Problem Details:
map link:
I got a dq on my own map due to wrong metadata( rong artist), then when I fixed all issue and submit with correct artist, a pop-up window appeared notice me Error during upload: Data too long for column "artist" at row 10.
My userpage shown I submitted map but I can't download it any more.
I uploaded to puush for you to do any research on files in that map, link: (6.12MB)
Screenshot will be shown below and some information of artist can be find at here p/3951894
hope it can be solved soon :3
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: 20150305 (latest)
map link:
I got a dq on my own map due to wrong metadata( rong artist), then when I fixed all issue and submit with correct artist, a pop-up window appeared notice me Error during upload: Data too long for column "artist" at row 10.
My userpage shown I submitted map but I can't download it any more.
I uploaded to puush for you to do any research on files in that map, link: (6.12MB)
Screenshot will be shown below and some information of artist can be find at here p/3951894
hope it can be solved soon :3
Video or screenshot showing the problem:
osu! version: 20150305 (latest)