
Alstroemeria Records - Stitch'step [CatchTheBea...

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[Izayoi Sakura]
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2022年4月24日 at 12:14:16

Artist: Alstroemeria Records
Title: Stitch'step
Source: 東方Project
Tags: Touhou youyoumu perfect cherry blossom ブクレシュティの人形師 the doll makes of bucuresti yuuzuki tsubaki 黒鳥 Kokuchou いずみん Izumin 夕月椿 eastnewsound fragment reactions aspherical surface e.p reitaisai6 comiket76 c76 alice margatroid
BPM: 140
Filesize: 9351kb
Play Time: 06:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Oni (4.72 stars, 1879 notes)
  2. Step (5.52 stars, 1092 notes)
Download: Alstroemeria Records - Stitch'step
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Just love it。
Hi, from my queue~

00:16:148 (58,59,60,61) - and 00:18:077 (69,70,71,72) - should be the same, also move 00:18:827 (74) - 1/4 ahead
00:19:791 (79,80,81,82,83,84) - ddkd dd d k->ddk d dd dk that quad pattern is really bad, 1/4 after it has a prominent sound
00:23:220 (99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106) - ^, at least take out that ddkd
00:34:362 (162) - k->d
00:34:684 (164) - place a d here, that k is lonely there
00:36:398 (173) - ^
00:39:827 (194) - ^
00:41:541 (203) - ^
00:38:220 (183) - k->d
00:39:184 (189) - k->d, I feel like you put some kats randomly down there
Either 00:40:898 (199) - d->k or 00:40:577 (196,197,198,199,200) - kdkdd->k ddd
Either make this a finisher 00:44:862 (221) - or 00:44:648 (220) - k->d
00:45:934 (228,229) - this should be ddd
00:46:362 (230,231) - kd->d-
00:48:291 (243,244,245) - this part needs to be the same as 00:46:577 (232,233,234,235) -
00:48:077 (241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ddk d dkd -> d kd ddkd
00:50:220 (254,255,256) - ddk that kat on the blue line is really out of place
Switch these 00:51:720 (263,264,265,266) - with these 00:52:577 (268,269,270,271) - but make the dkk kkd

01:03:720 (330,331) - These should be monocolour, preferably same as 00:59:862 (310,311,312) -
01:10:148 (363,364,365) - ^
01:04:362 (332,333,334) - Should be same as 01:00:934 (313,314,315) - Consistency is important!
01:05:005 (336,337,338,339) - kd dk->k d k - The blue lines should have nothing on them here while 01:05:220 (337) - is empty
01:08:434 (355,356,357,358) - ^
01:06:077 (344) - d->k more kat consistency!
01:16:791 (396) - This feels empty, put a d here
01:23:434 (426,427) - k k?
01:26:755 (446) - I'd delete this, doesn't fit
01:30:612 (466) - move 1/4 ahead
01:24:505 (432,433,434,435) - try to apply this pattern at the same place you used before. 01:30:505 (466,467,468,469) - this and 01:32:648 (479,480,481,482) - and this 01:45:505 (554,555,556,557) - these doesn't fit but if you put it at the same place where the first was it'll be good.
01:44:541 (548) - try to avoid using double kats on these places, not just here.
02:41:005 (729,730,731,732,733,734,735,736) - kkddkkd d-> dkddkddkd?
03:19:041 (950,951,952,953,954,955) - why the stream? 03:19:470 (954) - remove
03:36:505 (1036,1037,1038,1039,1040,1041,1042,1043) - dd dd kd dd ->d kdd k ddk
03:38:434 (1046,1047,1048,1049,1050,1051) - why the even patterns? dd dkdd->d kdk d
03:53:862 (1127) - d->k
04:19:148 (1178,1179) - invert, makes the kats more consistent
04:17:434 (1174,1175) - ^
04:22:148 (1182) - d->k so it fits the pitch
04:25:577 (1187) - ^
04:30:720 (1194) - ^
04:35:862 (1) - either k or big note, or both.
04:46:148 (61,66,72) - why are these big kats? normals suffice
04:56:970 (117) - move 1/4 ahead, no reason for duplets there
05:08:220 (173,174,175,176) - dd dd -> kd dk
05:10:577 (186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193) - suddenly switching to lyrics like that is bad, fill the gaps
05:16:577 (1) - k for more consistency?
05:30:934 (85,93) - d->k
05:33:934 (104) - put a d here, why is nothing here?

Guess that's all, as a general tip I'd recommend you finding something in the music you put the kats on, because most of the times I felt they are just there

Good luck!
Topic Starter
[Izayoi Sakura]

_verto_ wrote:

Hi, from my queue~

00:16:148 (58,59,60,61) - and 00:18:077 (69,70,71,72) - should be the same, also move 00:18:827 (74) - 1/4 ahead
00:19:791 (79,80,81,82,83,84) - ddkd dd d k->ddk d dd dk that quad pattern is really bad, 1/4 after it has a prominent sound
00:23:220 (99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106) - ^, at least take out that ddkd
00:34:362 (162) - k->d
00:34:684 (164) - place a d here, that k is lonely there
00:36:398 (173) - ^
00:39:827 (194) - ^
00:41:541 (203) - ^
00:38:220 (183) - k->d
00:39:184 (189) - k->d, I feel like you put some kats randomly down there
Either 00:40:898 (199) - d->k or 00:40:577 (196,197,198,199,200) - kdkdd->k ddd
Either make this a finisher 00:44:862 (221) - or 00:44:648 (220) - k->d
00:45:934 (228,229) - this should be ddd
00:46:362 (230,231) - kd->d-
00:48:291 (243,244,245) - this part needs to be the same as 00:46:577 (232,233,234,235) -
00:48:077 (241,242,243,244,245,246,247) - ddk d dkd -> d kd ddkd
00:50:220 (254,255,256) - ddk that kat on the blue line is really out of place
Switch these 00:51:720 (263,264,265,266) - with these 00:52:577 (268,269,270,271) - but make the dkk kkd

thanks very much! :P
hype hype hype
maybe tomorrow i will mod this :p
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[Izayoi Sakura]

Genocide wrote:

hype hype hype
maybe tomorrow i will mod this :p
i hope you‘ll like this map :P
let's try this sh!t jk

[!@%!@%!@!%!'s diff]
00:18:505 (71) - k? flow
00:21:934 (91) - k flow consistent above ^
00:25:362 (111) - k same reason ^
00:27:077 (122,133) - k flow
00:38:648 (186,187,188) - kkd?
00:46:577 (234,235) - ctrl + g?

i will continue this mod <3
nice pattern GJ


im mod below this for a flow pattern and some suggestion :
01:23:434 (425,427) - k
02:35:327 (59,61) - ctrl+g
02:39:077 (82) - k
02:37:898 (74,76) - ctrl +g
02:42:720 (105) - k?
02:43:684 (111) - k?
02:44:434 (115) - k?
02:59:648 (203,205) - k?
03:03:077 (225) - k?
03:06:505 (246) - k
04:39:077 (42) - k
04:42:505 (61) - k piano flow
05:02:862 (169,170,172) - k
05:29:862 (78,81,83,84) - k
05:37:148 (127) - k continue the drum sound

maybe that's all
my mod is noob atm :\
sorry if it's ugly xD
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[Izayoi Sakura]
thx~ All fixed ,i'll try do my best to map it :P
Bloop~ Julie here

00:01:577 to 00:15:291 - since is nearly all the same sound, mapping some and not mapping other is kinda weird to play and break the flow xD. Should map all the red and white tick for this part
00:07:577 (23,24,25,26) - do the same as 00:05:862 (16,17,18,19)
00:14:755 (50) - delete
00:15:291 (52) - ohoho finish here would be nice :D
00:16:148 (58) - move to 00:16:041 ?
00:38:755 (188) - delete no sound
00:42:398 (211) - ^
00:49:470 - add d
01:02:434 (322,323,324,325,326,327,328) - overmap no sound on 01:02:755 (324) and 01:02:970 (326)
01:08:541 (356) - move to 01:08:648 , sound more important o.o
01:11:970 (372) - delete no sound
01:15:827 (391) - delete no new sound
01:19:898 (412) - delete no sound
01:23:166 - add d here so 1/8 mini stream in 1/4! since this is a marathon taiko, and I seen a taiko level with a 1/8 stream in 1/4 ranked, so this should be rankable except if ranking criteria changed >,<
01:24:077 (430,431,432,433,434,435,436,437,438,439,440,441,442) - try to make thes e all 1/2 alternate d and k, since is nearly the same rythmn, you can add some triple in some part, but random mini steam look weird and break a bit the rythmn xD, mostly these 01:24:505 (432,433,434,435) double, kinda came out of nowhere
01:28:148 (451) and + - ^
01:49:577 (573,574,575,576,577,578,579,580,581,582,583,584,585) - way too overmap! fun to play when is super hard, but in osu I don't know if is rankable if is too overmap now xD
02:26:755 (24) - k
02:29:862 (33) - k
02:31:577 (38) - k
02:32:434 (41) - finish
02:33:612 - add d
02:41:541 (98) - d
02:41:541 (98) - add d? 1/8 stream :D
03:12:505 - add d
03:31:684 (380) - move to 03:31:791
03:33:827 (390) - move to 03:33:934 and add k at 03:33:827 ?
03:53:648 (492,493,494,495) - timing wrong here, is 1/8 triplet
04:48:077 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104) - woah the 1/8 overmap ish HUGE XD, 1/8 stream 5 note starting here 04:48:077, 1/8 5 notes stream starting at 04:48:505 and if you want 1/8 triplet starting at 04:48:827
05:08:541 (201) - move to 05:08:434
05:25:041 - add k
05:25:362 - add k
04:48:934 (105,106,107,108) - this is 1/4
Welp I might have gotten lazy near the end, song pretty repetitive xD
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[Izayoi Sakura]
All fixed~and thanks for modding :P
tags added "youyoumu perfect cherry blossom ブクレシュティの人形師 the doll makes of bucuresti yuuzuki tsubaki 黒鳥 Kokuchou いずみん Izumin 夕月椿 eastnewsound fragment reactions aspherical surface e.p reitaisai6 comiket76 c76 alice margatroid"

source: my computer and touhouwiki

sorry forget... no kudosu
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[Izayoi Sakura]

LigerZero wrote:

tags added "youyoumu perfect cherry blossom ブクレシュティの人形師 the doll makes of bucuresti yuuzuki tsubaki 黒鳥 Kokuchou いずみん Izumin 夕月椿 eastnewsound fragment reactions aspherical surface e.p reitaisai6 comiket76 c76 alice margatroid"

source: my computer and touhouwiki

sorry forget... no kudosu
Thanks XD
Sorry ,too late for no kds Hahahaha
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