
M-Taku - One

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 2:01:58 AM

Artist: M-Taku
Title: One
Source: Astral Body
Tags: instrumental
BPM: 94.25
Filesize: 4395kb
Play Time: 03:00
Difficulties Available:
  1. Refresh (4.55 stars, 284 notes)
  2. Relax (2.86 stars, 149 notes)
Download: M-Taku - One
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
この 歌を とても おだやか ですねえ? 私は 日本語を 少し はなします、ごめんね
Well, isn't this song relaxing?
Whoops, i made two... LOL

I have no idea how many times am i going to update this...
Sorry for taking this long to complete your request.
Copy paste this into the timing setup panel
hi, from my queue :D

start ~ 00:40:785 - add hitsounds here plz, soft whistle seems to fit so start there ~
00:45:206 - lots of missing claps like this, seems it was intentional. consider adding clap here.. especially in kiai part which is the strongest part of the song, so keeping a stronger rhythm is necessary.
01:41:417 ~ 02:19:312 - break seems really long, consider mapping part of it plz

00:45:838 (3) - wrong spacing
01:19:943 (1) - remove NC plz, no need to have a combo with only 1 note
03:00:996 (1) - remove NC same idea as before

sorry, I don't like the song very much, so I can't give any good suggestions >_<//
if it doesn't help no kds plz
btw, [Hard] was good for a first map, I'd recommend picking a less repetitive song next time so you could make more different rhythms and patterns ~
good luck :D
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