This is convenient for people who like to challenge themselves on high ranks of songs. Can be turned off if wanted.
Apologise if someone mentioned before.
Apologise if someone mentioned before.
So why not just play in test mode?Derekku Chan wrote:
I think ignore is asking for a counter for the number of 100/50/misses during play like how they show up in Test mode.RemmyX25 wrote:
Can't you just skin blank score stars?
Because it obviously won't count.NachoPiggy wrote:
So why not just play in test mode?Derekku Chan wrote:
I think ignore is asking for a counter for the number of 100/50/misses during play like how they show up in Test mode.RemmyX25 wrote:
Can't you just skin blank score stars?
Huge support for this. I love seeing the little letter up there, and I hate when it doesn't show up (during short breaks; etc)Gemi wrote:
I also don't think that this is a good idea.
I would however want to see the SS/S/A/etc during the whole song, not just during breaks. I assume it is like this because it was originally shown as a large letter in the middle of the screen during breaks, but now that it's a small letter in the corner there is no reason to have it hidden during play. This would allow you to see how well you are doing overall and this would also be a partial solution to the fact that people have been asking for a "100% mod" where the song fails when they fail their 100%, as now people could easily see when the letter turns into an S from the SS.
Edit: Yes, this is also possible to see from the accuracy number, but the letter is visually easier to see. Also, you can't see the difference between an S and A from the accuracy for example since you could easily have a miss (resulting in no S possible), but still a very high accuracy.
It could be made very subtle. e.g., you have an A and it fades into an S instead of flickering back and forth. Perhaps it could even just check every few seconds for a score update to change instead of changing over and over if you're on the border of an A/S grade. I dunno ;Xstrager wrote:
I would prefer the letters to appear during breaks as they did before.
I wouldn't want to see the letters appear during gameplay. (It could flicker between A and S annoyingly at times...)
This doesn't really help in places where each note is a different combo, plus it's not 100% intuitive for someone who doesn't know how it works. I'd probably prefer such an animation between the numbers that when it starts to change between two letters rapidly it would sort of get stuck in the middle of the fading animation, leaving a blurry mix of the two letters until you start to stay on one of the letters for a while and it has the time to fade into that letter properly.LuigiHann wrote:
It could check at the end of each combo
That's kind of what I was trying to say until my mind started drifting offGemi wrote:
This doesn't really help in places where each note is a different combo, plus it's not 100% intuitive for someone who doesn't know how it works. I'd probably prefer such an animation between the numbers that when it starts to change between two letters rapidly it would sort of get stuck in the middle of the fading animation, leaving a blurry mix of the two letters until you start to stay on one of the letters for a while and it has the time to fade into that letter properly.LuigiHann wrote:
It could check at the end of each combo
How can you ever play anything with storyboards or videos? How about the score display or combo counter? Tbh I just have to say: learn to play with minor distractions. Makes your life easier outside of osu too. If everything that moves in your eyesight distracts you it can't be very pleasant. And the letters are a very stable thing, not chaning all the time like the score and combo displays.Gabi wrote:
i would not like the SS/S/A letter to be displayed through out the whole map because i get distracted really really easy. i even get distracted by the accuracy counter, but you can't skin it away :\\.
i actually liked the way the old acc used to be displayed.
i can barely play with videos and storyboads, i CAN'T play with skins. it's the same reason i HIDE the scores on the left of the play field so i don't see if i enter the top #40 during my play time. the score/combo counter is not a big deal because i only need to look at my acc to see how good my score will be, and missing will obviously combo break me so i don't have to look at that either. i am more concerned to look at how good my acc currently is.Gemi wrote:
How can you ever play anything with storyboards or videos? How about the score display or combo counter? Tbh I just have to say: learn to play with minor distractions. Makes your life easier outside of osu too. If everything that moves in your eyesight distracts you it can't be very pleasant. And the letters are a very stable thing, not chaning all the time like the score and combo displays.Gabi wrote:
i would not like the SS/S/A letter to be displayed through out the whole map because i get distracted really really easy. i even get distracted by the accuracy counter, but you can't skin it away :\\.
i actually liked the way the old acc used to be displayed.
Uuuh, so you are saying that you deliberately look at the stat and anything that you don't want to look at doesn't disturb you? Then how is it a problem to have something new in there, if you can just ignore it?Gabi wrote:
the score/combo counter is not a big deal because i only need to look at my acc to see how good my score will be, and missing will obviously combo break me so i don't have to look at that either. i am more concerned to look at how good my acc currently is.
EDIT: because the accuracy counter is right next to it. like i said, i was very happy with the old style, no need to discuss this anymore since it seems like i am the only one bothered by small things, no need to go deeper into this.Gemi wrote:
Uuuh, so you are saying that you deliberately look at the stat and anything that you don't want to look at doesn't disturb you? Then how is it a problem to have something new in there, if you can just ignore it?Gabi wrote:
the score/combo counter is not a big deal because i only need to look at my acc to see how good my score will be, and missing will obviously combo break me so i don't have to look at that either. i am more concerned to look at how good my acc currently is.
O2Jam seems to do that.MegaManEXE wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but no other rhythm game I can think of shows your actual number of perfect/near-perfect/non-perfect/misses as you play the song, as far as I know they all tell you at the very end...