
Falconshield - Piltover VS Zaun

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on vendredi 27 juin 2014 at 14:31:23

Artist: Falconshield
Title: Piltover VS Zaun
Source: League of Legends
Tags: LoL League of Legends Vi Cait Cailtlyn Heimer Heimerdinger Viktor Singed Jinx Piltover Zaun Twitch Mundo
BPM: 85,03
Filesize: 7158kb
Play Time: 06:35
Difficulties Available:
  1. Silver (2,47 stars, 552 notes)
Download: Falconshield - Piltover VS Zaun
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Use this space to tell the world about your map. It helps to include a list of changes as your map is modded!
Hello M4M

  1. 00:22:707 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - There are too many circles throughout the entire map and there are a lack of sliders. Try including some sliders. Example @ 00:22:707 (1) :
  2. 00:22:707 (1,2,3) - Distance between notes are very inconsistent. It’s suggested that you toggle distance snap (Y) on. The reason why you want to use distance snap is because players may have trouble telling the difference between 1/1 notes or ½ notes and etc. Here’s an example of how it would look if you used DS for the first 3 notes of your map: On hard or insane difficulties, any increase of distance snap would be a jump (which is for more advanced plays) In your case, it seems like your map diffiulcty is normal so using jumps would not be recommended. Please consider applying DS to the rest of the map.
  3. 00:25:530 (7) – NC. Your combos are huge, most of them go over 50+. I recommend making them smaller. The combos should follow the music.
  1. 00:28:353 (12) –
  2. 00:31:175 (16) –
  3. 00:34:704 (20) –
  4. 00:39:643 (21) –
  5. 00:42:466 (25) –
  6. 00:45:289 (30) –
  7. 00:48:111 (38) –
  8. 00:50:934 (43) –
  9. 00:53:757 (49) –
  10. 00:56:579 (53) –
  11. 01:02:931 (54) –
  12. 01:05:048 (57) –
    and so on….. There is too many to go through the whole thing.

  1. 00:34:704 (20) – The reverse sliders that you have here and other sections are way too long (time wise). Consider remapping these sections
  2. Many of your objects aren’t snapped. Press ctrl+shift+a to open the AIMOD to help resnap those objects
  3. You also need to set a preview point.Navigate to the part in the song that you want as the preview point and then go to:
  4. Since this is a marathon (over 5 minutes) you need to include it into the tags
  5. I would recommend changing circle size(CS) to 4, Approach Rate(AR) to 5, Overall Difficulty(OD) to 5
I would recommend taking a look at other beatmaps through the editor. Try imitating them so that you can understand the basics. After that, you can start developing your own style. Good luck!

General i assume this is your first map, its still a long way to make it perfect
  1. the combo colours is too long, i assume this is the hard diff, since i dont know what exactly silver means.
    try atleast 8~10 in each combo colour
  2. no kiai time?
  3. slider tick =2 , u know where to fixed it. since 4 slider ticks sound wayy too off
  4. snapping each of your object is a must, its one of the ranking criterias
  5. check your AImod (ctrl+shift+a) my computer crashed when i started to check the aimod lmao
thats all my mod, i'll can check it after you fixed the issues

The fact that the beatmap is drowned in hitcircles breaks the ranking criteria.
Make your combos shorter,when a new sentence starts, change combo.
00:34:704 (20) - don't make so many turn backs, especially on a long slider- it gets tiring.

Distance snap most of the objects.

Overall: needs a clean remap. Try to put the circles in a pattern.

Btw from my queue.
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