
Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare naki Bara Juuji

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Friday, April 08, 2016 at 12:02:09 AM

Artist: Ariabl'eyeS
Title: Kegare naki Bara Juuji
Source: 瑠璃色のローゼンクロイツ
Tags: untainted rose cross ruriiro no rena lyse リゼ
BPM: 90
Filesize: 12246kb
Play Time: 05:47
Difficulties Available:
  1. - Rosenkreuz - (7.46 stars, 1506 notes)
Download: Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare naki Bara Juuji
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For Graveyard
Yo... request finished

Hitsound Mod
2015-01-09 10:43 LordRaika: ACTION is editing [ Ariabl'eyeS - Kegare naki Bara Juuji [-Rosenkreuz-]]
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: :3
2015-01-09 10:44 LordRaika: i really appreaciate people's hardwork on putting lots of timing just to change their sampleset
2015-01-09 10:44 LordRaika: *appreciate
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: :D thank you <3
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: I was thinking about doing it individually, but I was like nahhhh
2015-01-09 10:44 LordRaika: so... umm since this is irc , it i will be faster
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: cuz Itd be hard to change em back
2015-01-09 10:44 LordRaika: *it will
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: okie
2015-01-09 10:44 Kroytz: :D
2015-01-09 10:45 LordRaika: so... what kind of hitsound u want to add or get improved?
2015-01-09 10:45 Kroytz: Im not exactly too sure o.o im sorry if I sound nooby
2015-01-09 10:45 LordRaika: nah
2015-01-09 10:45 LordRaika: dont worry XD
2015-01-09 10:45 Kroytz: but idk if the beginning section supposed to be hitsounded
2015-01-09 10:45 Kroytz: or how to use the whistles in the song
2015-01-09 10:45 LordRaika: im still listening to the song
2015-01-09 10:46 LordRaika: and will try some hitsound on it, to see if they fit, then i will suggest it to u
2015-01-09 10:46 Kroytz: I saw Mayzel's version of the song and he used whistles and finishes like crazy, it didnt feel right
2015-01-09 10:46 Kroytz: so I just did what I thought was right
2015-01-09 10:46 Kroytz: ok
2015-01-09 10:46 LordRaika: XD
2015-01-09 10:47 LordRaika: spamming whistle or finish doesnt give u anything if IT doesnt sounds good
2015-01-09 10:47 Kroytz: I feel like there should be more whistles though, but i dont know much about hitsounding
2015-01-09 10:48 LordRaika: first , let me fix the softhitnormal and normalhitnormal
2015-01-09 10:52 LordRaika: <<< rename BellF into soft-hitnormal and normal2 + 3 too if u want... ( make their copy )
2015-01-09 10:52 LordRaika: while renaming the other hitsound ( Chm Fast ) into soft-hitwhistle , same, whistle 2 and 3 too for the copy.... i think its really sounds good... next i will tell u where u can put this whistle
2015-01-09 10:53 Kroytz: ok :3
2015-01-09 10:54 LordRaika: btw
2015-01-09 10:54 LordRaika: u dont have to make copy of chm fast
2015-01-09 10:54 LordRaika: just 1.... soft-hitwhistle.wav
2015-01-09 10:55 LordRaika: done?
2015-01-09 10:55 Kroytz: umm
2015-01-09 10:55 Kroytz: wait lol
2015-01-09 10:56 Kroytz: i got em in the folder
2015-01-09 10:56 Kroytz: renmaing
2015-01-09 10:56 Kroytz: renaming*
2015-01-09 10:56 LordRaika: key
2015-01-09 10:56 Kroytz: CHMBellF = soft-normal(1,2,3)
2015-01-09 10:56 LordRaika: yea
2015-01-09 10:57 LordRaika: 00:00:849 - timing here , till here 00:31:509 - select all of them and make it S:C1
2015-01-09 10:58 Kroytz: so I get rid of the current soft hitwhistle right?
2015-01-09 10:58 Kroytz: I had soft hitwhistle on 2 and 3
2015-01-09 10:58 Kroytz: and I just replace em
2015-01-09 10:58 LordRaika: u jst have 1 softhitwhistle
2015-01-09 10:58 LordRaika: *need
2015-01-09 10:58 LordRaika: no no dont touch your 2 and 3
2015-01-09 10:58 Kroytz: ok
2015-01-09 10:58 Kroytz: cuz you said to make copies for 2 and 3
2015-01-09 10:59 Kroytz: but I had a 2 and 3
2015-01-09 10:59 LordRaika: also the opening has two timing of 80% volume, make it 30% same as thenext one
2015-01-09 10:59 LordRaika: yeah XD
2015-01-09 10:59 LordRaika: i recorrect what i type before
2015-01-09 11:02 Kroytz: alright
2015-01-09 11:02 Kroytz: got em
2015-01-09 11:02 LordRaika: and the timing?
2015-01-09 11:03 Kroytz: well, I could just delete the first timing section
2015-01-09 11:03 Kroytz: 90bpm starts 00:00:843 (1) -
2015-01-09 11:03 LordRaika: 00:00:843 - next, u can add whistle here... 00:03:509 - , 00:06:176 - , 00:08:843 -
2015-01-09 11:03 LordRaika: yeah, i mean , make sure most of the timing is S:C1 , and the first two of 80% volume, make it 30%
2015-01-09 11:03 Kroytz: is that including the 00:00:843 for whistle
2015-01-09 11:04 Kroytz: daheck
2015-01-09 11:04 LordRaika: ???
2015-01-09 11:04 LordRaika: 00:00:843 - only the start of the slider
2015-01-09 11:04 Kroytz: ok
2015-01-09 11:04 LordRaika: 00:03:509 - here too, start of the slider.... and so on
2015-01-09 11:04 LordRaika: is it works? i think its better and fitting the song
2015-01-09 11:05 Kroytz: yeah
2015-01-09 11:05 LordRaika: okayy~
2015-01-09 11:05 LordRaika: so i guess this fix the soft set....
2015-01-09 11:05 Kroytz: guessing it repeats that for here too then ? 00:00:843-
2015-01-09 11:05 LordRaika: btw
2015-01-09 11:05 Kroytz: how to make link
2015-01-09 11:05 Kroytz: lol
2015-01-09 11:05 LordRaika: nah
2015-01-09 11:05 Kroytz: 00:00:843 (1) -
2015-01-09 11:05 LordRaika: thats it
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: copy the note or timeline
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: paste it here
2015-01-09 11:06 Kroytz: 00:11:509 (1) -
2015-01-09 11:06 Kroytz: Id assume the whistle there
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: yeap
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: 00:12:843 - i add it here too
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: 00:14:176 -
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: 00:16:843 -
2015-01-09 11:06 LordRaika: 00:19:509 -
2015-01-09 11:07 LordRaika: 00:21:843 -
2015-01-09 11:07 LordRaika: 00:24:843 -
2015-01-09 11:07 LordRaika: 00:27:509 -
2015-01-09 11:07 LordRaika: 00:30:176 -
2015-01-09 11:07 LordRaika: okay, now lets works on normal set
2015-01-09 11:08 Kroytz: would there not be one here 00:20:676 (8) -
2015-01-09 11:09 LordRaika: i aim for each white tick
2015-01-09 11:09 Kroytz: mmk
2015-01-09 11:09 LordRaika: but if it sounds good to u, feel free to add it :D
2015-01-09 11:09 Kroytz: alright then i got that all down then
2015-01-09 11:09 LordRaika: before that.... inside editor.... View > Volume > set music 100% , sample 0% and LISTEn to this two note00:35:480 (1,2) - , this is actually fits the softwhistle much much better than normalfinish which is too damn loud T^T
2015-01-09 11:09 LordRaika: i mean before we go next to normal set
2015-01-09 11:11 Kroytz: mmk
2015-01-09 11:11 LordRaika: done?
2015-01-09 11:11 Kroytz: i'll change
2015-01-09 11:11 Kroytz: ^^;
2015-01-09 11:11 Kroytz: yes
2015-01-09 11:11 LordRaika: key
2015-01-09 11:12 LordRaika: first ^^' umm can u delete drumfinish2 ? do u even use this??? if u need cymbal on drum... i can teach u how without using custom hitsound
2015-01-09 11:12 LordRaika: after delete it, exit editor, to refresh and reenter
2015-01-09 11:13 Kroytz: aight
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: done?
2015-01-09 11:13 Kroytz: I...copied that hitsound from a different map
2015-01-09 11:13 Kroytz: yea
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: 00:36:403 - add 1 clap here ,
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: 00:36:518 - finish
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: 00:36:633 - clap
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: 00:36:749 - finish
2015-01-09 11:13 LordRaika: done
2015-01-09 11:14 LordRaika: thts how u use drum set
2015-01-09 11:14 Kroytz: and repeat for next?
2015-01-09 11:14 LordRaika: where???
2015-01-09 11:14 Kroytz: or different
2015-01-09 11:14 Kroytz: oh nvm
2015-01-09 11:14 Kroytz: lol
2015-01-09 11:14 Kroytz: yea I got it done
2015-01-09 11:14 LordRaika: 00:36:864 - this is not drum part anymore....
2015-01-09 11:15 Kroytz: yea
2015-01-09 11:15 Kroytz: I thought it was
2015-01-09 11:15 LordRaika: ^^ , always have the volume control button next to u
2015-01-09 11:15 LordRaika: so u can set music 100% , sample 0%, lsiten to the song, and listen to your hitsound
2015-01-09 11:16 Kroytz: this is more intensive than I thought
2015-01-09 11:16 LordRaika: lets back for a scd... i will teach u how to use normal cymbal , even when u are on soft timing
2015-01-09 11:16 LordRaika: 00:04:176 (2) - here....
2015-01-09 11:16 LordRaika: see the tool call sampleset auto, additional auto on the left editor?
2015-01-09 11:16 Kroytz: yeah
2015-01-09 11:17 LordRaika: set the additional NORMAL and add 00:04:176 (2) - E(finish)
2015-01-09 11:17 LordRaika: there..... u have normal finish....
2015-01-09 11:17 LordRaika: but ofc... this is jst EXAMPLE
2015-01-09 11:17 LordRaika: this does nothing with the song XD removeed it after that....
2015-01-09 11:18 Kroytz: oo
2015-01-09 11:18 Kroytz: ok
2015-01-09 11:18 LordRaika: allrite
2015-01-09 11:18 LordRaika: for normal set
2015-01-09 11:18 LordRaika: [ use this and rename as normal-hitnormal]
2015-01-09 11:19 LordRaika: yea, better make copy of 2 and 3 too
2015-01-09 11:19 Kroytz: dling~
2015-01-09 11:19 LordRaika: btw
2015-01-09 11:19 LordRaika: can u show me where do u even use normal whistle2 and whistle 3?
2015-01-09 11:20 LordRaika: if u dont use it
2015-01-09 11:20 LordRaika: i have another good suggestion, by replacing them and show u where u can add normal whistle
2015-01-09 11:20 Kroytz: 01:54:864 (1) -
2015-01-09 11:20 Kroytz: on the chorus
2015-01-09 11:20 Kroytz: only
2015-01-09 11:20 LordRaika: ah
2015-01-09 11:20 Kroytz: a couple times throughout it
2015-01-09 11:20 LordRaika: .... then i suggest replace it
2015-01-09 11:21 LordRaika: into smthg better
2015-01-09 11:21 Kroytz: mmk
2015-01-09 11:21 Kroytz: w.e better works for me ^^
2015-01-09 11:21 LordRaika: [ here,.... rename as normal-hitwhistle, and yea make another copy....]
2015-01-09 11:21 LordRaika: because u use 3 set orz
2015-01-09 11:22 Kroytz: ;w;
2015-01-09 11:22 LordRaika: 00:38:941 (7,1) - this is where u add the WHISTLE
2015-01-09 11:22 LordRaika: 00:39:518 - actually u can add note here, there is a drum kick sound here.... so u can add whistle...
2015-01-09 11:22 LordRaika: 00:39:864 - ^
2015-01-09 11:23 LordRaika: 00:41:710 - whistle
2015-01-09 11:23 Kroytz: and I delete my current whistle
2015-01-09 11:23 LordRaika: 00:42:864 - ^ and so on....
2015-01-09 11:23 LordRaika: u will knw what i mean by putting that kick on whistle, also, yeah listen to the song with 0% hitsound volume can helps
2015-01-09 11:25 Kroytz: 00:38:941 (7,1) - does 1 still have the clap?
2015-01-09 11:25 LordRaika: 00:39:172 (1) - this still have the clap
2015-01-09 11:25 Kroytz: and both 7 and 1 with the whistle
2015-01-09 11:25 LordRaika: remember , u can add whistle and clap and finish at the same time
2015-01-09 11:25 LordRaika: as long as it fits
2015-01-09 11:25 Kroytz: yea
2015-01-09 11:25 LordRaika: 7 and 1 with whistle
2015-01-09 11:25 Kroytz: k
2015-01-09 11:26 LordRaika: sounds better now?
2015-01-09 11:26 LordRaika: because before... it really sounds too loud ;w;
2015-01-09 11:26 LordRaika: u can check your hitsound, try music 40% volume, sample 100%
2015-01-09 11:26 Kroytz: im wondering if I should add the notes
2015-01-09 11:27 Kroytz: cuz itll ruin the "buildup" I have for that section
2015-01-09 11:27 LordRaika: oka
2015-01-09 11:27 LordRaika: its ur choice btw XD
2015-01-09 11:28 Kroytz: man this is hard
2015-01-09 11:28 LordRaika: i think thts all i can help.... its really sounds better for me XD
2015-01-09 11:28 LordRaika: any other hitsound u want me to check?
2015-01-09 11:28 LordRaika: nah, hitsound is shit....
2015-01-09 11:28 LordRaika: hitsound also
2015-01-09 11:28 Kroytz: when you say and so on
2015-01-09 11:28 LordRaika: 1 of the reason people stop mapping
2015-01-09 11:28 Kroytz: and dont know where so on is ;w;
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: BTW
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: <<< im lazy at hitsounding too XD
2015-01-09 11:29 Kroytz: hitsounding takes a long time thats why
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: ahahaha
2015-01-09 11:29 Kroytz: and its easy to get it wrong
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: but when im serious
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: i really do it with detailed
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: yea
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: okay
2015-01-09 11:29 Kroytz: :s
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: remmebr
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: use music 100% , sample 0%
2015-01-09 11:29 Kroytz: mmhmm
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: 00:44:710 - whistle
2015-01-09 11:29 LordRaika: 00:45:633 -
2015-01-09 11:30 LordRaika: 00:46:556 -
2015-01-09 11:30 LordRaika: 00:47:480 -
2015-01-09 11:30 LordRaika: almost same with clap
2015-01-09 11:30 LordRaika: it is every 2/1
2015-01-09 11:30 Kroytz: alright
2015-01-09 11:30 Kroytz: throughout the entire song?
2015-01-09 11:30 Kroytz: or I mean
2015-01-09 11:30 Kroytz: section
2015-01-09 11:30 LordRaika: yep, the same sound only
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: so yea, i think thts all i can help
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: ^^ also
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: when u have the mood
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: PLEASE do check this
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: ACTION is listening to [ Raika - Hitsound Guide]
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: XD hehehe
2015-01-09 11:31 LordRaika: u will knw, everything u will ever need on hitsounding
2015-01-09 11:31 Kroytz: ^^
2015-01-09 11:32 Kroytz: couple quick questions
2015-01-09 11:32 LordRaika: yes?
2015-01-09 11:32 Kroytz: how to hitsound 05:00:403 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) -
2015-01-09 11:32 Kroytz: im pretty sure theyre wrong..
2015-01-09 11:33 Kroytz: Im too exactly sure thats why
2015-01-09 11:34 Kroytz: thats why I asked for help cuz
2015-01-09 11:34 LordRaika: because the finish is too loud XD
2015-01-09 11:34 Kroytz: I think theres a lot of wrong things
2015-01-09 11:34 Kroytz: or like if I did this part correctly too 04:24:403 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2015-01-09 11:34 LordRaika: 05:00:633 (2) - this is not even snapped properly ;w;
2015-01-09 11:34 LordRaika: its here 05:00:749 -
2015-01-09 11:34 LordRaika: supposed to be here
2015-01-09 11:34 LordRaika: 05:00:864 (3) - delete
2015-01-09 11:35 LordRaika: 05:02:480 (2,4) - remove finish and add clap instead
2015-01-09 11:35 LordRaika: 05:00:403 - for the first 3 , u can add whistle and remove finish, finish is too loud
2015-01-09 11:35 Kroytz: holy god
2015-01-09 11:35 Kroytz: ;w;
2015-01-09 11:36 Kroytz: I guess I should work on listening more
2015-01-09 11:36 Kroytz: xP
2015-01-09 11:36 LordRaika: 04:24:403 - i think its fine here
2015-01-09 11:37 Kroytz: so if thats fine
2015-01-09 11:38 Kroytz: then this is wrong right? 02:20:710 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) -
2015-01-09 11:38 Kroytz: with these kind of songs, and especially things like FGE, the amount of hitsounds
2015-01-09 11:38 LordRaika: i dont think its wrong
2015-01-09 11:38 Kroytz: is crazy
2015-01-09 11:38 Kroytz: like, theres so much
2015-01-09 11:38 LordRaika: yea
2015-01-09 11:38 LordRaika: :D
2015-01-09 11:38 LordRaika: doesnt really bugs me or sounds weird
2015-01-09 11:39 Kroytz: well cuz 4:24 has drum soungs on the beginning
2015-01-09 11:39 Kroytz: but 2:20 has soft
2015-01-09 11:39 Kroytz: sounds*
2015-01-09 11:39 Kroytz: and they are similar parts in the music
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: yea
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: for
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: consistency
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: perhaps u should add drum on 2:20 too
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: orz
2015-01-09 11:39 LordRaika: thts all
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: mmk
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: welp this is gonna take a while
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: again
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: xD
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: thanks for your help
2015-01-09 11:40 Kroytz: :D
2015-01-09 11:40 LordRaika: ^^ yea , hitsounding stuff
2015-01-09 11:40 LordRaika: hmm okay.. .gotta go for next request ;w;
2015-01-09 11:41 Kroytz: mmk
2015-01-09 11:41 Kroytz: ^^

GL for hitsounding it ^^b
remember to watch the volume control XD

Both stacks felt unintuitive to play, like there was one extra unnecessary note. Might just be me but have a look :]
Topic Starter

Netherax wrote:


Both stacks felt unintuitive to play, like there was one extra unnecessary note. Might just be me but have a look :]
It's probably the bpm that makes it awkward to play but I think it's right? No changes for now. Thank you~
Hope this is going to get ranked! Great map!
amazing map and song, really enjoyed playing this
Mods n stuff
03:44:249 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Pull up, seems to go off screen
03:58:095 (3) - Same as above
04:00:172 (3) - Possibly same as above
04:22:326 (1,2,3,4) - Make it sound like the other streams
05:35:480 (1,2,3,4) - From this point on until it stops playing, follow the fiddle for what it emphasised
05:47:364 (1) - End with a slider, the music trails off a bit, ending with a slider will be more like the music

Other than these issues it seems like a well made map, looking forward to seeing it ranked ( we discussed stuff on my stream as well but these were really important so I wrote them down)
03:25:095 (1) - Hit sounds change halfway through this stream, not consistent with the stream before it.

Another thing I would note is the hitsounds sounded quiet with both the music and effect volume set to 100.

really nice map and song :D
Yo Kroytz, here, have a full mod, part of m4m and other stuff haha~ Sorry it took so long.

[ - Rosenkroytz -]

00:02:183 (3,3) - curved sliders would function better here imo, But in either case, because these repeat sliders either end on a redline (with offset change) or have a red line in between the repeat, the repeat arrow itself is unsnapped. I've seen maps (including my own) getting dq'ed for this reason so I highly recommend using 1/2 slider and circle instead of 1/2 repeats.
00:04:847 (3) - This slider-end is unsnapped as you can see, your intention being to snap it to 00:05:525 - no?
00:12:872 (3) - Same problem. Repeat arrow is unsnapped. You could remove the repeat and map another circle to where the repeat would have ended. This rhythm would fit just as well imo.
00:15:822 (1,2,3) - This is quite a jump in density from 00:10:452 (1,2,3) - despite being the same melody. I would take out the sliders honestly, and stick with circles. If you want to build some intensity, you could always increase the DS of the circles, since you basically stacked the first set.
00:16:858 (1) - Shorten this slider to 1/2 since you're following the vocals. You miss the entire beat at 00:17:489 - since you used a 1/1 slider.
00:22:521 (3,4,5) - Compare your rhythm here to 00:25:142 (2,3) - . Using a circle + slider honestly plays much better than 3 circles, since then you can still map the notes without having to "click" them. This is still the <100 bpm section after all, so it wouldn't hurt to be more consistent with the intensity that you give this section.
00:33:183 (1) - You could start this spinner right after the note on the next blue tick: 00:33:019 - . No need to put a gap.
00:46:906 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:329 (5,6,7,8) - Why do you switch to a completely new rhythm here? It's the exact same rhythm as 00:44:714 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1,2) -
00:49:560 (6) - With this, you end up completely ignoring the beat at 00:49:675 - That you've been mapping a large jump to with all your previous combo's.
00:51:175 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same idea, notice how the strong beat at 00:51:521 - Is completely ignored since it's now mapped to a slider-end.
00:59:483 (1,2,3) - Same issue here. This is still the same rhyth, with emphasis on the red tick at 00:59:829 - . I realize you are trying to switch the pattern but you should still remember to emphasize this note. Map a larger jump here instead of using a lower DS< cuz right now 00:59:829 (2,3) - Has a larger spacing so it would seem like you are emphasizing 3 even tho theres only a really feint beat there.
01:00:406 (5) - NC. Keep your NC consistent. Since you've been NC'ing after every measure (large white tick) so far, keep the pattern going!
01:05:483 (1) - Remove NC, not necessary.
01:10:098 (1,2,3,4) - There is almost no momentum in the map so far for these spaced streams ;P. You mapped the jumps right before at:01:08:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - with stacks, so every 2nd note was stacked. Because of this you don't give a lot of momentum to the player to go into this spaced 1/3 stream x___x
01:13:329 (1) - NC'ing in consistencies. 01:10:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Here you NC'ed after the 2nd white tick, which is fine because you're nos switching to a less intense section of the song. However you still need to keep your NC pattern by either removing the NC here and sticking with 2/1 NC patterns, or NC'ing your pattern before, at 01:11:483 (4) - To stay with the 1/1 NC pattern.
01:23:714 (2,3) - This doesn't flow very well imo... It's better to go to 01:24:175 (4) - first. Since with this arrangement even tho it *looks* the same, there is a larger distance from the tail of 2 and the head of the next slider.
01:28:790 (8,1) - This flow could be improved if you rotated your triangle pattern like maybe 30 degrees counter clockwise?
01:31:329 (3) - Ctrl+G would improve the flow since a flowbreak here doesn't seem to fit that well. Adjust your next slider accordingly. Maybe you could try a perpendicular pattern instead of parallel.
01:40:560 (2,3,1) - This spacing is very deceptive. You map 2>3 with a 1/4 gap but 3>1 with a 1/1 gap even tho theyre both the same distance apart.
01:47:944 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - You can hear background drums and triplets here... no need to cut down on intensity.
01:52:098 (5) - Better to Ctrl+G this slider. Yes, it *looks* like this will flow better if you left it as is, but players are going to play this pattern like zig-zag jumps and completely cut the corners.
01:57:752 - You can clearly hear drum beats on the red ticks. Map them~ Or at least make these circles 1/2 sliders
02:10:906 (2,3) - You could emphasize 3 with a jump too honestly. Ctrl+G'ing 3 would give a nice inward flow.
02:12:406 (1,2,3,4) - Map the red ticks here too please~
02:13:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This rhythm is nice, but you should reflect it with the next rhythm here: 02:14:252 (1,2,3,4) - . Having a recurring rhythm even if just twice creates a nice effect. Using a completely different rhythm can give the map a bit of disjointedness :P. Variety is good, but try and use different rhythm choices after a new section of the song, not every combo xD. You did this successfully earlier like at 00:59:483 (1,2) -
02:22:560 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This is completely overmapped. There are literally no sounds at all to map these 260 bpm streams to :P. Listen to this section *without* hitsounds and you'll see. Hitsounds are there to accompany the map and complement the song, not to create rhythms. The vocals here are held, along with the instruments :P.
02:57:059 - There is an audible note here. You could make 3 a slider instead to ease in the transition since you're making a jump to the other side of the screen.
03:06:289 (6) - Keeping with the rhythm from earlier you should map a circle to 03:06:289 - and a 1/2 slider to 03:06:405 -
03:15:405 (5) - Ctrl+G'ing this would create a nice circular flow
03:28:674 - Maybe a spinner here instead? since this note 03:29:020 (1) - isn't really following anything... End the spinner at 03:30:866 - before going into the break.
03:48:096 (4,1) - Could improve the flow here. 4>1 angle is a bit sharp. Rotate slider 1 by -30 degrees from selection center that that'll fix it~
03:51:173 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - As mentioned earlier, there are definitely beats on the red tick and you map the in the very next combo, so it would make sense to map them here too. If you want to keep the intensity low, use low DS.
04:00:404 (5) - You should reduce this to a 1/2 slider so you can map the three notes at 04:00:635 - 04:00:712 - - 04:00:789 - - That you've been mapping to with your previous section. Examples: 03:56:712 (1,2,3) - 03:57:173 (4,5,6) - 03:59:019 (3,4,5) - Actually a stream here would work nicely too. The music definitely suggests it.
04:01:789 (4) - If you rotated this slider 180 degrees from selection would play nicely too while also improving flow from 3>4 and 4>5. Move 04:02:135 (6) - A bit to avoid overlap if you want.
04:05:019 (1,2,3,1) - This spacing is also very deceptive, sinde 1>2 is mapped with a 1/1 gap but the rest of this pattern is spaced 1/2. You could extend the slider, or split this slider into two 1/2 sliders instead.
04:09:635 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This pattern honestly just doesn't work for me :P. There is too much overlap, it really hinders readability. Players are going to play them as zig-sags anyways and take advantage of slider-leniency so try something like this: 04:09:635 (1) - What I did was take every slider and rotated them -90 degrees from selection center.
04:13:327 (1,2,3) - Poor flow here due to the sharp angle from 2>3
04:23:481 (1,2,3,4) - Map those red ticks lol.
04:23:942 (3,4) - Also, why this? You had 1>2>3 be screen jumps and suddenly you have 0.20x spacing. You lose a lot of momentum from the jumps by doing this.
04:26:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Nice.
04:28:096 (1,2) - You usually use this kind of formation if the circle right under the slider-end is only 1/4 apart. not 1/2. You create a short pause here that doesn't really fit the music :P. Extending the slider to make it 5/4 is kinda awkward so move the note elsewhere.
04:53:942 (1,2,3,4,1) - This entire pattern doesn't flow intuitively unlike your other patterns 1>2 is already a bit awkward, but then you break flow again with 2>3 and again from 3>4. Please rethink this pattern lol.
04:58:789 (2) - Ctrl+G for better flow. Also gives the player a visual cue lol.
05:06:865 (1,2,3) - This flow could be improved too. 2>3 is a really sharp turn.
05:09:635 (1) - Slider instead? Single note is a bit of a waste here honestly lol.
05:27:173 (1,2,3,4) - Here you deviate from your rhythm. Stick with the double 1/1 sliders 05:23:481 (1,2) - Like what you did here. Also remember to map a larger jump to 05:27:519 (2) - to emphasize it like you did with your previous patterns.
05:36:404 (5) - NC since this is the beginning of the rhythm again.
05:41:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This should also follow your previous rhythm, 05:40:096 (1,2,3) - .
05:43:789 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is still intense imo... You could map more of it. If you want to lower the intensity, instead of using circles, map them to 1/2 sliders that way you still map the red ticks that are clearly audible here.

Overall, most sections of your map flowed well, there were some spacing inconsistencies though, as well as rhythm. Of course, variety is always nice, this is a long map, there are lots of places where you could switch the rhythm, it doesn't have to be every other combo. Say you have a certain rhythm that you use for 1 combo, try and mirror that rhythm with the next combo, and continue in multiples of 2 since that's how this song is structured.

Also NC could use a lot of reworking. In general it seems you're sticking with NC"ing every measure during Kiai sections and 2/1 during non Kiai sections. Make sure to keep them consistent.

Alright, good luck ranking this :D.
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:

Yo Kroytz, here, have a full mod, part of m4m and other stuff haha~ Sorry it took so long.

[- RosenKROYTZ -]

00:02:183 (3,3) - curved sliders would function better here imo, But in either case, because these repeat sliders either end on a redline (with offset change) or have a red line in between the repeat, the repeat arrow itself is unsnapped. I've seen maps (including my own) getting dq'ed for this reason so I highly recommend using 1/2 slider and circle instead of 1/2 repeats. Fixed to two 1/2 sliders. Both are snapped.
00:04:847 (3) - This slider-end is unsnapped as you can see, your intention being to snap it to 00:05:525 - no? Not my intention, was supposed to follow repeating pattern from before but changed to two sliders again to follow consistency.
00:12:872 (3) - Same problem. Repeat arrow is unsnapped. You could remove the repeat and map another circle to where the repeat would have ended. This rhythm would fit just as well imo. I'm almost certain the repeat arrow is snapped.
00:15:822 (1,2,3) - This is quite a jump in density from 00:10:452 (1,2,3) - despite being the same melody. I would take out the sliders honestly, and stick with circles. If you want to build some intensity, you could always increase the DS of the circles, since you basically stacked the first set.
00:16:858 (1) - Shorten this slider to 1/2 since you're following the vocals. You miss the entire beat at 00:17:489 - since you used a 1/1 slider.
00:22:521 (3,4,5) - Compare your rhythm here to 00:25:142 (2,3) - . Using a circle + slider honestly plays much better than 3 circles, since then you can still map the notes without having to "click" them. This is still the <100 bpm section after all, so it wouldn't hurt to be more consistent with the intensity that you give this section.
00:33:183 (1) - You could start this spinner right after the note on the next blue tick: 00:33:019 - . No need to put a gap. Fixed.
00:46:906 (1) - Remove NC Fixed.
00:49:329 (5,6,7,8) - Why do you switch to a completely new rhythm here? It's the exact same rhythm as 00:44:714 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,1,2) - I think beat is different, lack of dominant sounds so I follow the tiny little piano that plays in the background.
00:49:560 (6) - With this, you end up completely ignoring the beat at 00:49:675 - That you've been mapping a large jump to with all your previous combo's. Remapped to stay with previous combos.
00:51:175 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same idea, notice how the strong beat at 00:51:521 - Is completely ignored since it's now mapped to a slider-end. Idea was to incorporate a sort of "build-up" to the up-coming jumps I wouldn't have gotten if I followed the same rhythm from before.
00:59:483 (1,2,3) - Same issue here. This is still the same rhyth, with emphasis on the red tick at 00:59:829 - . I realize you are trying to switch the pattern but you should still remember to emphasize this note. Map a larger jump here instead of using a lower DS< cuz right now 00:59:829 (2,3) - Has a larger spacing so it would seem like you are emphasizing 3 even tho theres only a really feint beat there. Fixed rhythm to match previous rhythm.
01:00:406 (5) - NC. Keep your NC consistent. Since you've been NC'ing after every measure (large white tick) so far, keep the pattern going! Sir, yes sir!
01:05:483 (1) - Remove NC, not necessary. Fixed.
01:10:098 (1,2,3,4) - There is almost no momentum in the map so far for these spaced streams ;P. You mapped the jumps right before at:01:08:714 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - with stacks, so every 2nd note was stacked. Because of this you don't give a lot of momentum to the player to go into this spaced 1/3 stream x___x Reduced spacing + small re-position of notes.
01:13:329 (1) - NC'ing in consistencies. 01:10:790 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Here you NC'ed after the 2nd white tick, which is fine because you're nos switching to a less intense section of the song. However you still need to keep your NC pattern by either removing the NC here and sticking with 2/1 NC patterns, or NC'ing your pattern before, at 01:11:483 (4) - To stay with the 1/1 NC pattern. Remapped former section slightly to fix rhythm better + NC consistency.
01:23:714 (2,3) - This doesn't flow very well imo... It's better to go to 01:24:175 (4) - first. Since with this arrangement even tho it *looks* the same, there is a larger distance from the tail of 2 and the head of the next slider.
01:28:790 (8,1) - This flow could be improved if you rotated your triangle pattern like maybe 30 degrees counter clockwise? I think what I have is sufficient.
01:31:329 (3) - Ctrl+G would improve the flow since a flowbreak here doesn't seem to fit that well. Adjust your next slider accordingly. Maybe you could try a perpendicular pattern instead of parallel. Fixed + slight remap.
01:40:560 (2,3,1) - This spacing is very deceptive. You map 2>3 with a 1/4 gap but 3>1 with a 1/1 gap even tho theyre both the same distance apart. Sorta kinda fixed spacing.
01:47:944 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - You can hear background drums and triplets here... no need to cut down on intensity. You're right. Added more sliders and a few extra notes.
01:52:098 (5) - Better to Ctrl+G this slider. Yes, it *looks* like this will flow better if you left it as is, but players are going to play this pattern like zig-zag jumps and completely cut the corners. I had it like that before and I guess you're right. Changed.
01:57:752 - You can clearly hear drum beats on the red ticks. Map them~ Or at least make these circles 1/2 sliders The idea I had with the chorus was to heavily emphasize the "wa-ta-shi" vocal with huge spacing and triangle pattern.
02:10:906 (2,3) - You could emphasize 3 with a jump too honestly. Ctrl+G'ing 3 would give a nice inward flow. I didn't emphasize the other parts of the chorus similar to this and I dont think that inward flow looks good imo
02:12:406 (1,2,3,4) - Map the red ticks here too please~ Same reason as before.
02:13:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - This rhythm is nice, but you should reflect it with the next rhythm here: 02:14:252 (1,2,3,4) - . Having a recurring rhythm even if just twice creates a nice effect. Using a completely different rhythm can give the map a bit of disjointedness :P. Variety is good, but try and use different rhythm choices after a new section of the song, not every combo xD. You did this successfully earlier like at 00:59:483 (1,2) - Not sure what to do about this one. If I want to use the rhythm I had before or not because I like the upcoming sliders. And this I can see looks "disjointed". I'll keep it as is for now until I can come up with a good solution later.
02:22:560 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - This is completely overmapped. There are literally no sounds at all to map these 260 bpm streams to :P. Listen to this section *without* hitsounds and you'll see. Hitsounds are there to accompany the map and complement the song, not to create rhythms. The vocals here are held, along with the instruments :P. Replaced with spinner.
02:57:059 - There is an audible note here. You could make 3 a slider instead to ease in the transition since you're making a jump to the other side of the screen. Nice catch; added slider.
03:06:289 (6) - Keeping with the rhythm from earlier you should map a circle to 03:06:289 - and a 1/2 slider to 03:06:405 - Not sure for now, but I can see why though.
03:15:405 (5) - Ctrl+G'ing this would create a nice circular flow I like the flow I have right now. But it's interesting and maybe I might change later. But I like mines more.
03:28:674 - Maybe a spinner here instead? since this note 03:29:020 (1) - isn't really following anything... End the spinner at 03:30:866 - before going into the break. The lonely note shall prevail until further notice.
03:48:096 (4,1) - Could improve the flow here. 4>1 angle is a bit sharp. Rotate slider 1 by -30 degrees from selection center that that'll fix it~ Sure.
03:51:173 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - As mentioned earlier, there are definitely beats on the red tick and you map the in the very next combo, so it would make sense to map them here too. If you want to keep the intensity low, use low DS.
04:00:404 (5) - You should reduce this to a 1/2 slider so you can map the three notes at 04:00:635 - 04:00:712 - - 04:00:789 - - That you've been mapping to with your previous section. Examples: 03:56:712 (1,2,3) - 03:57:173 (4,5,6) - 03:59:019 (3,4,5) - Actually a stream here would work nicely too. The music definitely suggests it.
04:01:789 (4) - If you rotated this slider 180 degrees from selection would play nicely too while also improving flow from 3>4 and 4>5. Move 04:02:135 (6) - A bit to avoid overlap if you want. interesting idea, but I'll keep it like this for now.
04:05:019 (1,2,3,1) - This spacing is also very deceptive, sinde 1>2 is mapped with a 1/1 gap but the rest of this pattern is spaced 1/2. You could extend the slider, or split this slider into two 1/2 sliders instead. Changed direction of slider.
04:09:635 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This pattern honestly just doesn't work for me :P. There is too much overlap, it really hinders readability. Players are going to play them as zig-sags anyways and take advantage of slider-leniency so try something like this:
04:09:635 (1) - What I did was take every slider and rotated them -90 degrees from selection center.
04:13:327 (1,2,3) - Poor flow here due to the sharp angle from 2>3
04:23:481 (1,2,3,4) - Map those red ticks lol. asdads
04:23:942 (3,4) - Also, why this? You had 1>2>3 be screen jumps and suddenly you have 0.20x spacing. You lose a lot of momentum from the jumps by doing this.
04:26:250 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Nice. :O
04:28:096 (1,2) - You usually use this kind of formation if the circle right under the slider-end is only 1/4 apart. not 1/2. You create a short pause here that doesn't really fit the music :P. Extending the slider to make it 5/4 is kinda awkward so move the note elsewhere.
04:53:942 (1,2,3,4,1) - This entire pattern doesn't flow intuitively unlike your other patterns 1>2 is already a bit awkward, but then you break flow again with 2>3 and again from 3>4. Please rethink this pattern lol.
04:58:789 (2) - Ctrl+G for better flow. Also gives the player a visual cue lol. Discussed this. Keeping.
05:06:865 (1,2,3) - This flow could be improved too. 2>3 is a really sharp turn. I think it's fine. It's not completely kill.
05:09:635 (1) - Slider instead? Single note is a bit of a waste here honestly lol. Will do.
05:27:173 (1,2,3,4) - Here you deviate from your rhythm. Stick with the double 1/1 sliders 05:23:481 (1,2) - Like what you did here. Also remember to map a larger jump to 05:27:519 (2) - to emphasize it like you did with your previous patterns. I changed the rhythm of the last 2 measures to be the same, but I can see why I might want to stick with previous rhythm. Though, I wanted to make slider build-up for more jumps.
05:36:404 (5) - NC since this is the beginning of the rhythm again. Fixed.
05:41:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This should also follow your previous rhythm, 05:40:096 (1,2,3) - . Fixed.
05:43:789 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is still intense imo... You could map more of it. If you want to lower the intensity, instead of using circles, map them to 1/2 sliders that way you still map the red ticks that are clearly audible here. Eventually.

Overall, most sections of your map flowed well, there were some spacing inconsistencies though, as well as rhythm. Of course, variety is always nice, this is a long map, there are lots of places where you could switch the rhythm, it doesn't have to be every other combo. Say you have a certain rhythm that you use for 1 combo, try and mirror that rhythm with the next combo, and continue in multiples of 2 since that's how this song is structured.

Also NC could use a lot of reworking. In general it seems you're sticking with NC"ing every measure during Kiai sections and 2/1 during non Kiai sections. Make sure to keep them consistent.

Alright, good luck ranking this :D.
Thanks for the mod monstrata~ <3
- Remapping the later Kiai's for better spacing and such. As well as some other stuff too.
just credit meyrink for the timing q:
Topic Starter
I agree
Hi~~ M4M

[- Rosenkreuz -]

  1. 00:15:822 (1,2,3) - You want to follow voice here? but you did a bad flow here, Try to make with another pattern, (optional) change 00:15:822 (1,2) - for one slider with repetition.
  2. 00:56:137 (2) - uncomfortable when I'm playing, move to the head of 00:56:252 (3) -
  3. 01:01:675 (2,3) - Keep your preview pattern: 00:59:483 (1,2) - 01:00:406 (1,2) -
  4. 01:09:637 (1) - What happen here? adjust this slider please
  5. 01:11:944 (7) - Weird, change 01:11:944 (7,8) - to

  6. from 02:24:406 - to 02:42:867 - calm part: 02:35:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Reduce some notes ;w;
  7. 02:58:328 (7) - 02:59:020 (3) - make a better blanquet here

  8. 03:19:789 (6,1) - The song says more distance :3
  9. 03:22:328 (3,4) - These notes should be mirrored like 03:21:866 (1,2) -
  10. 04:22:904 (2,4) - too close. move 04:23:250 (4) - a bit up
  11. 04:42:865 (1,2,3) - change to slider with repetition like 04:43:096 (4) -
  12. 05:16:558 (3,1) - make a better blanquet 05:16:558 (3) - 05:17:019 (1) -

    OMG Amazing map, take my star bro
Topic Starter

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Hi~~ M4M

le Rosenkroytz modding response
[- Rosenkreuz -]

  1. 00:15:822 (1,2,3) - You want to follow voice here? but you did a bad flow here, Try to make with another pattern, (optional) change 00:15:822 (1,2) - for one slider with repetition. I've a way to make flow seem a little better, yes. I can change a little.
  2. 00:56:137 (2) - uncomfortable when I'm playing, move to the head of 00:56:252 (3) - I can't move it there because the jump will be too big after coming from an already big jump. And the pattern I had going was a DS'd red circle after the long slider, only thing is I can't DS here cuz no more space rofl.
  3. 01:01:675 (2,3) - Keep your preview pattern: 00:59:483 (1,2) - 01:00:406 (1,2) - I wanted to "build" into the single taps with this. Speaking of which, I should probably fix this 00:46:906 (2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - or maybe like you said, I can keep the previous pattern hm. I'm actually unsure now but it doesn't hurt to create variety right? We'll see what other modders say for this.
  4. 01:09:637 (1) - What happen here? adjust this slider please The beat makes sense for this slider though. It's on 1/3.
  5. 01:11:944 (7) - Weird, change 01:11:944 (7,8) - to Might just be me or idk but I think yours sounds a little weird too. Maybe it's better to change the overall rhythm I used in this section.

  6. from 02:24:406 - to 02:42:867 - calm part: 02:35:482 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4) - Reduce some notes ;w; The vocals are pretty quiet and slow but there are still background beats going on. I also wanted to keep some level of "intensity" but I dont think it's that bad?
  7. 02:58:328 (7) - 02:59:020 (3) - make a better blanquet here okay. and wow, the bigger issue was that that slider-end wasn't even snapped properly wth lol
  8. 03:19:789 (6,1) - The song says more distance :3 Probably but I kind of like what I have going on with the downward slope of the notes.
  9. 03:22:328 (3,4) - These notes should be mirrored like 03:21:866 (1,2) - Sure, I can try do that.
  10. 04:22:904 (2,4) - too close. move 04:23:250 (4) - a bit up I might just change the overall look of this sequence because it doesnt look a little funny. Adjusting the (4) may not even be enough.
  11. 04:42:865 (1,2,3) - change to slider with repetition like 04:43:096 (4) - So much as I like what I had before, you might be right on this one.
  12. 05:16:558 (3,1) - make a better blanquet 05:16:558 (3) - 05:17:019 (1) - Well, I kinda already had a blanket, but it's just the slider-end is very far away to even be noticeable as one. I wanted to space out those sliders too. Its good either way imo but I'll keep what I have for now.

    OMG Amazing map, take my star bro

Thank you so much \:D/
ayy yhis song

  1. uncheck widescreen support cus no sb
  2. combo colour 3 doesn't fit the bg somehow (eventhough red looks hot) I'd use blue-greeny colour instead
  3. AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    00:26:843 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
    02:59:020 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end).
    05:45:660 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  4. I see bg res is only 719x505 tho that make the bg appear in osu! with bad quality somehow, do you plan this find new bg ?
  1. 00:29:180 (2,3,4) - I think these would play better when it's not antijumps here
  2. 00:39:522 (2,3) - quite weird sharp jumps tho since (3) kinda not really sound emphasized that much or you can use this rhythm instead this would quite cover beat here very well
  3. 00:42:868 (1,2) - transition and flow is not that good imo would make more sense when this 00:43:330 (2) - is stack with 00:42:176 (4) - , move this 00:43:791 (3) - up a bit too if you make change here
  4. 00:46:560 (1,2) - another transition and flow thing you did it good here 00:44:714 (1,2) - tho why not make this one like that ,you make some varia tion by make 00:46:906 (2) - this a straight slider instead imo
  5. 01:00:406 (1,2) - when mapping high bpm song a flow things like this is actually quite hard to play since it all about visual here the song itself is fast so player need to have fast reaction when they play this part they will just follow slider and they would expect something like a note above this slider 01:00:406 (1) - but currently it not so they need to search for the next note fast I mean very fast , there is a chance tho that when they find the next note here 01:00:752 (2) - they can't catch it in time result in failing the pattern here so I'd suggest you to put this 01:00:752 (2) - at around above this 01:00:406 (1) - so it would make flow more smooth here also that make flow here 01:00:752 (2,3) - nice too
  6. 01:14:944 (3) - rhythm kinda play weird here somehow , I see now 01:15:175 - here the beat sound quite emphasized but instead of something clickable you use slider end here instead this would be still fine to play and not really give much weird feeling to players if the song bpm is low but thi is not low bpm so probably can give player weird feeling when play this , I suggest you to use this rhythm instead
  7. 01:32:252 (5,6) - is this flow here intentionally ? I guess something like this would be more flowy
  8. 01:52:098 (5) - ctrl+g this so it would make flow here 01:51:867 (4,5,6,1) - better imo
  9. 01:53:252 (1,2) - uhh swap place of these two notes so it might make flow here 01:53:137 (6,1,2,3) - better imo , a quick sharp turn kinda give player s weird feeling here
  10. 01:55:790 (1,2) - eyup something about this is similiar to what I said here 01:00:406 (1,2) - also I feel like symmetry this 01:55:790 (1) - with 01:56:137 (2) - give quite nice flow tho imo
  11. 01:56:714 (1) - dat first red anchor tho I would prefer to make it curve there instead of a sharp thing like that it kinda fit the song more here
  12. 02:01:329 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - consistent in spacing would make more sense here imo can't really find anything worth increase spacing here 02:01:675 (1,2,3) - if you focus on violin sound I would say it somehow sound same to me lmao that why consistent spacing would make more sense here
  13. 02:17:021 (1) - offscreen also move the tail up would make flow here 02:17:021 (1,2,3) - nice imo
  14. 02:17:714 (4) - something like this would flow better imo
  15. 02:48:175 (5,1) - jumps would work better than antijumps here , you can do that by uuhh swap place of these two notes 02:48:406 (1,2) - also adjust the next notes too , to sums things up pattern suggestion
  16. 02:58:559 (1,2,3) - consistent spacing would make flow here a bit better imo
  17. 03:02:712 (3,4,5,6) - flow kinda good but then it get derp right here 03:03:059 (6,1) - dat sharp turn pretty much give weird feeling to players imo , something like this would be better it too linear yeh but trust me spaced stream (it play like 1/4 spaced stream to me here ) is pain to play when you make a turn in flow a lots like this cus player need to control their cursor perfectly in order to play that kind of flow here and if they fk up... rip they get weird feeling in return tho
  18. 03:15:866 (1,2,3) - consistent spacing would make flow here a bit better imo
  19. 03:23:251 (3,4) - same as 01:00:406 (1,2) - you can try fix by ctrl+j this 03:23:251 (3) - tho
  20. 03:23:712 (5) - welp I just notice this bezier by accident lol , don't know why you use bezier here tho when the standard curve one like this 03:20:482 (3) - or 03:20:020 (1) - would be enough now
  21. 03:26:828 (5,6) - swap place of these two notes then adjust spacing a bit would make flow here 03:26:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - play better imo
  22. 03:44:135 (2) - try put this at x248 y196 so it would make flow here better 03:43:789 (1,2,3) - cus consistent spacing
  23. 03:55:558 (4) - I'd would move this to around x300 y244 so flow here 03:55:327 (3,4) - would be a bit more flowy
  24. 03:56:019 (2) - ctrl+g this so it would make flow here 03:55:789 (1,2,3) - better imo
  25. 04:05:942 (1) - ctrl+j then adjust a bit so it would make flow here 04:05:942 (1,2) - better imo
  26. 04:17:019 (1) - I think this shape would be play better here also kinda nearly offscreen so move up a bit would be nice
  27. 04:21:981 (2,3) - jumps here feel kinda weird imo , (3) doesn't sound that emphasized so jumps would not a good idea here , I'd stack (2) with this 04:21:404 (4) - so it make spacing here more reasonable
  28. 04:20:712 (1) - this shape kinda fit the music more imo
  29. 04:29:365 (2) - place this at around x104 y156 would make flow here 04:29:019 (1,2,3) - nice imo cus consistent spacing
  30. 05:46:355 (2) - a bit derp in flow here 05:45:660 (1,2) - , how about move this 05:46:355 (2) - to around x164 y216 , it's a minor change but it work well tho
good luck :)
Topic Starter
Thinking about changing
no change + reason.

CelciusLK's mod + answer

CelsiusLK wrote:

ayy yhis song

  1. uncheck widescreen support cus no sb Fixed.
  2. combo colour 3 doesn't fit the bg somehow (eventhough red looks hot) I'd use blue-greeny colour instead Fixed.
  3. AIBat v3.1 wrote:

    00:26:843 (5) - Unsnapped circle. Fixed.
    02:59:020 (3) - Unsnapped slider (end). Fixed.
    05:45:660 (1) - Unsnapped slider (end). Fixed.
  4. I see bg res is only 719x505 tho that make the bg appear in osu! with bad quality somehow, do you plan this find new bg ? um, I was kind of hoping to keep this background but I get that the resolution looks like absolute piss, unfortunately there isn't a bigger size available :/ if it's THAT much of a problem, I can go ahead and try to find a different background, but I really like this one ;w;
  1. 00:29:180 (2,3,4) - I think these would play better when it's not antijumps here theyre just spaced out stacks at this point but unless there is a better solution? i'll keep for now.
  2. 00:39:522 (2,3) - quite weird sharp jumps tho since (3) kinda not really sound emphasized that much or you can use this rhythm instead this would quite cover beat here very well That is a very nice solution. The (3) is not emphasized I can agree and it might feel a little weird. I'll see how I can make solution.
  3. 00:42:868 (1,2) - transition and flow is not that good imo would make more sense when this 00:43:330 (2) - is stack with 00:42:176 (4) - , move this 00:43:791 (3) - up a bit too if you make change here
  4. 00:46:560 (1,2) - another transition and flow thing you did it good here 00:44:714 (1,2) - tho why not make this one like that ,you make some varia tion by make 00:46:906 (2) - this a straight slider instead imo I'd like to keep the slider 'pairs' consistent. But I changed them to wavy sliders as a form of variation because I think that's a good idea.
  5. 01:00:406 (1,2) - when mapping high bpm song a flow things like this is actually quite hard to play since it all about visual here the song itself is fast so player need to have fast reaction when they play this part they will just follow slider and they would expect something like a note above this slider 01:00:406 (1) - but currently it not so they need to search for the next note fast I mean very fast , there is a chance tho that when they find the next note here 01:00:752 (2) - they can't catch it in time result in failing the pattern here so I'd suggest you to put this 01:00:752 (2) - at around above this 01:00:406 (1) - so it would make flow more smooth here also that make flow here 01:00:752 (2,3) - nice too That's an excellent point you bring up. I might have to reshape the sliders and move some notes around so this area doesn't look cluttered. Will fix!
  6. 01:14:944 (3) - rhythm kinda play weird here somehow , I see now 01:15:175 - here the beat sound quite emphasized but instead of something clickable you use slider end here instead this would be still fine to play and not really give much weird feeling to players if the song bpm is low but thi is not low bpm so probably can give player weird feeling when play this , I suggest you to use this rhythm instead I hear the dominant sound and I'll see what I can do to fix it with two sliders like you mention!
  7. 01:32:252 (5,6) - is this flow here intentionally ? I guess something like this would be more flowy Yes it was intentional but I much prefer how you did it, great solution.
  8. 01:52:098 (5) - ctrl+g this so it would make flow here 01:51:867 (4,5,6,1) - better imo haha I had it done like that at first and it was ctrl-g'd like 3 times now but I'll do it like that because I think its better flow, yes.
  9. 01:53:252 (1,2) - uhh swap place of these two notes so it might make flow here 01:53:137 (6,1,2,3) - better imo , a quick sharp turn kinda give player s weird feeling here Lol well that was easy solution. Fixed.
  10. 01:55:790 (1,2) - eyup something about this is similiar to what I said here 01:00:406 (1,2) - also I feel like symmetry this 01:55:790 (1) - with 01:56:137 (2) - give quite nice flow tho imo Hmm, I'm not sure I understand exactly, but I can try to work with the sliders a bit more to see where they might fit. The intention was to get those "pair" sliders at big spacing for emphasis.
  11. 01:56:714 (1) - dat first red anchor tho I would prefer to make it curve there instead of a sharp thing like that it kinda fit the song more here Oh woops. Fixed!
  12. 02:01:329 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - consistent in spacing would make more sense here imo can't really find anything worth increase spacing here 02:01:675 (1,2,3) - if you focus on violin sound I would say it somehow sound same to me lmao that why consistent spacing would make more sense here I was focusing on the violin sound yes, I'll see if I can make it a little more consistent (doubt it) but on the 2nd (2), the violin picks up an octave which is why I made it slightly larger spacing for (2,3)
  13. 02:17:021 (1) - offscreen also move the tail up would make flow here 02:17:021 (1,2,3) - nice imo Changed the slider shape a bit so its not offscreen and hopefully flows into the other combo fine.
  14. 02:17:714 (4) - something like this would flow better imo I'm not exactly sure how, maybe a tiny bit better? Still better I suppose. But I mostly changed it for the slider appeal haha
  15. 02:48:175 (5,1) - jumps would work better than antijumps here , you can do that by uuhh swap place of these two notes 02:48:406 (1,2) - also adjust the next notes too , to sums things up pattern suggestion Yeah, I found a way to work around it using something similar you mentioned here.
  16. 02:58:559 (1,2,3) - consistent spacing would make flow here a bit better imo I wanted to emphasize the 3rd note (guitar) so it's something similar like what I did here 03:00:405 (1,2) - . I like what I have so far for now.
  17. 03:02:712 (3,4,5,6) - flow kinda good but then it get derp right here 03:03:059 (6,1) - dat sharp turn pretty much give weird feeling to players imo , something like this would be better it too linear yeh but trust me spaced stream (it play like 1/4 spaced stream to me here ) is pain to play when you make a turn in flow a lots like this cus player need to control their cursor perfectly in order to play that kind of flow here and if they fk up... rip they get weird feeling in return thoYeah yeah I see it now. I applied change.
  18. 03:15:866 (1,2,3) - consistent spacing would make flow here a bit better imo Fixed.
  19. 03:23:251 (3,4) - same as 01:00:406 (1,2) - you can try fix by ctrl+j this 03:23:251 (3) - tho
  20. 03:23:712 (5) - welp I just notice this bezier by accident lol , don't know why you use bezier here tho when the standard curve one like this 03:20:482 (3) - or 03:20:020 (1) - would be enough now Lol i was trying to blanket the other slider, but I remake slider with 1 point instead now. TIL what a bezier is too xD
  21. 03:26:828 (5,6) - swap place of these two notes then adjust spacing a bit would make flow here 03:26:251 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - play better imo For some of these triangle patterns I would've preferred to see clock->counterclock flow. This one I don't think players had that much trouble with but I'll apply change because I think it does flow better.
  22. 03:44:135 (2) - try put this at x248 y196 so it would make flow here better 03:43:789 (1,2,3) - cus consistent spacing I wanted that blanket :[ but I guess it doesn't really matter when this is better alternative. Agreed.
  23. 03:55:558 (4) - I'd would move this to around x300 y244 so flow here 03:55:327 (3,4) - would be a bit more flowy I guess I can see that, but I prefer seeing the linear symmetry with these two sliders. my intention.
  24. 03:56:019 (2) - ctrl+g this so it would make flow here 03:55:789 (1,2,3) - better imo OOOH why didnt I see that before?! Good catch!
  25. 04:05:942 (1) - ctrl+j then adjust a bit so it would make flow here 04:05:942 (1,2) - better imo I'm not sure what you meant by "adjust" but I tried? I think I like what I had before more, but this I think works just as good? Not sure but I'll apply it anyways \:D/
  26. 04:17:019 (1) - I think this shape would be play better here also kinda nearly offscreen so move up a bit would be nice It's not the prettiest looking slider but it flows better than what I had so okay.
  27. 04:21:981 (2,3) - jumps here feel kinda weird imo , (3) doesn't sound that emphasized so jumps would not a good idea here , I'd stack (2) with this 04:21:404 (4) - so it make spacing here more reasonable Repositioned a little more so the jump wouldn't be there. Similar locations to your mod.
  28. 04:20:712 (1) - this shape kinda fit the music more imo Er uhm, okay. I guess it works better. : D
  29. 04:29:365 (2) - place this at around x104 y156 would make flow here 04:29:019 (1,2,3) - nice imo cus consistent spacing Very nice indeed!
  30. 05:46:355 (2) - a bit derp in flow here 05:45:660 (1,2) - , how about move this 05:46:355 (2) - to around x164 y216 , it's a minor change but it work well tho lol okay sure.
good luck :)

:) :) :) wowowo :) :) :) so many good suggestion! very nice mod! Super big thanks CelsiusLK! <3
Hi, M4M

  1. I'd suggest changing the light grey combo colour for something like 220,210,50
  2. Please find a 1366x768 bg image
  3. Uncheck widescreen support since there's no sb
  4. Your timing sections are a mess. Delete all your uninheriting sections after the first one to 00:35:484 - , put the first one to 90 BPM, 818ms offset. You'll have to remap some sliders and replace/resnap some objects. Also delete all the uninheriting sections at the end, just put a green one for the hitsounds and stuff. Here too replace the objects correctly.
Other than the nazi timing, it's a really solid map, clean and all.

Good luck!
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