
Stefano Mocini - Heart of Darkness [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, October 07, 2015 at 16:34:56

Artist: Stefano Mocini
Title: Heart of Darkness
Source: Jamendo
Tags: jazz electronic classical dance chillout piano history
BPM: 120
Filesize: 5041kb
Play Time: 03:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy - 4Key (1.35 stars, 441 notes)
  2. Hard - 4Key (2.9 stars, 1420 notes)
  3. Insane - 4Key (3.05 stars, 1646 notes)
  4. Normal - 4Key (2.2 stars, 896 notes)
Download: Stefano Mocini - Heart of Darkness
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Sadly, I will graveyard this map.
Heart of Darkness: Delightful tune with piano triplets, now available in:
  • Easy 100% -- Hitsound 40% Ready for modding. (3 mods)
    Normal 100% -- Hitsound 0% -- Ready for modding. (3 mods)
    Hard 100% -- Hitsound 0% -- Ready for modding. (2 mod)
    Insane 100% -- Hitsound 0% -- Ready for modding (3 mods)
The beatmap is designed over 6 months during which I advanced from mania #50k to #2300.

Easy (4K) is for people who have played osu!mania for a few days.
Normal (4K) is for people learning long notes, short notes and their mixes.
Hard (4K) is rich in piano triplets in their original form. (Recommended)
Insane (4K) adds triplets in an interesting way.
Modders, Thanks A LOT :3
General Knowledge (hayabusa0423, Rivals_7, schwarzvgrune)
Metadata (nowsmart)
Timing - Offset (Satoshi Kazuki)
Mod - Easy (Verniy_Chan, try24get, NlHIL)
Mod - Normal (Rivals_7, Verniy_Chan, NlHIL)
Mod - Hard (AlisceaSparku, NlHIL)
Mod - Insane (Meiko Senpai, try24get, NlHIL, Satoshi Kazuki, LNP-, AlisceaSparku)
Star Support (try24get)
hello~ from Japan.
I'd like to say sugoi! I agree with your basic idea: beginner's trainee.

My English is not good enough, so If you can't understand, that's my fault.

Let me check some points.
Before your submission of the beatmap-set, You can do basic check by using 'Ctrl+Shift+A' keys.
You can see current problem.
Then, as for the timing, I can't determine the offset. (I'm just noooob... as you know.)
But it seems okay to play.
When you change the timing points, you have to re-snap the notes.
Open the timing setup, and you can find the check box and 'snap objects to new timing'.

Erase the ',' in your tag.

If you arrange the beatmaps, please let me know!
Topic Starter
First of all, thank you for playing this map. You are better at English than I'm in Japanese, so no worries!

Following your suggestions, I've used Ctrl+Shirt+A to eliminate all of the snapping problems, unified and corrected the tags, disabled the letterboxes.

Most importantly, I added a Beginner difficulty just to accommodate people who have no experience at all to osu!mania. It's based off of Easy difficulty but I have removed a lot of irregular beats.

As to the timing, I would like to know if the offset is optimal. If any osu!topus level players could provide any input, that'd be great.

hayabusa0423 wrote:

hello~ from Japan.
I'd like to say sugoi! I agree with your basic idea: beginner's trainee.

Let me check some points.
Before your submission of the beatmap-set, You can do basic check by using 'Ctrl+Shift+A' keys.
You can see current problem.
Then, as for the timing, I can't determine the offset. (I'm just noooob... as you know.)
But it seems okay to play.
When you change the timing points, you have to re-snap the notes.
Open the timing setup, and you can find the check box and 'snap objects to new timing'.

Erase the ',' in your tag.

If you arrange the beatmaps, please let me know!
Topic Starter
The Hard difficulty is now out. :roll:
Topic Starter
There are now 6 difficulties for 4K. Moving on to the next phase of qualification :/
Modding is the way you thought about other players beatmap. such as "this Notes should be here" and "this notes should be there" and "This long notes should end here" and many else.

In order to get your map ranked, you should follow the ranking criteria. Click here

Okay this is just a simple mod for you. Will see this again if there any issues

Beginner - The use of short Long notes is over kill
Easy - Too many mini Jack notes
Normal - Jack notes and Long notes
Simplified - ^
Hard - ^
Complex - ^

Simply put, Long notes and jack notes are hard to follow for most of Mania player.
Jack notes is the situation where a note are too close with other note

Open your song folder in Osu! (the default folder is Osu\Songs\300552 Stefano Mocini - Heart of Darkness_2)

Delete the highlighted image. I don't understand why is this present. You don't have any storyboard. This is one of many Unrankable issues stuff on the beatmap.

Your map at least have Hitsound if you want this to get ranked, you doesn't have to add all notes with hitsound tho. just a couple of them.

How to add hitsound? Highlight the notes you wanna add and then click on the "clap" or "whistle" or "finish"
For easy viewing the hitsound, click on the above tab "view -> show sample name"

You see the letter C there? it means that highlighted note contain "clap" hitsound

On the timing tab, open the timing setup panel

Change all the volume to 30%. It looks so irritating to heard it

How to apply mod from someone else? Open your song in the editor. and then click on the timing I post it here, to simply jump to the point.
starting from this - 00:37:075 - until this - 00:48:575 - Change all the short long notes to single notes. could be too hard even for begginner
00:54:075 (54075|1,54575|0) - change to short notes
01:06:075 (66075|0,66575|3) - ^
Starting from this - 01:45:075 - until this - 02:00:575 - change all the short long notes to single notes only. as I said, it could be too hard
Start from - 02:13:075 - until - 02:24:575 - change all to single notes
02:24:575 (144575|1) - move to left (column 1) to avoid jack notes

00:18:575 (18575|0) - move to the very right (column 4)
00:19:075 (19075|3) - move to left (column 3)
00:48:575 (48575|0) - move to column 3
00:48:825 (48825|2) - move to column 2
00:49:075 (49075|1) - ^col 3
00:54:075 (54075|3) - ^col 3
01:16:575 (76575|1) - ^col 1 to avoid jack notes
01:18:575 (78575|2) - ^ col 1. same reason as above
01:20:575 (80575|2,80575|3) - move this two to the very left
01:21:825 (81825|1) - move to col 1
01:24:575 (84575|2) - ^col 2
01:40:575 (100575|2,101075|3) - move to left once
02:25:075 (145075|1) - move to col 3
02:41:075 (161075|2,161575|2,162075|2,162575|2) - this LN's (Long Notes) are in the same column. better move some of this to other column.
02:43:075 (163075|1,163575|1,164075|1,164575|1) - same reason as above
03:02:075 (182075|2,182075|3,182325|3,182325|1,182575|0,182575|3,182825|2,182825|0,183075|1) - too hard for easy. better rearrange
03:05:075 (185075|3) - delete. one note is enough for this tone
03:07:075 (187075|3) - same reason as above
03:09:075 (189075|3) - ^
03:11:075 (191075|3) - ^
03:13:075 (193075|3) - ^
03:14:075 (194075|3,194575|0) - delete
03:17:075 (197075|1) - delete
03:19:075 (199075|3) - ^

For the other difficulties, I see you overused The Long notes, even for a small piano tune you use triple notes.
As a footnote, Only give Kudos to someone who mod your map. Don't give kudos to player who only say like "This map is good" or " I like the song".

Just PM-me if there is anything you wanna ask about mapping. I'd be happy to help.
Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

Modding is the way you thought about other players beatmap. such as "this Notes should be here" and "this notes should be there" and "This long notes should end here" and many else.... In order to get your map ranked, you should follow the ranking criteria...
Wow, that's quite a lot of information!

1. Moving notes around. is a nice and simple explanation and I like it :3

2. Use of long notes being overkill. Yes. As I recollect, my beginner friends are really afraid of long notes in the beginning. For [Beginner], even though I designed it hoping that it will be progressive, you're right-- there are just too many long notes. I reduced them dramatically and kept a few. [Easy] is intact in terms of long notes, and I moved them to avoid "Jack".

3. Overuse of mini jack notes. It's something I've just come to realize, but I intend to keep some of them in the harder maps. Yes, I actually do not want the jack notes to confuse players on the easy maps. However, since even most novice players are not good at jacks, I think (yep, I think) it's good to have parts that are carefully designed: meaningful and important by the music/rhythm, appears in a dedicated section only, and their placements are easily read (though not always easily typed, because that needs practicing, and I discover that I'm a little better at jacks than before).

4. "Simply put, Long notes and jack notes are hard to follow for most of Mania player." I agree with this, but as I play through my not-well-designed beatmaps, my performance points went from less than 1000 to 1779 (though it's not that important). I design, read and playtest my maps for 30% of my playing time, and that might have helped in reading the patterns that appear in my beatmap, but I do realize that there are many ranked long note maps and jack note maps by other mappers.

5. "Jack notes is the situation where a note are too close with other note." New phrase for me :3

6. Redundant Image Files. Removed. I thought about adding a few "GOOD JOB!" effects back then but now I find that's a bad idea.

7. Occasional Hit-sounds. For [Beginner], I added the "Finish" sound effect according to the mp3 file and adjusted the volume of the notes. I'll add sound effects for other difficulties in the next update/mod.

8. Clicking on mod timings. WOW, so nice to know this!

9. Long Notes Overuse.
I'll keep this in mind and reduce unnecessary long notes in the next update/mod. I think for now, I'll retain long notes where I think is necessary, or that the music is intense.

10. That Kudos. It's given because I didn't know that I need to resnap the notes once I change the timing. I spent a few hours doing the timing offset and then discovered that all my notes are not snapped. And the tags, and a few other inconsistencies in the beatmap. I think this may justify the kudos given (and correct me if I'm wrong :3)

In all, your input so far has been very valuable! :oops:
offset 1075 -> 1072 :)
Topic Starter

Niks wrote:

offset 1075 -> 1072 :)
Hmm, would you mind telling me how you got this offset? I feels pretty nice, but I keep thinking how 3 milliseconds make a difference?

By the way, I'm working on a different computer and forgot to uploaded the modded version of [Beginner] and [Easy]. I'll have that fixed in 5 hours after I get access to the other computer. Fixed.
Don't give kudos to this post. you already give me kudos before.

FrenzyLi wrote:

Niks wrote:

offset 1075 -> 1072 :)
Hmm, would you mind telling me how you got this offset? I feels pretty nice, but I keep thinking how 3 milliseconds make a difference?
If you think the mod are not helping, don't give them kudos.

I don't know if you notice but the Timing sound it's still 100%. for example is this on "hard" diff

I highly recommend to use 30% sound in all timing. and must be applied to all difficulties.

FrenzyLi wrote:

4. "Simply put, Long notes and jack notes are hard to follow for most of Mania player." I agree with this, but as I play through my not-well-designed beatmaps, my performance points went from less than 1000 to 1779 (though it's not that important). I design, read and playtest my maps for 30% of my playing time, and that might have helped in reading the patterns that appear in my beatmap, but I do realize that there are many ranked long note maps and jack note maps by other mappers.
Yes there is many beatmaps that contain jacks and long notes on them.
For jack notes, for the Example is AiAe "Wafles's SHD" and SDVX related songs.
But jack notes must be at least make sense. Jacks is only used where the sound are same respectively.

This - 00:04:822 (4822|0,5072|0) -

If you heard closely, the piano tune is different. so the jack note here are not relevant.

I suggest you to take experience by looking to any other map that have been ranked. :)

If you're looking to get many mods go to modding queue.
There you can ask somebody to mod your map, but make sure the author can mod Mania map, read the rules they're given and post formats there.
Your map must be have at least 12 Star Priority to get ranked. You get 3(?) SP so far this time, so 9 SP to go.
After you get 12 SP or more, you can Ask Beatmap Nominator to bubble and rank it. This is the list of Beatmap Nominator that are focused on Osu!Mania. Ask them via PM and if they're accept it, you can get a Bubble and then it could be Ranked.
But some of the BNG are extremely busy. Also, ask them politely.
Topic Starter
Thanks for reminding me what I forgot to mod. Following these instructions I've reworked on the [Hard difficulty] and will rework on [Complex] and [Original].

FrenzyLi wrote:

Niks wrote:

offset 1075 -> 1072 :)
Hmm, would you mind telling me how you got this offset? I feels pretty nice, but I keep thinking how 3 milliseconds make a difference?

By the way, I'm working on a different computer and forgot to uploaded the modded version of [Beginner] and [Easy]. I'll have that fixed in 5 hours after I get access to the other computer. Fixed.

I'm Hidden player

rainbow 300 ↑ > 300 ↓

rainbow 300 ↓ > 300 ↑
Topic Starter
The Expert difficulty is now complete with ✰4.63. Only 1 more diff needs completion before the whole beatmap set returns to PENDING state!

Hi Frenz-san
NM as requested from ★☭ Верный osu!mania Queue ☭★

4K = |1|2|3|4|

(Focus : Note Presence , Hand/Row Balance, Variation/Consistency Pattern)

[Beginner 1.0]
00:22:572 (22572|0,23072|0) - avoid same row, diffirent rhytim
01:17:072 (77072|2) move to 2
01:25:822 (85822|2) change into normal note, then 01:26:072 - add note here
01:26:822 (86822|1) same reason
01:37:822 (97822|1) move to 1
01:42:822 (102822|1,103072|0) Ctrl + H
01:45:072 - add note, kiai part must attractive pattern (high recomendation)
02:12:572 (132572|3,133072|3) avoid same row, diffirent rhytim
02:25:072 add note, kiai part
02:37:822 (157822|1,158822|2) same reason, remove LN then add note
02:53:822 (173822|1,174822|2) ^

[Easy 1.6]
00:49:947 (49947|1) remove, then 00:50:072 - add note here
00:51:947 (51947|2) same reason
00:53:947 (53947|1) ^
00:57:947 (57947|0) ^ other pattern like this
01:12:947 (72947|1) remove?
01:14:072 (74072|0) move to 4? row balance
01:19:072 (79072|2) move to 1
01:25:072 (85072|3) move to 3
01:27:572 add note? consistency
01:37:072 (97072|3) move to 1, hand balance
01:39:822 (99822|0) move to 4
01:45:072 add note, kiai
01:46:322 (106322|3) move to 1
01:47:822 (107822|3) move to 2
01:50:322 (110322|1) move to 4
01:54:322 (114322|3) move to 1
01:57:822 (117822|2,118072|2) avoid low jack
02:28:572 (148572|0) move to 4
02:31:072 (151072|0) move to 3
02:37:072 (157072|0) move to 4
02:39:822 (159822|3) move to 1
02:45:822 (165822|3) ^
02:50:572 (170572|0,170572|1) move to right 2x
02:55:072 (175072|2) remove
02:55:822 (175822|2) ^
02:56:572 add note, cimbal sound
02:59:072 (179072|3,181072|0) remove
03:18:572 (198572|3) ^

Хорошо~ Good Luck..
Topic Starter
Respond to Verniy_Chan for mods on [Beginner 1.0] and [Easy 1.6].
Roughly 25.0/39.0 ideas accepted! :3
You've been very helpful, and thanks for your mod! Спасибо!

Beginner 1.0 (8.0/11.0)
00:22:572 (22572|0,23072|0) - avoid same row, diffirent rhytim (applied)
01:17:072 (77072|2) move to 2 (applied)
01:25:822 (85822|2) change into normal note, then 01:26:072 (applied)
01:26:822 (86822|1) same reason (applied)
01:37:822 (97822|1) move to 1 (semi applied-- since 01:37:822 (97822|1) - is lower than 01:35:822 (95822|1) - , i moved 01:35:822 to 1 and 01:33:843 to 2)
01:42:822 (102822|1,103072|0) Ctrl + H (semi applied-- ^^^)
01:45:072 - add note, kiai part must attractive pattern (not applied-- kiai difficulty increases with drum density and difficulty has to be below 1.1*, but nice suggestion :3)
02:12:572 (132572|3,133072|3) avoid same row, diffirent rhytim (not applied, would break the symmetry because I'm mapping the drum part instead of rhythm)
02:25:072 add note, kiai part (not applied--would increase difficulty over 1.1*)
02:37:822 (157822|1,158822|2) same reason, remove LN then add note (applied)
02:53:822 (173822|1,174822|2) ^ (applied)

  • 1. In all, I think the kiai part for Beginner is already difficult than the rest of the map because of the note density (1st kiai) and the irregular piano notes (2nd kiai), therefore I'll not adopt your suggestion for this diff, but your idea is essentially correct! :3
    2. I'll keep the Beginner difficulty free of short long notes, except the ending part (where things get hard).

Easy 1.6 (17.0/28.0)
00:49:947 (49947|1) remove, then 00:50:072 - add note here (applied)
00:51:947 (51947|2) same reason (applied)
00:53:947 (53947|1) ^ (applied)
00:57:947 (57947|0) ^ other pattern like this (applied)
01:12:947 (72947|1) remove? (semi applied-- moved to 4 for single hand)
01:14:072 (74072|0) move to 4? row balance (semi applied, for this beat and 3 beats that follow, the long notes are 11223344. Since it's question mark, I'll use my judgement here :3)
01:19:072 (79072|2) move to 1 (applied)
01:25:072 (85072|3) move to 3 (applied)
01:27:572 add note? consistency (applied! thanks for noticing this big mistake!)
01:37:072 (97072|3) move to 1, hand balance (semi applied-- the piano treble is fixed, so I moved the drum part and a few other drums around here)
01:39:822 (99822|0) move to 4 (semi applied-- ^^^)
01:45:072 add note, kiai (not applied-- adding more notes will push difficulty over 1.7*)
01:46:322 (106322|3) move to 1 (not applied-- piano treble is fixed)
01:47:822 (107822|3) move to 2 (not applied-- ^^^)
01:50:322 (110322|1) move to 4 (not applied-- ^^^)
01:54:322 (114322|3) move to 1 (not applied-- ^^^)
01:57:822 (117822|2,118072|2) avoid low jack (applied)
02:28:572 (148572|0) move to 4 (semi applied-- Ctrl+H upon similar part)
02:31:072 (151072|0) move to 3 (semi applied-- ^^^)
02:37:072 (157072|0) move to 4 (semi applied-- ^^^)
02:39:822 (159822|3) move to 1 (semi applied-- ^^^)
02:45:822 (165822|3) ^ (not applied-- piano treble is fixed)
02:50:572 (170572|0,170572|1) move to right 2x (applied-- nice catch!)
02:55:072 (175072|2) remove (applied, even though the sound exists: beat + piano + finish)
02:55:822 (175822|2) ^ (applied, ^^^)
02:56:572 add note, cimbal sound (semi applied-- nice catch on cimbal sound too, but I added it to the long note instead of creating a new note)
02:59:072 (179072|3,181072|0) remove (semi applied-- removed 2 and 4 at the two times)
03:18:572 (198572|3) ^ (applied)

  • 1. I have my own idea of kiai, which is similar to yours. However, I've set a hard limit on the difficulty of the maps :3 I've made the kiai on other diffs pretty hard though, and that's why I can make so many diffs.
    2. Nice catch on cimbal.
    3. Nice suggestions on balancing notes :3 but I can't move some of them due to relative pitch.

My Column:

4K Expert
• 00:21:822 (21822|3,22322|3,22822|3,23322|3,23822|3,24072|3,24322|3,24572|3,24822|3) - Why short LN ?
• from 00:23:822 - to 00:25:072 - 1/4 piano, example:

• 01:06:072 - delete 2 note, not loud sound
• 01:12:072 (72072|3) - delete, looks 3 note for snare sound
• 01:06:572 (66572|2) - delete

Good luck :D
Topic Starter
Respond to LNP- for mods on [4K Expert].
Roughly 3.5/4.0 ideas accepted! :3
Nice catch on some mistakes I've made, thanks :3

4K Expert (3.5/4.0)
00:21:822 (21822|3,22322|3,22822|3,23322|3,23822|3,24072|3,24322|3,24572|3,24822|3) - Why short LN? Picture example (applied, great idea!)
01:06:072 - delete 2 note, not loud sound (Semi applied-- changed all to short notes and moved neighboring notes. It's still sound, so I mapped it just like other diffs, hey, it's Expert anyway :3)
01:12:072 (72072|3) - delete, looks 3 note for snare sound (applied, nice catch!)
01:06:572 (66572|2) - delete (applied)
7 Difficulties of 4K, yet you only have 3 difficulties of 7K
Are you still continuing on this? you still need 4 more dificulties of 7K for balancing with 4K diff.

Rangking Criteria wrote:

Different key amounts within a mapset must be treated as different gamemodes and require a respective independent difficulty spread. Therefore each key amount must have an independent difficulty spread. For example if you want to add a 7K difficulty to your set, you must design a whole 7K spread. If you want to add an additional 4k difficulty to your set, you must also design a whole 4K spread.
It is hard to have 14 difficulties with 3 minutes length of music, isn't it?

Also, what "1,0" , "4,6" in the diff name? Star rating?
I think it doesn't needed cause the rating is automatically can be seen, so delete those "decimal numbers"
Honestly, I'm kinda Lazy to make map more than 6 difficulties XD
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

7 Difficulties of 4K, yet you only have 3 difficulties of 7K
Are you still continuing on this? you still need 4 more dificulties of 7K for balancing with 4K diff.

Rangking Criteria wrote:

Different key amounts within a mapset must be treated as different gamemodes and require a respective independent difficulty spread. Therefore each key amount must have an independent difficulty spread. For example if you want to add a 7K difficulty to your set, you must design a whole 7K spread. If you want to add an additional 4k difficulty to your set, you must also design a whole 4K spread.
It is hard to have 14 difficulties with 3 minutes length of music, isn't it?

Also, what "1,0" , "4,6" in the diff name? Star rating?
I think it doesn't needed cause the rating is automatically can be seen, so delete those "decimal numbers"
Honestly, I'm kinda Lazy to make map more than 6 difficulties XD
1. It's intended star rating and I'll remove it since I declared it in the post.

2. I'll make 5 7K maps in total due to a different interpretation of the rules.

Furthermore, since the requirement is that "for each key amount there must be an independent difficulty spread," I don't see any reason why I need to have the same number of difficulties as long as the diff spread for both key amounts are both reasonable... 4K is 1.0~4.6, then 7K is 1.0~5.0 should be fine, because the spread matches well.

Regarding the number of beatmaps, 7 maps for 4K in my case means 0.6* star diff interval, but for 7K, I could do 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 which is 5 maps total, has a reasonable star interval (1.0*) and maintains a reasonable spread for all key counts. There should be 12 maps total for all key counts.

Yes, it's kinda hard to maintain... but since I'm only doing 1 beatmap set and I plan to learn 7K with this mapset, I think it's doable for me... just that there needs to be a lot of mods.
I think I forgot to copy this

Rangking Citeria wrote:

Different key amounts within a mapset should have a similiar difficulty spread. This is to keep parity between different key amounts and satisfy different key amount players.
The star rating is not an eligible reason. Just look on the other map, they not all have same star interval between each diff.

You don't have to aimed to each star rating like "this map should be 1 star" or something. Cause applying mods from someone else may change the star rating.

Since this song has mostly a piano tunes, it's supposedly cannot be mapped more than 4,5 stars.
The note placing must be reasonable and completely flow with the music. Otherwise the player will feel uncomfortable when playing your beatmap. (Are you feel comfortable when you play your own beatmap?)

About diff spread, like i said, we're talking about "diff spread" not "rating spread". The number of 4K diff must be the same as 7k no matter how high or low the star rating is.

Example: you make 4k easy, normal, hard, insane.(4 diff) Then you also have to make 7k easy, normal, hard, insane. As well.(4 diff)

For your case, if you intended to make 5 diff of 7k, you have to delete 2 of your 4k diff to balance.

Furthermore you can ask #help if you still unsure.

Doesn't mean i'm a stubborn but this is the knowledge i got since i got into the mapping world. Sorry for bad english xD :)
x M e l
Hey ^^ Mod from my m4m


[4K 3.4 Hard]
00:12:822 (12822|1) - move to 3
00:22:572 - put double here
00:24:572 - triple here
you are great at mapping, but don't put doubles where aren't stronger sounds, or triples. And put doubles where ARE stronger sounds >.< for example: 01:13:572 - double here, 01:15:572 - here, 01:17:572 - here, 01:19:572 - here, 01:21:572 - here, 01:23:572 - here, 01:25:572 - here, 01:26:572 - here, and more
01:12:947 - double here
01:31:572 - there are a double, 01:32:572 - there are a triple. These notes have same sound, so.. why the first one is double, and the other is triple? you understand? my english is so bad :c
03:08:822 (188822|1) - move to 3

[7K Elegant]
same than 3.4 hard, fix that you put doubles where aren't stronger sounds, and you don't put where are stronger sounds. And balance the notes that have same sounds

that's all, good luck~
Topic Starter
Rivals_7, I accept your idea and will work on reducing the number of 4K maps in the next week because I have other things to do now. :)

FrenzyLi wrote:

Rivals_7, I accept your idea and will work on reducing the number of 4K maps in the next week because I have other things to do now. :)
我還沒看你的圖, 但是有一些建議。。

因為這是你初次要去rank圖, 更好不用太多做難度。 3或者4 夠了。。 太多的話BN平時懶得看(我的經驗)

然後我有一些材料你可以先去看看吧, 對不起不能多幫你了, 最近有點忙, 如果有空我可以去給你比較全面的摸摸

some stuffs which you need to probably get more familiar with
Osu!mania Ranking Criteria
How to Get Your Map Ranked

extra stuffs to make your beatmap more sophisticated
hitsound tutorial + download pack
LordRaika's Hitsound Guide

wants to improve your background / audio / video? visit the link below v
Ringating's BG, Audio and Video Improvement Queue

wants to improve / add video for your beatmap? visit the link below v
Shad0w1and's HD Video Encoding Queue

tools made by Agka for SV / BPM changes calculator (?)
Topic Starter
Major revision: Recombined existing maps to form 5 beatmaps for 4KEY mode only. Discarded 7KEY mode.
重要修订:将之前的若干张图合并为5张4键图。 放弃7键。
Delete '4K' in every difficulties name because this map has only 4K.
Topic Starter

nowsmart wrote:

Delete '4K' in every difficulties name because this map has only 4K.
Good catch. I'll update that shortly :3
Hi, from our queue
Key Notation |1|2|3|4|
00:13:072 (13072|1,15072|3,17072|2) - Ctrl + H, mirror your 00:01:072 - 00:07:072 pattern
00:18:072 -, ^. For screenshot cursor placed at mentioned time
00:23:072 - add note for make different cymbal sound
00:24:572 - ^, but I guess don't place it at 4
00:25:072 - add note at 3 for make different cymbal sound
00:47:072 - add note for make different cymbal sound
00:48:572 - ^, but I guess don't place it at 2
00:53:072 (53072|2) - turn to slider, ends at 00:54:072
01:05:072 (65072|2) - turn to slider, ends at 01:06:072
01:11:572 (71572|2) - remove for consistency at previous sliders, I mean your sliders before this
point doesn't have any note played with sliders at a same time
01:44:572 - add note for make different cymbal sound but I guess don't place it at 3
02:00:322 (120322|0,120572|1) - Ctrl + G maybe? so upper note and it's next note are 4 snaps
apart, farther than before
02:40:572 - transition to next part I guess
02:56:572 - add note for different cymbal sound, but don't add at 4
03:02:072 - I guess you can use notes like 00:06:072 - 00:07:072 pattern
03:14:072 - ^. But don't apply that note flying near blue line, that's my mouse xD
02:24:947 (144947|0) - move to 2 maybe? closer to next double notes
00:26:822 (26822|1) - move to 3, for tricky stairs I guess
00:28:822 (28822|1) - move to 1, ^
00:30:072 (30072|1) - move to 3, ^
00:30:572 (30572|1) - move to 1, ^
00:32:572 (32572|0,32697|3) - Ctrl + G, ^
00:32:947 (32947|3) - move to 3, ^
00:34:697 (34697|3,34822|0,34947|3) - , Ctrl+ H, ^
00:47:072 - add note at 1 for cymbal
01:43:072 - add note for cymbal?
01:43:822 (103822|1,104572|2) - remove if you accept mod above, looks like first triple note
doesn't have cymbal and next one doesn't have piano
and for 02:25:072 - 02:41:572 interval, I guess you placed too many sliders at 4, move some
of them to another column like 02:41:822 - 02:56:572
Sorry I only mod these diffs
I hope this mod can help and your map get ranked
Topic Starter
Mostly applied-- yours is a very decent mod. For a few mod of yours, I applied a variant of yours. Thank you very much. :)

try24get's mod
Hi, from our queue
Key Notation |1|2|3|4|
00:13:072 (13072|1,15072|3,17072|2) - Ctrl + H, mirror your 00:01:072 - 00:07:072 pattern
00:18:072 -, ^. For screenshot cursor placed at mentioned time
00:23:072 - add note for make different cymbal sound
00:24:572 - ^, but I guess don't place it at 4
00:25:072 - add note at 3 for make different cymbal sound
00:47:072 - add note for make different cymbal sound
00:48:572 - ^, but I guess don't place it at 2
00:53:072 (53072|2) - turn to slider, ends at 00:54:072
01:05:072 (65072|2) - turn to slider, ends at 01:06:072
01:11:572 (71572|2) - remove for consistency at previous sliders, I mean your sliders before this
point doesn't have any note played with sliders at a same time
01:44:572 - add note for make different cymbal sound but I guess don't place it at 3
02:00:322 (120322|0,120572|1) - Ctrl + G maybe? so upper note and it's next note are 4 snaps
apart, farther than before
02:40:572 - transition to next part I guess
02:56:572 - add note for different cymbal sound, but don't add at 4
03:02:072 - I guess you can use notes like 00:06:072 - 00:07:072 pattern
03:14:072 - ^. But don't apply that note flying near blue line, that's my mouse xD
02:24:947 (144947|0) - move to 2 maybe? closer to next double notes
00:26:822 (26822|1) - move to 3, for tricky stairs I guess
00:28:822 (28822|1) - move to 1, ^
00:30:072 (30072|1) - move to 3, ^
00:30:572 (30572|1) - move to 1, ^
00:32:572 (32572|0,32697|3) - Ctrl + G, ^
00:32:947 (32947|3) - move to 3, ^
00:34:697 (34697|3,34822|0,34947|3) - , Ctrl+ H, ^
00:47:072 - add note at 1 for cymbal
01:43:072 - add note for cymbal?
01:43:822 (103822|1,104572|2) - remove if you accept mod above, looks like first triple note
doesn't have cymbal and next one doesn't have piano
and for 02:25:072 - 02:41:572 interval, I guess you placed too many sliders at 4, move some
of them to another column like 02:41:822 - 02:56:572
Sorry I only mod these diffs
I hope this mod can help and your map get ranked

From Han & Aliscea's Mania Modding Plaza! :D
A bit repetitive, but a solid map, so it's nice :3
Only a few things I noticed...

Here's my mod

01:04:572 (64572|2) - try this
01:23:322 (83322|1) - move to 1? column 1 feels empty at that part
01:26:822 (86822|2) - move to 1, this part has stronger sound than 01:27:072
02:01:072 - 02:24:572 - try to make other patterns. for variety
02:33:572 - missing note?
02:33:822 - remove a note
02:35:572 - missing note?
02:35:822 - remove a note
02:36:072 - missing note?
02:41:072 - add a note, cymbal sound ( add 2 notes if can )
also, there are parts from the insane difficulty that you should put in here. ( put the hard parts in the insane diff into this diff, like 00:23:072 - 01:13:072 )

00:03:072 (3072|2) - put to 1, to put some note on column 1
00:15:072 (15072|2) - ^
00:29:072 - 00:30:572 - put some notes on column 1

Hope these helps...
Good luck with your map! :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for your attention!

Following your comment on the [Hard] Diff, I modified note placement using your suggestion. From now on, I decide to reference [Insane] (which is one of my newest diff) but not to make all the diffs look that similar. Again, for the expert mode, that was done way before I finished [Insane], a lot older than [Hard]. I'm very glad you could help point out some major mistakes.

I wonder if I could still get comment from you after I update the beatmap?

AlisceaSparku wrote:

From Han & Aliscea's Mania Modding Plaza! :D
A bit repetitive, but a solid map, so it's nice :3
Only a few things I noticed...

Here's my mod

01:04:572 (64572|2) - try this
01:23:322 (83322|1) - move to 1? column 1 feels empty at that part
01:26:822 (86822|2) - move to 1, this part has stronger sound than 01:27:072
02:01:072 - 02:24:572 - try to make other patterns. for variety
02:33:572 - missing note? (What I had been doing here is to place double notes for strong sounds like the beats and the non-triplet part.)
02:33:822 - remove a note
02:35:572 - missing note?
02:35:822 - remove a note
02:36:072 - missing note?
02:41:072 - add a note, cymbal sound ( add 2 notes if can ) (Mistake on my part)
also, there are parts from the insane difficulty that you should put in here. ( put the hard parts in the insane diff into this diff, like 00:23:072 - 01:13:072 )
Excellent suggestion.

00:03:072 (3072|2) - put to 1, to put some note on column 1
00:15:072 (15072|2) - ^
00:29:072 - 00:30:572 - put some notes on column 1

Hope these helps...
Good luck with your map! :D
Topic Starter
Also a shout out to for the starz from try24get: thank you! I'm continuing my work on this map.

FrenzyLi wrote:

Thanks for your attention!

Following your comment on the [Hard] Diff, I modified note placement using your suggestion. From now on, I decide to reference [Insane] (which is one of my newest diff) but not to make all the diffs look that similar. Again, for the expert mode, that was done way before I finished [Insane], a lot older than [Hard]. I'm very glad you could help point out some major mistakes.

I wonder if I could still get comment from you after I update the beatmap?

AlisceaSparku wrote:

From Han & Aliscea's Mania Modding Plaza! :D
A bit repetitive, but a solid map, so it's nice :3
Only a few things I noticed...

Here's my mod

01:04:572 (64572|2) - try this
01:23:322 (83322|1) - move to 1? column 1 feels empty at that part
01:26:822 (86822|2) - move to 1, this part has stronger sound than 01:27:072
02:01:072 - 02:24:572 - try to make other patterns. for variety
02:33:572 - missing note? (What I had been doing here is to place double notes for strong sounds like the beats and the non-triplet part.)
02:33:822 - remove a note
02:35:572 - missing note?
02:35:822 - remove a note
02:36:072 - missing note?
02:41:072 - add a note, cymbal sound ( add 2 notes if can ) (Mistake on my part)
also, there are parts from the insane difficulty that you should put in here. ( put the hard parts in the insane diff into this diff, like 00:23:072 - 01:13:072 )
Excellent suggestion.

00:03:072 (3072|2) - put to 1, to put some note on column 1
00:15:072 (15072|2) - ^
00:29:072 - 00:30:572 - put some notes on column 1

Hope these helps...
Good luck with your map! :D
Of course I can check your map again :D
Just PM me if I forget xD
00:36:947 - add?
01:11:572 - add?
02:00:947 (120947|2) - remove
00:36:947 - add
00:47:072 - 00:48:572 - add?
01:57:072 (117072|3,117572|1,118072|0,118572|3,119572|1,120072|2,120572|3,120947|1) - remove?
02:29:197 (149197|3,149697|3,150447|3) - no
01:27:072 - add?
Topic Starter
Reply to NlHIL: Thanks for your mod.
  1. 00:36:947 - add? Nice.
  2. 01:11:572 - add? Nice.
  3. 02:00:947 (120947|2) - remove I removed the following note instead.
  1. 00:36:947 - add [/color]
  2. 00:47:072 - 00:48:572 - add? Yep.
  3. 01:57:072 (117072|3,117572|1,118072|0,118572|3,119572|1,120072|2,120572|3,120947|1) - remove? I'm keeping this pattern and keep in mind that this is the last quarter of the kiai time. Will do something if other people complain about this.
  1. 02:29:197 (149197|3,149697|3,150447|3) - no Wow, how did I ever move those there? O.o

  1. 01:27:072 - add? Very definitely yes :3
  1. owo (o wo)/
Satoshi Kazuki
From My Queue

Correct offset is 1092

00:01:072 (1072|2) - remove this...double are enough like other
00:37:072 (37072|3) - remove...double are enough...cause there has no finish sound
00:55:092 (55092|3,55092|2,55092|1,55092|0) - suddenly four note kinda rough and not suitable..change to double note
00:53:092 (53092|2,53092|0,53092|3,53092|1) - ^
00:57:092 (57092|2,57092|3,57092|0,57092|1) - ^
01:33:342 (93342|2) - move to 1 for balance
01:49:092 (109092|3,109342|3,109592|3,109842|3,110092|3,110342|3,110592|3,110842|3) - too much...rearrange and balance it
01:57:092 (117092|3,117217|3,117342|3,117592|3,117717|3,117842|3,118092|3,118217|3,118342|3,118592|3,118717|3,118842|3) - ^
02:23:342 (143342|3,143592|3,143842|3,144092|3,144342|3,144592|3,144842|3) - inconsistent..rearrange it try follow the flow

Good Luck!
Topic Starter
Reply to Satoshi Kazuki: Thank you for your input.

  1. Offset 1092. Thank you
  2. 00:01:072 (1072|2) - remove this...double are enough like other OK!
  3. 00:37:072 (37072|3) - remove...double are enough...cause there has no finish sound Removed 3 instead
  4. 00:55:092 (55092|3,55092|2,55092|1,55092|0) - suddenly four note kinda rough and not suitable..change to double note Advice taken. Wasn't sure what I was thinking back then.
    00:53:092 (53092|2,53092|0,53092|3,53092|1) - ^ 3^
    00:57:092 (57092|2,57092|3,57092|0,57092|1) - ^ 3^
  5. 01:33:342 (93342|2) - move to 1 for balance Accepted. Repatterned whole thing
  6. 01:49:092 (109092|3,109342|3,109592|3,109842|3,110092|3,110342|3,110592|3,110842|3) - too much...rearrange and balance it Repatterned
  7. 01:57:092 (117092|3,117217|3,117342|3,117592|3,117717|3,117842|3,118092|3,118217|3,118342|3,118592|3,118717|3,118842|3) - ^ Repatterned
  8. 02:23:342 (143342|3,143592|3,143842|3,144092|3,144342|3,144592|3,144842|3) - inconsistent..rearrange it try follow the flow Repatterned
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