
Banshi - Second Fall

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2014년 12월 14일 일요일 at 오후 3:16:15

Artist: Banshi
Title: Second Fall
Source: TalesWeaver & Touhou
BPM: 96
Filesize: 3482kb
Play Time: 01:57
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (2.76 stars, 256 notes)
  2. Normal (2.19 stars, 195 notes)
Download: Banshi - Second Fall
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1:1 pm irc req.



irc mod
23:27 Artavia: 맵좀 잠시 봐주셈
23:28 *Artavia is listening to [ Banshi - Second Fall]
23:42 *Fast is editing [ Banshi - Second Fall [Normal]]
23:42 Fast: 00:18:528 (3) -
23:42 Fast: 이런 슬라는 자제하는게좋음
23:42 Fast: 차라리 점 하나추가해서 총 3점 슬라를하던지하셍
23:42 Artavia: ㅇㅋ
23:43 Artavia: dz
23:43 Artavia: 알게슴
23:43 Fast: 00:39:153 (4,5,6) -
23:43 Fast: 이거 좀 어려운부분이있는데
23:43 Fast: 1/1슬라에 리버스추가해서
23:43 Fast: 처리하는것도좋을듯
23:44 Fast: 아니면
23:44 Artavia: ㅇㅋ
23:44 Fast: 00:39:778 - 여기에 1/2짜리 슬라넣던지
23:44 Artavia: 수정
23:44 Fast: 00:39:153 - 1/1슬라에
23:44 Fast: ㅇㅇ
23:44 Fast: 자유임
23:44 Artavia: ㄴㄴ 걍1/1에 리버스
23:44 Fast: ㅇㅇ
23:44 Fast: 00:50:091 (1) - 이거 제대로감싸셈
23:45 Fast: ㄱㄷ
23:45 Fast: 꼭 이모양을 쓰고싶으면 코드를줌
23:45 Fast:
23:46 Fast: 알아서 코드 사용하길바라고
23:46 Artavia: ㅇㅋ
23:46 Fast: 여기에 이렇게 배치할필요가 없어보임 00:56:341 (2) -
23:47 Fast: 00:58:059 (2) - 여기에 이 노트를 꼭 사용하고싶으면
23:47 Fast: 대충 이런식으로 동선을 짜는걸 추천
23:47 Fast: 01:03:528 (3) - 이거 너무 어렵지않나 생각
23:47 Fast: 스택이 불필요한부분
23:48 Fast: 01:09:466 (5) - 담요가 좀 아쉬운부분
23:48 Fast: 01:11:653 (4) - 마찬가지고 스택이 불필요하다 생각
23:49 Fast: 01:19:153 (3) - 이것도 담요가 좀 아쉽다
23:49 Fast: 01:23:528 (3) -
23:49 Fast: 01:31:653 (4) -
23:49 Fast: 01:46:341 (4) - 지우고 01:46:028 (3) - 슬라를 2칸늘려서 1/1
23:50 Fast: 01:50:247 - 변속있는거같은데
23:52 Artavia: 01:11:341 (3,4) - 01:23:216 (2,3) - 01:31:341 (3,4) - 지적 한번 더들어오면 생각해봄
23:52 Fast: 그런건 여따 안말해도댐
23:52 Artavia: 01:50:247 (1,2,3,4) - 여기 변속구간이라 25%에 소리 맞춰서 노트 찍음
23:52 Artavia: 그래도 말해야됨
23:52 Fast: 맨마지막부분
23:52 Fast: 변속있는데
23:52 Fast: ㄱㄷ 쟤봄
23:53 Artavia: 세컨드런 반주때문에 그런거같아서
23:53 Artavia: 세컨드런 랭크맵 찾아서 봤는데 변속 표기 안해두고 그냥 다 스핀으로 처리해버림
23:54 Fast: ㄱㄷ
23:56 Artavia: 아까
23:56 Artavia: 그 코드 다시주셈
23:56 Fast:
23:56 Artavia: 그 코드넣으니까 그파트가 안열리면서 통째로 날아가버렸는데
23:56 Artavia: 285,43,50091,6,0,B285122285122308152324200304236276272,1,220 표기자체가 이렇게 되있음;
23:56 Fast: ????
23:56 Artavia: 들어가서 보셈
23:56 Artavia: 285,43,50091,6,0,B285122285122308152324200304236276272,1,220 이렇게 되버려서
23:56 Artavia: 뒷파트 부분 다날아감
23:57 Fast: 너가 잘못넣은거아닌가
23:57 Fast: 잘되는데
23:57 Fast: 넣었다 뺐다해도
23:57 Fast: 잘못넣은거임
23:57 Fast: 그냥 잘 다듬은거뿐이니까
23:57 Fast: 신경은안써도됨
23:58 Artavia: ?? ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
23:58 Fast: 아쉬발
23:58 Fast: 변속쟨거 다날라감
23:58 Fast: 코드 세이브하는거 깜빡함
23:58 Artavia: zz
00:00 Artavia: 님 저 꺼야댐
00:00 Fast: 스레드에적어줌
00:01 Artavia: ㅇㅋㅇㅋ
00:01 Artavia: irc로그 자체를 걍
00:01 Artavia: 다 적어주셍
00:01 Artavia: 이거하고 그 코드하고
00:02 Fast: 시름
00:02 Artavia: 꺼야대서 수정을 절반밖에 못하겠네
00:02 Artavia: 해주셍

타이밍은 정확하지 않은것도 있고 안맞을수도있으니 안써도됨
Hello! :D

00:55:090 (1) - Make this blanket 5 perfectly
00:56:340 (2) - And make it blanket this as well :P
01:00:090 (1) - Align this with 4 better.
01:46:652 (5) - NC for some health regen at this part.
CS 3 and AR 5.

Overall, look for some opportunities for improving blankets, and (maybe this is just me) try and look for awkward flow in your song.
Quite a good map :)

00:06:340 (1) - No NC
00:10:402 (2,3,4) - Make this pattern neater.
00:25:090 (1) - Blanket better.
00:30:090 (1) - No NC
00:32:590 (1) - This is way too close. This is sorta like a trap. It's a bit tricky to read as well.
00:35:558 (2) - Make this blanket a bit better
00:37:590 (1) - Please no SV changes during the song, especially since this is unexpected. It interrupts the flow of the song.
00:40:715 - I feel you should map this little gap, since there is still a beat.
01:06:340 (1) - Move this blanket to the left a bit.
01:10:090 (1) - Blanket better.
01:15:715 (3) - ^
01:20:090 (1) - Definitely take out the SV change here. The tempo doesn't change too much, and it easily messes up the player.
01:30:715 (3) - Blanket just a bit better
01:33:840 (1,2,3,1) - These blankets don't look so hot. Fix them up :P
01:49:849 (1,1,1,1,1) - I know you are trying to show off the colors, but there isn't really a need for NCs here.
01:49:849 (1,1,1,1,1) - Also, the spacing here is definitely tricky, try using a different pattern instead.

Overall, for this difficulty, fix any blankets (because most of them aren't that appealing) and don't do SV changes here, as there isn't REALLY big tempo changes in this song. The few traps like SV changes and spacing really mess up the player, so try and fix those, but other than that this is good! :D

Very good map. Sorry my mod wasn't the best of mods. I'm still learning. Have a nice day :)

BTW as I said before you only have to mod 1 or 2 of my difficultes since mine is much longer.
hi there! this is the m4m map
00:19:777-do 6 with the arrow and then spinner
01:52:637-spinner to long i recommend do it until 01:54:202
00:19:777- it seems u have a little bit of over lapping there just remove it higher from slider 1
01:07:590-little over lapped
01:52:637-spinner to long i recommend do it until 01:54:202
gl! 8-)

  1. you need a diff below 2stars, it's unrankable. check this > on
  2. you didn't set combo color, i think you should set them, match with BG
  3. also seem doesn't need disabled it
  4. about timing seem it's early, so i did new timing.

    Timing #2


  1. i think AR5.5 is so fast on normal diff, how about AR4.5?
  2. 00:57:590 (1) - seem shape is not pretty becuz overlap with 00:56:340 (2) - this slider's side, so how about move up? ex) 204, 8 ?
  3. 00:58:840 (3) - i think this rhythm is wrong, hear it on here 00:59:152 - there is havent anysound, just place circle on slider head like this
  4. 00:50:090 (1) - 00:44:152 (1) - 00:48:215 (4) - 00:54:465 (5) - same as ^
  5. 00:49:465 (6) - Del note on here there is have no sound
  6. 01:04:777 (6,7,1) - i don't want recommend used this pattern on beginner diff, this part might be too hard for beginners. same other stuffs
  7. 01:17:590 (1) - how about add whistle on slider middle, becuz 01:17:902 - here and 01:18:215 - here there are emphasize sound, coat the drumsounds with 01:18:058 - piano sound, so need emphasize here 01:18:058 -
  8. 01:26:340 (3) - 01:37:590 (1) - same as ^
  9. 01:46:027 (3,4,5) - about this rhythm... feel so weird to me, but i dont know why... follow this how about? it better than previous rhythm
  10. 01:48:840 (2) - this slider tail's snap is wrong, it should be snap on here 01:49:849 -
  11. 01:52:324 - how about add note here? there is have strong sound also feel so empty it make some weird

  1. 아이씨 영어 orz 이튼 1/4 , 1/2 디스탄스 구별좀 확실히 해주셨으면 좋겠어요.
  2. 00:50:090 (2) - doesn't have fin sound on 00:50:715 - here, it should be snap on here 00:51:027 -
  3. 00:54:152 (2) - have no sound on 00:54:465 - here, also 00:58:527 (2) - 01:35:558 (2) - same.... it's overmap, can't point out anymore about this so many. you must check same other stuffs
  4. 01:20:715 - add note here, there is not skip enough to beat. also have strong beat i think it's better
  5. 01:52:324 - same as normal diff
  6. 00:08:840 (5) - just 1/2 slider is better than 1/4 repeat slider, also 00:08:996 - hear it, have no sound?
that's all
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