
Skin versioning and broken skin layouts

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In this public build I have decided to phase out the "Prefer new default skin behaviour" option toggle and standardise skins. This means that many users will experience broken skins, or osu! not behaving as they expect. This post will help you resolve the issues.

If you are a player with a custom skin, and are not seeing what you expect:

  1. If you just want to replace a few elements of the default skin (ie. cursor), make sure your skin is named "User". This will ensure you are always using the latest skin version (even without a skin.ini).
  2. If you have more than one user skin and wish to stay up-to-date on all of them, you can use a skin.ini with "Version: latest". Note that you should not use latest for distributed skins.
  3. If you are using a distributed skin and it is misaligned, open the skin.ini and check to see if it has "Version: 2" specified. If it doesn't, try adding this and see if it fixes your issues.
If you are a skinner and your skin no longer works how you expect:

Please read up on skin versioning and the changes you need to make to your skin.ini. Make sure to stay up-to-date with skinning changes, as newer version will allow more features, as well as staying in line with the latest look and feel of osu!.
Does "Version: latest" default to the behaviors used in "Version: 2" or is there plans for a new version?

The way you worded the post, it sounds like "Version: latest" is not suggested for skin distribution.

Just trying to future proof stuff.
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You are 100% correct. Do not use "latest" for skin distribution.
Will we ever be able to skin the color of play-warningarrow? Currently osu! makes it so that no matter what the arrows get a red overlay which isn't optimal since I'd really like to make mine blue. Googling this lead me to see that in 2 separate posts you acknowledged this, once by saying that this will be resolved in the next release and the second you said this correct behavior and to avoid it we should de-select "prefer new skin...", unfortunately that second post's solution never worked and now the option is gone.

What should we do if we want to skin the color of the warning arrows, or are you adamant about the red overlay?
For skins who previously used new skin behaviour, version must be 2.0 and not 2. OP is misleading. (At least it didn't work for me '_>' )
Well... this happened after the update

And yes, I'm using the "Version: 2". Should I just move the "taiko-drum-inner/outer.png" or you will fix this?

Elzapatoverde wrote:

I'm not sure if i shoud put this on Technical Support, but this happened after the update

And yes, I'm using the "Version: 2".
this occurs on my taiko mode too.
Same thing happening with mine, but in addition my hitsounds dont work for taiko.

Elzapatoverde wrote:

Well... this happened after the update

And yes, I'm using the "Version: 2". Should I just move the "taiko-drum-inner/outer.png" or you will fix this?
Your osu! skin may be version 2 but your taiko elements are not, The taiko skin change was to allow for future skinning to be easier.

You can either edit your elements or change your skins version...

To fix the issue via editing, your inner and outers should occupy a full half width of taiko-bar-left.

bar-left is 360x400px @2x (180x200px 1x)
inner & outers are 180x400px @2x (90x200px 1x)

bbshksh wrote:

this occurs on my taiko mode too.
You have the wrong version being used on your skin it should be version 2...

edit: For better clarity your skin needs to be "whole" including all game mode elements utilizing either version 1 or 2 not both.
Oh, that explains a lot, thank you.
Topic Starter
I'll do a bump for taiko elements, on second thoughts.

Also 2 is the same as 2.0.
Ayesha Altugle

peppy wrote:

  1. If you just want to replace a few elements of the default skin (ie. cursor), make sure your skin is named "User". This will ensure you are always using the latest skin version (even without a skin.ini).
I am confused in this part. Can someone explain?
For example you use a skin that is mostly the default skin with a different cursor or transparent hit300s (no real skin), this skin can be named "User" and doesn't even need a skin.ini. It will always use the latest version.

All other skins are treated as old-styled skins (equals Version:1) if they aren't Version: 2 .
The folder name "User" won't force this on this specific skin.
Ayesha Altugle
Ahh, Thanks.
Upon adding Version: 2, the Taiko skin is fixed, however my spinner skin reverts to default. Removing the line fixes the spinner, naturally, but my taiko skin becomes broken again.

Not sure where I should go from there.

vowywowy wrote:

Will we ever be able to skin the color of play-warningarrow? Currently osu! makes it so that no matter what the arrows get a red overlay which isn't optimal since I'd really like to make mine blue. Googling this lead me to see that in 2 separate posts you acknowledged this, once by saying that this will be resolved in the next release and the second you said this correct behavior and to avoid it we should de-select "prefer new skin...", unfortunately that second post's solution never worked and now the option is gone.

What should we do if we want to skin the color of the warning arrows, or are you adamant about the red overlay?
just noticed this. Does anyone know a way to fix it?
Ayesha Altugle
Put version: 1 line on skin.ini (under [General] ofc)
I have my skin.ini set to Version: 2, but my Taiko skin is still misaligned :/
EDIT: Spoke too soon. Updated again, and I'm not having this issue any more. Thanks for the quick fix!
I'm set the version to "latest" , Left-bar is already fine but right bar is broken (taiko-right-bar.png)


Mintong wrote:

I'm set the version to "latest" , Left-bar is already fine but right bar is broken (taiko-right-bar.png)

Your bar-right is short.

Bar-right was extended to reach under bar-left for better aesthetics when bar-lefts right edge is manipulated with things like glow, notches, rounded corners etc.. what ever a skinner can make good use of.

Bar-right is 2048x400px @2x (1024x200px 1x)
(The same metrics apply to the glow)

Here's a zip of the taiko elements with V2.1 position changes for those who want a more direct method of metrics
thanks, it's fine now \:3/
I have created skin for Version: 1


Edit :

RBRat3 wrote:

Those elements are only for version 2.1 all versions prior use the old taiko default metrics.

You will need to use/create elements that are for version 1.
I was able to fix.
Thank you!!
Those elements are only for version 2.1 all versions prior use the old taiko default metrics.

You will need to use/create elements that are for version 1.

CarlGel wrote:

Upon adding Version: 2, the Taiko skin is fixed, however my spinner skin reverts to default. Removing the line fixes the spinner, naturally, but my taiko skin becomes broken again.

Not sure where I should go from there.
I have the same problem.

Here is the spinner set

Spinner works normally without "Version: latest" or "Version:2" in skin.ini
Since we now need full image sets for old version skins, could you maybe upload a full template skin of all the old elements so we can use those to fill the gaps? Even the most recent template skin from peppy's announcement post doesn't contain all the elements (for example, taiko-drum-inner/outer and taiko-barline - among others - are missing).
The skin of uses a set of new spinner. As versioning pushes out, we can no longer play with its full spinner skin. Should I write here or in the technical support?
Not sure what's happening, but my spinners are like this:

My replay button is like this: when it should be like this:

My skin.ini:

I used the original Life skin, then I customized it to my liking. Added different cursor, slider, spinner, ranking letters, scorebar..pretty much everything except the hitcircles/mods and such. Is there any way to fix those? :v btw, I'm no wiz at skinning, all I know how to do is just replace all the parts of it with different ones so yeah ._.
Ayesha Altugle

Tr1cky wrote:

Not sure what's happening, but my spinners are like this:

My replay button is like this: when it should be like this:

vahn10 wrote:

Put version: 1 line on skin.ini (under [General] ofc)
acutally, his skin.ini is already in Version: 1

OsuMe65 wrote:

acutally, his skin.ini is already in Version: 1
And it's still not working :l
i don't think Version: 1 ever worked at all. only Version: 2
Ayesha Altugle
Yeah, that's strange for me

It worked once a while ago
just tried Version: 2, same results :| anyone up for a teamviewer or something to check whats wrong here? i've tried tweaking some stuff but nothing will change idunno what else to do

deadbeat wrote:

i don't think Version: 1 ever worked at all. only Version: 2
Worked just fine. If you had Version : 1 and ticked preferred new behaviour, you got old style anyway.
Ayesha Altugle

Spinner Files

check this file if it will broke

Tr1cky wrote:

Not sure what's happening, but my spinners are like this:

My replay button is like this: when it should be like this:

My skin.ini:

I used the original Life skin, then I customized it to my liking. Added different cursor, slider, spinner, ranking letters, scorebar..pretty much everything except the hitcircles/mods and such. Is there any way to fix those? :v btw, I'm no wiz at skinning, all I know how to do is just replace all the parts of it with different ones so yeah ._.
You have this skin in a folder named as "User". It will always force the latest Version on this folder, ignoring your set Version number.

Just rename your folder to something else like "Life (Edit)" or User2"
Umm, Version: latest did the trick for me with misaligned Taiko elements.

ReddScorn wrote:

Tr1cky wrote:

Not sure what's happening, but my spinners are like this:

My replay button is like this: when it should be like this:

My skin.ini:

I used the original Life skin, then I customized it to my liking. Added different cursor, slider, spinner, ranking letters, scorebar..pretty much everything except the hitcircles/mods and such. Is there any way to fix those? :v btw, I'm no wiz at skinning, all I know how to do is just replace all the parts of it with different ones so yeah ._.
You have this skin in a folder named as "User". It will always force the latest Version on this folder, ignoring your set Version number.

Just rename your folder to something else like "Life (Edit)" or User2"
Great, everything was working fine for awhile until this happened.

Instead of fading into a black background it just stayed on the songs storyboard. I just keep having problem after problem :x
I have the same problem as Tr1cky, though i was able to fix it on two skins by changing the version number to "2.0". But on my other skins the the skin.ini does not have a version section and I can not fix it, and I have already tried to add a version into the script and it did not work.

I would add screen shots but I am to much of a forum noob to figure out how.
Peppy, I have a question...

Why did you remove this feature? Was it because you make edits of the skin.ini to be specified the latest element on a skin?
Does this make things easier for us or smtg?
Yeah, I'm still having problems with the spinners. I'll tweak with some stuff and it'll work for awhile, but then it'll just go back like this

i've tried everything not sure what else to do. guess ill just play with full background dim or something

Tr1cky wrote:

Yeah, I'm still having problems with the spinners. I'll tweak with some stuff and it'll work for awhile, but then it'll just go back like this

i've tried everything not sure what else to do. guess ill just play with full background dim or something

Add SpinnerFadePlayfield: 1 to your skin.ini. it will make the background black again.

Also ask this questions here instead: t/51694/
I like the idea, also translated this little guide into russian, but I think, the tech support forum is going to fill the hell up with a lot of questions.
Thanks ReddScorn for the help
Ayesha Altugle

tiper wrote:

I like the idea, also translated this little guide into russian, but I think, the tech support forum is going to fill the hell up with a lot of questions.
I see what you did there
can someone help me please? the only problem for me at the moment is that it changed my fruit-ryuuta.
I have the one I want in my skin folder but when I play it's not it.

Ayaya wrote:

can someone help me please? the only problem for me at the moment is that it changed my fruit-ryuuta.
I have the one I want in my skin folder but when I play it's not it.
For some reason, Millhiore said it still being worked on. Pretty much I am just waiting till the update so we can be able to use our customized ryuutas again.
New skin version uses states like pippi-don on taiko for the catcher.


But keep in mind these are subject to change.
With the skin Lumiance: Planckian Locus, the Taiko hit markers are all out of whack. In version 1 and 2, they are skew, but version: latest fixes the error. Also, in every version, the spinner sound in Taiko pitches downward, but pitches up in normal Osu! mode. The error on the ranking screen is only in version 1.

Version 1

Version 2

Version Latest
Leave it at latest or set as version 2.1 if there are no other visual problems accompanying it.
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