powerful beats, not just letting go.
  13. 04:01:503 (1) - Curve this a bit more so that the end of 04:02:209 (2) - is properly blanketed. It would look nicer and cleaner.
  14. 04:08:562 (1,2) - Like above, you want to curve (1) so that the head of (2) is blanketed properly.
  15. 04:10:503 (4) - What's with this slider? There's no 1/4 sounds to justify putting such a slider here, so I recommend you remove it.
  16. 04:49:150 (6,7,8) - You should fix this blanket, (7,8) aren't parallel with (6)'s slider-track so it looks unkempt.
  17. 05:01:150 (5,6) - Having a reverse arrow hidden beneath another object is unrankable. This is because someone playing with an opaque skin and visible 300 hitbursts won't be able to see it, so they'll read it as a regular slider. Please change this.
  18. 05:07:150 (5,6) - Space these out more as if it was a jump. All other sections in the music like this are jumps, so it makes little sense for these to be so close together.
  19. 05:09:797 (7,1) - Personally it would look nicer if you curve (1) a bit more, so that more of (7) is blanketed.

Overall, I think the hitsounding is quite good, but the aesthetics and flow could use a bit of work. I can see that it has potential, just clean up on certain aspects and you're good~

I shot a star, good luck!

-Faded- wrote:

Hi, m4m here ^^

During the kiai times, I'm not too fond of how you've chosen to place the finishes, as all three of them are inconsistent to each other. Make it so that for the first two kiais, the finishes are in the same place as the third kiai, as I preferred that kiai the best.
Okay, I'll go back and re apply hitsounds to kiai sections with this in mind.

  • 0:18:091 (1) - Replace this slider with a stream. It's bad to have a slider like this end on a heavy downbeat (the large white tick) because the player isn't hitting anything to emphasise it, they are simply just letting go. Other sliders can get away with this, but because this goes into a set of jumps, it's important that the player feels the first note of them.
    01:44:561 (2) - I would recommend mapping this break. The music doesn't get much calmer compared to what has just been mapped, so it will make the map longer and more enjoyable if you mapped it.
    I'll consider this. I like the suspense that the break adds in preparation for the upcoming kiai time. We'll see.
    02:07:679 (3,3) - You should stack these. Although this cannot be noticed in gameplay, it will make the map neater overall and it isn't that hard to do.
    02:13:855 (8,1) - Blanket these? Again this is a neatness issue, but this can be noticed during gameplay. I think making this a proper blanket would look a lot nicer.
    Don't like the flow, stacked instead.
    02:24:797 (4,5,6) - Why are these overlapping? The other patterns like this aren't overlapping, so it would be cleaner and more consistent if you moved them further apart.
    This was originally a copy+paste of a previous pattern with ctrl+shift+r. Guess it didn't paste well :'(
    02:30:797 - Add a note here. You can clearly hear a piano note here. Even though it's slightly quieter than the others doesn't mean it shouldn't be mapped. It will make your map flow and play nicer in general, and the player won't have to wait a beat to hit 02:30:973 (3) -
    02:42:091 - Pretty much the same as the above ^^^^
    02:44:208 (2) - Make it so the end of this slider is properly blanketed by 02:44:561 (3) - . It will look nicer.
    Instead of blanketing here, I repositioned (3) for better flow.
    02:56:562 (1,2,3) - Curve (1) as well. It will be more consistent, and if you rearrange the pattern as a whole it then it will look a lot nicer.
Overall, I think the hitsounding is quite good, but the aesthetics and flow could use a bit of work. I can see that it has potential, just clean up on certain aspects and you're good~

I shot a star, good luck!
Thanks for modding ^^
Topic Starter

-Faded- wrote:

Hi, m4m here ^^


During the kiai times, I'm not too fond of how you've chosen to place the finishes, as all three of them are inconsistent to each other. Make it so that for the first two kiais, the finishes are in the same place as the third kiai, as I preferred that kiai the best.
  1. 02:56:562 (1,2,3) - Curve (1) as well. It will be more consistent, and if you rearrange the pattern as a whole it then it will look a lot nicer. done

  2. 03:07:503 (1,2,3) - Make these notes evenly spaced. There is no reason for one of them to be drastically closer to one than the other. The things these circles have been mapped to are consistent and have around the same strength, so the pattern should reflect upon that. done
  3. 03:29:386 (5,1,2,3,1) - What's with the 1/1 pauses? Add notes to fill the gaps, as it would complement the music better and so the map will be better to play; the player won't have to wait beats in the middle of an intense jump pattern. the jumps now have no pauses :)
  4. 03:53:915 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders start on the red tick and end on the white tick. White ticks are a lot stronger than red ticks, so this is bad rhythm wise. You want the player to be pressing the key on the powerful beats, not just letting go. i changed the rhythm up
  5. 04:01:503 (1) - Curve this a bit more so that the end of 04:02:209 (2) - is properly blanketed. It would look nicer and cleaner. done
  6. 04:08:562 (1,2) - Like above, you want to curve (1) so that the head of (2) is blanketed properly.done
  7. 04:10:503 (4) - What's with this slider? There's no 1/4 sounds to justify putting such a slider here, so I recommend you remove it.done
  8. 04:49:150 (6,7,8) - You should fix this blanket, (7,8) aren't parallel with (6)'s slider-track so it looks unkempt.good catch, i fixed it up
  9. 05:01:150 (5,6) - Having a reverse arrow hidden beneath another object is unrankable. This is because someone playing with an opaque skin and visible 300 hitbursts won't be able to see it, so they'll read it as a regular slider. Please change this. done
  10. 05:07:150 (5,6) - Space these out more as if it was a jump. All other sections in the music like this are jumps, so it makes little sense for these to be so close together. done
  11. 05:09:797 (7,1) - Personally it would look nicer if you curve (1) a bit more, so that more of (7) is blanketed.

Overall, I think the hitsounding is quite good, but the aesthetics and flow could use a bit of work. I can see that it has potential, just clean up on certain aspects and you're good~

I shot a star, good luck!
thank you for the mod!
From my Q

01:33:620 (3,4) - Terrible flow.
01:34:502 (6,1) - ^
01:54:444 (1) - To make breaks better you can drag when the warning arrows appear and when letterbox starts

02:11:561 (8,1) - Again really bad flow. I'd recommend looking at this post
02:17:562 (3) - Why the stupidly fast SV? It's just random it doesn't fit with the music at all.
- Your streams need a lot of work.
02:31:502 (5) - Add note
02:57:267 (3,5) - not a good overlap/stack
03:00:444 (2,3) - bad flow and spacing. the note previous to it and the music would indicate to the player a note in the top right.
04:24:091 (1) - Spinner's too short. The auto play mod needs to get a bonus of atleast 4000
04:35:561 (1) - ^
04:36:621 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - All of this is terrible. It's not nice to look at or play. not to mention things are quite random.

Yeah um. There's quite a lot of flaws in that map those ^ were just some of the major ones i could spot. Most of the time there doesn't seem to be any clear pattern the notes are placed kind of randomly. You're both completely inexperienced mappers you're in no condition to be doing a collab. I'd advise both of you to first get some experience ALONE then try again when you're ready.

Yoges wrote:

From my Q

01:33:620 (3,4) - Terrible flow.
The antiflow was intentional, I'm just not a good enough mapper yet to realize just how awkward it was to play. Repositioned (4)
01:34:502 (6,1) - ^
Repositioned (1)
01:54:444 (1) - To make breaks better you can drag when the warning arrows appear and when letterbox starts

Thanks for the tip, didn't know that
02:11:561 (8,1) - Again really bad flow. I'd recommend looking at this post
This was also intentional, to try and emphasize (1)
02:17:562 (3) - Why the stupidly fast SV? It's just random it doesn't fit with the music at all.
Honestly, I don't think 1.25x is really cause for alarm here. Reduced to 1.0x regardless.
- Your streams need a lot of work.
02:31:502 (5) - Add note
Added, I agree

Yeah um. There's quite a lot of flaws in that map those ^ were just some of the major ones i could spot. Most of the time there doesn't seem to be any clear pattern the notes are placed kind of randomly. You're both completely inexperienced mappers you're in no condition to be doing a collab. I'd advise both of you to first get some experience ALONE then try again when you're ready.
Well, I disagree. Since we're both still learning, I think that it's more fun, as well as more productive, to be working on a map together. I intend to continue doing so until one of us says otherwise.
Topic Starter

Yoges wrote:

From my Q


02:57:267 (3,5) - not a good overlap/stack Well, that's not too helpful since i disagree, but i changed it up a bit
03:00:444 (2,3) - bad flow and spacing. the note previous to it and the music would indicate to the player a note in the top right. eh, i switched up the flow / pattern, but i didnt stack all of it in the top right
04:24:091 (1) - Spinner's too short. The auto play mod needs to get a bonus of atleast 4000 i wonder how many maps would be unranked if this was true (it only needs 1000 on auto)
04:35:561 (1) - ^ ^^
04:36:621 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - All of this is terrible. It's not nice to look at or play. not to mention things are quite random. it's actually an extremely simple pattern, you just have to look at it once in editor to see how i moved each note, so i don't really see the randomness, unless you are mentioning the spacing (which i'd rather not change because it helps the song's build up), but i'll most likely adjust the spacing so it increases instead of switching from small jumps to large back to small. aaand being fun or looking nice don't always mean the same thing, but in this scenario, i'm keeping it similar to the way it is because to me...It's gucci 8-)

Yeah um. There's quite a lot of flaws in that map those ^ were just some of the major ones i could spot. Most of the time there doesn't seem to be any clear pattern the notes are placed kind of randomly. You're both completely inexperienced mappers you're in no condition to be doing a collab. I'd advise both of you to first get some experience ALONE then try again when you're ready.
Yeah um. About us getting experience alone, the map was cut in half, and we barely touched each other's parts ( besides fixing blankets, hitsounds, combo colors, etc). Anyways, i thank you for the straightforward opinion you've expressed and i'll do what i can to tweak the abundance of random spacing that slipped it's way through. (#Mackenzie smackdown V2)

Really rusty, only change what you want to.


Artist: DJ Genki feat. yukacco

Some tags you can add: HARDCORE SYNDROME 8 TANO*C

Why not add a SB to show who does what part?

I would honestly use 9.0 if you are using lots of 1/1 spacing, also since it's a 170bpm song and the streams are relatively simple.
I'm also somewhat concerned at the slow parts that the HP drain might be a bit too much (you pretty much have to 100% the slow part at the beginning on HR). Consider dropping it 0.5-1? Especially since this is a marathon map.

  1. 00:02:561 (3) - some examples for these notes. you could space them out much further if you wish. Another idea is to simply stack it on the upcoming (1). Not mandatory, but options are nice.
  2. 00:12:091 (2,3) - you could probably move this a little bit further away. It's starting to get pretty close to the previous.
  3. 00:17:385 (1,2,1) - The movement here could be spaced a little as well. Even if it's just 1.0 it'll help. preferably a little more to emphasize on the bass drums.
  4. 00:21:267 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - are you sure you want that long of a stream? Maybe consider using some repeat 1/4s at 00:21:973 (1) - or 00:23:385 (1) - or something. The other thing I want to mention is that you should try using sliders to create streams. As of right now, you have some spacing and movement that could be optimized. Simply create a slider, and hit control+shift+f and a distance of 0.8 DS.
  5. Generally this whole slow section feels a bit clumped together. It's not a bad thing, but you could probably make due with a little bit more spacing.
  6. 00:35:385 (1,2,3,4) - seems like you're trying to build up the rhythm a bit here. It works somewhat until you drop it again 6-7 notes later. Instead of trying to force the rhythm, consider just sticking more related to the piano part while letting the tail ends carry the rhythm you want.. ie:
  7. 00:41:032 (1,2,3,4,5) - It's basically the same idea here. I don't really think you need to up the rhythm here personally. Just a simple repeat of what you've been doing would be more than enough.
  8. 00:50:738 (5) - missing whistle on head?
  9. 00:50:738 (5) - Also again on this. Due to note stacking and such. It'll be a bit hard to stack these properly. I would honestly just move the (3) or the (5) slider somewhere else so they don't really interact.
  10. 01:06:444 (7) - pretty long (duration-wise) combo. NC?
  11. 01:23:385 (1,2,3,4) - you seem to be a vocal loving person. You should consider putting the dominant notes (slider starts / circles) where the vocals have the most effect: 01:23:385 - 01:23:914 - 01:24:444 - are examples of those.
  12. 01:29:385 (5) - try something like x392 y336 so the spacing is more consistent with the previous and next notes
  13. 01:33:267 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I honestly don't really know what you are trying to follow here. It seems more obvious that you made up your own rhythm to it. I would honestly consider revising it to match the synth playing in the background if at all possible. currently, spots like 01:35:738 (6) - feel a bit strange to listen to. The idea is to compliment the music, not take it over if that makes sense.
  14. 01:41:385 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - from the beginning up to these, it still felt a bit random. This rhythm here makes a bit more sense. Don't feel pressured to overmap anything, even if you are just trying to introduce your own rhythm.
  15. 01:58:502 - for more variety, you can try adding in some 1/4 like this: since the drums back it up here.
  16. 02:06:267 (4) - you could try moving this under 02:05:737 (1) - or where 02:07:502 (2) - is positioned as well for slightly better flow into the stream. Also maybe consider moving the other notes around to make it feel more like a triangle:
  17. 02:07:150 (1) - onwards. are you sure you want to use this kind of spacing? To be honest, you probably don't need to space every note out as far as you do. even 1.4-1.6 is more than enough.
  18. 02:10:326 (2) - x332 y24 maybe?
  19. 02:11:561 (8) - 1/2 slider? it feels like you skip out on 02:11:738 - which is imo a somewhat important note to hit. Most people will almost immediately move to it after 02:11:561 (8) - thinking it's just a standard jump anyways.
  20. 02:21:267 - why the slowdown? nothing really changes in the music here to warrant it. :(
  21. 02:41:385 (2,3) - Try adding a small curve into each of these
  22. 02:43:855 (1,2,3,4) - follow the synth for rhythm maybe? Kind of the same idea from 01:23:385 (1,2,3,4) -
  1. 02:55:503 (4) - you could probably move this from the (3) - try somewhere like x48 y206
  2. 02:59:033 (7,8) - Optional, but I would consider spacing these out a bit more. try something like this?
  3. 03:08:562 (4,5) - if you're following vocals. wouldn't control+g on these two make more sense?
  4. 03:14:914 (8) - Please NC this for the sudden SV change.
  5. 03:28:680 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - that's a lot of circles for a section that has a lot of held vocals and such. Maybe consider using a few more sliders here?
  6. 03:32:032 (3) - maybe stack this one on 03:31:326 (4) - ?
  7. 03:35:738 (2) - maybe just use a 1/2 slider here and place a circle at 03:36:091 - ? It kind of cuts off the vocals and the beat having this 1/1 slider after building up with all the 1/2s and 1/4s you are using.
  8. 03:50:209 (1) - although there isn't really a finish in the background. a finish on this note creates a nice effect with the bass.
  9. 03:56:209 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - wow this gets cluttered. I would highly recommend you give it a bit more room if at all possible.
  10. 04:01:503 (1) - onwards. For this light section. I would suggest using some whistle hitsounds. Mostly during the vocals since you seem to follow them here. Try placing some on the heads of 04:01:503 (1,2,3) - for example.
  11. 04:04:680 (2,3) - If you're following vocals. swap these. Otherwise you can just leave it.
  12. 04:16:503 (5,6,7) - control+g? it feels a bit spammy here but it'd be great if you can capture the key notes on sliderstarts or circles.
  13. 04:31:327 (1,2,3,4) - erk offbeat hits. Nothing really calls for them as the downbeats are more dominant. consider moving these back or forward 1/2 in the timeline.
  14. 04:50:561 (2) - momentum killer. I would honestly keep the mouse moving at this point. Try moving it down a bit.
  15. 04:51:444 (3,4,5) - I'm not too fond of this linear movement. you could almost move the 04:51:797 (5) - to the top of the map around x400 y28 or something similar.
  16. 05:03:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you really love your antis XD | It isn't a problem, just it doesn't really match anything in the music to warrant it. I would personally just keep the momentum you've already got going. same goes for anything else after this.
  17. 05:25:326 (1,2,3) - (2) isn't really needed so it could be deleted. maybe anti 1 and 3? so it kind of goes like this: | Completly optional though.
Cool. Good luck!

Lanturn wrote:


Really rusty, only change what you want to.


Artist: DJ Genki feat. yukacco

Some tags you can add: HARDCORE SYNDROME 8 TANO*C

Why not add a SB to show who does what part?

I would honestly use 9.0 if you are using lots of 1/1 spacing, also since it's a 170bpm song and the streams are relatively simple.
I'm also somewhat concerned at the slow parts that the HP drain might be a bit too much (you pretty much have to 100% the slow part at the beginning on HR). Consider dropping it 0.5-1? Especially since this is a marathon map.
AR 9.0. HP 6.5
  1. 00:02:561 (3) - some examples for these notes. you could space them out much further if you wish. Another idea is to simply stack it on the upcoming (1). Not mandatory, but options are nice.
    Decided to take your suggestion and stack on the next slider.
  2. 00:12:091 (2,3) - you could probably move this a little bit further away. It's starting to get pretty close to the previous.
  3. 00:17:385 (1,2,1) - The movement here could be spaced a little as well. Even if it's just 1.0 it'll help. preferably a little more to emphasize on the bass drums.
    Increased spacing from 1.0 to 1.5
  4. 00:21:267 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - are you sure you want that long of a stream? Maybe consider using some repeat 1/4s at 00:21:973 (1) - or 00:23:385 (1) - or something. The other thing I want to mention is that you should try using sliders to create streams. As of right now, you have some spacing and movement that could be optimized. Simply create a slider, and hit control+shift+f and a distance of 0.8 DS.
    Recreated the stream from sliders and also added reverse sliders where you suggested. Thanks!
  5. Generally this whole slow section feels a bit clumped together. It's not a bad thing, but you could probably make due with a little bit more spacing.
    I'll come back to this comment. I'm not sure what to change here at this moment
  6. 00:35:385 (1,2,3,4) - seems like you're trying to build up the rhythm a bit here. It works somewhat until you drop it again 6-7 notes later. Instead of trying to force the rhythm, consider just sticking more related to the piano part while letting the tail ends carry the rhythm you want.. ie:
  7. 00:41:032 (1,2,3,4,5) - It's basically the same idea here. I don't really think you need to up the rhythm here personally. Just a simple repeat of what you've been doing would be more than enough.
  8. 00:50:738 (5) - missing whistle on head?
  9. 00:50:738 (5) - Also again on this. Due to note stacking and such. It'll be a bit hard to stack these properly. I would honestly just move the (3) or the (5) slider somewhere else so they don't really interact.
    Spaced (4,5) away from (3)
  10. 01:06:444 (7) - pretty long (duration-wise) combo. NC?
  11. 01:23:385 (1,2,3,4) - you seem to be a vocal loving person. You should consider putting the dominant notes (slider starts / circles) where the vocals have the most effect: 01:23:385 - 01:23:914 - 01:24:444 - are examples of those.
    Fixed, this sounds much better. Thanks
  12. 01:29:385 (5) - try something like x392 y336 so the spacing is more consistent with the previous and next notes
  13. 01:33:267 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I honestly don't really know what you are trying to follow here. It seems more obvious that you made up your own rhythm to it. I would honestly consider revising it to match the synth playing in the background if at all possible. currently, spots like 01:35:738 (6) - feel a bit strange to listen to. The idea is to compliment the music, not take it over if that makes sense.
    Fixed, I outright remapped a large portion of this section
  14. 01:41:385 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - from the beginning up to these, it still felt a bit random. This rhythm here makes a bit more sense. Don't feel pressured to overmap anything, even if you are just trying to introduce your own rhythm.
    Ok, I'll keep this in mind.
  15. 01:58:502 - for more variety, you can try adding in some 1/4 like this: since the drums back it up here.
    Good idea
  16. 02:06:267 (4) - you could try moving this under 02:05:737 (1) - or where 02:07:502 (2) - is positioned as well for slightly better flow into the stream. Also maybe consider moving the other notes around to make it feel more like a triangle:
    Really like this suggestion, thanks
  17. 02:07:150 (1) - onwards. are you sure you want to use this kind of spacing? To be honest, you probably don't need to space every note out as far as you do. even 1.4-1.6 is more than enough.
  18. 02:10:326 (2) - x332 y24 maybe?
  19. 02:11:561 (8) - 1/2 slider? it feels like you skip out on 02:11:738 - which is imo a somewhat important note to hit. Most people will almost immediately move to it after 02:11:561 (8) - thinking it's just a standard jump anyways.
  20. 02:21:267 - why the slowdown? nothing really changes in the music here to warrant it. :(
    Well, I don't completely agree. I think the change in the synth part here allows for it. I'll consider revision
  21. 02:41:385 (2,3) - Try adding a small curve into each of these
  22. 02:43:855 (1,2,3,4) - follow the synth for rhythm maybe? Kind of the same idea from 01:23:385 (1,2,3,4)
Cool. Good luck!
Great mod, thank you!
Topic Starter

Lanturn wrote:


Really rusty, only change what you want to.


Artist: DJ Genki feat. yukacco

Some tags you can add: HARDCORE SYNDROME 8 TANO*C thanks for the tags, i kept on forgetting to find some

Why not add a SB to show who does what part?

I would honestly use 9.0 if you are using lots of 1/1 spacing, also since it's a 170bpm song and the streams are relatively simple.
I'm also somewhat concerned at the slow parts that the HP drain might be a bit too much (you pretty much have to 100% the slow part at the beginning on HR). Consider dropping it 0.5-1? Especially since this is a marathon map. Done. AR9 / HP 6.5

  1. 02:55:503 (4) - you could probably move this from the (3) - try somewhere like x48 y206 done.
  2. 02:59:033 (7,8) - Optional, but I would consider spacing these out a bit more. try something like this? i changed it to look something similar to the picture
  3. 03:08:562 (4,5) - if you're following vocals. wouldn't control+g on these two make more sense? i hath pressed control+g here
  4. 03:14:914 (8) - Please NC this for the sudden SV change. done
  5. 03:28:680 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - that's a lot of circles for a section that has a lot of held vocals and such. Maybe consider using a few more sliders here? i added some cute little sliders
  6. 03:32:032 (3) - maybe stack this one on 03:31:326 (4) - ? done.
  7. 03:35:738 (2) - maybe just use a 1/2 slider here and place a circle at 03:36:091 - ? It kind of cuts off the vocals and the beat having this 1/1 slider after building up with all the 1/2s and 1/4s you are using. done
  8. 03:50:209 (1) - although there isn't really a finish in the background. a finish on this note creates a nice effect with the bass. where would i be in life without your mod? (done)
  9. 03:56:209 (3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - wow this gets cluttered. I would highly recommend you give it a bit more room if at all possible. breathing room has been implemented for those poor young circles and sliders
  10. 04:01:503 (1) - onwards. For this light section. I would suggest using some whistle hitsounds. Mostly during the vocals since you seem to follow them here. Try placing some on the heads of 04:01:503 (1,2,3) - for example. done
  11. 04:04:680 (2,3) - If you're following vocals. swap these. Otherwise you can just leave it. i swapped them
  12. 04:16:503 (5,6,7) - control+g? it feels a bit spammy here but it'd be great if you can capture the key notes on sliderstarts or circles. control+g hath been pressed again
  13. 04:31:327 (1,2,3,4) - erk offbeat hits. Nothing really calls for them as the downbeats are more dominant. consider moving these back or forward 1/2 in the timeline. oops, your right, i missed that.
  14. 04:50:561 (2) - momentum killer. I would honestly keep the mouse moving at this point. Try moving it down a bit. i supposed i should stop killing momentum :( (fixed)
  15. 04:51:444 (3,4,5) - I'm not too fond of this linear movement. you could almost move the 04:51:797 (5) - to the top of the map around x400 y28 or something similar. yeah that was an old pattern that doesn't really fit anymore (fixed)
  16. 05:03:268 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you really love your antis XD | It isn't a problem, just it doesn't really match anything in the music to warrant it. I would personally just keep the momentum you've already got going. same goes for anything else after this. fixed
  17. 05:25:326 (1,2,3) - (2) isn't really needed so it could be deleted. maybe anti 1 and 3? so it kind of goes like this: | Completly optional though.
since i cleaned up my other antis, i might as well redo this one too. (fixed)

Cool. Good luck!
Rusty or not, this was a fantastic mod, thank you so much :)
M4M here we go:


00:25:502 - I feel that there is missing a note

00:33:973 - the same

00:45:267 - the same

00:47:032 (2) - straightens the slider, something like that:

00:51:620 (6,7,8) - exchange it for a long slider ending in 00:52:326 (8)

01:43:150 (1) - changing the slider, it looks ugly

02:39:973 - I feel that there is missing a note

04:16:679 - here you should start a slider

05:03:973 (4) - change the slider looks ugly, besides this is just outside the area but still

I really liked your map hope you do well, good luck

Panxo_Gamer wrote:

M4M here we go:


00:25:502 - I feel that there is missing a note
Disagree, the rhythm represents the light right hand melody played by the piano here. Mapping this lower chord would be a mistake
00:33:973 - the same
00:45:267 - the same
00:47:032 (2) - straightens the slider, something like that:
This doesn't add much to the map so no change
00:51:620 (6,7,8) - exchange it for a long slider ending in 00:52:326 (8)
No, this pattern builds up the rhythm so that the next part of the map makes more sense.
01:43:150 (1) - changing the slider, it looks ugly
I agree that it is ugly, but it fits the rough sound of the synth. No change
02:39:973 - I feel that there is missing a note
Nope, pretty clearly following the synth.

I really liked your map hope you do well, good luck
Thanks for the mod ^^
Topic Starter

Panxo_Gamer wrote:

M4M here we go:


04:16:679 - here you should start a slider i highly prefer the current rhythm for that part

05:03:973 (4) - change the slider looks ugly, besides this is just outside the area but still I made the slider symmetrical and moved it

I really liked your map hope you do well, good luck
Thanks for the mod!
M4M boi: I'm new to the map scene so don't judge. (side note: my mixtape drops soon be sure to check it out i spit dat hot fire.)



00:02:208 (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) - Seems to be mapped to no sound at all, If you plan on taking this approach no matter what, I suggest turning the effects volume down because as it is right now. it feels really overwhelming.

00:13:326 (2,2,2,3) - ^ Same, but this one is much more tolerable and doesn't need to be changed

00:17:914 (2) - I don't think this note should be here at all, and I think it sounds much better without it

00:51:620 (6,7,8) - ^ For the same reason as above, I think these three notes should be changed to a single slider because it fits the rhythm and flow better imo.
00:54:444 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like the sudden switch from mapping to the singing and small bits of piano into solely mapping to the piano, I think this should be changed.

00:59:208 (4,6,4,4) - These sliders look like you didn't put much effort into them, they look really nasty and don't fit in well with the song.

02:09:973 (1,2,3) - This combo doesn't fit in well with the flow, consider changing it.

02:52:503 (1,2,3,4) - This combo is really inconsistent, While switching from kick sliders to a long slider helped the transition to the next combo, I think it would be better if you convert the slider to a stream and change the last note into a slider that replaces the note of the next combo.

03:12:797 (4,5) - I feel like stacking these wasn't the correct choice, Consider changing.

03:13:503 (1,2,3,4) - Changing the distance snap so much on these kick sliders makes it really weird to play and flow really poorly.

03:20:561 (3,1,1,2,3,4,5) - Weird stack.

03:29:385 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like the flow on these patterns.

03:38:209 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think this would fit the rhythm better as a jump pattern

04:00:973 - I think the break should carry on until this point in the song; from the end of the break until here is a really slow part that's hard to make it so that it's fun to play without overmapping, plus you already skipped half of that part anyway.

04:09:974 (3,4) - Another random switch from mapping to the vocals into mapping the piano, but this one doesn't fit in well at all.

04:15:621 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - doesn't fit the rhythm very well.

04:52:327 (8,1) - Nasty stack

04:57:973 (1,1) - ^

05:07:855 (2,3) - ^

05:12:797 (1,2,3,4) - ^

05:14:915 (6,1) - ^

05:20:561 (5,1) - ^ this one might be okay if you get rid of the new combo.

Again, I'm very new at mapping so take everything with a grain of salt, I really like the way some of the parts are mapped and I really enjoy the song, and hope to see it ranked soon. Gl!
Topic Starter

Koiukizi wrote:

M4M boi: I'm new to the map scene so don't judge. (side note: my mixtape drops soon be sure to check it out i spit dat hot fire.)



03:12:797 (4,5) - I feel like stacking these wasn't the correct choice, Consider changing. I spaced them out a tiny bit to help with readability

03:13:503 (1,2,3,4) - Changing the distance snap so much on these kick sliders makes it really weird to play and flow really poorly. My aim for those sliders was to make them funky fresh so i enjoy their look, and for the flow, i put the previous sliders (4)(5) to give the player a heads up for these sliders

03:20:561 (3,1,1,2,3,4,5) - Weird stack. i stack and NC 03:20:561 (3,1) - so the player will be prepared for the sliders that follow.

03:29:385 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like the flow on these patterns. i was going for a simple back and forth design for those notes and i am mildly content with what i have, but i'll definitely look into changing it around

03:38:209 (5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I think this would fit the rhythm better as a jump pattern i highly prefer the sliders into the stream because i feel as though it emphasizes the woooosh sound better than jumps (i have no clue how to describe it lol)

04:00:973 - I think the break should carry on until this point in the song; from the end of the break until here is a really slow part that's hard to make it so that it's fun to play without overmapping, plus you already skipped half of that part anyway. Well then there goes the 5 min drain time, but besides that, I don't think that the entire part is overmapped, and we had to skip stuff because you need some sort of breaks in the long song

04:09:974 (3,4) - Another random switch from mapping to the vocals into mapping the piano, but this one doesn't fit in well at all. the reasoning for that was to emphasize the following piano notes 04:11:385 (1,2,3,4) - and following the vocals would leave odd pauses and weird rhythms for the most part, so i did what i could to mix the two

04:15:621 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - doesn't fit the rhythm very well. i changed it to match the vocals better

04:52:327 (8,1) - Nasty stack it's a recurring stack that i use to for the pattern that follows it

04:57:973 (1,1) - ^ same thing as above

05:07:855 (2,3) - ^ i spaced it out

05:12:797 (1,2,3,4) - ^ fixed

05:14:915 (6,1) - ^ keeping this

05:20:561 (5,1) - ^ this one might be okay if you get rid of the new combo. im staying consistent with those patterns, so i'll keep it the same

Again, I'm very new at mapping so take everything with a grain of salt, I really like the way some of the parts are mapped and I really enjoy the song, and hope to see it ranked soon. Gl!
thanks for the mod and i look forward to your mix tape! :)
hello, m4m~

  1. Delete drum-hitnormal.wav as it isn't used (i think...)
  2. nice bg

  1. 00:16:679 (4,1) - Minor overlap, looks untidy tho
  2. 00:24:179 - Consider using the silent sliderslide sound here, the default sound is distracting and ruins the nice piano here
  3. 00:25:502 - Missed the piano here?
  4. 00:31:150 - ^
  5. 00:33:973 - ^
  6. 00:45:267 - ^
  7. 01:05:738 (5) - Why not use a slider to properly represent vocals? There's nothing that should be clicked on 6 anyways
  8. 01:23:032 (3,1) - Idk if this overlap is intended but it doesn't look good (it's too noticeable to not be intended though...)
  9. 01:24:797 (4) - Wow this is the most random and uncalled-for finish ever. There's literally no note there that should be clicked and a super loud finish is there for no reason
  10. 01:44:914 - How come this randomly didn't get mapped
  11. 01:58:502 (1,2,3) - Needs more spacing from 8, similar to 02:01:326 (1,2,3) -
  12. 02:02:032 (5,1) - More spacing
  13. 02:06:179 - Could be a triplet here
  14. 02:13:326 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Errrr what exactly is this stream representing
  15. 02:19:855 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna place triples where they don't belong at least start them on red ticks so they play better and emphasize the stronger beat
  16. 02:29:032 (6) - Shouldn't be a repeat, just a 1/2 instead. If you keep it a repeat then you should keep mapping the stream.
  17. 02:34:679 (2,3,4,5,6) - If you want to properly represent the music then the rhythm here is 1/2 slider-circle-circle and not a stream
  18. 02:40:326 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Another random stream that has no place here whatsoever
  19. 02:47:385 (5,6,7,8) - And then you skip a stream when there's clearly one that's heard here.. .come on don't map random streams and skip actual streams ;-;
  20. 02:50:914 (1,3) - Priti ugly overlap
  21. 03:05:385 (2,3,4) - Idk if these are supposed to be some edgy sliders to start a slider revolution or something but they aren't blanketing each other properly and it looks really bad
  22. 03:21:267 (3) - Nothing on this blue tick but there's some on 03:21:708 - 03:21:885
  23. 03:35:209 (4) - No reason to have this end on the white tick
  24. 04:30:267 (3) - Why the repeat here when these blue tick beats here 04:30:621 (4,5,6) -
  25. 04:35:561 (1) - A spinner doesn't properly represent the music miss important beats to follow pretty much nothing with it
  26. 04:59:032 (5,6,1,2,3) - Overlap central, this pattern looks super messy, clean it up
  27. 05:31:855 (1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe give these spacing like the rest of 1/4 sliders that represented streams

I didn't really say much near the end because I would've been repeating myself but ye


Synpoo wrote:

hello, m4m~

  1. Delete drum-hitnormal.wav as it isn't used (i think...)
  2. nice bg

  1. 00:16:679 (4,1) - Minor overlap, looks untidy tho
    Fixed. Forgot to fix when I changed the pattern
  2. 00:24:179 - Consider using the silent sliderslide sound here, the default sound is distracting and ruins the nice piano here
  3. 00:25:502 - Missed the piano here?
  4. 00:31:150 - ^
  5. 00:33:973 - ^
  6. 00:45:267 - ^
    All intentional. I'm not mapping the lower chords of the piano and sticking to the right hand melody.
  7. 01:05:738 (5) - Why not use a slider to properly represent vocals? There's nothing that should be clicked on 6 anyways
  8. 01:23:032 (3,1) - Idk if this overlap is intended but it doesn't look good (it's too noticeable to not be intended though...)
  9. 01:24:797 (4) - Wow this is the most random and uncalled-for finish ever. There's literally no note there that should be clicked and a super loud finish is there for no reason
    Was supposed to be a whistle, oops lol
  10. 01:44:914 - How come this randomly didn't get mapped
    Suspense. Might be mapped at a later date
  11. 01:58:502 (1,2,3) - Needs more spacing from 8, similar to 02:01:326 (1,2,3) -
  12. 02:02:032 (5,1) - More spacing
  13. 02:06:179 - Could be a triplet here
    Well yeah, there could be. But this rhythm flows more nicely
  14. 02:13:326 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Errrr what exactly is this stream representing
  15. 02:19:855 (1,2,3) - If you're gonna place triples where they don't belong at least start them on red ticks so they play better and emphasize the stronger beat
  16. 02:29:032 (6) - Shouldn't be a repeat, just a 1/2 instead. If you keep it a repeat then you should keep mapping the stream.
  17. 02:34:679 (2,3,4,5,6) - If you want to properly represent the music then the rhythm here is 1/2 slider-circle-circle and not a stream
    Fine, fine
  18. 02:40:326 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Another random stream that has no place here whatsoever
  19. 02:47:385 (5,6,7,8) - And then you skip a stream when there's clearly one that's heard here.. .come on don't map random streams and skip actual streams ;-;
    :'( fixed
  20. 02:50:914 (1,3) - Priti ugly overlap
I didn't really say much near the end because I would've been repeating myself but ye


Koiukizi wrote:

M4M boi: I'm new to the map scene so don't judge. (side note: my mixtape drops soon be sure to check it out i spit dat hot fire.)
Ayyy lmao hmu wen it do drop tho


00:02:208 (2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) - Seems to be mapped to no sound at all, If you plan on taking this approach no matter what, I suggest turning the effects volume down because as it is right now. it feels really overwhelming.
Mapped to hi-hat 1/2
00:13:326 (2,2,2,3) - ^ Same, but this one is much more tolerable and doesn't need to be changed
00:17:914 (2) - I don't think this note should be here at all, and I think it sounds much better without it
Will consider, no change yet
00:51:620 (6,7,8) - ^ For the same reason as above, I think these three notes should be changed to a single slider because it fits the rhythm and flow better imo.No, this builds up rhythm
00:54:444 (1,2,3,4,5) - I don't like the sudden switch from mapping to the singing and small bits of piano into solely mapping to the piano, I think this should be changed.
I do
00:59:208 (4,6,4,4) - These sliders look like you didn't put much effort into them, they look really nasty and don't fit in well with the song.
I disagree
02:09:973 (1,2,3) - This combo doesn't fit in well with the flow, consider changing it.
Disagree, it flows well into the stream
02:52:503 (1,2,3,4) - This combo is really inconsistent, While switching from kick sliders to a long slider helped the transition to the next combo, I think it would be better if you convert the slider to a stream and change the last note into a slider that replaces the note of the next combo.

As a transition, it works really well, and that's what the song requires here.

Again, I'm very new at mapping so take everything with a grain of salt, I really like the way some of the parts are mapped and I really enjoy the song, and hope to see it ranked soon. Gl!
Topic Starter

Synpoo wrote:

hello, m4m~

  1. Delete drum-hitnormal.wav as it isn't used (i think...) oh shit, I've been found out (deleted)
  2. nice bg

  1. 03:05:385 (2,3,4) - Idk if these are supposed to be some edgy sliders to start a slider revolution or something but they aren't blanketing each other properly and it looks really bad I love me a good revolution, but i remade the sliders
  2. 03:21:267 (3) - Nothing on this blue tick but there's some on 03:21:708 - 03:21:885 I redid the rhythm for this part and the rest of the repeating patterns
  3. 03:35:209 (4) - No reason to have this end on the white tick It's just some preferential white tick treatment
  4. 04:30:267 (3) - Why the repeat here when these blue tick beats here 04:30:621 (4,5,6) - i was going for the synthesizer sound with the repeating slider
  5. 04:35:561 (1) - A spinner doesn't properly represent the music miss important beats to follow pretty much nothing with it I wanted to emphasize the woooosh sound (dunno how else to describe it)
  6. 04:59:032 (5,6,1,2,3) - Overlap central, this pattern looks super messy, clean it up I have carried out my janitorial duties and have cleaned up the mess
  7. 05:31:855 (1,2,3,4,1) - Maybe give these spacing like the rest of 1/4 sliders that represented streams done

I didn't really say much near the end because I would've been repeating myself but ye


Thanks a bunch for the mod!
I mean it's been a week so I probably have to fulfill the request lol:


  1. That diff name tho
[The actual song]
00:01:503 (1,2) - Starting off the mod with a blanket fix mod, how exciting
00:15:973 (2,3,4) - You should make 2 and 4 the same slider shape, and blanket 3 better
00:29:738 (1,2) - Blanket better
01:08:914 (2,3) - I'm sorry that this mod is just blankets so far .3.
01:24:797 (4) - I don't understand why there's an inherited point right before this, because the hitsound on this note is a whistle, and the only file you have for SC:3 is a finish
01:44:561 - The delayed break here doesn't really make sense, since there's isn't really an "intense" part or something like it that's at 01:45:620 - so I don't think you should put this
01:56:208 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This part feels real symmetrical, probably due to the fact that you're making a pentagon(?) that's lopsided, you could make the pentagon even or make them far spaced, while changing spacing to keep it interesting
02:24:091 (1,1) - Overlap doesn't look good imo
02:24:797 (1,2,3) - Maybe move this slightly more away, it's extremely close to the slider imo lol
02:25:502 (1,2,3) - ^
02:26:208 (1,2,3) - ^ and when I mean slightly I just mean so that's there's just a tiny gap in between that's bigger than the current one
02:33:091 (2,3,4,5) - Try to make less symmetrical?
02:35:209 (4,1) - Properly stack
02:51:443 (4,1) - ^
03:38:914 - I think removing the slight delay would better, as putting the break right after would emphasize it more imo
04:04:857 (3,4) - Blanket maybe?
04:08:562 (1,2) - Fix blanket
04:09:267 (2,3) - Curve more to blanket better
04:19:150 (4,6) - Properly stack
04:26:561 (3,4,5) - Overlap doesn't look good imo
04:28:326 (4,2) - ^
04:33:974 (3,5) - Stack maybe?
05:25:502 (2) - Removing this emphasizes the music more

That's all from me, GL on your map~
Topic Starter

[-Deemo-] wrote:

I mean it's been a week so I probably have to fulfill the request lol:


  1. That diff name tho #swag 8-)
[The actual song]

03:38:914 - I think removing the slight delay would better, as putting the break right after would emphasize it more imo I'm sort of neutral to this, but i'll probably change it if it comes up again :|
04:04:857 (3,4) - Blanket maybe? Fixed
04:08:562 (1,2) - Fix blanket Fixed
04:09:267 (2,3) - Curve more to blanket better Fixed
04:19:150 (4,6) - Properly stack Gotcha
04:26:561 (3,4,5) - Overlap doesn't look good imo Didn't notice that they touched :o (fixed)
04:28:326 (4,2) - ^ fixed
04:33:974 (3,5) - Stack maybe? I stacked em real good
05:25:502 (2) - Removing this emphasizes the music more I really like that suggestion ;)

That's all from me, GL on your map~

Thanks for the tweaks, i'm glad you caught some of my unintended and sloppy mistakes. :)

some suggestions :)



00:45:267 - add a circle here sounds good
02:11:914 (1,1) - I don't think this overlap is intentional :(
03:24:797 (7,1) - ^
Topic Starter

KASUM1 wrote:


some suggestions :)


fixed these issues


03:24:797 (7,1) - ^ fixed it real good
Thanks for the check!

KASUM1 wrote:


some suggestions :)



00:45:267 - add a circle here sounds good
Intentional. Don't touch my part Troponoop
02:11:914 (1,1) - I don't think this overlap is intentional :(
Not noticeable in gameplay and moving it would make the flow worse

[-Deemo-] wrote:

I mean it's been a week so I probably have to fulfill the request lol:


  1. That diff name tho
[The actual song]
00:01:503 (1,2) - Starting off the mod with a blanket fix mod, how exciting
Slight fix
00:15:973 (2,3,4) - You should make 2 and 4 the same slider shape, and blanket 3 better
00:29:738 (1,2) - Blanket better
Slight fix
01:08:914 (2,3) - I'm sorry that this mod is just blankets so far .3.
01:24:797 (4) - I don't understand why there's an inherited point right before this, because the hitsound on this note is a whistle, and the only file you have for SC:3 is a finish
Forgot to remove when I removed the finish here
01:44:561 - The delayed break here doesn't really make sense, since there's isn't really an "intense" part or something like it that's at 01:45:620 - so I don't think you should put this
Break starts at 1:44:738 now
01:56:208 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This part feels real symmetrical, probably due to the fact that you're making a pentagon(?) that's lopsided, you could make the pentagon even or make them far spaced, while changing spacing to keep it interesting
Star pattern emphasizes the upcoming 1/4 rhythm now
02:24:091 (1,1) - Overlap doesn't look good imo
02:24:797 (1,2,3) - Maybe move this slightly more away, it's extremely close to the slider imo lol
02:25:502 (1,2,3) - ^
02:26:208 (1,2,3) - ^ and when I mean slightly I just mean so that's there's just a tiny gap in between that's bigger than the current one
02:33:091 (2,3,4,5) - Try to make less symmetrical?
Fixed all. Changed spacing on circles
02:35:209 (4,1) - Properly stack
02:51:443 (4,1) - ^

That's all from me, GL on your map~
Topic Starter
For all future modders, my boy Kbuns and I would prefer mods to focus on the kiai times (but of course we'd love suggestions for non-kiai times too). Thanks, and stay gucci 8-)
  1. 02:17:032 - At this part it sounds like something is missing. I tried it with that:
    02:17:032 (1) - put a circle
    02:17:208 (2) - put a circle
    02:17:385 (3) - put a 1/2 tact slider
    from 02:17:738 (4) to 02:18:355 (11) - at every 1/4 tact a circle

    I think like this it fits to the vocals and the piano:
  2. 01:00:267 (1) - put a 1/2 tact slider
  3. 01:10:502 (4) - put a circle
  4. 01:16:150 (2) - put a circle
  5. 04:02:738 (3) - put a 1/2 tact slider
  6. 04:08:385(8) - put a circle
I love your beatmap <3 good luck with it
Topic Starter

DominikWW wrote:

  1. 04:02:738 (3) - put a 1/2 tact slider I'm fairly neutral to that suggestion, but i'll think about this
  2. 04:08:385(8) - put a circle i prefer what i have :D

I love your beatmap <3 good luck with it
thanks for the suggestions!

DominikWW wrote:

  1. 02:17:032 - At this part it sounds like something is missing. I tried it with that:
    02:17:032 (1) - put a circle
    02:17:208 (2) - put a circle
    02:17:385 (3) - put a 1/2 tact slider
    from 02:17:738 (4) to 02:18:355 (11) - at every 1/4 tact a circle
    Honestly, I really like what I currently have and I think that it works well. What you suggested works, but this is a matter of preference :)

    I think like this it fits to the vocals and the piano:
  2. 01:00:267 (1) - put a 1/2 tact slider
    I really don't like adding 1/2 rhythms in here. It's a slow part of the map and the 1/1 circle pattern highlights the vocals well.
  3. 01:10:502 (4) - put a circle
  4. 01:16:150 (2) - put a circle
    I don't think that these suggestions would add much to the map. 1/2 doesn't feel right to me in these spots.
I love your beatmap <3 good luck with it
Thanks for the mod and support ^^
HI!!! m4m from me!


00:06:797 (3,1) - Stack these please!

00:08:209 (3,1) - ^

00:15:444 (1,2) - I think you should space these out more

00:26:914 (6) - NC

02:52:856 (3) - move this 228, 248 and 02:52:503 (1,2,3) - probably tilt these slider ends to the end

ahh sorry I don't see much to be modded. have a star! :D

good luck with this!

SkinnyJommy wrote:

HI!!! m4m from me!


00:06:797 (3,1) - Stack these please!
Fixed I guess? Looked stacked to me, but I redid it anyways.
00:08:209 (3,1) - ^
00:15:444 (1,2) - I think you should space these out more
00:26:914 (6) - NC
02:52:856 (3) - move this 228, 248 and 02:52:503 (1,2,3) - probably tilt these slider ends to the end
Nope, I like it better this way
ahh sorry I don't see much to be modded. have a star! :D
Should give the star then :P
good luck with this!


  • First kiai
  1. 02:05:914 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think it dont have flow, try do sth like this pls :3
  2. 02:07:150 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm its not bad (and other with same patterns) but it can be boring, what u abot sth this ?
  3. 02:09:973 (1,2,3) - ??? WTF ??? Pls change it, make it better
  4. 02:11:208 (6,7,8) - Delete and make 2 sliders, it work better
  5. 02:12:797 (1,2,3) - If u really want to make this pattern try to make this like a triangle
  6. 02:17:208 (2) - Delete and make slider
  7. 02:18:444 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This can be done in many ways but i make this *.* That flow aww and
  8. 02:22:150 (4,5) - Said about this on chat :d Circle on slider

    Second kiai
  9. 03:17:738 (3,4,5) - Use the same DS
    OKEY nvm remap this part pls and delete this boosts ;-;

    Third kiai
  10. 04:49:679 (7,8) - Ymm it look nicer but good idea !
  11. 04:52:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - It looks bad and Flow=0 ;-; change it pls
  12. 04:57:973 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
  13. 05:03:268 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  14. 05:15:533 (2,3,4,5) - ^
  15. 05:01:502 (6) - Warp 1 more Times pls
Sooooo i think map is really curve and have stupid mistakes ;-; I think u should fix this its not mistakes for modders .-. But i like this song so good luck !
Topic Starter

Asserin wrote:


  • Second kiai
  1. 03:17:738 (3,4,5) - Use the same DS I changed it up
    OKEY nvm remap this part pls and delete this boosts ;-;

    Third kiai
  2. 04:49:679 (7,8) - Ymm it look nicer but good idea ! I prefer what i already have
  3. 04:52:503 (1,2,3,4,5) - It looks bad and Flow=0 ;-; change it pls changed
  4. 04:57:973 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^ changed
  5. 05:03:268 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^ changed
  6. 05:15:533 (2,3,4,5) - ^ CHANGEd
  7. 05:01:502 (6) - Warp 1 more Times pls I left the small pause so it would emphasize the vocals and the jumps that followed it, so i'll keep it the same
Sooooo i think map is really curve and have stupid mistakes ;-; I think u should fix this its not mistakes for modders .-. But i like this song so good luck !
thanks for the mod and suggestions! :D

Asserin wrote:


  • First kiai
  1. 02:05:914 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think it dont have flow, try do sth like this pls :3
    ?? Triangle flow is good
  2. 02:07:150 (1,2,3,4) - Hmm its not bad (and other with same patterns) but it can be boring, what u abot sth this ?
    Did something similar
  3. 02:09:973 (1,2,3) - ??? WTF ??? Pls change it, make it better
    Nope, good flow into the stream and plays well imo
  4. 02:11:208 (6,7,8) - Delete and make 2 sliders, it work better
    No, this is just because I think it feels better to tap this because you're transitioning from 1/4 taps to 1/2 to 1/1 so it's smoother
  5. 02:12:797 (1,2,3) - If u really want to make this pattern try to make this like a triangle
    I like it :( see no reason to change, plays fine.
  6. 02:17:208 (2) - Delete and make slider
    This pause was intentional
  7. 02:18:444 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This can be done in many ways but i make this *.* That flow aww and
    Did something similar.
  8. 02:22:150 (4,5) - Said about this on chat :d Circle on slider
Sooooo i think map is really curve and have stupid mistakes ;-; I think u should fix this its not mistakes for modders .-. But i like this song so good luck !
Previous post

  1. 05:15:091 (1) - 05:15:444 (2) - 05:15:620 (3) - 05:15:973 (5) - Objects' end is not snapped, cause is probably wrong SV. Delete the line at 05:14:914 and it'll be fine again.
  2. 00:06:797 (3,1) - 00:08:209 (3,1) - You might want to be consistent with this kind of stacking, or not use it at all.
  3. 00:20:561 (5,7) - The overlap is kinda ugly, they're barely touching, either avoid and attachment or decrease the space between them.
  4. 00:24:090 (1,2) - Spacing should be bigger to go along with the pattern.
  5. 00:30:444 (2,3,4,5) - This doesn't look good nor flows well. So okay, a cool blanket, yay. Oh, a full beat of emptiness? Oh, even more. What's with this slider? Long story short, it could be better, for example: to Your pattern is random, and feels completely unrelated, and could've looked better.
  6. 00:37:150 (5,6) - The slider itself is not lined correctly with the circle.
  7. 00:41:032 (1,2) - Blanket could be improved, and honestly the shape of the sliders too. It looks odd, perhaps less curvy and copy paste (if you want rotation, use ctrl+shift+r)
  8. 00:52:326 (7,1) - Spacing is kinda absurd..
  9. 01:03:620 (2,3,4,5) - I'd prefer to not use the overlapping here, they're snapped on 1/2 ticks and I don't think it is necessary.
  10. 01:16:326 (2,3) - ^, but if you want to keep it, try to make the flow of 2 go properly into 3, it gets cut.
  11. 01:19:855 (3,4,1) - Follow vocals? Please? It does not interrupt the instruments.
  12. 01:21:973 (1) - The heck man, place the middle anchor in the place where the middle of the slider is supposed to be. If it is slightly off then CTRL+G twice and it will sort it to play around with the slider more neatly.
  13. 01:25:502 (6) - A poor rhtyhm choice imo, a slider end on 6's head and a slider start / circle on 6's end would fit everything better.
I dislike most of the sliders in this map, I am pretty tired to continue and mod properly, so I'll finish it tomorrow.

Alright so in addition to those:

  1. 01:04:326 (3,4,5) - Consistency in spacing would be nice.
  2. 01:10:679 (4) - I think that the second curve looks a bit ugly.
  3. 01:12:091 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing inconsistencies are not so nice.
  4. 01:33:267 (1,2,3) - That's some really random pattern, the curves make me think they are supposed to be identical while they're not. I really think you should put more thought about patterns. Overall at this section the spacing and patterns really seem too arbitary and random. (Except for some patterns)
  5. The kiai time is fine in the terms of your style as I see, I would really re-do some of the curves, they look a bit weird.
  6. 03:10:679 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This is too much 2008, could look better.
  7. 03:14:914 (1,1) - Spacing is way too small, either stack them or increase it.
  8. 04:21:620 (3,4,5,6) - Ew, why?
  9. Honestly the kiai times and such seem fine for the way you map it, I don't like it but I probably can not mod it as I wish without completely changing the map itself. If you still wish for me to give some pointers and what I think is wrong and arbitary, please tell me and I'll gladly give my opinion.
I hope I was helpful at the very least, call me anytime if you have anything to ask.
Post updated ^
Topic Starter

Avishay wrote:

Previous post

  1. 05:15:091 (1) - 05:15:444 (2) - 05:15:620 (3) - 05:15:973 (5) - Objects' end is not snapped, cause is probably wrong SV. Delete the line at 05:14:914 and it'll be fine again. fixed!
I dislike most of the sliders in this map, I am pretty tired to continue and mod properly, so I'll finish it tomorrow.

Alright so in addition to those:

  1. The kiai time is fine in the terms of your style as I see, I would really re-do some of the curves, they look a bit weird.
  2. 03:10:679 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This is too much 2008, could look better. I made it more 2009 instead
  3. 03:14:914 (1,1) - Spacing is way too small, either stack them or increase it. changed it a bit
  4. 04:21:620 (3,4,5,6) - Ew, why? spaced it out a tad
  5. Honestly the kiai times and such seem fine for the way you map it, I don't like it but I probably can not mod it as I wish without completely changing the map itself. If you still wish for me to give some pointers and what I think is wrong and arbitary, please tell me and I'll gladly give my opinion.
I hope I was helpful at the very least, call me anytime if you have anything to ask.
Thanks for the mod and the IRC help!
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