
Ability to add notes to bookmarks in editor.

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +17
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sir Minelli

There is something usefull called: notepad

I invite you to use it :)

If this involves in-editor notes...

I wouldn't know what to say... You already have the map thread.

Sir Minelli wrote:


There is something usefull called: notepad

I invite you to use it :)
What. He's talking about letting other modders see comments on specific places in the map. Why are you talking about notepad.

I support this, in theory you also can just put messages in the opening post of your map, but people often don't read that~
In-editor Notes? oooh...

This could be useful o:
Card N'FoRcE

Sir Minelli wrote:

You already have the map thread.
Yeah, but sometimes there are many moddings and noone reads them all.
I like this idea, since i often got modded the same things many times and putting a note could be very useful :D
+1 support.

I have way too many occasions/exceptions that I have to let modders know about.
Ooh, so... Basically, you mean, notes like "THIS IS INTENTIONAL" that pop out in the editor, right? For those who didn't created the map.

If so, sounds cool~
Topic Starter

Gens wrote:

Ooh, so... Basically, you mean, notes like "THIS IS INTENTIONAL" that pop out in the editor, right? For those who didn't created the map.

If so, sounds cool~
you got it
yeah, this would be pretty cool if you could tie notes to the timeline or to objects... or maybe add notes to bookmarks

LuigiHann wrote:

add notes to bookmarks
^ This.

Have a little tool window (like the AIMod) where you can enter some text to go with each bookmark.
I had been thinking of something like this for a while but for a different application: I'd like to leave myself notes in places. Still, it'd be useful for both.

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Sir Minelli wrote:

You already have the map thread.
Yeah, but sometimes there are many moddings and noone reads them all.
So true. =[

I'm all for the bookmarks idea.
Sleep Powder

Zekira wrote:

I failed modding that...taiko beatmap modding isn't my skill.

strager wrote:

Card N'FoRcE wrote:

Sir Minelli wrote:

You already have the map thread.
Yeah, but sometimes there are many moddings and noone reads them all.
So true. =[

I'm all for the bookmarks idea.
Notes for the modder with bookmarks?

animask wrote:

strager wrote:

I'm all for the bookmarks idea.
Notes for the modder with bookmarks?

LuigiHann wrote:

yeah, this would be pretty cool if you could tie notes to the timeline or to objects... or maybe add notes to bookmarks

I, ED HERNANDEZ SUPPORT THIS SUGGESTION!!! It's actually something I'm surprised hasn't been brought up sooner. This would be extremely useful since modders usually share their opinions with the mapper and might completely contradict the more useful advice of a more experienced revisor. I want this in editor SOOOON.
This would come in handy =3
Yes please
Another support! I'd just love this so much. Prevent idiotic 1 grid mods.

But, y'know as time passes by people can post useless lulzy junk in there... y'know... eh.

Bumping because:

I've almost made a new topic, and adding notes to bookmarks would be great.
Yeah i'm tired of seeing "Spacing error, spacing error, spacing error" on intentional jumps, it's even a new combo for god sakes >_<

+1 to this
Matma Rex
I support this.
could be very useful
There have been multiple duplicates of this idea. It's about time it got added into the game.

This would be so useful. :( I want to leave myself notes on how to hitsound my maps. It would be really nice if we could add comments to bookmarks. I could then fill my maps with anecdotes and dev comments, so i don't forget anything when i resume mapping after a few days time.

TheVileOne wrote:

It would be really nice if we could add comments to bookmarks. I could then fill my maps with anecdotes and dev comments, so i don't forget anything when i resume mapping after a few days time.
I agree!
Being able to write notes for individual bookmarks in a song would make mapping music so much more easier and accessing older maps you've made much easier to pick up again.

This would also be really handy for planning out how to map a song, and collaborating your ideas with yourself over a course of weeks without forgetting things.
You should really search.
bloody hell. I wasn't expecting such an old duplicate.
Mega bump..... I made a thread as well (didn't find this one specifically with the search so I posted but I found it through searching other posts that linked to this one so)

I'll just copy/paste what I had written in my thread since this one already has some support behind it

Click me! I'm full of images!!
So I've been thinking that this would be a very neat addition to the editor. Basically what this would do is add an option to add a comment to a bookmark. Think add comment in excel where the comment doesn't appear unless you hover over.

This would be helpful because it would assist with organization, especially if the bookmarks are being set for mapping/modding something at another time.

[*]For example let's say I want to add some bookmarks to remind me that I want to add slider velocity changes in a certain section. Then I can add this comment so if I were to come back to this map next weekend when I have more time I would remember the purpose for the bookmark being there.

[*]Another example, let's say a group of mappers want to make a collab. Normally there will be a storyboard to indicate which mapper mapped which section but let's say the SB isn't ready and the mappers are looking for mods for the 3rd mapper's sections. With these bookmark tags it would make it easier to distinguish each separate part from the others so modders can focus on them.

[*]This would also be helpful for modders. Sometimes modders are not sure what certain inherited timings are there for or maybe there's a section that might seem a bit questionable to modders but with these bookmark comments they could sort of explain their thought processes that way modders can have a better idea of what the mapper is thinking for x-section and work with that in regards to helping to improve the map.

I don't know how complicated this would be. The idea that I had was sometime sort of like this (rough example using ms paint lol). This idea is somewhat of a springboard to the thread about bookmark color changes.

In this case, you would either right click the bookmark in the timeline at the top or bottom or even something like ctrl+B twice (since doing it twice over a bookmark doesn't add another bookmark anyway). This would change the color of the bookmark to something noticeable (orange in this example). The comment bubble would pop up about a second after hovering over the bookmark and display a comment. If the bubble is empty, double clicking the bubble will allow editing. Also maybe it would be useful to have it so comments cannot be edited by anyone other than the owner although I don't know if that would be necessary.

But anyway I really feel this would benefit mappers and modders alike. I would like to hear more suggestions, comments or feedback regarding this idea. If you have any feel free to contribute below!

Thanks! :)
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