
Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) [OsuMania]

Total Posts
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 9:21:02 PM

Artist: Kawada Mami
Title: PSI-Missing (TV Size)
Source: To Aru Majutsu no Index
Tags: とある魔術の禁書目録 Ost Opening theme
BPM: 130
Filesize: 15905kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard - 7Key (2.9 stars, 674 notes)
  2. Insane - 7Key (4.34 stars, 1204 notes)
  3. Normal - 7Key (1.82 stars, 403 notes)
Download: Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size)
Download: Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Status = Pending/Ready for mods

December/22/2014 - Diffs name have been changed. the 9ks was moved

Try the 9 keys versions : Click

Thanks to Z3nx for the better mp3, better background and the video..

From modding queue. Oh I'm the first \:D/ (Column 1l2l3l4l5l6l7)
Sorry only gonna mod Insane because I'm noob and can't find errors in the other 2 diffs.

00:06:899 (6899|5,6899|1,7015|1,7015|5,7130|1,7130|5,7245|5,7245|1) - maybe?
00:17:861 (17861|6) - Shift this to 6 (Sounds different than the next beat imo :/ )
00:21:207 (21207|5,21207|4) - Shift this one column right (Sounds the same to me) or shift 00:21:322 (21322|5,21322|6) one column left.
00:51:207 (51207|6,51207|0,51284|5,51284|1,51361|2,51361|4,51438|3,51515|2,51515|4,51591|5,51591|1) - This is difficult to play during the slowdown :/
00:58:130 (58130|5) - Shift this one column left.(Different beat)

Good luck, and sorry that i could only mod one diff.....
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

[-Seiryuu-] wrote:

From modding queue. Oh I'm the first \:D/ (Column 1l2l3l4l5l6l7)
Sorry only gonna mod Insane because I'm noob and can't find errors in the other 2 diffs.

00:06:899 (6899|5,6899|1,7015|1,7015|5,7130|1,7130|5,7245|5,7245|1) - maybe? Sorry I would to keep this. I think the current pattern is fun.
00:17:861 (17861|6) - Shift this to 6 (Sounds different than the next beat imo :/ ) Yes you're right , moved
00:21:207 (21207|5,21207|4) - Shift this one column right (Sounds the same to me) or shift 00:21:322 (21322|5,21322|6) one column left. No, I like the current pattern
00:51:207 (51207|6,51207|0,51284|5,51284|1,51361|2,51361|4,51438|3,51515|2,51515|4,51591|5,51591|1) - This is difficult to play during the slowdown :/ Changed
00:58:130 (58130|5) - Shift this one column left.(Different beat) moved

Good luck, and sorry that i could only mod one diff..... It's ok >w<b
Thank you seiryu :D
osuu~ :)
Here is my m4m quick check and review....

Column |1-7|

Mod 7K only
[7K Normal]

  • NIce ^^b , easy as it should be....
  1. 00:01:793 (1793|0) - why is this and 00:03:120 (3120|0) - this not snapped on 1/4??? :(
  2. 00:25:591 - add 1 note to 1 or 4 like you usually did ^^ here 00:18:207 (18207|3) -
  3. 00:28:361 (28361|2,28361|6) - remove 1 , and move the other one to 4? not a very loud sound :(
  4. 00:31:015 (31015|4) - move to red tick? because this section from here 00:30:438 - is all full 1/2 till >> 00:35:515 -
  5. 00:49:130 - add 1 to 4? :D
  6. 01:06:207 (66207|4,66438|4) - move one of them to 4, your choice
  7. 01:28:361 (88361|0,88361|6) - delete 1 and move the other one to 4? since its not the same sound with 01:28:130 -

[7K Hard]
  1. 00:06:899 - >>> ^^ better flow, same pattern style
  2. 00:11:745 (11745|3) - to 3 , more hand balance~
    00:14:515 (14515|1,14515|0) - to 3 and 4?
  3. 00:32:745 - missing 1 note?
    00:49:130 - same with Normal if u add it , add here too but not MX since it doesnt fit it XD
  4. 01:19:476 (79476|1,79476|5,79707|1,79707|5) - move to col 3 and 5 and 01:19:361 (79361|4) - to 7 , symmetric pattern ^^
    like my style, hehehehe~
  5. i think this 01:26:399 (86399|6) - starts here 01:26:515 -

[7K Insane]

  • Double chord stream :D
  1. 00:21:553 (21553|2) - cmon, move to 5 XD
  2. 00:28:361 (28361|5,28361|4) - delete one? move the other one to 4... not the same sound of the previous jacking pattern :(
  3. 01:05:630 (65630|2,65745|0) - Ctrl+J
Well ^^b that's all

Nice mostly hand balance style, just like mine ^^/
GL for ranked~
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

LordRaika wrote:

osuu~ :)
Here is my m4m quick check and review....

Column |1-7|

Mod 7K only
[7K Normal]

  • NIce ^^b , easy as it should be....
  1. 00:01:793 (1793|0) - why is this and 00:03:120 (3120|0) - this not snapped on 1/4??? :(
  2. 00:25:591 - add 1 note to 1 or 4 like you usually did ^^ here 00:18:207 (18207|3) -
  3. 00:28:361 (28361|2,28361|6) - remove 1 , and move the other one to 4? not a very loud sound :( no
  4. 00:31:015 (31015|4) - move to red tick? because this section from here 00:30:438 - is all full 1/2 till >> 00:35:515 - I catch the drum
  5. 00:49:130 - add 1 to 4? :D Do not catch their beats
  6. 01:06:207 (66207|4,66438|4) - move one of them to 4, your choice
  7. 01:28:361 (88361|0,88361|6) - delete 1 and move the other one to 4? since its not the same sound with 01:28:130 - It is same

[7K Hard]
  1. 00:06:899 - >>> ^^ better flow, same pattern style It would be harder and inconsistency. since the sv is quite hard
  2. 00:11:745 (11745|3) - to 3 , more hand balance~
    00:14:515 (14515|1,14515|0) - to 3 and 4? Has a same sound with the previous one
  3. 00:32:745 - missing 1 note?
    00:49:130 - same with Normal if u add it , add here too but not MX since it doesnt fit it XD but the SV, will considering this
  4. 01:19:476 (79476|1,79476|5,79707|1,79707|5) - move to col 3 and 5 and 01:19:361 (79361|4) - to 7 , symmetric pattern ^^
    like my style, hehehehe~
  5. i think this 01:26:399 (86399|6) - starts here 01:26:515 -

[7K Insane]

  • Double chord stream :D
  1. 00:21:553 (21553|2) - cmon, move to 5 XD
  2. 00:28:361 (28361|5,28361|4) - delete one? move the other one to 4... not the same sound of the previous jacking pattern :( I think it's same
  3. 01:05:630 (65630|2,65745|0) - Ctrl+J
Well ^^b that's all

Nice mostly hand balance style, just like mine ^^/
GL for ranked~ >w<b
Thanks ~ No replies mean applied
Remillion Cross

irc mod
01:03 *Remillion Cross is editing [ Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) [7K Insane]]
01:03 Remillion Cross: langsung ke insane aja
01:03 Yuutosan: wut itu heart of witchnya aja greget patternnya sama yg new gravity jg
01:03 Yuutosan: ok
01:03 Remillion Cross: greget ga bisa bersatu dengan kualitas :(
01:04 Remillion Cross: satu fakta yang harus aku terima
01:04 Remillion Cross: wkwk
01:04 Yuutosan: greget itu dh termask kualitasnya kwkw
01:05 Remillion Cross: 00:02:745 - coba denger mulai dari situ sampai 00:03:207
01:05 Remillion Cross: tuh kalau ga salah kayak ada suara gitar elektrik
01:05 Remillion Cross: bisa jadi 1/4 stream itu wkwk
01:06 Yuutosan: oh iya, ok notenya dh ditambahin
01:06 Remillion Cross: dat LN
01:06 Remillion Cross: tapi bagus
01:06 Remillion Cross: *prok prok
01:07 Yuutosan: wuuu owo tp pas dimainin rasanya janggal atau akunya yg gak bsa ya
01:08 Remillion Cross: enggak bagus itu wkwk
01:09 Yuutosan: lol, hitsoundnya gk berisik kan?
01:09 Remillion Cross: 00:14:745 - dari sini note nya 2-2-2-2. pas dari sini 00:14:745 - note nya kok jadi 2-1-2-1 ?
01:09 Remillion Cross: gak kok
01:10 Yuutosan: oh iya ada yg 1
01:10 Yuutosan: gk mudeng
01:11 Remillion Cross: tambah aja biar jadi 2-2-2-2
01:11 Remillion Cross: kayak yang part sebelumnya
01:11 Yuutosan: fixed
01:11 Remillion Cross: 00:32:284 - tambah 1 note
01:12 Remillion Cross: 00:32:284 - tambah 1 note
01:12 Remillion Cross: eh
01:12 Remillion Cross: 00:33:668 - disini tambah 1 note
01:12 Yuutosan: added
01:12 Yuutosan: oh iya, added
01:13 Remillion Cross: 00:35:515 - disini juga ya
01:13 Yuutosan: yup added
01:14 Remillion Cross: 01:01:707 (61707|4) - dulu pernah orang ngemod, kalau circle di taruh di bawah slider (jadi jackhammer) katanya kurang bagus, coba geser ke 2nd
01:14 Remillion Cross: tapi entah kenapa kalau 4k di lewatin aja orz
01:15 Yuutosan: kwkwkw ok dah moved
01:15 Yuutosan: emg jd agak aneh sih mncetnya klo dibawah ln klo gk pas sama musicnya
01:15 Remillion Cross: hahaha
01:15 Remillion Cross: kecuali kalau pitchnya sama mungkin jadi tuh
01:15 Remillion Cross: cuma heran di 4k ada kayak gitu, malah di lewatin
01:15 Remillion Cross: ==
01:15 Remillion Cross: udah bagus itu pattern nya
01:15 Yuutosan: kwkwkwkwk
01:16 Remillion Cross: sekarang...
01:16 Yuutosan: waah mksh wkkw
01:16 *Remillion Cross is editing [ Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) [7K Hard]]
01:16 Yuutosan: oke
01:17 Remillion Cross: 00:11:399 - tambah 1 note di 2nd
01:17 Remillion Cross: atau 4
01:17 Yuutosan: added di 2
01:18 Remillion Cross: faktanya, kalau buat HD di lagu yang ada stream begini agak sulit ya
01:18 Remillion Cross: wkwk
01:18 Remillion Cross: 00:11:399 - tambah 1 note di 4
01:19 Yuutosan: wah klo itu gk ush kyknya, aku add dsini sbgai gntinya
01:19 Yuutosan: 00:12:784 -
01:19 Yuutosan: iya ini jg ragu ragu mau bikin stream wkawkkaw
01:19 Remillion Cross: ok
01:19 Remillion Cross: 01:19:361 - entah kenapa disini agak ganjil ya
01:20 Remillion Cross: mungkin tambah 2 note di 01:19:361 , atau terserah kamu
01:20 Remillion Cross: eh salah link lagi
01:20 Remillion Cross: 01:19:822 - disini
01:20 Yuutosan: awkkawakw
01:21 Remillion Cross: 01:24:899 - tambah 1 note di sini, kayak yang lainnya
01:21 Remillion Cross: 01:26:053 (86053|3) - hapus karena yang lainnya juga 1 1 aja kan
01:21 Remillion Cross: udah
01:22 Yuutosan: All fixed
01:23 Remillion Cross: di normal udah bagus semua
01:24 Yuutosan: okee... xD
01:24 Remillion Cross: cuma di bagian awal sampai tengah, kayaknya kamu hampir sering buat note di tengah/bagian jempol
01:24 Remillion Cross: cuma saran aja, biar ga monoton wkwk
01:24 Remillion Cross: ah iseng main yang 9k nya
01:25 Yuutosan: wkwkw
01:25 Yuutosan: ok ntr di fix
01:25 Yuutosan: spect ah
01:25 Yuutosan: gk enak pattern insanenya
01:27 Remillion Cross: ampun
01:27 Remillion Cross: keyboardanya keras amat
01:27 Yuutosan: wkwkwk
01:27 Remillion Cross: mana belum pemanasan ==
01:27 Yuutosan: lol.
01:27 Yuutosan: ntah knp itu insanenya aneh di mainnin patternnya
01:27 Remillion Cross: itu jacknya serem ya
01:27 Remillion Cross: aneh kenapa ?
01:27 Remillion Cross: biasa aja sih menurutku
01:28 Yuutosan: aneh aja wkkw. lol jacknya emg lumayan, gk ada akal bkin pattern wkaawkkaw
01:28 Remillion Cross: ini bisa di rank 9k nya ?
01:28 Yuutosan: gk bsa kayaknya
01:28 Remillion Cross: mau di mod juga ?
01:29 Yuutosan: gk ush deh, itu nnti mau di move ke creator's words
01:29 Remillion Cross: oh ok deh
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Remillion Cross wrote:


irc mod
01:03 *Remillion Cross is editing [ Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) [7K Insane]]
01:03 Remillion Cross: langsung ke insane aja
01:03 Yuutosan: wut itu heart of witchnya aja greget patternnya sama yg new gravity jg
01:03 Yuutosan: ok
01:03 Remillion Cross: greget ga bisa bersatu dengan kualitas :(
01:04 Remillion Cross: satu fakta yang harus aku terima
01:04 Remillion Cross: wkwk
01:04 Yuutosan: greget itu dh termask kualitasnya kwkw
01:05 Remillion Cross: 00:02:745 - coba denger mulai dari situ sampai 00:03:207
01:05 Remillion Cross: tuh kalau ga salah kayak ada suara gitar elektrik
01:05 Remillion Cross: bisa jadi 1/4 stream itu wkwk
01:06 Yuutosan: oh iya, ok notenya dh ditambahin
01:06 Remillion Cross: dat LN
01:06 Remillion Cross: tapi bagus
01:06 Remillion Cross: *prok prok
01:07 Yuutosan: wuuu owo tp pas dimainin rasanya janggal atau akunya yg gak bsa ya
01:08 Remillion Cross: enggak bagus itu wkwk
01:09 Yuutosan: lol, hitsoundnya gk berisik kan?
01:09 Remillion Cross: 00:14:745 - dari sini note nya 2-2-2-2. pas dari sini 00:14:745 - note nya kok jadi 2-1-2-1 ?
01:09 Remillion Cross: gak kok
01:10 Yuutosan: oh iya ada yg 1
01:10 Yuutosan: gk mudeng
01:11 Remillion Cross: tambah aja biar jadi 2-2-2-2
01:11 Remillion Cross: kayak yang part sebelumnya
01:11 Yuutosan: fixed
01:11 Remillion Cross: 00:32:284 - tambah 1 note
01:12 Remillion Cross: 00:32:284 - tambah 1 note
01:12 Remillion Cross: eh
01:12 Remillion Cross: 00:33:668 - disini tambah 1 note
01:12 Yuutosan: added
01:12 Yuutosan: oh iya, added
01:13 Remillion Cross: 00:35:515 - disini juga ya
01:13 Yuutosan: yup added
01:14 Remillion Cross: 01:01:707 (61707|4) - dulu pernah orang ngemod, kalau circle di taruh di bawah slider (jadi jackhammer) katanya kurang bagus, coba geser ke 2nd
01:14 Remillion Cross: tapi entah kenapa kalau 4k di lewatin aja orz
01:15 Yuutosan: kwkwkw ok dah moved
01:15 Yuutosan: emg jd agak aneh sih mncetnya klo dibawah ln klo gk pas sama musicnya
01:15 Remillion Cross: hahaha
01:15 Remillion Cross: kecuali kalau pitchnya sama mungkin jadi tuh
01:15 Remillion Cross: cuma heran di 4k ada kayak gitu, malah di lewatin
01:15 Remillion Cross: ==
01:15 Remillion Cross: udah bagus itu pattern nya
01:15 Yuutosan: kwkwkwkwk
01:16 Remillion Cross: sekarang...
01:16 Yuutosan: waah mksh wkkw
01:16 *Remillion Cross is editing [ Kawada Mami - PSI-Missing (TV Size) [7K Hard]]
01:16 Yuutosan: oke
01:17 Remillion Cross: 00:11:399 - tambah 1 note di 2nd
01:17 Remillion Cross: atau 4
01:17 Yuutosan: added di 2
01:18 Remillion Cross: faktanya, kalau buat HD di lagu yang ada stream begini agak sulit ya
01:18 Remillion Cross: wkwk
01:18 Remillion Cross: 00:11:399 - tambah 1 note di 4
01:19 Yuutosan: wah klo itu gk ush kyknya, aku add dsini sbgai gntinya
01:19 Yuutosan: 00:12:784 -
01:19 Yuutosan: iya ini jg ragu ragu mau bikin stream wkawkkaw
01:19 Remillion Cross: ok
01:19 Remillion Cross: 01:19:361 - entah kenapa disini agak ganjil ya
01:20 Remillion Cross: mungkin tambah 2 note di 01:19:361 , atau terserah kamu
01:20 Remillion Cross: eh salah link lagi
01:20 Remillion Cross: 01:19:822 - disini
01:20 Yuutosan: awkkawakw
01:21 Remillion Cross: 01:24:899 - tambah 1 note di sini, kayak yang lainnya
01:21 Remillion Cross: 01:26:053 (86053|3) - hapus karena yang lainnya juga 1 1 aja kan
01:21 Remillion Cross: udah
01:22 Yuutosan: All fixed
01:23 Remillion Cross: di normal udah bagus semua
01:24 Yuutosan: okee... xD
01:24 Remillion Cross: cuma di bagian awal sampai tengah, kayaknya kamu hampir sering buat note di tengah/bagian jempol
01:24 Remillion Cross: cuma saran aja, biar ga monoton wkwk
01:24 Remillion Cross: ah iseng main yang 9k nya
01:25 Yuutosan: wkwkw
01:25 Yuutosan: ok ntr di fix
01:25 Yuutosan: spect ah
01:25 Yuutosan: gk enak pattern insanenya
01:27 Remillion Cross: ampun
01:27 Remillion Cross: keyboardanya keras amat
01:27 Yuutosan: wkwkwk
01:27 Remillion Cross: mana belum pemanasan ==
01:27 Yuutosan: lol.
01:27 Yuutosan: ntah knp itu insanenya aneh di mainnin patternnya
01:27 Remillion Cross: itu jacknya serem ya
01:27 Remillion Cross: aneh kenapa ?
01:27 Remillion Cross: biasa aja sih menurutku
01:28 Yuutosan: aneh aja wkkw. lol jacknya emg lumayan, gk ada akal bkin pattern wkaawkkaw
01:28 Remillion Cross: ini bisa di rank 9k nya ?
01:28 Yuutosan: gk bsa kayaknya
01:28 Remillion Cross: mau di mod juga ?
01:29 Yuutosan: gk ush deh, itu nnti mau di move ke creator's words
01:29 Remillion Cross: oh ok deh
Hei lelaki shota owo
requested by PM
sorry, busy these days short mod
Columns: 1234567

I don't think this is required but I'd like to point it out
Artist: 川田まみ
Tag: とある魔術の禁書目録
or you want to switch it with source.

[7K Normal]
00:00:784 - Add a note because you added at 00:01:476 -
00:01:591 - Add a note because of 00:00:899 -
00:12:553 (12553|2) - remove because 00:10:707 -
01:03:207 - 01:03:438 - 01:04:130 - remove one note

[7K Hard]
00:20:284 -00:21:207 - add like 00:18:899 -
00:42:438 - remove a note like 00:41:284 -
01:26:399 (86399|5) - change to normal note
01:26:976 - remove a note
01:19:707 - ^
01:05:284 -
01:05:399 - ^

[7K Insane]
00:11:630 - remove a note
00:15:438 - 00:15:553 - 00:16:938 - ^
00:19:591 - here you added note for this sound so you should also do for 00:15:899 - 00:17:745 - 00:21:438 - 00:21:438 - etc. Also I think 1 note is enough
00:21:207 (21207|5) - suggest move to other column to avoid jack
00:21:553 - remove a note
00:31:245 - ^
01:08:630 - remove a note like 01:07:707 -
more same thing.

good luck
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -
Will check it asap

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

requested by PM
sorry, busy these days short mod It's okay >w<
Columns: 1234567

I don't think this is required but I'd like to point it out
Artist: 川田まみ
Tag: とある魔術の禁書目録
or you want to switch it with source.


[7K Normal]
00:00:784 - Add a note because you added at 00:01:476 - okay
00:01:591 - Add a note because of 00:00:899 - added
00:12:553 (12553|2) - remove because 00:10:707 - no, their sounds are different. and I catches the drum.
01:03:207 - 01:03:438 - 01:04:130 - remove one note not applied, clap stand for two notes and there are keysounds on the red line so it can't be interrupted.

[7K Hard]
00:20:284 -00:21:207 - add like 00:18:899 - There's no strong beat, clap stand for two notes.
00:42:438 - remove a note like 00:41:284 - It has a stronger sound
01:26:399 (86399|5) - change to normal note nope
01:26:976 - remove a note removed one
01:19:707 - umm..
01:05:284 - ^ removed
01:05:399 - ^ has a strong sound

[7K Insane]
00:11:630 - remove a note removed
00:15:438 - 00:15:553 - 00:16:938 - ^ Not applied, I did it purposely.
00:19:591 - here you added note for this sound so you should also do for 00:15:899 - 00:17:745 - 00:21:438 - 00:21:438 - etc. Also I think 1 note is enough If you hear clearly, you'll understand what I catch there, in what you pointed out is have no a same sounds with 00:15:784 (15784|1,15784|2,16015|2,16015|1) - maybe it is because the hitsounds are pretty noisy, I'll considering it then. thank you for pointing this.
00:21:207 (21207|5) - suggest move to other column to avoid jack okay...
00:21:553 - remove a note nope
00:31:245 - ^ removed
01:08:630 - remove a note like 01:07:707 - yes removed
more same thing.

good luck
Thank you so much Sakura :)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -
edit : shit, sorry double posts
Hello, from Astral Horizon

-I got a feeling that this gonna be a small mod, welp we'll see lel
-my modding column format for 7k: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7

7K Normal

7K Hard
00:33:899 (33899|3) - perhaps this is nice at 5, based on pitch, that is
01:13:130 (73130|4) - move to 3
hmm.. the patterns are balanced, and were spread out nicely, ensuring fun-to-play, i barely found flaw on this difficulty.

7K Insane
00:00:899 (899|4,1130|4) - how about moving them to column 4?
00:01:361 (1361|2,1361|0) - ctrl + h
00:01:476 (1476|4) - ctrl + h
00:01:822 (1822|2,2053|2) - move to column 4
00:02:284 (2284|6,2284|4) - ctrl + h
00:11:745 (11745|2) - move this to 5

00:24:438 (24438|4) - i think this part should have paired notes instead of this 00:24:668 (24668|3,24668|2) - , perhaps move 00:24:438 (24438|0) - to 4 and delete 00:24:668 (24668|2) -

01:11:168 (71168|3) - the sound doesn't feel as linear as 01:11:168 (71168|3,71399|3,71630|3,71976|3) - , there are very slight different,, perhaps move 01:11:168 (71168|3) - to 5

01:11:284 (71284|5) - move to 7,
01:11:515 (71515|6) - move to 6
01:12:438 (72438|6) - move to 6 (well at this point it's obvious im trying to specify the column for the drum)
01:12:899 (72899|4) - move to 3
-mod ends-

- I am sorry i could not mod much, but it is true this map is splendidly done already
- Good luck for your map ;)
Hi Yuutosan (^ω^)

7K Normal
00:03:668 (3668|6) - move to 3 (hand balance)
00:29:515 - add note 4
01:04:591 (64591|4) - add note 6
01:21:207 (81207|1) - add note 6

7K Hard
00:04:938 - add LN 6 end 00:05:053 -
00:08:861 - How about ?
00:12:553 - add note 3 (Because 7K Normal add note)
00:13:822 - or
00:59:053 (59053|0) - LN end 01:00:207 - and 01:00:207 - add LN 2 end 01:00:438 -

7K Insane
00:02:976 (2976|0) - move to 5 (hand balance)
00:09:091 - add note 5
01:00:207 (60207|0) - LN end 01:00:438 - (follow vocal?)
good luck ;)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Kruzon wrote:

Hello, from Astral Horizon

-I got a feeling that this gonna be a small mod, welp we'll see lel
-my modding column format for 7k: 1 l 2 l 3 l 4 l 5 l 6 l 7

7K Normal

7K Hard
00:33:899 (33899|3) - perhaps this is nice at 5, based on pitch, that is
01:13:130 (73130|4) - move to 3
hmm.. the patterns are balanced, and were spread out nicely, ensuring fun-to-play, i barely found flaw on this difficulty.

all fixed

7K Insane
00:00:899 (899|4,1130|4) - how about moving them to column 4? I think I'd keep this
00:01:361 (1361|2,1361|0) - ctrl + h
00:01:476 (1476|4) - ctrl + h
00:01:822 (1822|2,2053|2) - move to column 4
00:02:284 (2284|6,2284|4) - ctrl + h
^ not applied
00:11:745 (11745|2) - move this to 5 ok

00:24:438 (24438|4) - i think this part should have paired notes instead of this 00:24:668 (24668|3,24668|2) - , perhaps move 00:24:438 (24438|0) - to 4 and delete 00:24:668 (24668|2) - I heard a pretty strong sound, so not deleted

01:11:168 (71168|3) - the sound doesn't feel as linear as 01:11:168 (71168|3,71399|3,71630|3,71976|3) - , there are very slight different,, perhaps move 01:11:168 (71168|3) - to 5 no

01:11:284 (71284|5) - move to 7, no
01:11:515 (71515|6) - move to 6 moved
01:12:438 (72438|6) - move to 6 (well at this point it's obvious im trying to specify the column for the drum) not
01:12:899 (72899|4) - move to 3 moved
-mod ends-

- I am sorry i could not mod much, but it is true this map is splendidly done already It's okay, and thank you ..
- Good luck for your map ;)

-LASU- wrote:

Hi Yuutosan (^ω^)

7K Normal
00:03:668 (3668|6) - move to 3 (hand balance) fxed
00:29:515 - add note 4 added
01:04:591 (64591|4) - add note 6 not, the strong sound is from the hs
01:21:207 (81207|1) - add note 6 added

7K Hard
00:04:938 - add LN 6 end 00:05:053 - wow thanks for noticing this
00:08:861 - How about ? Applied
00:12:553 - add note 3 (Because 7K Normal add note) added
00:13:822 - or No change
00:59:053 (59053|0) - LN end 01:00:207 - and 01:00:207 - add LN 2 end 01:00:438 - fixed

7K Insane
00:02:976 (2976|0) - move to 5 (hand balance) moved
00:09:091 - add note 5 not changed
01:00:207 (60207|0) - LN end 01:00:438 - (follow vocal?) Nope, if you hear clearly with 75% playback rate you'll understand what I catch.
good luck ;)
Thanks all! Also thanks for the star LASU... :)
hi :D
7K Normal
00:10:130 (10130|1) - move to 3
00:10:361 (10361|5) - move to 5
00:11:515 (11515|6,11515|0) - move to 2 and 6
00:12:553 (12553|2) - it's very soft sound, i suggest to delete.
00:12:899 (12899|6,12899|0) - single note because same sound like 00:11:053 (11053|3) and suggest to put at 4
00:13:361 (13361|5) - move to 7
00:14:168 (14168|4) - move to 2
00:14:284 (14284|2) - move to 6
00:14:515 (14515|4) - move to 4
00:24:438 (24438|0) - move to 2
00:28:591 (28591|4,29053|2) - delete (i think it's too hard)
00:28:707 (28707|2,28938|4) - ctrl+h
00:31:015 (31015|4,31476|5) - delete
00:31:361 (31361|0) - delete
00:34:130 (34130|5) - move to 5
00:35:053 (35053|4) - move to 3
00:36:091 (36091|6) - move to 5
00:36:322 (36322|6) - move to 2
00:36:438 (36438|0) - move to 6
00:36:668 (36668|6) - move to 3
00:36:899 - i suggest to remove SV changes at this (my opinion)
01:03:438 (63438|2,63438|3) - delete

7K Hard
00:10:707 (10707|4) - move to 6 (for next pattern)
00:10:822 (10822|5) - it same sound like 00:11:053 (11053|4) so i suggest to change to normal note put at 5
00:22:130 - add note
00:32:976 (32976|3) - change to normal note put at 3 (same reason)
00:42:438 (42438|3) - move to 1?
01:24:438 (84438|2) - move to 6 (for next)
01:24:668 (84668|1) - change to normal note put at 3 (same reason)
01:25:591 (85591|4) - release at 01:26:515 and delete 01:26:399 (86399|5)

7K Insane
00:21:668 - add note
01:05:745 (65745|1) - move to 6
01:24:207 (84207|0) - release at 01:24:668 (same before)

omg i can't mod 9K O.o
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

nowsmart wrote:

hi :D
7K Normal
00:10:130 (10130|1) - move to 3
00:10:361 (10361|5) - move to 5
00:11:515 (11515|6,11515|0) - move to 2 and 6
^ all fixed
00:12:553 (12553|2) - it's very soft sound, i suggest to delete. no changed. I catches the drum after all.
00:12:899 (12899|6,12899|0) - single note because same sound like 00:11:053 (11053|3) and suggest to put at 4 Fixed
00:13:361 (13361|5) - move to 7 moved
00:14:168 (14168|4) - move to 2 Not changed
00:14:284 (14284|2) - move to 6 ^
00:14:515 (14515|4) - move to 4 ^
00:24:438 (24438|0) - move to 2 Not changed for the pattern flow
00:28:591 (28591|4,29053|2) - delete (i think it's too hard) Nope, the sounds are same with the previous notes.
00:28:707 (28707|2,28938|4) - ctrl+h No change
00:31:015 (31015|4,31476|5) - delete
00:31:361 (31361|0) - delete
^not changed
00:34:130 (34130|5) - move to 5 Fixed
00:35:053 (35053|4) - move to 3 Fixed
00:36:091 (36091|6) - move to 5
00:36:322 (36322|6) - move to 2
00:36:438 (36438|0) - move to 6
00:36:668 (36668|6) - move to 3
^ I keep them
00:36:899 - i suggest to remove SV changes at this (my opinion) Yes deletred
01:03:438 (63438|2,63438|3) - delete Deleted one

7K Hard
00:10:707 (10707|4) - move to 6 (for next pattern) Doesn't it just make a conflicts with the ln above it?
00:10:822 (10822|5) - it same sound like 00:11:053 (11053|4) so i suggest to change to normal note put at 5 I think I'd keep the current one
00:22:130 - add note Oh nice catch, added
00:32:976 (32976|3) - change to normal note put at 3 (same reason) Nope
00:42:438 (42438|3) - move to 1? Nah, I did it purposely since I think the sound is pretty same with the previous one
01:24:438 (84438|2) - move to 6 (for next)
01:24:668 (84668|1) - change to normal note put at 3 (same reason)
01:25:591 (85591|4) - release at 01:26:515 and delete 01:26:399 (86399|5)
Not changed ^

7K Insane
00:21:668 - add note Added
01:05:745 (65745|1) - move to 6 considering
01:24:207 (84207|0) - release at 01:24:668 (same before) nah, sry I keep this

omg i can't mod 9K O.o No problem, the 9Keys are just for fun xD
Thank you so much nowsmart.. :D
Hi ~

i'm from ▣▣▣No.1 Team Modding Queue (Mania)▣▣▣

colunmn set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Let's Start!

1. BPM, offset
offset -485 → -23

2. song setup

3. AiMOD

[7K Normal]
┌00:00:784 (784|3) - move to 5
│00:00:899 (899|0) - move to 2
│00:01:130 (1130|4) - move to 2
│they(00:00:899 (899|0,1130|4)) are better to set in the same key line.

│00:01:822 (1822|0,2053|3) - move to both 2
│00:03:899 (3899|0) - move to 5
└00:04:591 (4591|6) - move to 2
all same reason.. but just suggest..if you are not satisfied with the suggestion, reject it :)

00:12:553 (12553|2) - delete. needless in normal.

00:29:515 - add cymbol sound(or finish)

00:31:361 (31361|3) - delete
here should use one note for pattern balance.

00:31:476 (31476|5) - delete
i think.. needless note.

01:13:822 (73822|2) - delete
here should use one note for pattern balance.

[7K Hard]
00:10:361 (10361|3,10822|5,11053|4) - their pitches were wrong.
00:32:976 (32976|3,33207|2) - ^

00:27:668 ~ 00:28:130 ┐
00:28:591 ~ 00:29:053 ┘same pattern..
consecutively same pattern is boring
so i think.. need to little change
how about this one? change only 00:28:591 ~ 00:29:053

00:59:053 (59053|0) - change end line until 01:00:899 and 01:00:899 (60899|0) - move to 4
01:00:207 (60207|1) - delete
when i play this map, this part is most awkward.
cause LN at 01:00:207. i don't know what you express.

01:24:207 (84207|0,84668|1,84899|2,86399|1) - their pitches were wrong.

01:26:399 (86399|5,86399|1)
note2 has keysound and LN6 has no keysound..
but maybe..LN6 should have keysound and note2 should have no keysound ..that is not it? :3
exchange each other keysound

[7K Insane]
00:08:053 (8053|6,9899|4,10361|3,10822|2,11053|1) - their pitches were wrong
00:32:053 (32053|6,32515|4,32976|2,33207|1) - ^
01:23:745 (83745|1,84207|0,84668|1,84899|2) - ^

01:26:399 (86399|5,86399|2) - same reason in the Hard diff

umm..i know that i pointed out consecutively piano pitch in this mod.
but when i played this map, i was awkward in some parts.
one of something is piano pitch ;w;

nice map

good luck~
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

pporse wrote:

Hi ~

i'm from ▣▣▣No.1 Team Modding Queue (Mania)▣▣▣

colunmn set
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Let's Start!

1. BPM, offset
offset -485 → -23
no change, it is basically has a same beat.
2. song setup

3. AiMOD

[7K Normal]
┌00:00:784 (784|3) - move to 5
│00:00:899 (899|0) - move to 2
│00:01:130 (1130|4) - move to 2
│they(00:00:899 (899|0,1130|4)) are better to set in the same key line.

│00:01:822 (1822|0,2053|3) - move to both 2
│00:03:899 (3899|0) - move to 5
└00:04:591 (4591|6) - move to 2
all same reason.. but just suggest..if you are not satisfied with the suggestion, reject it :)
^ I know what you mean, thanks I re arrenged them
00:12:553 (12553|2) - delete. needless in normal. Nope, I catches the drum :?

00:29:515 - add cymbol sound(or finish) added

00:31:361 (31361|3) - delete deleted
here should use one note for pattern balance.

00:31:476 (31476|5) - delete deleted
i think.. needless note.

01:13:822 (73822|2) - delete nope, There's a cymbal
here should use one note for pattern balance.

[7K Hard]
00:10:361 (10361|3,10822|5,11053|4) - their pitches were wrong.
00:32:976 (32976|3,33207|2) - ^
^ I didn't follow a picthes relevancy ...
00:27:668 ~ 00:28:130 ┐
00:28:591 ~ 00:29:053 ┘same pattern..
consecutively same pattern is boring
so i think.. need to little change
how about this one? change only 00:28:591 ~ 00:29:053 applied

00:59:053 (59053|0) - change end line until 01:00:899 and 01:00:899 (60899|0) - move to 4 fixed
01:00:207 (60207|1) - delete deleed
when i play this map, this part is most awkward.
cause LN at 01:00:207. i don't know what you express.

01:24:207 (84207|0,84668|1,84899|2,86399|1) - their pitches were wrong. Not following the pitches.

01:26:399 (86399|5,86399|1)
note2 has keysound and LN6 has no keysound..
but maybe..LN6 should have keysound and note2 should have no keysound ..that is not it? :3
exchange each other keysound well fixed

[7K Insane]
00:08:053 (8053|6,9899|4,10361|3,10822|2,11053|1) - their pitches were wrong
00:32:053 (32053|6,32515|4,32976|2,33207|1) - ^
01:23:745 (83745|1,84207|0,84668|1,84899|2) - ^
I put them randomly, not based on the picthes.
01:26:399 (86399|5,86399|2) - same reason in the Hard diff fixed

umm..i know that i pointed out consecutively piano pitch in this mod.
but when i played this map, i was awkward in some parts.
one of something is piano pitch ;w; well it's can't be helped, I don't into pitch relevancy after all. If I have to remap them, I have to remap all of the patterns as well or the patterns will be ruined up. thats pretty painful.

nice map

good luck~
Thank you for the helpful mod.
=w=)/ mod reqs here.. sorry it's delayed

00:03:784 (3784|1,4015|2,4245|3,4476|4,4707|5,4938|4,5168|3,5399|2) - remove.. doesn't mean unfitting, the pattern is just.. denser than the music itself..
00:11:168 (11168|6) - remove, better flow
00:30:553 (30553|2) - remove, then 00:30:668 (30668|4) - add on 6
00:31:245 (31245|2) - move to 00:31:130, the synth is missing, the beat flow kinda odd too
00:33:322 (33322|4) - remove again, better flow
from 01:04:591 (64591|0,64591|4,64707|1,64707|5) - until 01:05:976 (65976|5,65976|2,65976|0) -
01:19:361 (79361|4,79361|6,79361|2,79361|0,79476|0,79476|6,79476|1,79476|5) - why sudden 4 notes and jack? wasnt great idea to put the pattern like that..

ugh my head is dizzy, i'll continue the mod later, (hard & normal is wisely mapped, i like it that way)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

ExUsagi wrote:

=w=)/ mod reqs here.. sorry it's delayed

00:03:784 (3784|1,4015|2,4245|3,4476|4,4707|5,4938|4,5168|3,5399|2) - remove.. doesn't mean unfitting, the pattern is just.. denser than the music itself..
00:11:168 (11168|6) - remove, better flow
00:30:553 (30553|2) - remove, then 00:30:668 (30668|4) - add on 6
00:31:245 (31245|2) - move to 00:31:130, the synth is missing, the beat flow kinda odd too
00:33:322 (33322|4) - remove again, better flow
from 01:04:591 (64591|0,64591|4,64707|1,64707|5) - until 01:05:976 (65976|5,65976|2,65976|0) - applied with a bit my style
01:19:361 (79361|4,79361|6,79361|2,79361|0,79476|0,79476|6,79476|1,79476|5) - why sudden 4 notes and jack? wasnt great idea to put the pattern like that.. There are strong beats and the beats are just fitted to be jack'd. if you hear clearly the sounds are same like 01:19:707 (79707|2,79707|4,79707|5,79707|1,80053|1,80053|2,80053|4,80053|5,80284|5,80284|6,80284|0,80284|1) -

ugh my head is dizzy, i'll continue the mod later, (hard & normal is wisely mapped, i like it that way)
Oh Good I love this Song!
Can I mod?
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Danielslz9 wrote:

Oh Good I love this Song!
Can I mod?
Sure ^o^
Hello m4m :)


? = Maybe/unsure

[7K Normal]
00:07:822 (7822|3) - move to 6
00:08:284 (8284|5,8515|1) - move to 3 and 5
00:09:207 (9207|4) - move to 3
00:31:361 (31361|2) - move to 2
00:34:361 (34361|1) - move to 3
00:35:053 (35053|2) - move to 4 or not
00:52:591 (52591|0) - move to 2
00:56:745 (56745|4) - move to 6?
01:05:515 (65515|1,65861|1) - move 1 column to the right and move 01:06:207 (66207|2) - to 2
01:07:822 (67822|4) - move to 3
01:10:591 (70591|4) - move to 6
01:13:822 (73822|2,73822|4) - move to 2 and 6

[7K Hard]
00:03:668 (3668|0) - move to 2
00:08:745 (8745|5,8861|4,8976|3) - move 1 column to the left
00:11:284 (11284|2,11399|1,11515|0) - move 1 column to the right
00:13:476 (13476|1,13591|2,13707|3) - move 1 column to the left or right
00:42:438 (42438|3,42438|6) - move to 3 and 5
00:47:515 (47515|4) - move to 4?
00:52:130 (52130|2) - move to 2

[7K Insane]
00:00:784 (784|2) - move to 2
00:02:976 (2976|2) - move to 2
00:49:822 to 00:51:207 - maybe put a speed up SVs?

Thats all

Good luck ranking it :)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

arviejhay wrote:

Hello m4m :)


? = Maybe/unsure

[7K Normal]
00:07:822 (7822|3) - move to 6
00:08:284 (8284|5,8515|1) - move to 3 and 5
00:09:207 (9207|4) - move to 3
00:31:361 (31361|2) - move to 2
00:34:361 (34361|1) - move to 3
00:35:053 (35053|2) - move to 4 or not nope
00:52:591 (52591|0) - move to 2
00:56:745 (56745|4) - move to 6?
01:05:515 (65515|1,65861|1) - move 1 column to the right and move 01:06:207 (66207|2) - to 2 no change
01:07:822 (67822|4) - move to 3 Instead moved to 4
01:10:591 (70591|4) - move to 6
01:13:822 (73822|2,73822|4) - move to 2 and 6
^ no change
[7K Hard]
00:03:668 (3668|0) - move to 2 nope.
00:08:745 (8745|5,8861|4,8976|3) - move 1 column to the left nope
00:11:284 (11284|2,11399|1,11515|0) - move 1 column to the right
00:13:476 (13476|1,13591|2,13707|3) - move 1 column to the left or right
^ no change, the patterns just to be more denser.
00:42:438 (42438|3,42438|6) - move to 3 and 5 no. I made them like that are on purpose.
00:47:515 (47515|4) - move to 4? no
00:52:130 (52130|2) - move to 2 Instead moved to 1

[7K Insane]
00:00:784 (784|2) - move to 2 moved
00:02:976 (2976|2) - move to 2 re arrenged
00:49:822 to 00:51:207 - maybe put a speed up SVs? Good idea, added

Thats all

Good luck ranking it :)
Thank you !
Column Format |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|
You can add index on tags if you want
[7K Normal]
00:49:591 Move from (3,5) to (2,6)
00:55:361 Add a LN?
01:10:130 - ^
[7K Hard]
00:10:476 Move to 2
00:34:130 Add note in 4
00:35:053 Add note in 5
00:59:976 Add note in 7

Great Map Good Luck :)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Danielslz9 wrote:

Column Format |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

You can add index on tags if you want
[7K Normal]
00:49:591 Move from (3,5) to (2,6) fixed
00:55:361 Add a LN?
01:10:130 - ^
^ no change
[7K Hard]
00:10:476 Move to 2
00:34:130 Add note in 4
00:35:053 Add note in 5
00:59:976 Add note in 7
All fixed except the first one

Great Map Good Luck :)
Thank you ^o^
Hi Yuutosansenpai :D
mod from queue
aku super sibuk belakangan ini... jdi telat modnya X_X

column : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Always looking for note consistency and patterning

00:14:053 - i hear a strong sound here... add 2 or 3 note here...
00:18:207 - otherwise... too strong for 3 note here... :3 delete 1 at least...
00:36:438 - add note (for consistency with 00:35:515 )
00:47:053 - add note (for consistency in this pattern which is 2-3-2-3-2-3 )
So far so good... but this song has a heavy note inside (has 4-6 note *_*)
anyway.. good Insane :D

00:29:515 - after take attention to this part (4 note), i suggest to make at least 3 note at 00:30:207 - 00:32:053 - 00:32:515 - 00:33:899 and 00:34:822 ...
00:51:668 - same problem as before : after take attention to this part ( 4note), i suggest to make at least 3 note at 00:53:515 - 00:54:438 - 00:55:361 - 00:56:284 - 01:02:745 and 01:03:438 - for consistency with the same sound inside the last kiai time part :D

er... Its perfect for me.. the pattern is good, the note placing is good, and mastin is good~~~ LOL XD

Well thats all from me...
always supporting indonesian mappers!!!
Thanks... :D
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Takane6 wrote:

Hi Yuutosansenpai :D
mod from queue
aku super sibuk belakangan ini... jdi telat modnya X_X

column : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Always looking for note consistency and patterning

00:14:053 - i hear a strong sound here... add 2 or 3 note here...
00:18:207 - otherwise... too strong for 3 note here... :3 delete 1 at least...
00:36:438 - add note (for consistency with 00:35:515 )
00:47:053 - add note (for consistency in this pattern which is 2-3-2-3-2-3 )
So far so good... but this song has a heavy note inside (has 4-6 note *_*)
anyway.. good Insane :D

Fixed except the first one

00:29:515 - after take attention to this part (4 note), i suggest to make at least 3 note at 00:30:207 - 00:32:053 - 00:32:515 - 00:33:899 and 00:34:822 ...
00:51:668 - same problem as before : after take attention to this part ( 4note), i suggest to make at least 3 note at 00:53:515 - 00:54:438 - 00:55:361 - 00:56:284 - 01:02:745 and 01:03:438 - for consistency with the same sound inside the last kiai time part :D

Hm they're have their sounds, the three noted was for cymbal and strong song.. instead 00:33:207 - was deleted

er... Its perfect for me.. the pattern is good, the note placing is good, and mastin is good~~~ LOL XD

Well thats all from me...
always supporting indonesian mappers!!!
Thanks... :D
Thank you Ene
Deep Sea
Hello Yuutonyan :3
mod ready


00:13:822 (13822|2) - move to 4
00:13:938 (13938|4) - move to 6
00:14:515 (14515|4) - move to 4
00:18:207 (18207|3) - move to 3


00:59:976 - add note
01:06:899 (66899|5) - move to 3
01:07:361 (67361|6) - move to 6
01:07:822 (67822|4) - move to 4
01:08:284 (68284|6) - move to 4
01:08:745 (68745|5) - move to 7
01:09:207 (69207|6) - move to 6
01:09:438 (69438|5) - move to 5
01:09:668 (69668|4) - move to 6
01:10:591 (70591|1) - move to 3
01:10:822 (70822|3) - move to 2
01:11:053 (71053|0) - move to 3
01:11:053 (71053|4) - move to 4
01:11:515 (71515|3) - move to 2
01:11:745 (71745|2) - move to 4
01:12:438 (72438|3) - move to 6
01:12:899 (72899|1) - move to 4
01:13:130 (73130|2) - move to 6
01:13:361 (73361|5) - move to 3
01:13:822 (73822|0) - move to 5
01:13:822 (73822|6) - move to 6
01:14:053 (74053|5) - move to 4
01:14:284 (74284|2) - move to 1
01:14:284 (74284|3) - move to 5
01:14:745 (74745|0) - move to 4
01:14:976 (74976|6) - move to 6
01:15:207 (75207|4) - move to 7
01:15:207 (75207|3) - move to 3
01:15:438 (75438|6) - move to 6
01:15:668 (75668|6) - move to 5
01:16:130 (76130|5) - move to 1
01:16:130 (76130|6) - move to 6
01:16:361 (76361|1) - move to 5
01:16:591 (76591|5) - move to 3
01:16:591 (76591|0) - move to 2
01:16:822 (76822|1) - move to 6
01:17:053 (77053|5) - move to 2
01:17:515 (77515|4) - move to 6
01:17:745 (77745|2) - move to 5
01:17:976 (77976|4) - move to 3
01:18:438 (78438|0) - move to 5
01:18:899 (78899|6) - move to 3


00:23:861 - add note
00:47:976 (47976|3) - delete
00:48:668 (48668|4) - ^
00:49:361 (49361|2) - ^
00:49:591 (49591|3) - ^

Good luck !!! :oops: wwww
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello Yuutonyan :3
mod ready


00:13:822 (13822|2) - move to 4
00:13:938 (13938|4) - move to 6
00:14:515 (14515|4) - move to 4
00:18:207 (18207|3) - move to 3
No change due to I added them based on the same sounds


00:59:976 - add note nice catch added
01:06:899 (66899|5) - move to 3
01:07:361 (67361|6) - move to 6
01:07:822 (67822|4) - move to 4
01:08:284 (68284|6) - move to 4
01:08:745 (68745|5) - move to 7
01:09:207 (69207|6) - move to 6
01:09:438 (69438|5) - move to 5
01:09:668 (69668|4) - move to 6
01:10:591 (70591|1) - move to 3
01:10:822 (70822|3) - move to 2
01:11:053 (71053|0) - move to 3
01:11:053 (71053|4) - move to 4
01:11:515 (71515|3) - move to 2
01:11:745 (71745|2) - move to 4
01:12:438 (72438|3) - move to 6
01:12:899 (72899|1) - move to 4
01:13:130 (73130|2) - move to 6
01:13:361 (73361|5) - move to 3
01:13:822 (73822|0) - move to 5
01:13:822 (73822|6) - move to 6
01:14:053 (74053|5) - move to 4
01:14:284 (74284|2) - move to 1
01:14:284 (74284|3) - move to 5
01:14:745 (74745|0) - move to 4
01:14:976 (74976|6) - move to 6
01:15:207 (75207|4) - move to 7
01:15:207 (75207|3) - move to 3
01:15:438 (75438|6) - move to 6
01:15:668 (75668|6) - move to 5
01:16:130 (76130|5) - move to 1
01:16:130 (76130|6) - move to 6
01:16:361 (76361|1) - move to 5
01:16:591 (76591|5) - move to 3
01:16:591 (76591|0) - move to 2
01:16:822 (76822|1) - move to 6
01:17:053 (77053|5) - move to 2
01:17:515 (77515|4) - move to 6
01:17:745 (77745|2) - move to 5
01:17:976 (77976|4) - move to 3
01:18:438 (78438|0) - move to 5
01:18:899 (78899|6) - move to 3
Hm basically how I did put a notes in tightly are on purpose. just do some changes.


00:23:861 - add note No, what I catched on there are the basses sounds
00:47:976 (47976|3) - delete
00:48:668 (48668|4) - ^
00:49:361 (49361|2) - ^
00:49:591 (49591|3) - ^
Lol fixed
Good luck !!! :oops: wwww
Thank you Shana! :3
hi nice song kd pls //no

collumn = 1~7


00:38:630 - add 2 note di 4-5 ?
00:44:053 - add 2 note here
00:48:322 - add
00:48:438 - add
00:49:130 - add 2 note ?
01:24:438 (84438|3,84553|2) - pindahin ke kiri 1 kali ? biar ga jack gitu ;_;
01:27:899 - add note


01:26:630 - add to 5 ?


00:12:668 - add to 7 or delete 00:12:553 (12553|2) -
01:19:707 - add to 4 ?
good luck!~

00:07:591 (7591|1,7707|0,7822|1) - how about make it 3,2,1 ?

00:11:168 - add circle at 7.

00:14:053 - add circle at 5

00:26:515 - how about this? more comfortable pattern.

00:27:668 (27668|5,27668|4,27668|3,27784|1,27784|2,27899|4,27899|3,27899|5,28015|2,28015|1,28130|3,28130|5,28130|4) -

ctrl + h might be better

00:29:284 (29284|5) - delete.

00:32:745 - ?

00:37:361 (37361|2) - delete

00:38:976 (38976|5) - delete

00:56:168 (56168|4) - move to 4 and

00:56:399 (56399|3,56515|4,56630|3) - move to 545. this way might more comfortable to play

01:05:630 - ~ 01:06:438 - drum streams are missing?

01:11:745 - add 3 or 7

01:19:476 (79476|5,79476|1) - move to 3,5

01:27:668 - how about this? a lot of notes are missing


how about reverse this?

00:07:361 (7361|1,7361|5,7361|0,7591|3,7822|4,7822|2,8053|1,8053|6,8284|3,8284|4,8515|6,8745|0,8745|5,8861|4,8976|3,9207|5,9207|6,9322|4,9438|3,9668|4,9668|6) -

00:51:207 (51207|1,51322|2,51438|3,51553|4) - I can't hear increasing rhythms, how about change like this?

01:16:822 (76822|1) - move to 3

01:27:668 - feels awkward. rearrange like this.
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

ArcherLove wrote:

hi nice song kd pls //no

collumn = 1~7


00:38:630 - add 2 note di 4-5 ? tp gk ada suara
00:44:053 - add 2 note here ^
00:48:322 - add
00:48:438 - add
00:49:130 - add 2 note ?
^ wah sorry emg sngaja soalnya ada sv
01:24:438 (84438|3,84553|2) - pindahin ke kiri 1 kali ? biar ga jack gitu ;_; wah keren, mksh dh point ini. fixed
01:27:899 - add note yay


01:26:630 - add to 5 ? ok


00:12:668 - add to 7 or delete 00:12:553 (12553|2) - no, aku gk catch synthnya tapi catch drumnya
01:19:707 - add to 4 ? okay fixed
good luck!~
Makasih byk ya AL...

17VA wrote:


00:07:591 (7591|1,7707|0,7822|1) - how about make it 3,2,1 ? good idea

00:11:168 - add circle at 7. ok, looks cool

00:14:053 - add circle at 5 added

00:26:515 - how about this? more comfortable pattern. nice applied

00:27:668 (27668|5,27668|4,27668|3,27784|1,27784|2,27899|4,27899|3,27899|5,28015|2,28015|1,28130|3,28130|5,28130|4) -

ctrl + h might be better fixed

00:29:284 (29284|5) - delete. deleted

00:32:745 - ? looks more neat

00:37:361 (37361|2) - delete

00:38:976 (38976|5) - delete
^not fixed as the snares are stands for 3 notes and the kicks are stands for 2 notes
00:56:168 (56168|4) - move to 4 and

00:56:399 (56399|3,56515|4,56630|3) - move to 545. this way might more comfortable to play good idea

01:05:630 - ~ 01:06:438 - drum streams are missing? I think not.

01:11:745 - add 3 or 7 added

01:19:476 (79476|5,79476|1) - move to 3,5 Wow, I pretty confused when I mapped this part, nice catch.

01:27:668 - how about this? a lot of notes are missing Well, I know what your point. Then I rearrenged it with my own idea.


how about reverse this? you mean ctrl + h? ew pretty neat. ok fixed

00:07:361 (7361|1,7361|5,7361|0,7591|3,7822|4,7822|2,8053|1,8053|6,8284|3,8284|4,8515|6,8745|0,8745|5,8861|4,8976|3,9207|5,9207|6,9322|4,9438|3,9668|4,9668|6) -

00:51:207 (51207|1,51322|2,51438|3,51553|4) - I can't hear increasing rhythms, how about change like this? fixed

01:16:822 (76822|1) - move to 3 Sorry I'd keep this

01:27:668 - feels awkward. rearrange like this. Sorry for the hard difficulty I'd just catch the loud drum and snare instead of the synths beats.
Thanks a lot.
requested modding by you.

first modding from forum >< sorry if i am bad. especially Insane difficulty below modding..

what i want to say before modding :

damnnnn! this song is cool, kawada mami is pretty good! ( since i like KOTOKO too? )

did you check AiMod? i agree that you use kiai time part for 00:51:668 - 01:21:207 - here.

[7K Insane]


  • 00:01:591 - add note? it seems empty or missing beat.

    00:03:668 (3668|6) - it's not bad at all. but compared to above pattern,

    i suggest to delete it and add a note 00:03:899 - here on column 7.

    00:06:899 - 00:07:361 - how about x1.5 than x1.2?

    i thought this part was kinda jackhammar ;w; x1.2 is hard to emphasize x0.4 sv way feedback.

    00:11:861 - add 2 notes

    00:14:053 (14053|4) - hmm, why you used only 1 note here? i think at least 2~3 notes would be fine.

    00:15:784 (15784|1) - move to 4

    00:19:245 - here has vocal sound.. i prefer to add but up to you :)

    00:24:207 (24207|6,26515|6,26976|4,27899|6) - i can't hear any sounds which are fit to use LN. it can be a kind of overmapping?

    00:29:168 (29168|3) - delete? here is better to follow 1/2..

    00:32:515 (32515|0) - move to 2 for balance

    00:32:861 (32861|1) - i can't hear some sound to use LN + short note stream. delete for hand balance too.

    00:36:438 - 00:36:668 - add 1 note on 1 column

    00:42:438 (42438|3) - move to 3

    00:47:284 (47284|5,47284|4) - move to 34?

    00:47:976 - how about this? ( hmm, sv setting speeds can be a bit fast for your map. but i want to set sv like it. )

    00:53:053 (53053|0) - move to 5

    00:59:053 (59053|4) - move to 3

    00:59:168 (59168|2) - move to 4

    01:00:207 - 01:02:745 - for here 135 column LN : i can't catch what you want to follow sounds.

    if you want to follow vocal sounds... such this

    01:00:668 - 01:00:899 - , 01:00:899 - 01:01:245 - , 01:01:245 - 01:01:591 - , 01:01:591 - 01:01:822 - , 01:01:822 - 01:02:168 - , 01:02:168 - 01:02:515- , 01:02:515 - 01:02:745 -

    01:04:476 (64476|1) - move to 4?

    01:05:745 (65745|1,65745|2) - ? sudden jackhammar? lol.. did you intend it?

    01:14:515 (74515|4) - move to 1

    01:25:015 (85015|4) - move to 6

    01:26:399 (86399|5) - ?? for what?/ i prefer to turn it as short note.

    01:27:668 - ?

[7K Hard]


  • 00:05:053 (5053|6) - move to 6

    00:06:899 - 00:07:361 - same suggestion with above difficulty

    00:15:784 (15784|1) - move to 4

    00:23:053 - add on 3 for sound

    00:21:553 (21553|2) - move to 4?

    00:25:591 (25591|6) - move to 5

    00:27:668 -

    00:42:207 (42207|3) - move to 3

    00:47:284 (47284|4) - move to 4

    00:47:976 - same suggestion with above difficulty

    00:59:053 - 01:00:899 - how about giving some note to column 2

    01:26:399 (86399|5) -

    01:28:130 (88130|6) - delete

[7K Normal]


overall : well done! it was nice to check and play your map :)

Good Luck!
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

_S u w a k o_ wrote:

requested modding by you.

first modding from forum >< sorry if i am bad. especially Insane difficulty below modding..

what i want to say before modding :

damnnnn! this song is cool, kawada mami is pretty good! ( since i like KOTOKO too? ) Yes I like both too

did you check AiMod? i agree that you use kiai time part for 00:51:668 - 01:21:207 - here.

[7K Insane]


  • 00:01:591 - add note? it seems empty or missing beat. added

    00:03:668 (3668|6) - it's not bad at all. but compared to above pattern,

    i suggest to delete it and add a note 00:03:899 - here on column 7. Ow sorry I'd keep this I guess

    00:06:899 - 00:07:361 - how about x1.5 than x1.2?

    i thought this part was kinda jackhammar ;w; x1.2 is hard to emphasize x0.4 sv way feedback. Okay fixed, changed to 1.5

    00:11:861 - add 2 notes added

    00:14:053 (14053|4) - hmm, why you used only 1 note here? i think at least 2~3 notes would be fine. The loud sounds are in 3 noter keypresses, anyway changed became 2 notes

    00:15:784 (15784|1) - move to 4 Nah I keep this

    00:19:245 - here has vocal sound.. i prefer to add but up to you :) Sorry I just catch the drums and synth on this part

    00:24:207 (24207|6,26515|6,26976|4,27899|6) - i can't hear any sounds which are fit to use LN. it can be a kind of overmapping? I think it has, you can heard it by 75% playback rate

    00:29:168 (29168|3) - delete? here is better to follow 1/2.. You're right owo

    00:32:515 (32515|0) - move to 2 for balance Okay

    00:32:861 (32861|1) - i can't hear some sound to use LN + short note stream. delete for hand balance too. deleted

    00:36:438 - 00:36:668 - add 1 note on 1 column added

    00:42:438 (42438|3) - move to 3 Nope

    00:47:284 (47284|5,47284|4) - move to 34? No, because of the sound is same with the last one

    00:47:976 - how about this? ( hmm, sv setting speeds can be a bit fast for your map. but i want to set sv like it. ) Ok I'll considering this

    00:53:053 (53053|0) - move to 5 No, I keep this

    00:59:053 (59053|4) - move to 3 moved

    00:59:168 (59168|2) - move to 4 moved

    01:00:207 - 01:02:745 - for here 135 column LN : i can't catch what you want to follow sounds.

    if you want to follow vocal sounds... such this

    01:00:668 - 01:00:899 - , 01:00:899 - 01:01:245 - , 01:01:245 - 01:01:591 - , 01:01:591 - 01:01:822 - , 01:01:822 - 01:02:168 - , 01:02:168 - 01:02:515- , 01:02:515 - 01:02:745 - I'm not actually catch the vocals thouhgh, you can hear them if you hear them with 75% playback rate

    01:04:476 (64476|1) - move to 4? Nah

    01:05:745 (65745|1,65745|2) - ? sudden jackhammar? lol.. did you intend it? Yes I like that part owo

    01:14:515 (74515|4) - move to 1 okay

    01:25:015 (85015|4) - move to 6 yao moved

    01:26:399 (86399|5) - ?? for what?/ i prefer to turn it as short note. Short paino I guess

    01:27:668 - ? Thank you but I'm not applied them, I love the currently one

[7K Hard]


  • 00:05:053 (5053|6) - move to 6 moved

    00:06:899 - 00:07:361 - same suggestion with above difficulty changed

    00:15:784 (15784|1) - move to 4 okay

    00:23:053 - add on 3 for sound fixed

    00:21:553 (21553|2) - move to 4?

    00:25:591 (25591|6) - move to 5

    00:27:668 - Cool!

    00:42:207 (42207|3) - move to 3

    00:47:284 (47284|4) - move to 4
    wel okay I know what your point
    00:47:976 - same suggestion with above difficulty Okay, will considering this part

    00:59:053 - 01:00:899 - how about giving some note to column 2 added in 00:59:053 -

    01:26:399 (86399|5) - Applied

    01:28:130 (88130|6) - delete Nope, has a same sound with the nexts one

[7K Normal]


overall : well done! it was nice to check and play your map :)

Good Luck!
Thanks a lot suwako~ <3
great mod...
Well, first things first, the mp3 is weirdly cut on both ends, the start and the end, well i assume you took it from the ranked vers. idk how that got ranked lmao, the mp3 is horrid imo | This causes you to miss a note at the start, messing up the players rhythm you can extract the mp3 from youtube and stuff, if you can't encode it just poke me in game or through offline pm

Same with video, if you want to put a video in you can also poke me

The BG seems to be stretched, which ruins the original ratio, basically making the faces in the BG out of proportion, I suggest to use this and crop Similarly if you can't just poke me, DON'T STRETCH THE BG

OH GOD HOW DID NO ONE POINT OUT THE OFFSET IS WRONG ( or probably you rejected it w/e )
but it's a must change

Change to -23, the Up and Downbeats here are off

oh. and snap also hehe


00:10:361 (10361|3,10476|0,10591|2,10591|4,10591|5,10707|6,10707|1,10822|2,10822|4,10822|0,10938|6) - This feels like an unneeded diff spike here, there is no elevation of music intensity to have this pattern this hard imo | I basically suggest to remove 00:10:591 (10591|4,10707|6,10822|0) - , with priority on removing these 00:10:591 (10591|4,10822|0) - since they create brackets and also is confusing to read
00:21:091 - I suggest to map in the sound effects here like this ( Highlighted notes are the ones changed )

00:32:976 (32976|2,32976|0,33207|1,33207|0) - This is extremely awkward to execute imo | I suggest to 00:32:976 (32976|2,32976|0,33207|0) - Swap columns on both of these

layering stuff over one another is definitely going to create some chaos here, I suggest to make this whole section less awkward to play 00:32:053 (32053|1,32053|6,32053|5,32168|3,32284|4,32284|0,32399|2,32515|1,32515|5,32515|4,32630|6,32745|3,32745|2,32745|0,32861|5,32976|0,32976|6,32976|2,33091|4,33207|0,33207|1,33207|6) - |

00:56:861 (56861|0) - Move to the center column | It's just more comfortable to execute
01:00:207 (60207|0,60668|2,60899|4,61130|0,61591|2,61822|4,62053|2,62515|0) - IDK what these LNs represent here, it feels like it's just making the whole pattern more awkward to execute well,
01:19:591 - I feel that it's better to prioritize this 1/4 hammer here instead of 01:19:361 (79361|2,79361|0,79361|4,79361|6,79476|4,79476|0,79476|6,79476|2) - , basically like this

01:23:745 (83745|1,83745|3,83861|4,83861|2,83976|3,83976|5,83976|0,84091|4,84091|1,84091|6,84207|5,84207|2,84322|6,84322|3,84438|2,84438|5,84553|1,84553|4,84668|5,84668|2,84784|6,84784|3) - Feels like you are just pulling this pattern off cause it looks cool, i honestly don't know what does it represent in the music?
01:25:361 (85361|6,85361|4,85476|5,85591|4,85591|6,85707|5,85822|6) - This bracket is very awkward to play I suggest to re-pattern to something else
01:28:476 - I suggest another note here for the synth


00:07:361 - Idk what you are mapping with the 1/4s here honestly, it feels inconsistent and i feel that mapping to the synths here would be better | I know it's a rather general comment here, i don't feel like pointing out everything though
00:23:976 - Not sure what happened here, it feels like 1/4s after this is neglected in this section (?)
00:31:015 (31015|2,31130|4,31361|4,31476|2,31707|2,31822|4) - I can see that you are mapping to the synths somewhat here | 00:34:130 (34130|0,34361|2,34591|4,34591|1,34822|3,35053|0,35284|2,35515|0) - And idk what happened here, you seem to fall into mapping the ( boring ) 1/2s here, it just feels monotonous and inconsistent with this
00:38:515 (38515|3,38745|2,38745|4) - Feels like you should have the same note patterning for these as they are both kicks OR they should have at least a hammer | Similar on what you did here 00:42:207 (42207|3,42438|6,42438|3) -
00:58:938 - Maybe add one for vocals here
01:19:591 - Feels like you are missing out a very loud sound effect here, I highly recommend to fit this in with a note or 2
01:27:668 (87668|1,87668|3,87668|5,87784|4,87784|2,87784|6,88015|3,88015|1,88015|5,88130|4,88130|2,88130|6,88130|0) - Not sure if players would enjoy a big bracket at the end here after a long song, it might just easily ruin plays ( how evil )


00:03:668 (3668|4,3899|0,4130|3,4130|1,4361|5,4476|3,4591|6,4822|6,5053|5,5053|3,5168|1,5515|0,5515|6) - You can utilize this 1/4 sound effect here to make an alternating hand pattern instead of extrapolating the background sound again and again | Something like this

00:12:553 (12553|2) - This 1/4 feels out of place imo, it doesn't really emphasize anything strong here, i suggest to remove or move 1/4 forward
00:31:015 (31015|4) - ^
00:42:207 (42207|3,42438|2,42438|4) - I suggest to have the same exact pattern or hammer at least 1 note here
00:53:515 (53515|2,53745|2) - Don't think is necessary to hammer, unless you plan to hammer these 00:56:284 (56284|4,56515|2) - 00:58:130 (58130|4,58361|2) - and so on for consistency
01:19:476 (79476|3) - same thing, i suggest to map to the louder sound here |

Nothing else i guess ( i'm fucking late for this mod )
update it yuuto~ :)
Topic Starter
- Yuuto -

Z3nx wrote:

Well, first things first, the mp3 is weirdly cut on both ends, the start and the end, well i assume you took it from the ranked vers. idk how that got ranked lmao, the mp3 is horrid imo | This causes you to miss a note at the start, messing up the players rhythm you can extract the mp3 from youtube and stuff, if you can't encode it just poke me in game or through offline pm

Same with video, if you want to put a video in you can also poke me

The BG seems to be stretched, which ruins the original ratio, basically making the faces in the BG out of proportion, I suggest to use this and crop Similarly if you can't just poke me, DON'T STRETCH THE BG

OH GOD HOW DID NO ONE POINT OUT THE OFFSET IS WRONG ( or probably you rejected it w/e )
but it's a must change

Change to -23, the Up and Downbeats here are off

oh. and snap also hehe
Oh thank you fixed


00:10:361 (10361|3,10476|0,10591|2,10591|4,10591|5,10707|6,10707|1,10822|2,10822|4,10822|0,10938|6) - This feels like an unneeded diff spike here, there is no elevation of music intensity to have this pattern this hard imo | I basically suggest to remove 00:10:591 (10591|4,10707|6,10822|0) - , with priority on removing these 00:10:591 (10591|4,10822|0) - since they create brackets and also is confusing to read Well, re arrenged hen
00:21:091 - I suggest to map in the sound effects here like this ( Highlighted notes are the ones changed ) nice

00:32:976 (32976|2,32976|0,33207|1,33207|0) - This is extremely awkward to execute imo | I suggest to 00:32:976 (32976|2,32976|0,33207|0) - Swap columns on both of these fixed

layering stuff over one another is definitely going to create some chaos here, I suggest to make this whole section less awkward to play 00:32:053 (32053|1,32053|6,32053|5,32168|3,32284|4,32284|0,32399|2,32515|1,32515|5,32515|4,32630|6,32745|3,32745|2,32745|0,32861|5,32976|0,32976|6,32976|2,33091|4,33207|0,33207|1,33207|6) - rearrenged

00:56:861 (56861|0) - Move to the center column | It's just more comfortable to execute fixed
01:00:207 (60207|0,60668|2,60899|4,61130|0,61591|2,61822|4,62053|2,62515|0) - IDK what these LNs represent here, it feels like it's just making the whole pattern more awkward to execute well, You will understand if you play them with 75% Playback Rate
01:19:591 - I feel that it's better to prioritize this 1/4 hammer here instead of 01:19:361 (79361|2,79361|0,79361|4,79361|6,79476|4,79476|0,79476|6,79476|2) - , basically like this looks cool

01:23:745 (83745|1,83745|3,83861|4,83861|2,83976|3,83976|5,83976|0,84091|4,84091|1,84091|6,84207|5,84207|2,84322|6,84322|3,84438|2,84438|5,84553|1,84553|4,84668|5,84668|2,84784|6,84784|3) - Feels like you are just pulling this pattern off cause it looks cool, i honestly don't know what does it represent in the music? fixed
01:25:361 (85361|6,85361|4,85476|5,85591|4,85591|6,85707|5,85822|6) - This bracket is very awkward to play I suggest to re-pattern to something else fixed
01:28:476 - I suggest another note here for the synth added


00:07:361 - Idk what you are mapping with the 1/4s here honestly, it feels inconsistent and i feel that mapping to the synths here would be better | I know it's a rather general comment here, i don't feel like pointing out everything though I know your point, well I deleted some unneeded note
00:23:976 - Not sure what happened here, it feels like 1/4s after this is neglected in this section (?) not fixed for now
00:31:015 (31015|2,31130|4,31361|4,31476|2,31707|2,31822|4) - I can see that you are mapping to the synths somewhat here | 00:34:130 (34130|0,34361|2,34591|4,34591|1,34822|3,35053|0,35284|2,35515|0) - And idk what happened here, you seem to fall into mapping the ( boring ) 1/2s here, it just feels monotonous and inconsistent with this fixed
00:38:515 (38515|3,38745|2,38745|4) - Feels like you should have the same note patterning for these as they are both kicks OR they should have at least a hammer | Similar on what you did here 00:42:207 (42207|3,42438|6,42438|3) - nice catch and fixed
00:58:938 - Maybe add one for vocals here not added
01:19:591 - Feels like you are missing out a very loud sound effect here, I highly recommend to fit this in with a note or 2 added
01:27:668 (87668|1,87668|3,87668|5,87784|4,87784|2,87784|6,88015|3,88015|1,88015|5,88130|4,88130|2,88130|6,88130|0) - Not sure if players would enjoy a big bracket at the end here after a long song, it might just easily ruin plays ( how evil ) rearrenged


00:03:668 (3668|4,3899|0,4130|3,4130|1,4361|5,4476|3,4591|6,4822|6,5053|5,5053|3,5168|1,5515|0,5515|6) - You can utilize this 1/4 sound effect here to make an alternating hand pattern instead of extrapolating the background sound again and again | Something like this I'm sorry but I don't catch the synth for this

00:12:553 (12553|2) - This 1/4 feels out of place imo, it doesn't really emphasize anything strong here, i suggest to remove or move 1/4 forward I catch the drum
00:31:015 (31015|4) - ^ ^
00:42:207 (42207|3,42438|2,42438|4) - I suggest to have the same exact pattern or hammer at least 1 note here Okay fixed
00:53:515 (53515|2,53745|2) - Don't think is necessary to hammer, unless you plan to hammer these 00:56:284 (56284|4,56515|2) - 00:58:130 (58130|4,58361|2) - and so on for consistency fixed
01:19:476 (79476|3) - same thing, i suggest to map to the louder sound here | remapped

Nothing else i guess ( i'm fucking late for this mod )
Oh thank you so much zenx, what a nice mod. sorry for late reply. I'll poke you for the mp3 and the video
Wafu~ Sorry for the delay..

I have a .mp3 of your song but has a different offset because the total time run of the song is 1:35 but don't worry I already timed the offset for you


If you change your mp3 to mine the BPM is still 130 but the Offset is 1,003 >///<

But that also means moving all your notes so I'll stop right here and I'll let you think . . ;)
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- Yuuto -
Will check it soon
Revival please >_<
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