I didn't accept the GD because I think this map needs more work. And I don't think it's a good thing to have a guest diff in a very beginner mapper mapset, because you need to train mapping all the diffs to learn the specificity of each

About the timing, I think an offset of 4770 is better, but I'm not a pro at timing ._."
Your difficulty settings are not right. For exemple Normal, Hard and Insane have the same SV, which doesn't make sense because Hard is supposed to be harder than Normal, etc...
Here are more appropriated difficulty settings:
Based on this map because the BPM is the same, I only changed some settings a little for a better spread.Easy:Slider Velocity = 1 | Distance Spacing = 1
DR = 2 | CS = 3 or 2.5 | AR = 3 | OD = 2
Normal:SV = 1.20 | DS = 1
DR = 3 | CS = 3 | AR = 4 | OD = 3
Hard:SV= 1.40 | DS = 1 (DS are the same because SV already increases)
DR = 5 | CS =3.5 | AR = 6 | OD = 5
Insane:SV = 1.70 | DS = 1,30
DR = 7 | CS = 4 | AR = 8 | OD = 7
Now two important things
- Don't try to use too complicated sliders for now. Simply curved sliders are sure things, you can do a good map with very common sliders.
You made it well for the Normal and Insane diff, but less for the Easy and Insane (you used a lot of uncommon sliders for the Easy espacially)
- You have to use the Distance snap tool, reaaaaaally, all the time. At least for the Easy and the Normal diffs, and I really recommend you to use it for the Hard and Insane, for now.
A last little thing to know: you can't stack objects in an Easy diff, because it's very confusing for new players. You can stack few objects in a Normal diff, and do what you want about stacking for the Hard and Insane ones since it playable of course.
Good luck and good work!