
OT!Executions VI: Chapter 5

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Chapter 4: Anger

Tad Fibonacci
Total votes: 9
Polling ended
Topic Starter
The group strolled through the long library corridor with only a deep never ending darkness at the end. As Tad caught up with the group samx500 asked, "So, what's with Roshan, Tad?" Tad replies, "He said it's nothing, but he was kinda spooked and didn't want me to see." Plini who is slightly unstable now burst, "Yea he's dead. That painting is gonna kill him in some gruesome way. Like with MrSparklepants. Like with Ender Lain. Like with AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like with. Like with. Like with..." Tad, saddened, looks at Plini believing that Plini is probably right, "Roshan is... Ashton, can you go check it out? At least to-" Aston interrupts Tad, "Me? Not a chance! I'll take you to OT Court if you do. Besides, you want to subject me to the sight of some gruesome remains of my partner. You got some nerve!"

I distant yell can be heard in the distance. It was definitely Roshan. Ashton remarks, "If you want to check, be my guest. That definitely sounded like death if I say so myself." Plini fell to their knees in fear. Westonini let out a long sigh, "Let's yeehaw out of here before it gets us too". Samx500 tries to pull Plini by the hand, but Plini was in shock. Samx500 turns to Tad to ask whether they can set up camp for some time just until Plini is out of it. Tad reluctantly agrees and the group sets up camp with Westonini set guard with his trusty gun outside.

Pentaqola and Ashton decide to look at the empty bookshelves near by, careful not to touch anything, "... and let's watch out for pressure plates" Ashton said half jokingly as they slowly moved around the camp. "Hey Ashton, there is a book here!", Pentaqola says. "Oh what do we have here?", Ashton eyes the book with interest, "...this is creepy. This book knows me too well. You see this too, right?". Pentaqola takes a second glance at the book, "wow and the author is even..." Ashton moves Pentaqola over, "Hold up! No way!" Ashton looks around conspicuously, "We need to go back to the camp. I think it's after me".

Pentaqola and Ashton head back to the camp to tell the group about a book they just saw that has Ashton really spooked. What is the book about?
1. No Off-Topic discussions in the Execution Threads. Topics that are allowed to be discussed will be voting thoughts, riddles, and thoughts on who will survive. Any complaints can be sent to me via forum/discord PM.

2. Any helpful suggestions can be sent through forum/discord pm, if it's in the thread, it'll be ignored. I'll be taking anything from anyone, that includes dead players, and those who aren't part of the game.

3. Please give other players a chance to answer the riddles/puzzles, if you keep answering them, the other players may see you as a threat, and will try to execute you whenever they can.

4. Don't speak if you're dead.
A raised pinky
Or so goes the tradition

What am I?

If you wish to leave the game because you absolutely feel like you don't have time for any of this, please pm the reason why you don't wanna participate anymore, you can leave at any point you want. The Safe section will be removed for the last 4 Players left.
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The leaning tower of pizza
a raised pinky? uhh i mean some snobby dudes raise their pinky when they drink tea. other than that isn't it supposed to be considered rude in some countries?

yea, i dunno what i'm getting at here.
I raise my pinky to summon satan
wowie you must be pretty powerful huh leve

oh wait we're kinda getting off-topic here.
Tad Fibonacci
Considering how Ashton in the story wanted to sue me, this is quite an accurate depiction.

OT: Pinky swear?

Edit: I thought Ashton got eliminated last round?
Another man's wife or girlfriend.

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

Edit: I thought Ashton got eliminated last round?
Topic Starter
Ashton was supposed to be dead, but in a sudden turn of events the riddle solver made someone else die.

Maybe there is a miracle this round too?
[offline player
Are outsider allowed to answer ?

thangbui040603 wrote:

Are outsider allowed to answer ?
[offline player

[ - Zekks - ] wrote:

thangbui040603 wrote:

Are outsider allowed to answer ?


Phew, thank god i edited and thank you :D


abraker wrote:

the riddle solver made someone else die.

i didn't even know you could do that.



Westonini wrote:

abraker wrote:

the riddle solver made someone else die.
i didn't even know you could do that.


It was a special perk for the riddle solver only for that round, it won’t happen again
ah... good to know that i wasn't talking to a different entity similar to ashton

as for the riddle, i don't know any tradition involving a pinky... only guess i have is a pinky promise
Does the riddles refer to raising your pinky when drinking a cup of tea?

Only reason I’m posting in this shit show of a subforum is to keep myself from dying. Once it!executions is done you’ll never see my face around you fuckers again. I have bigger tea to steep.
Tad Fibonacci
Yeah well no one likes you sippingashton! Give us back Ashton!
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