
Insector - Twinkle Park With Lyrics [CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on mardi 4 décembre 2018 at 22:10:41

Artist: Insector
Title: Twinkle Park With Lyrics
Source: Sonic Adventure
Tags: Shad0w414 Sonic The Hedgehog Parody Pleasure Castle For Twinkle Park Amy Rose Big The Cat Jun Senoue 414
BPM: 152
Filesize: 11364kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Cup (1,08 stars, 64 notes)
  2. Fish for and catch Froggy (3,81 stars, 351 notes)
  3. Light Cup (0,68 stars, 30 notes)
  4. Platter (2,62 stars, 173 notes)
  5. Salad (1,79 stars, 104 notes)
  6. The World Easiest Map Ever (0,51 stars, 18 notes)
  7. Twinkle Sliders (3,66 stars, 190 notes)
Download: Insector - Twinkle Park With Lyrics
Download: Insector - Twinkle Park With Lyrics (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

Last Update : fixed some things and changed the last dif's name

You can make GD if you want :3

The World Easiest Map Ever n'est pas vraiment nécessaire. Cup est supposé d'être déjà le difficulté minimal, et je ne pense pas que si tu le laisses, ça pourrait être rank...

00:00:154 (1) - Tu pourrais le placer à x:168, car le flow au début ne rentre pas, je trouve..
00:06:668 (3) - Ne le place pas dans le même endroit que le reverse slider, mets-le comme vers x:232 (Enlever le HDash ne change rien) ou vers x:496 (Laisser le HDash).
00:09:431 (2) - Trop près de (3)
00:11:207 (3) - x:256, pour équilibrer le dash, car sinon ça serait un peu trop loin du (4).
00:18:608 (3) - x:200, entre la fin du (2) et le début de (3).
00:19:891 (4) - Colles à (5).
00:20:681 (9) - x:360 environ, dasher vers le (10) est très difficile. (Les edge jumps ne doivent pas se retrouver, dans la plupart du temps, dans les ctb maps.)
00:26:996 (3) - x:256, ^
00:34:102 (1) - Un petit peu trop loin
00:34:891 (6) - Ctrl+g puis, 00:35:286 (7) - place celui-là x:304, changement de pattern (Négligeable)
00:37:852 (4,5,6,7,8) - Décale un peu vers la droite pour créer un Hdash pour (3) vers le (4)
00:48:904 (3) - x:160, rapproche vers (2)
00:59:562 (12) - Rapproche vers (11)
01:03:904 (1) - Rapproche du (9)
01:17:720 (3,1,2) - Tu pourrais peut-être changer les patterns comme ça, c'est trop répéter.
01:25:220 (1) - Rapproche vers (2)
01:25:714 (4) - Ctrl+g (pour que le premier fruit tombe vers le côté droite)
Les patterns sont en généralement correct, juste l'esthétique sur les positions est important si on veut rank.

[Twinkle Sliders]
00:01:733 (3) - x:280, même distance entre (1) et (2)
01:26:996 (3) - ^
00:09:233 (5) - Met-le un p`tit peu diagonal -w-
00:13:575 (1) - Rapproche vers (2)
00:25:418 (4,5,6) - Si tu jouais, la forme ne serait pas ce que tu penses XD -w- (Remplace par juste des simples notes)
00:40:714 (2,3) - ^, ce n'est pas parfaitement curve (c'est ça l'esthétique pour rank un map (ne me blame pas owo))
00:28:773 (3) - Met en horizontal et déplace un peu plus loin de (2) ou ctrl+g
00:29:858 (4) - Ctrl+g

Meme chose, patterns = good; juste l'esthétique si tu veuxafghjeiosjdgoesogrank.

Encore une fois trop paresseux pour le reste >w<''', mais quand meme t'as trois maps mod par la meme personne -w-

Bonne chancey : )
Topic Starter

_wwwww wrote:


The World Easiest Map Ever n'est pas vraiment nécessaire. Cup est supposé d'être déjà le difficulté minimal, et je ne pense pas que si tu le laisses, ça pourrait être rank... Disons que cette dif est un troll, mais en effet, je la supprimerais si jamais on ne peut vraiment pas rank ça ;)

00:00:154 (1) - Tu pourrais le placer à x:168, car le flow au début ne rentre pas, je trouve.. Fixed
00:06:668 (3) - Ne le place pas dans le même endroit que le reverse slider, mets-le comme vers x:232 (Enlever le HDash ne change rien) ou vers x:496 (Laisser le HDash). J'ai laissé le HDash
00:09:431 (2) - Trop près de (3) Fixed
00:11:207 (3) - x:256, pour équilibrer le dash, car sinon ça serait un peu trop loin du (4). Fixed
00:18:608 (3) - x:200, entre la fin du (2) et le début de (3). Fixed
00:19:891 (4) - Colles à (5). Fixed
00:20:681 (9) - x:360 environ, dasher vers le (10) est très difficile. (Les edge jumps ne doivent pas se retrouver, dans la plupart du temps, dans les ctb maps.) Fixed
00:26:996 (3) - x:256, ^ Fixed
00:34:102 (1) - Un petit peu trop loin Fixed
00:34:891 (6) - Ctrl+g puis, 00:35:286 (7) - place celui-là x:304, changement de pattern (Négligeable) Fixed
00:37:852 (4,5,6,7,8) - Décale un peu vers la droite pour créer un Hdash pour (3) vers le (4) Fixed
00:48:904 (3) - x:160, rapproche vers (2) Fixed
00:59:562 (12) - Rapproche vers (11) Fixed
01:03:904 (1) - Rapproche du (9) Fixed
01:17:720 (3,1,2) - Tu pourrais peut-être changer les patterns comme ça, c'est trop répéter. CTRL+G is magic *_*
01:25:220 (1) - Rapproche vers (2) Fixed
01:25:714 (4) - Ctrl+g (pour que le premier fruit tombe vers le côté droite) Fixed
Les patterns sont en généralement correct, juste l'esthétique sur les positions est important si on veut rank. C'est malheureusement mon point noir ^^"

[Twinkle Sliders]
00:01:733 (3) - x:280, même distance entre (1) et (2) Fixed
01:26:996 (3) - ^ Fixed
00:09:233 (5) - Met-le un p`tit peu diagonal -w- Fixed
00:13:575 (1) - Rapproche vers (2) Fixed
00:25:418 (4,5,6) - Si tu jouais, la forme ne serait pas ce que tu penses XD -w- (Remplace par juste des simples notes) Malheureusement,
cette map ne sera composée que de Sliders, désolé ^^" remplacé par un reverse Slider)

00:40:714 (2,3) - ^, ce n'est pas parfaitement curve (c'est ça l'esthétique pour rank un map (ne me blame pas owo)) J'ai trouvé un p'tit compromis avec les sliders ;)
00:28:773 (3) - Met en horizontal et déplace un peu plus loin de (2) ou ctrl+g Fixed
00:29:858 (4) - Ctrl+g Fixed

Meme chose, patterns = good; juste l'esthétique si tu veuxafghjeiosjdgoesogrank.

Encore une fois trop paresseux pour le reste >w<''', mais quand meme t'as trois maps mod par la meme personne -w- Ah là là! Tous feignants ces moddeurs, de nos jours T'inquiète, chui déjà bien content pour le triple modding, merci beaucoup :D

Bonne chancey : ) Merci :D
  • ~414~
  1. 00:01:733 (5,6) - You don't have here a hdash, but on 00:04:891 (3,4) - you have it one the same sound :x
  2. 00:07:654 (2,3,4) - Try to keep the same ds here, for better catching this objects
  3. 00:08:641 - Do here 1/1 slider with repeat, like this link
  4. 00:10:220 - The same like ^
  5. 00:10:812 (1,2) - Make them closer
  6. 00:11:404 (4,5,6) - Make them little closer too
  7. 00:11:996 (1,2) - I think the better pattern is link
  8. 00:12:786 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think you can do better stream already, this one is good for example link
  9. 00:14:760 (7) - Do here repeat, for vocal line
  10. 00:17:918 - Do here 1/2 slider. for beat this time
  11. 00:21:273 - Make here 1/1 slider for vocal line again
  12. 00:22:852 - The same like ^
  13. 00:24:628 (3,4,5) - Make here a pattern like link, this is more fit to beat already
  14. 00:27:589 - 1/1 slider again
  15. 00:28:378 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make them closer to each one, this is too hard already
  16. 00:32:918 (2,3,4,5,6) - The same like ^
  17. 00:35:286 (7) - Take this to x:368, to follow the flow here
  18. 00:35:681 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make them closer again, the same reason like before
  19. 00:36:075 (3,4,5) - :thinking:
  20. 00:38:246 (8,9) - Make here a hdash
  21. 00:38:444 - Do here a 1/1 slider
  22. 00:39:233 (2,3,4) - :thinking: v.2
  23. 00:48:904 (3,4) - Make them closer to each one
  24. 00:50:483 (9,10,11,12,13) - Make this more estetic to play and do NC on 9
  25. 00:54:431 - Do here 1/2 slider, for vocal line
  26. 00:55:812 - Do here 1/1 slider, the same reason like ^
  27. 00:58:970 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This looks bad, please make it clearly
  28. 01:05:878 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - :thinking: v.3
  29. 01:08:444 - Make here a 1/1 slider
  30. 01:16:141 (7,8,9,10,11) - Make them more comfortable to play, reduce a ds for example
  31. 01:17:128 - 1/1 slider? Again for vocal?
  32. 01:18:707 - ^
  33. 01:19:694 - 1/1 slider again
  34. 01:20:286 - ^
  35. 01:21:273 - ^
  36. 01:22:062 - ^
  37. 01:25:220 (1,2,3,4,1) - Change this already, becouse this is not fit to flow
  38. 01:26:602 - 1/1 Slider
  39. 01:29:760 - ^
  40. 01:31:339 - ^
Hope this help! :)
Topic Starter

LiousPL wrote:

  • ~414~
  1. 00:01:733 (5,6) - You don't have here a hdash, but on 00:04:891 (3,4) - you have it one the same sound :x Added an HD^^
  2. 00:07:654 (2,3,4) - Try to keep the same ds here, for better catching this objects Fixed
  3. 00:08:641 - Do here 1/1 slider with repeat, like this link Fixed
  4. 00:10:220 - The same like ^ Fixed
  5. 00:10:812 (1,2) - Make them closer Fixed
  6. 00:11:404 (4,5,6) - Make them little closer too Fixed
  7. 00:11:996 (1,2) - I think the better pattern is link Fixed
  8. 00:12:786 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I think you can do better stream already, this one is good for example link Fixed
  9. 00:14:760 (7) - Do here repeat, for vocal line Fixed
  10. 00:17:918 - Do here 1/2 slider. for beat this time Fixed
  11. 00:21:273 - Make here 1/1 slider for vocal line again Fixed
  12. 00:22:852 - The same like ^ Fixed
  13. 00:24:628 (3,4,5) - Make here a pattern like link, this is more fit to beat already Fixed with another pattern
  14. 00:27:589 - 1/1 slider again Fixed
  15. 00:28:378 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Make them closer to each one, this is too hard already Fixed
  16. 00:32:918 (2,3,4,5,6) - The same like ^ Fixed
  17. 00:35:286 (7) - Take this to x:368, to follow the flow here Fixed
  18. 00:35:681 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make them closer again, the same reason like before Fixed
  19. 00:36:075 (3,4,5) - :thinking: I will think too :o
  20. 00:38:246 (8,9) - Make here a hdash Fixed
  21. 00:38:444 - Do here a 1/1 slider Fixed
  22. 00:39:233 (2,3,4) - :thinking: v.2 I will think too v.2 ;)
  23. 00:48:904 (3,4) - Make them closer to each one Fixed
  24. 00:50:483 (9,10,11,12,13) - Make this more estetic to play and do NC on 9 Fixed
  25. 00:54:431 - Do here 1/2 slider, for vocal line Fixed
  26. 00:55:812 - Do here 1/1 slider, the same reason like ^ Fixed
  27. 00:58:970 (6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - This looks bad, please make it clearly Fixed
  28. 01:05:878 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - :thinking: v.3 I will think too v.3 ;)
  29. 01:08:444 - Make here a 1/1 slider Fixed
  30. 01:16:141 (7,8,9,10,11) - Make them more comfortable to play, reduce a ds for example Fixed
  31. 01:17:128 - 1/1 slider? Again for vocal? Fixed
  32. 01:18:707 - ^Fixed
  33. 01:19:694 - 1/1 slider again Fixed
  34. 01:20:286 - ^Fixed
  35. 01:21:273 - ^ Fixed
  36. 01:22:062 - ^ Fixed
  37. 01:25:220 (1,2,3,4,1) - Change this already, becouse this is not fit to flow Fixed
  38. 01:26:602 - 1/1 Slider No because I wanna have the same thing that I have used on the beginning of the map
  39. 01:29:760 - ^ ^
  40. 01:31:339 - ^ ^
Hope this help! :)
Thanks a lot for your mod, it was really helpful :D
Hello there nya~. From my queue

  1. I see all difficulties have different duration. Make it as same as the other diff such as 1:32 you have at platter for good spread and consistency.
  2. 00:57:983 - I see some of your diff have this point 00:57:983 - until 01:06:668 - unmapped. While at Rain diff you have it mapped. Choose whenever you want. Map it in all diff or just left it blank as break to all diff for a consistency
  3. Some of parts, when they're have simillar rythm. Seems you don't have a consistency in pattern. If you don't keep the consistency. That would make people pretend you only put random objects. Sorry for being rude, it just at some parts. You can contact me if you find any difficulties while understanding my word. Yes, my english is bad ;w;
  1. 00:11:404 (1) - Why don't you make it a bit curve? For the aesthetic. Maybe you can make the similar as 00:09:825 (2) - .
  2. 00:13:773 (1) - Make this as 1 slider and 1 circle. Most unexperienced players may find this pattern a bit hard to catch.
  3. 00:32:325 (1) - Too skewed. Tilt this to about 45 degrees vertical. Either you can flip it and adjust the distance. I think some new players will assume this as dash.
  4. 00:35:089 (1,2) - I suggest you to not make it completely horizontal. Same as 00:32:325 (1) - .
  5. 01:26:010 (4) - Move to x:288 to give them a bit movement?
  1. 00:06:668 (1) - This isn't a good idea to give a likely antiflow pattern thought you can catch it without moving. But for unexperienced, they will follow the pattern flow and then dash to right. Suggest to flip this. You may adjust this f you want to make it have a dash.
  2. 00:12:194 (1) - Change this to another pattern? Seems not suitable with the rythm. And this 00:13:181 (2) - I think is good for a dash.
  3. 00:13:575 (1,2) - Same point as the above. And you need to change this 00:14:760 - to a circle to keep consistency with 00:12:194 (1,2) -
  4. 00:22:654 (3,1) - There's no reason to put the slider each other at far distance. Adjust this so they're close each other.
  5. 00:27:391 (5) - Make this as curved slider and give a distance for emphasizing since the rythm is suitable for that.
  6. 00:28:970 (2) - You may put a dash in here.
  7. 00:31:339 (3) - I would make this as 2 sliders rather than having 1 reversed slider. It's hard to catch for new. Maybe some of them will miss it.
  8. 00:36:865 (2) - Curved slider please. Example :
  9. 01:04:496 (3) - Make this curved slider please. It's easier to catch rather than that slider. Example :
  10. 01:24:431 (3) - Make this as slider ended at 01:25:220 - and put a circle and give distance at 01:26:010 - for emphasizing the rythm.
  1. 00:08:444 - Missing notes?
  2. 00:13:181 (5) - You may put a Hdash in here since it's a strong sound
  3. 00:34:891 - You should map this tick. Make it slider that ends at 00:35:089 - . And make a Hdash at 00:35:286 - Since it's a strong sound. You may need to remap the pattern to keep the aesthetic
  4. 00:36:470 (2,3) - Hdash? I hear nothing to emphasize. Or if you want to emphasize the vocalist voice. You should put a dash only. It's not that strong.
  5. 01:25:615 (6) - Change this reversed slider. Give the players a space to do a dash at 01:26:010 - . Oh ya, I think this point 01:26:010 (1) - is good for a Hdash. An example for what I did :
[Twinkle Park]
  1. 00:08:444 (3) - Make this as Hdash and remove the hdash you have at 00:08:641 (4) - .
  2. 00:10:023 (2) - Hdash maybe a good idea at this point to emphasize the vocal voice.
  3. 00:22:852 (2) - Make this as Hdash by moving it to x:400 to keep consistency with the pattern you have before. It has Hdash. And at this you don't.
  4. 00:35:286 (4) - Flip this maybe is a good idea for emphasizing the rythm so it will add a hyperdash. If you agreed, make sure you reduce the distance at 00:35:878 (5,6) -
  5. 00:55:023 (2,3,4,1) - Why don't you put Hdash at each slider. I see you're doing it before at 00:14:168 (2,3,4,5) - . They have simillar rythm. To keep consistency.
  6. 01:03:115 (5) - Move this a bit left so you will give them a movement.
  7. 01:25:418 (4,5) - This one. I suggest you to have this pattern : It's easier to catch and the circle I put at 01:26:010 (1) - is to emphasize the vocal voice.
Well maybe that's all. Good luck with the mapset. Funny song Lel.
Topic Starter

Skycreeper- wrote:

Hello there nya~. From my queue

  1. I see all difficulties have different duration. Make it as same as the other diff such as 1:32 you have at platter for good spread and consistency.
  2. 00:57:983 - I see some of your diff have this point 00:57:983 - until 01:06:668 - unmapped. While at Rain diff you have it mapped. Choose whenever you want. Map it in all diff or just left it blank as break to all diff for a consistency
  3. Some of parts, when they're have simillar rythm. Seems you don't have a consistency in pattern. If you don't keep the consistency. That would make people pretend you only put random objects. Sorry for being rude, it just at some parts. You can contact me if you find any difficulties while understanding my word. Yes, my english is bad ;w;
  1. 00:11:404 (1) - Why don't you make it a bit curve? For the aesthetic. Maybe you can make the similar as 00:09:825 (2) - . Fixed
  2. 00:13:773 (1) - Make this as 1 slider and 1 circle. Most unexperienced players may find this pattern a bit hard to catch. Fixed
  3. 00:32:325 (1) - Too skewed. Tilt this to about 45 degrees vertical. Either you can flip it and adjust the distance. I think some new players will assume this as dash. Fixed
  4. 00:35:089 (1,2) - I suggest you to not make it completely horizontal. Same as 00:32:325 (1) - . Fixed
  5. 01:26:010 (4) - Move to x:288 to give them a bit movement? Fixed
  1. 00:06:668 (1) - This isn't a good idea to give a likely antiflow pattern thought you can catch it without moving. But for unexperienced, they will follow the pattern flow and then dash to right. Suggest to flip this. You may adjust this f you want to make it have a dash. Fixed
  2. 00:12:194 (1) - Change this to another pattern? Seems not suitable with the rythm. And this 00:13:181 (2) - I think is good for a dash. Fixed
  3. 00:13:575 (1,2) - Same point as the above. And you need to change this 00:14:760 - to a circle to keep consistency with 00:12:194 (1,2) - Fixed
  4. 00:22:654 (3,1) - There's no reason to put the slider each other at far distance. Adjust this so they're close each other. Fixed
  5. 00:27:391 (5) - Make this as curved slider and give a distance for emphasizing since the rythm is suitable for that. Fixed
  6. 00:28:970 (2) - You may put a dash in here. Fixed
  7. 00:31:339 (3) - I would make this as 2 sliders rather than having 1 reversed slider. It's hard to catch for new. Maybe some of them will miss it. Fixed
  8. 00:36:865 (2) - Curved slider please. Example : Fixed
  9. 01:04:496 (3) - Make this curved slider please. It's easier to catch rather than that slider. Example : Fixed
  10. 01:24:431 (3) - Make this as slider ended at 01:25:220 - and put a circle and give distance at 01:26:010 - for emphasizing the rythm.
  1. 00:08:444 - Missing notes?Yes
  2. 00:13:181 (5) - You may put a Hdash in here since it's a strong sound Fixed
  3. 00:34:891 - You should map this tick. Make it slider that ends at 00:35:089 - . And make a Hdash at 00:35:286 - Since it's a strong sound. You may need to remap the pattern to keep the aesthetic Fixed
  4. 00:36:470 (2,3) - Hdash? I hear nothing to emphasize. Or if you want to emphasize the vocalist voice. You should put a dash only. It's not that strong.
  5. 01:25:615 (6) - Change this reversed slider. Give the players a space to do a dash at 01:26:010 - . Oh ya, I think this point 01:26:010 (1) - is good for a Hdash. An example for what I did : Fixed
[Twinkle Park]
  1. 00:08:444 (3) - Make this as Hdash and remove the hdash you have at 00:08:641 (4) - . Fixed
  2. 00:10:023 (2) - Hdash maybe a good idea at this point to emphasize the vocal voice. Fixed
  3. 00:22:852 (2) - Make this as Hdash by moving it to x:400 to keep consistency with the pattern you have before. It has Hdash. And at this you don't. Fixed
  4. 00:35:286 (4) - Flip this maybe is a good idea for emphasizing the rythm so it will add a hyperdash. If you agreed, make sure you reduce the distance at 00:35:878 (5,6) - sorry, I'm not really agree ^^"
  5. 00:55:023 (2,3,4,1) - Why don't you put Hdash at each slider. I see you're doing it before at 00:14:168 (2,3,4,5) - . They have simillar rythm. To keep consistency. Fixed
  6. 01:03:115 (5) - Move this a bit left so you will give them a movement. Fixed
  7. 01:25:418 (4,5) - This one. I suggest you to have this pattern : It's easier to catch and the circle I put at 01:26:010 (1) - is to emphasize the vocal voice. Sorry, it's a slider difficulty ^^"
Well maybe that's all. Good luck with the mapset. Funny song Lel.
Thanks a lot for your help, it were really helpful :)
From my queue
Sorry for the late respond.

  1. 00:00:154 (1,2,3) - Make its hitsound soft whistle instead.
  2. 00:03:312 (3) - Pretty much anti-flow. Consider adding a little bit distance from 00:02:918 (2) - .
  3. 00:05:878 (2) - 4 repetition doesn't sound great -- it sounds overmapped. why no convert 2 into a single note then add a 1/1 slider from 00:06:075 - to 00:06:470 - ?
  4. 00:07:062 (5) - remove this
  5. 00:17:523 (1) - ctrl+g, maybe
  6. 00:20:681 (9,10) - make 10 distant from 9 to emphasize the strong vocals.
  7. 00:25:812 (7) - move to x:96
  8. 00:52:654 (8) - move to x:32
  9. 01:19:299 (4,5,6) - consider changing this pattern
  10. 01:23:444 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overly mapped. i hear no stream sounds on the song.
  11. 01:32:128 - end the map here
Here you go!
Topic Starter

Hi_Hello wrote:

From my queue
Sorry for the late respond. No problems, don't worry :)

  1. 00:00:154 (1,2,3) - Make its hitsound soft whistle instead. Fixed
  2. 00:03:312 (3) - Pretty much anti-flow. Consider adding a little bit distance from 00:02:918 (2) - . Fixed
  3. 00:05:878 (2) - 4 repetition doesn't sound great -- it sounds overmapped. why no convert 2 into a single note then add a 1/1 slider from 00:06:075 - to 00:06:470 - ? Fixed
  4. 00:07:062 (5) - remove this Fixed
  5. 00:17:523 (1) - ctrl+g, maybe Fixed
  6. 00:20:681 (9,10) - make 10 distant from 9 to emphasize the strong vocals. Fixed
  7. 00:25:812 (7) - move to x:96 Fixed
  8. 00:52:654 (8) - move to x:32 Fixed
  9. 01:19:299 (4,5,6) - consider changing this pattern Fixed
  10. 01:23:444 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1) - overly mapped. i hear no stream sounds on the song. Fixed
  11. 01:32:128 - end the map here no, sorry, I prefer to map the "shit" in full ^^"
Here you go!
Thanks you very much, it were really helpful :)
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