
Allow slider border colour to be the same as combo colour

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +923
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Hey, I've been messing around with skins lately and wanted to make a neon skin that looks good with black background, after a few bit I ran into a problem, the borders can only be defined 1 static colour. Making it white would look ugly and it doesn't fit the colours at all
I tried making the borders black to blend into the background but now the hitcircles look like it's too big on a slider
I thought It would be cool if we could do this
N i k k i
I think it's a really nice Idea, because sometimes i don't see that the object i wanna click is a slider and i just click on it like it's a circle XD
I support it, but i hav no stars ;___;
tbh this is just ugly, especially the first Suggestion makes it horribly distracting.
oh god yes.
would be so awesome

Stefan wrote:

tbh this is just ugly, especially the first Suggestion makes it horribly distracting.
The first suggestion is how we can fix it now (which is reaaally ugly).
I really think the second is a really good idea.
First idea looks really bad and nobody would want it but that second suggestion! My god! I'd love to see that implemented. As Nikki said, sometimes i don't see when the object is a slider or a circle so i click it by accident but this would fix all those silly mistakes c: +1
Topic Starter
Guys, you can already do picture #2, I put it there since I thought that the hitcircle look too big on the slider.
definitely want this. getting sick of my red border.
I like the idea. Support~
It's possible look at this video :

But how ?

Pommey wrote:

It's possible look at this video :

But how ?
It's only possible, when you are using just one combo colour
this should of been a feature 1000 updates ago.
I have made 3 skins that would be so freaking good with this...
since I start making skins I wanted this feature

it can't be that hard to implement that...
Currently i have to stick with 1 color because i use the same sliderborder color as the slider so it doesent really look good if i make the slider another color, so they should add like if you can choose more than 1 sliderborder color just like you can do with sliders and hitnotes :d
This is a great idea! I Use 2 combo colours and there is only 1 for sliders so it doesn't match.
This please??
I upvoted this :)
Cool stuff
- Sugoi Sugoi -
Can be nice I guess
Might be a tad confusing as the border will be invisible now

want this ;D
Would really appreciate having this option
How do you even change the sliderborder in the first place?
In the skin.ini file it says "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" and I don't know what the numbers mean.
I guess what I'm asking for is what numbers correspond to each color.
May need a new line such as "SliderBorderComboColorRelative: 1"

ThatGuyAgain42 wrote:

How do you even change the sliderborder in the first place?
In the skin.ini file it says "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" and I don't know what the numbers mean.
I guess what I'm asking for is what numbers correspond to each color.
It uses RGB color model
Sounds like a cool idea. Could work like slider ball tinting... kinda.

Have a skin.ini line something like "AllowSliderBorderTint: 0/1" to define whether this is a setting the skin should use.

It should also have the ability to be turned on/off through options, just like slider ball tints.

This way if you don't like the combo color deciding the slider border color you can just turn off the setting in the options which can make the default "SliderBorder" line be used instead of combo colors. When the option is enabled through the options it ignores the "SliderBorder" line and instead uses the combo colors for the slider borders.
great idea, +2 stars
i want this. it helps draw my attention to the full slider and have it follow the combo colors. i have trouble jumping off, and the color would really help me if it was ever to be added.
i like option 3 in the original post
I really like this idea! hope it gets implemented! there could be a command similar to the AllowSliderBallTint option so its like AllowSliderBorderTint
(Maybe also add AllowHitcircleoverlayTint :^])
Caput Mortuum
no, it's not.
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