
Varien feat. Laura Brehm - Valkyrie

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 9. april 2015 at 18:13:49

Artist: Varien feat. Laura Brehm
Title: Valkyrie
BPM: 174
Filesize: 5181kb
Play Time: 03:20
Difficulties Available:
  1. Calling (5,05 stars, 603 notes)
  2. Hard (3,7 stars, 452 notes)
  3. Insane (4,19 stars, 532 notes)
  4. Normal (2,03 stars, 175 notes)
Download: Varien feat. Laura Brehm - Valkyrie
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
4/4 2015 - Initial upload with Hard, Insane and Calling.
6/4 2015 - Normal added, need some heavy modding though.

[Note to mods:]
Normal difficulty is undergoing alot of changes on my local copy, don't waste time modding this version of that difficulty.

Overall: needs a look through hitsounds and combos to check for consistency.
Normal: Some parts are still unmapped! needs magic to bring it under that 1.9* limit. Mods?
Hard: no clue, mods?
Insane: A bit unpolished, mods?
Calling: no clue, mods?

Storyboard may be worked on (Thanks CakePlay :3)

[Thanks for modding:]
Hi Im Nathan

01:10:410 (4,1) - There is no note between these and makes it weird to play. Maybe add a hitcircle or make 4 a slider that ends on the beat between the two.
01:21:444 (4,5) - ^
02:08:513 (5,6) - ^
02:12:306 (3) - This ends on a accentuated note, so use a normal slider and a 4th hitcircle.
Maybe go for some inheriting sections to change the hitsounds volume. Just a thought to match the song.

01:10:410 (4,1,2,3) - You really gotta stop with this. I am not going to list the rest of them. Find them yourself and fix them, if you decided to fix em.

02:57:996 - A note should exist here.

Other than that, do the hitsounds volume, and I think it's good!
Topic Starter

Osuology wrote:


01:10:410 (4,1) - There is no note between these and makes it weird to play. Maybe add a hitcircle or make 4 a slider that ends on the beat between the two.
This is somewhat intended, as the maps' heavily focused on the drums here, and it got a weird beat, but i fixed the distances, so it's more clear.
01:21:444 (4,5) - ^
02:08:513 (5,6) - ^
02:12:306 (3) - This ends on a accentuated note, so use a normal slider and a 4th hitcircle.
That little part just sounded weird. I mixed it all a little up there, and it feels better now
Maybe go for some inheriting sections to change the hitsounds volume. Just a thought to match the song.
Will look into that :)

01:10:410 (4,1,2,3) - You really gotta stop with this. I am not going to list the rest of them. Find them yourself and fix them, if you decided to fix em.
Assuming you are reffering to the weird distances? I've resnapped almost all of the difficulty, as it seemed like a problem with all of it :/

02:57:996 - A note should exist here.
As before earlier, this is related to the very drum centric part. I worked around it with a slider this time and might do the same fix for the other difficulties as the circle (which is there on the others difficulties) have no reason to exist other than the players comfort.

Other than that, do the hitsounds volume, and I think it's good!
Will do!
Thanks for the modding :)
My end of an M4m (finally...)

Hope this helps!

[general/map spread]
  1. Your normal diff needs to be <2 stars I think (although this could be fine, depends on the BN)
  2. Consider lowering your hard diff to give better spread
  3. I'm not enjoying the 1/2 sliders with consecutive clap sounds. It sounds like hitsound spam.
  4. Kiai should start on a downbeat
  5. Not really a fan of the one gigantic kiai time area
  6. For the most part, the rhythm seems correct, but the notes seem very ... haphazardly placed
  7. Consider reviewing NCs as they feel inconsistent at times
  8. 02:48:341 (1) - hitsounds here are wayyyy too loud and don't fit the music
  1. 00:16:617 (1) - ugly overlap
  2. 00:22:824 (5,6) - blanket, perhaps?
  3. 00:26:272 (1,2) - ^
  4. 00:37:996 (3) - not really a fan of these... they bend too tightly. This isn't the only one, but the start and the end hitcircles for a circle slider shouldn't be touching. It (to me) looks ugly and bends too sharply.
  5. 00:44:893 (1) - ^ for this whole section
  6. 00:47:651 (5) and 00:50:410 (9) - NC
  7. 00:52:479 - snap your inherited timing section (green line)
  8. 00:52:479 (1) - consider lengthening this to end at 00:54:893 instead
  9. 00:54:893 - consider charting this section
  10. 01:05:927 (3) - kick slider here, perhaps?
  11. 01:11:444 (8) - move NC to here?????
  12. 01:16:962 (1) - what's going on with the NCs around here?
  13. 01:28:341 (2) - any way to blanket these long sliders around each other?
  14. 01:35:237 (2) - move left for better blanket
  15. 01:36:617 (1) - why is this just a long spinner? I hear notes here!
  16. 01:55:927 (5) - move NC here
  17. 01:58:341 (3) - NC?
  18. 02:02:824 (3) - blanket with 02:01:444 (1) perhaps?
  19. 02:03:168 (4) - overlap!!!!!!
  20. 02:08:686 (1,2) - blanket the end of the first with the body of the second?
  21. 02:11:444 (1) - bends tightly
  22. 02:16:617 (1) - all of the sliders here are overlapping each other!!!
  23. 02:20:755 - why did you just decide not to chart this section?
  24. 02:55:151 (6) - this slider overlaps the previous one and also starts on a blue tick (should probably be on the white one instead)
  25. 03:04:203 (2,3,1) - blanket these guys a bit better?
  26. 03:07:651 (4) - overlap again
  27. 03:11:100 (1) - short bended sliders here again + why so many NCs?
  1. AR8 feels a little too high for this particular song + diff
  2. 00:19:375 (1,2,3) - again, not a big fan of this style of slider
  3. 00:22:824 (3) - this should at least be a 1/2 kick slider
  4. 00:24:893 (7) - NC here instead?
  5. 00:33:858 (1,2) - triplet or 1/2 kick slier?
  6. 00:42:824 (1,2) - blanket?
  7. 00:44:893 (1) - short bend sliders again. Consider making all these lines.
  8. 01:06:272 (5,1) - blanket these?
  9. 01:06:272 (5,1) - ^
  10. 01:11:444 (3,4) - consider revising this to capture the melody change somehwat
  11. 01:14:375 (1,2) - this blanket's a little off.
  12. 01:19:203 (4,6) - move the slider body so it doesn't hit the note
  13. 01:22:479 (7) - kick slider here again?
  14. 01:25:582 (3,4) - this disrupts flow unduly
  15. 01:26:617 (1) - not sure why this is stacked like so
  16. 01:27:996 (1,2) - kick slider here again for same reasons as above
  17. 01:42:306 (1) - end this on a white tick not a blue one
  18. 02:02:134 (2,3,4) - blanket these guys a little better?
  19. 02:06:789 (8,9) - blanket perhaps?
  20. 02:12:134 (3,4) - ^
  21. 02:17:134 (6,7,8,9,10) - rearrange this so it forms a proper star or something?
  22. 02:35:237 (2,3) - blanket these two around each other
  23. 02:56:272 (3,4) - odd DS here
  24. 03:11:100 (1) - ton of NCs here again in thsi section. Consider blanketing soome of the sliders.
Topic Starter

LinearFaze wrote:

My end of an M4m (finally...)

Hope this helps!

[general/map spread]
  1. Your normal diff needs to be <2 stars I think (although this could be fine, depends on the BN)
    - I'll try to lower the diff a bit, especialy at the first half as that is way harder than it needs to be.
  2. Consider lowering your hard diff to give better spread
    - I'm not sure how i can do that without making the diff way too boring, but i'll see if i have some difficulty spikes i can adjust.
  3. I'm not enjoying the 1/2 sliders with consecutive clap sounds. It sounds like hitsound spam.
    - Understandable. I'm going to give all difficulties a revision on hitsounds alone.
  4. Kiai should start on a downbeat
  5. Not really a fan of the one gigantic kiai time area
    - Agreed, Kiai fixed.
  6. For the most part, the rhythm seems correct, but the notes seem very ... haphazardly placed
    - Especialy on normal i assume? i suck at patterns, but i've tried to make it more structured.
  7. Consider reviewing NCs as they feel inconsistent at times
    - I will have to do this, yes.
  8. 02:48:341 (1) - hitsounds here are wayyyy too loud and don't fit the music
- Yes. Fixed on all diffs.

  1. 00:16:617 (1) - ugly overlap
    - Fixed.
  2. 00:22:824 (5,6) - blanket, perhaps?
    - Done.
  3. 00:26:272 (1,2) - ^
    - Done.
  4. 00:37:996 (3) - not really a fan of these... they bend too tightly. This isn't the only one, but the start and the end hitcircles for a circle slider shouldn't be touching. It (to me) looks ugly and bends too sharply.
    - While the song maps goes at this slider velocity, having them not touch each other is really hard. What i did to make this better was instead to make them all overlap by the exact same amount, and doing some blankets to make it more fluid. But it sure wasn't pretty before.
  5. 00:44:893 (1) - ^ for this whole section
    - ^
  6. 00:47:651 (5) and 00:50:410 (9) - NC
    - Fixed.
  7. 00:52:479 - snap your inherited timing section (green line)
    - Fixed while working on kiai timer.
  8. 00:52:479 (1) - consider lengthening this to end at 00:54:893 instead
    - Good idea.
  9. 00:54:893 - consider charting this section
    - Yea i will do this. The reason for me not mapping it earlier was to avoid a difficulty spike putting it well above being normal, but i will see if i can make this... easy(?). (Right after doing the next mod ;) )
  10. 01:05:927 (3) - kick slider here, perhaps?
    - I chose not to, as it's following that drum-whirl, but i made it a blanket to the (2) instead for prettyness.
  11. 01:11:444 (8) - move NC to here?????
    - Yup.
  12. 01:16:962 (1) - what's going on with the NCs around here?
    - Weird stuff from when i made it off the hard copy. Fixed.
  13. 01:28:341 (2) - any way to blanket these long sliders around each other?
    - Restructured to make this way better working.
  14. 01:35:237 (2) - move left for better blanket
    - I think i got that covered now.
  15. 01:36:617 (1) - why is this just a long spinner? I hear notes here!
    - Another desperate attempt to keep this normal with a break there. will put something here along with that previous section.
  16. 01:55:927 (5) - move NC here
    - Fixed.
  17. 01:58:341 (3) - NC?
    - Fixed.
  18. 02:02:824 (3) - blanket with 02:01:444 (1) perhaps?
    - Done.
  19. 02:03:168 (4) - overlap!!!!!!
    - Fixed.
  20. 02:08:686 (1,2) - blanket the end of the first with the body of the second?
    - Done.
  21. 02:11:444 (1) - bends tightly
    - Made it a blanket.
  22. 02:16:617 (1) - all of the sliders here are overlapping each other!!!
    - Uhm yes... i will fix that.
  23. 02:20:755 - why did you just decide not to chart this section?
    - It will be a continuation of the slider art, which is not very artistic atm. I don't know what else to put here.
  24. 02:55:151 (6) - this slider overlaps the previous one and also starts on a blue tick (should probably be on the white one instead)
    - Fixed.
  25. 03:04:203 (2,3,1) - blanket these guys a bit better?
    - Fixed.
  26. 03:07:651 (4) - overlap again
    - Fixed.
  27. 03:11:100 (1) - short bended sliders here again + why so many NCs?
- NC's fixed and sliders standarized. Still bended though.

  1. AR8 feels a little too high for this particular song + diff
    - You're right, changed it to AR7.
  2. 00:19:375 (1,2,3) - again, not a big fan of this style of slider
    - I get it :) - fixed.
  3. 00:22:824 (3) - this should at least be a 1/2 kick slider
    - Indeed.
  4. 00:24:893 (7) - NC here instead?
    - Changed it to be both, the next sequence kinda feels like another combo.
  5. 00:33:858 (1,2) - triplet or 1/2 kick slier?
    - Chose a kick slider, as the map is already a bit too hard.
  6. 00:42:824 (1,2) - blanket?
    - Still bad at those, does this count?
  7. 00:44:893 (1) - short bend sliders again. Consider making all these lines.
    - Again, i prefer those to be curved as the make the player do silly cursorcircles.
  8. 01:06:272 (5,1) - blanket these?
    - I think i did that now.
  9. 01:06:272 (5,1) - ^
    - Assuming you meen those? 01:09:031 (8,1) then fixed. :)
  10. 01:11:444 (3,4) - consider revising this to capture the melody change somehwat
    - Replaced them with a slider as i feel they hit the beat perfectly.
  11. 01:14:375 (1,2) - this blanket's a little off.
    - Fixed.
  12. 01:19:203 (4,6) - move the slider body so it doesn't hit the note
    - Nasty, fixed.
  13. 01:22:479 (7) - kick slider here again?
    - This was my solution
  14. 01:25:582 (3,4) - this disrupts flow unduly
    - Moved a few things around to help with that.
  15. 01:26:617 (1) - not sure why this is stacked like so
    - Not anymore :)
  16. 01:27:996 (1,2) - kick slider here again for same reasons as above
    - I changed that up somehow, not sure how well it went though ;)
  17. 01:42:306 (1) - end this on a white tick not a blue one
    - Fixed.
  18. 02:02:134 (2,3,4) - blanket these guys a little better?
    - Fixed.
  19. 02:06:789 (8,9) - blanket perhaps?
    - Fixed.
  20. 02:12:134 (3,4) - ^
    - Fixed.
  21. 02:17:134 (6,7,8,9,10) - rearrange this so it forms a proper star or something?
    - Good idea, done.
  22. 02:35:237 (2,3) - blanket these two around each other
    - Fixed.
  23. 02:56:272 (3,4) - odd DS here
    - Indeed, fixed.
  24. 03:11:100 (1) - ton of NCs here again in thsi section. Consider blanketing soome of the sliders.
- Reduced the ncs and made some blankets.
Thanks for an amazing mod! (Also, you really like blankets, don't you? :p)
Hi from my M4M queue

00:55:065 - Shouldn't the Kiai time start here?

00:33:168 (8) - Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo
00:47:651 (5) - Increase the distance of (5) and (6) for consistancy
01:03:341 (1 -19) - Maybe make a new combo somewhere between here? idk
01:36:962 (3) - I thought it would be a good idea to map to the electronic part, but its up to you really
02:35:237 (2) - I think the first stream would look alot better if it was more of an arc shape and if the notes were spaced out a bit more.


00:36:617 (7) - Same as earlier. Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo.
01:10:927 (1,2,3) - What do you think of moving these 3 notes to (304x, 364y)
01:16:444 (1,2,3) - move these abit closer to (4)
02:24:893 (2,3,4) - Move these further away from (4,5,6) to avoid confusing DS


00:36:617 (7) - Same as earlier. Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo
01:28:168 (2) - Finish at 01:28:341
02:25:410 (5,6,7) - - Maybe turn this into a reverse slider? I think it would play better
02:25:582 (7,1) - The DS between these two notes are very misleading. You should make the gap smaller
02:53:858 (8) - NC
03:02:134 (2) - Less points in this slider would make it look smoother and nicer

Sorry my mod was so late. It is a fun map overall as the flow is quite nice.
Hope this mod was helpful.
Topic Starter

Hi Im Nathan wrote:

Hi from my M4M queue

00:55:065 - Shouldn't the Kiai time start here?
- Indeed.

00:33:168 (8) - Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo
- Nice spotted, did that.
00:47:651 (5) - Increase the distance of (5) and (6) for consistancy
- Fixed.
01:03:341 (1 -19) - Maybe make a new combo somewhere between here? idk
- Yea, made (11) the new (1).
01:36:962 (3) - I thought it would be a good idea to map to the electronic part, but its up to you really
- I can see your point, but I still think I'll prefer to have that drum-sequence for the heavily increasing distance snapping there.
02:35:237 (2) - I think the first stream would look alot better if it was more of an arc shape and if the notes were spaced out a bit more.
- I Chose this way as I've been swapping alot between 1.0x and 0.5x streams in this section, and throwing the player off on a long 1.0x seemed unfair without any preparation, so i did a 50/50 solution. If multiple mods is against this i will reconsider it.


00:36:617 (7) - Same as earlier. Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo.
- Yes.
01:10:927 (1,2,3) - What do you think of moving these 3 notes to (304x, 364y)
- Nah, but i used them to make this curve instead.
01:16:444 (1,2,3) - move these abit closer to (4)
- That stack is having an almost perfect 1.20x to both previous and next, i think i'll keep it there.
02:24:893 (2,3,4) - Move these further away from (4,5,6) to avoid confusing DS
- Yup.


00:36:617 (7) - Same as earlier. Maybe make this a slider from 00:33:168 - 00:33:513. It matches the vocals and sounds nicer imo
- Yes.
01:28:168 (2) - Finish at 01:28:341
- Removed (2) and extended (1) to achieve the same
02:25:410 (5,6,7) - - Maybe turn this into a reverse slider? I think it would play better
- I'll do that.
02:25:582 (7,1) - The DS between these two notes are very misleading. You should make the gap smaller
- Fixed.
02:53:858 (8) - NC
- Fixed.
03:02:134 (2) - Less points in this slider would make it look smoother and nicer
- Fixed.

Sorry my mod was so late. It is a fun map overall as the flow is quite nice.
Hope this mod was helpful.
Thanks for an awesome mod! it was a needed help :)
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