
Separate Input Device Profiles

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +4
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I often switch between mouse and tablet play, and I turn on raw mouse input when I use my mouse to get rid of the acceleration (which obviously causes my tablet to stop responding), and I keep my sensitivity on x1 with my tablet, but x0.4 when I play with my mouse. It would be nice to have an option to quickly switch between the two so I don't need to manually change the options when changing input devices. Something like this would be nice:

so separate loadouts based on input device. sounds like it could help...
Sounds good. It'd be even better if the profiles can be loaded from within the mp lobby.
I think it would be even better if there was a hotkey to toggle between profiles :P
Vuelo Eluko
sounds like a good suggestion but i have to wonder how does osu's in-game sensitivity effect tablets? assuming you're not in mouse mode it seems like absolute positioning would take charge over any in game settings trying to change the way your cursor moves.

Bassist Vinyl wrote:

sounds like a good suggestion but i have to wonder how does osu's in-game sensitivity effect tablets? assuming you're not in mouse mode it seems like absolute positioning would take charge over any in game settings trying to change the way your cursor moves.
Changing the mouse sensitivity to anything other than 1.0x makes the cursor jump around uncontrollably, while the Raw Input setting causes the tablet to not control the cursor at all.

(Speaking of switching back and forth from tablet to mouse, this would also be better if it carried over keybinds. It'd help players who also have to switch hands between devices, like me :P)
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Pretty much this happens.

>x1.0 - Cursor moves erratically
<x1.0 - Cursor movement delayed slightly
Raw mouse movement on - Tablet stops responding

I have been thinking about the possibility of having multiple profiles for the osu! configurations, to change in-game, for example, a key shortcut to change the mouse sentivity to 1 and disable Raw Input(to play with the tablet) in one profile, and another profile for the mouse. This is sometimes annoying because to use the tablet I have to use the mouse to disable Raw Input, since you can't move the tablet with that option activated.

For example, a shortcut of Ctrl + profile number (1, 2...), and with this profiles you would be able to change any setting in the options(key bindings, video settings, etc).
Sounds like a good idea. But with the new options menu i think its fast to change the settings.
t/201191 this then?
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