
[resolved] Osu direct does not load ranked osu! standard maps.

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Problem Details:
When I go into osu direct, this is the screen I see:
Now when I switch the mode to "osu!" this is what happens

Where it says "loading" , there is a flicker that says "result found" , which only lasts a split of a second and keeps flickering
Now If I switch the display to "pending/help" or to "graveyard" It works perfectly as you can see here

This problem only occurs when the mode is set to "osu!" , here is every other mode working perfectly.

And if the mode is set to "all" , it only displays taiko, osumania and catch the beat maps. I assume this is due to me having all the latest maps of osu. But I am not sure.

Also, when I change the display to " ranked(played)" it only loads this (i left it for about 5 minutes) .

The "loading" flickers with "result found" also.

To sum it up, every way I try to look for a ranked/ranked(played) list of osu! standard. Does not load.

osu! version: 20140605.4 (latest)
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Also when I select "show already downloaded maps" the beatmaps do load fine.

Anyone has any input on this issue? I would love to use it to actually get osu standard songs I don't have.
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After asking several people in game, it seems that this is a problem particular to just me (No one has been able to replicate it).

The problem is I don't have a clue on what to do to fix this. I have tried the test build as well. And I don't think a re-install of the game will help.

P.S: After getting the supporter tag, it worked for about 3 hours, after that it hasn't worked.
Note: If I spectate someone with a ranked song that I don't own, its founded and the download completes perfectly.

If you have ANY suggestions on what to try, I ll do it.
delete osu.exe and run the updater?

if the problem is happening on the test then delete osu!test and run the updater

btw, this is not a reinstall
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Yuzuru wrote:

delete osu.exe and run the updater?

if the problem is happening on the test then delete osu!test and run the updater

btw, this is not a reinstall
That didn't fix the problem, I tried both the latest build, as well as the test build with your idea.

EDIT: I also tried deleting all .dll files and db files , then run the osume. But that also failed.
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Note: New rank songs aren't showing up either, ive tested this since the beginning of the problem. And no new song has been detected. Although new qualified songs or other gamemode maps are being added just fine.
What happens when you check "Show already downloaded beatmaps?" It seems like you have all beatmaps and system tries to show next results.
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When I tick "shwo already downloaded maps" , it does load them all. Works perfectly. I have also thought of having all the songs.
But before the problem started, I was able to see a list of 4000+ beatmaps I didn't have. 1 minute later, none. And also, any new beatmap being ranked right now isn't showing up there (which it should since I wouldn't have it). ~Unless they are showing under 'qualified' instead, since that list seems to be updating without problems.

I have heard different things from different people about this, but :
Beatmap Packs have all ranked songs that exist, ever? Or just the more 'popular' ones? .
If the case is that those are all ranked songs ever made. Then I do have them all. And perhaps the 4000+ list I saw before the problem began was a bug. And maybe newly rank maps are being added to the qualified list (at least for me) , since I have seen about 8 new maps there in the past week.

-That was a way of explaining it maybe. Depending on the answer to that question above.
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The beatmap packs have most ranked songs (all of them except a few from ~2008).
Yep, they include ALL maps ranked. Marking as resolved.
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