
[Archived] [assigned] osu!mania 8K: No singular taps on column 1

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Problem Details:

The problem is just as the title describes it to be. If the 8K mod is activated such that osu! makes an auto-generated 8K track for the player, there will never be an instance of a singular tap note on the first column. There are numerous instances of chords that include the first column, very rare instances of holds alone on the first column, but I've yet to find a single note alone on column one.

One addendum to note: the random mod, if applied, does not change this AT ALL.

This is certainly low priority, though does affect gameplay for people who do wish to use 8K mode.

Video or screenshot showing the problem:

Giving evidence to prove non-existence is... a bit difficult. I can say that, through about an hour or two of 8k mode tests, this pattern holds.

I can prove that single holds on the first column exist, though:

Here are links to replays of osu! auto-playing some auto-generated 8K maps, with corresponding maps linked.

First up is a non-random run (this map contains holds on the first column):

With map linked here:

Now for a run with the random mod active:

With map linked here:

osu! version: 20140521.6 (latest)
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Evidence has been updated to include two different auto-generated 8k runs, one with the random mod, one without. Neither run includes a singular tap note on column 1.

This is also something any player can try and explore for himself or herself; simply turn on the 8k mod and go play any song difficulty that will require osu! to auto-generate the track.

From observation, it may be possible that the first column in auto-generated 8k's is linked to the use of the map's hitsounds. This seems very similar to the taiko auto-generator, which uses a blue note for hitsounded notes, and red notes otherwise.
I will look into this.
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After further tests, the link between the first column's use and the use of hitsounds in the original map when auto-generated 8Ks are formed seems to be a key factor in this.

As evidence, here is a replay of an auto-generated 8K in which the first column is NEVER used.

With map linked here:

(Per the song description on the song's download page, the beatmapper for the song has yet to place any hitsounds)

It is also worth noting that applying the random mod changed nothing for the first column, compared to a run of the same song and difficulty without the random mod.
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