
[added] [Song list] Beatmap search specifications

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +453
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Specify which beatmap settings and details you want to see. Here's a few examples I had in mind:
  1. BPM: 253
  2. Combo: 3001
  3. Length: 1:00 (translatable?)
I thinking these search specifications should come together with their respective grouping or sorting. So by searching by these you would get teleported to the specific group and position based on your number. Because you won't always get results when being this specific.
Here's the solution to that:

AzerFrost wrote:

Maybe even being able to search in a range, for example Search BPM: 180-201.
which would apply for these beatmap settings search too:

The following are just what you search for. Search for AR10 and you'll get difficulties with just that difficulty setting.
  1. CS: 6
  2. HP:7
  3. AR: 10
  4. OD: 8
You should be able to search with multiple search specifications in one search field, e.g. CS:5, BPM:120, AR:9

Search by genre and language
Genre: Electronic (techno)
Language: Swedish
Possibly even if the mapset has a SB or Video.

So what do you think?
I think it could be very useful.
Nice idea

I wonder if searching for multiple things would work. Such as CS:5; BPM:165
Topic Starter

Saten wrote:

Nice idea

I wonder if searching for multiple things would work. Such as CS:5; BPM:165
I don't see why not. It would just make it even better.
This needs to be added, would save so much time.
Support, definitely
Having the ability to search up on specific difficulties or aspects of beatmaps would help with practising, like if you want to practice AR8 you could search for those maps, constantly going back and forth between AR's is a very inefficient way to improve.
It would also be cool to search for maps which are sorted by the accuracy!
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thank you all for your wonderful support! <3

I'd like to add that this is probably the easiest way for anyone to find the beatmaps with the settings they are looking for. This is just so straightforward and simple. All these beatmap details are already specified at the playing song list and the editor song list, so I can't imagine this being very difficult to implement.

Related requests:
t/67362/ < should be brought back up p/2228110
Maybe even being able to search in a range, for example Search BPM: 180-201.

Good idea though, I like it.
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AzerFrost wrote:

Maybe even being able to search in a range, for example Search BPM: 180-201.
Great idea. Added to my OP.

This idea is pretty complete now, there shouldn't be anything else to add now.
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[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

great feature

edit: actually this can apply to all kinds of filters, for example, creator:wcx19911123 / rank:s / folder:DTmaps, as a more accurate search system
yeah, I guess that's useful too.
Yes please /me want
You can add this request to this too, and have it by searching Genre:Pop or Language:English

skrccm wrote:

You can add this request to this too, and have it by searching Genre:Pop or Language:English
I think that everything would be covered with this. +1
Topic Starter

skrccm wrote:

You can add this request to this too, and have it by searching Genre:Pop or Language:English
oh yeah, I guess everything that should be searchable could be added to this.
Trying to do some AR9 training and this would be really useful about now.
No stars but still supporting. Would be awesome.
Support this so much. I'm trying to work on my stream speed but it's a bit hard to find stuff with bpm 5-10 higher than what I'm used to since the BPM search already implemented is like under 180/under 240 or something?
No update on this? I want this really, really bad.
Last Remnant_old
Definetely supporting this ^^
support this, i really want this for a long time
especially from genre, I was so tired just to add many beatmap to each Genre Folder

i guess before you add something like skin element, blablabla or blablabla you can add this first.

/I'm so bad when it's come to explaining something
it's nice, but maybe only for supporter in future? >.o /
I had this idea, too. I also think it should be implemented as an extra feature for supporters.
I've been playing for about a month and think that custom search would be extremely useful. As said before, AR and CS etc., but also by numbers of circles / spinners / sliders (for example you could want a medium length song, and search for circles between 300-700, with everything else on any). Personally I prefer maps with low amounts of spinners and would like to search for them without going by hand.

Also, a search to limit your songs by type (osu!, taiko, etc.) would be good.

Please add K:# for mania!

Like, K:4,K:5,K:6,K:7,K:8, etc.

DJKero wrote:


Please add K:# for mania!

Like, K:4,K:5,K:6,K:7,K:8, etc.
already exists, well kinda. you can sort by nK at least

theowest wrote:

Saten wrote:

Nice idea

I wonder if searching for multiple things would work. Such as CS:5; BPM:165
I don't see why not. It would just make it even better.
If this is implemented it will work like you say Saten, multiple variables support should be a MUST.

deadbeat wrote:

DJKero wrote:


Please add K:# for mania!

Like, K:4,K:5,K:6,K:7,K:8, etc.
already exists, well kinda. you can sort by nK at least
Yeah but you can't search for ONLY-MANIA 7K, you can search for 7K but you get standard conversions and mania-only MIXED and IT SUCKS :(
Yunia Anindya
ofc i support it^^
This would be infinitely useful +3
I became a supporter just to boost this idea.

Since I'm rather new here and keenly UNaware of the current possibilities of the song list search functions (other than play/not played, ranked/unranked, and type for song name author). Could anyone tell me if there are already other search functions in place which you can use? There does not seem to be a section about it in the FAQ.
Yep +1^^

danielharmsen wrote:

I became a supporter just to boost this idea.

Since I'm rather new here and keenly UNaware of the current possibilities of the song list search functions (other than play/not played, ranked/unranked, and type for song name author). Could anyone tell me if there are already other search functions in place which you can use? There does not seem to be a section about it in the FAQ.
There are tags in beatmaps. When you type the tag words in keywords search, that beatmap will be displayed.
Onisakura so~ needable too
- M a o n -
I like the idea, but the problem is that you have to be very specific about the BPM, combo, length, etc. Which would make it difficult to find maps that are similar, but may not have the exact entry. It would probably be better if you could type things like this as well:

BPM: 200+
BPM: 200-
Combo: 3000+
Combo: 3000-
Length: 1:00+
Length: 1:00-

This way you could search for maps that have that specification or higher/lower.

secretgamer wrote:

I like the idea, but the problem is that you have to be very specific about the BPM, combo, length, etc. Which would make it difficult to find maps that are similar, but may not have the exact entry. It would probably be better if you could type things like this as well:

BPM: 200+
BPM: 200-
Combo: 3000+
Combo: 3000-
Length: 1:00+
Length: 1:00-

This way you could search for maps that have that specification or higher/lower.
Great suggestion, this should be added in the OP.
Starless support

This would be incredible; I'd be able to train much more effectively

(edit: just so you know, length must be in seconds: "60" = 01:00, "120" = 02:00, "300" = 05:00, etc.)
!!!!! thats awesome news /o/
testing this out soon
Topic Starter
Awesome, this might have just motivated me to spend more time with osu!

XPJ38 wrote:


(edit: just so you know, length must be in seconds: "60" = 01:00, "120" = 02:00, "300" = 05:00, etc.)
I think I'm missing something here, where is this implemented? I tried using bpm>100 and bpm<100 and only got search results of titles including 100. (in osu direct, the collection search in-game and the beatmap search of the site)

Can anyone tell me where you can use these specifications?
it's only usable on the test build at the moment

deadbeat wrote:

it's only usable on the test build at the moment
Thanks for the fast reply, was wondering how some people did manage to use it.
yussss finally :D
Darn, add Mania Only Keys Filter, PLEAAASEEE... Syntax: MOK>4~9 [woc2006 knows why i'm telling this to 9 instead of 8, :))
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