Hello OT Denizens. My name is Puzzle Y. Pop, and I'm an investigative journalist. You might all recognize me from my Finding The Truth series, an ongoing thread of articles investigating what's really happening within the OT government.
Today I'm here to bring you an opinion piece on the state of the OT democracy and a look into what I'm dubbing as "The Tadpole Bombing" incident.
I have an exclusive interview with the OT President about the incident in question. Let's dive right into it, shall we?
Q: Would you mind telling me about the OT government? Maybe a brief history and overview of the members, their positions, and their duties as elected officials.
A: "Hmm. Well, it's not too complex." ... "The OT!Government has been a group within Abrakers discord hosted by Royal OT Scientist Abraker. After Tad hosted the presidential elections due to events in OT" ... "Abraker and Tad had gathered up two more members. I was added to the role for OT!Government along with another lad called Tee." ... "No members have joined since."
"As for each member in general, Abraker has directed some big parts of the effort to make OT generally enjoyable to be in, and really pushed this forward with us. Tad has taken hold of taking care of event data and had previously been the one to judge who won the presidential election. I've taken care of overseeing and smoothing things out, from taking part in announcing and in writing and citing the speech for the sake of this movement. Tee has, as of now, fully taken care of writing up the OT!Constitution, which, aside from putting in place general laws, also states various things regarding the roles of goverment bodies. Especially OT!Parliament.
We're still making preparations for roles within the OT!Parliament, but generally the duty of the parliament-elect shall be to oversee and take part in lawmaking and discussing things in hopes of representing our denizens."
As a side note: After the interview, President Achromalia was kind enough to give me a copy of the OT!Constitution. You can find it here: https://old.ppy.sh/forum/t/920951
Q: Thank you very much. This is all very interesting. Now that I have a better understanding of the OT government, I'd like to ask you a few questions about an incident that occurred earlier in the day. Are you familiar with the "Tad the Tadpole" thread? (Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/926421)
A: ... "Haven't seen it. I'll check."
Q: So you're unaware that Tad nuked the thread?
A: "Oh. Now I am." ... "Well, that's something."
Q: It says in the OT constitution that you are acting Command in Cheif. Yet you weren't aware of the authorization and use of a nuke on a territory that falls under the jurisdiction of your government. Doesn't that seem like an egregious use of power to you, Mister President?
A: "I wasn't [aware] because I was asleep. From my perspective, Tad has done this of his own discretion, which... I'm not sure what to feel about."
Q: Do you believe his response was justified?
A: "Speaking seriously, I don't think it was exactly justified. Had this been under my knowledge and control beforehand, I'd rather it not have happened at all. Nuking a thread for the sake of obscuring... Well, a pretty terrible joke, but I personally think it's a bit much."
Q: Do you believe that Tad legally had the right to take this course of action, as a sort of governmental datakeeper?
A: "I think that's where it may get interesting because we've yet to get together a Parliament and have yet to enforce a base of actual law regarding things including the use of destructive force. We can't say Tad has done anything illegal. I don't believe there was even a 'right' regarding the use of force - the rather insane nuking of a simple joke thread. I don't think it has anything to do with his role but regardless, I'm just kind of perplexed. I'd default to saying that Tad was culpable, though, and that it was an excessive use of force."
I think it's obvious this interview does not paint a very good picture for the OT government in general. President Achromalia even goes so far as to call Tads actions "perplexing", "insane", and an "excessive use of force". Now, as a caveat, it seems that Tad did not take any actions that were explicitly illegal, but I have to ask the question: Is this really the kind of man we want handling our OT data? And is this the kind of government we want representing us in the world of the Forums? Are these the kinds of people who we want deciding laws and dictating how we will live our lives?
I have my doubts. And I think you should, too. I want a government that's stable. That will protect the people. Granted, it seems nobody was harmed in the Tadpole Bombing incident - Tad was at least gracious enough to evacuate everyone - but what about the financial harm? The mental harm?
How many memories were obliterated? How many homes are missing? Who's paying the goddamned reparations? The government? I haven't seen any damn threads handing out relief or reperations to the denizens in OT, or the innocents who lived in that thread. What gives, OT government? Where's our fucking livelihoods?
And how can you, OT denizens, sleep soundly in your threads at night knowing that at any moment you could be evacuated and your thread vaporized? Your possessions gone, turned into dust. I guess you could go pick up the fucking dust if you wanted to. Wow, thank you, kind OT Government. Now I have three fucking tons of SAND. You see that spot of dirt and grime? Yeah, that used to be my coffee table. Now I guess if I want I can have a drink on the fucking ground and roll around in the flith on the floor.
OT may be something special, unique, and amazing - but it's got a long way to go. Make your voices heard. fight for a better future. Go out and vote, people. Make a change.
Today I'm here to bring you an opinion piece on the state of the OT democracy and a look into what I'm dubbing as "The Tadpole Bombing" incident.
I have an exclusive interview with the OT President about the incident in question. Let's dive right into it, shall we?
Q: Would you mind telling me about the OT government? Maybe a brief history and overview of the members, their positions, and their duties as elected officials.
A: "Hmm. Well, it's not too complex." ... "The OT!Government has been a group within Abrakers discord hosted by Royal OT Scientist Abraker. After Tad hosted the presidential elections due to events in OT" ... "Abraker and Tad had gathered up two more members. I was added to the role for OT!Government along with another lad called Tee." ... "No members have joined since."
"As for each member in general, Abraker has directed some big parts of the effort to make OT generally enjoyable to be in, and really pushed this forward with us. Tad has taken hold of taking care of event data and had previously been the one to judge who won the presidential election. I've taken care of overseeing and smoothing things out, from taking part in announcing and in writing and citing the speech for the sake of this movement. Tee has, as of now, fully taken care of writing up the OT!Constitution, which, aside from putting in place general laws, also states various things regarding the roles of goverment bodies. Especially OT!Parliament.
We're still making preparations for roles within the OT!Parliament, but generally the duty of the parliament-elect shall be to oversee and take part in lawmaking and discussing things in hopes of representing our denizens."
As a side note: After the interview, President Achromalia was kind enough to give me a copy of the OT!Constitution. You can find it here: https://old.ppy.sh/forum/t/920951
Q: Thank you very much. This is all very interesting. Now that I have a better understanding of the OT government, I'd like to ask you a few questions about an incident that occurred earlier in the day. Are you familiar with the "Tad the Tadpole" thread? (Link: https://osu.ppy.sh/community/forums/topics/926421)
A: ... "Haven't seen it. I'll check."
Q: So you're unaware that Tad nuked the thread?
A: "Oh. Now I am." ... "Well, that's something."
Q: It says in the OT constitution that you are acting Command in Cheif. Yet you weren't aware of the authorization and use of a nuke on a territory that falls under the jurisdiction of your government. Doesn't that seem like an egregious use of power to you, Mister President?
A: "I wasn't [aware] because I was asleep. From my perspective, Tad has done this of his own discretion, which... I'm not sure what to feel about."
Q: Do you believe his response was justified?
A: "Speaking seriously, I don't think it was exactly justified. Had this been under my knowledge and control beforehand, I'd rather it not have happened at all. Nuking a thread for the sake of obscuring... Well, a pretty terrible joke, but I personally think it's a bit much."
Q: Do you believe that Tad legally had the right to take this course of action, as a sort of governmental datakeeper?
A: "I think that's where it may get interesting because we've yet to get together a Parliament and have yet to enforce a base of actual law regarding things including the use of destructive force. We can't say Tad has done anything illegal. I don't believe there was even a 'right' regarding the use of force - the rather insane nuking of a simple joke thread. I don't think it has anything to do with his role but regardless, I'm just kind of perplexed. I'd default to saying that Tad was culpable, though, and that it was an excessive use of force."
I think it's obvious this interview does not paint a very good picture for the OT government in general. President Achromalia even goes so far as to call Tads actions "perplexing", "insane", and an "excessive use of force". Now, as a caveat, it seems that Tad did not take any actions that were explicitly illegal, but I have to ask the question: Is this really the kind of man we want handling our OT data? And is this the kind of government we want representing us in the world of the Forums? Are these the kinds of people who we want deciding laws and dictating how we will live our lives?
I have my doubts. And I think you should, too. I want a government that's stable. That will protect the people. Granted, it seems nobody was harmed in the Tadpole Bombing incident - Tad was at least gracious enough to evacuate everyone - but what about the financial harm? The mental harm?
How many memories were obliterated? How many homes are missing? Who's paying the goddamned reparations? The government? I haven't seen any damn threads handing out relief or reperations to the denizens in OT, or the innocents who lived in that thread. What gives, OT government? Where's our fucking livelihoods?
And how can you, OT denizens, sleep soundly in your threads at night knowing that at any moment you could be evacuated and your thread vaporized? Your possessions gone, turned into dust. I guess you could go pick up the fucking dust if you wanted to. Wow, thank you, kind OT Government. Now I have three fucking tons of SAND. You see that spot of dirt and grime? Yeah, that used to be my coffee table. Now I guess if I want I can have a drink on the fucking ground and roll around in the flith on the floor.
OT may be something special, unique, and amazing - but it's got a long way to go. Make your voices heard. fight for a better future. Go out and vote, people. Make a change.