
Catch the Beat General Discussion

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OD doesn't affect your gameplay, unlike the other modes

JBHyperion wrote:

Long answer someone will probably correct me on: It slightly affects max score per fruit, but not in a continuous way. For some reason I recall something like OD0-7 being one boundary, and then OD7-10 being another? Again probably wrong on those numbers but psure it's a discrete change.
I went ahead and tested some variations on a Map I'm working on.
From 0 to 7.7 included, maximum score will vary, which to me proves the score per object/fruit side of the theory. From 7.8, it will stay at a single higher value, much higher than OD7.7.
If it's like this, then isn't a high OD not important in the ranking criteria? (FYI: Not really aiming for it, just wanting people to enjoy song and/or Map.)

EDIT: Wow, I'm 44mins late XD
Nice research +1

To answer your second question, I imagine that's the reason we force OD = AR in the ranking criteria. It does nothing in terms of gameplay like in the other modes which rely on hit timing - in catch you either get the fruit or you don't.

The only thing it affects is max score. If OD could have free choice, everyone would probably set it to >7.7 for highest score opportunity haha
Depends of the OD, it gives more bananas on spinners right? That's what I deduce from thousands and thousands plays.

Gauderique wrote:

Depends of the OD, it gives more bananas on spinners right? That's what I deduce from thousands and thousands plays.
The amount of bananas in a spinner only depends on how long the spinner is, I think what you mean by "more" is the density:
For the density of bananas, most likely depends on the BPM of the song and the AR of the particular difficulty

Gauderique wrote:

Depends of the OD, it gives more bananas on spinners right?
Would be weird.
Maximum score is displayed in the Map Editor's testing option (F5). Not a single number has changed during those tests.

i quit ctb

JBHyperion wrote:

45Traeath wrote:

How is OD important?
Short answer: it's not

Long answer someone will probably correct me on: It slightly affects max score per fruit, but not in a continuous way. For some reason I recall something like OD0-7 being one boundary, and then OD7-10 being another? Again probably wrong on those numbers but psure it's a discrete change.
from the wiki: (!catch)
Score = Hit Value + [Hit Value * ((Combo multiplier * Difficulty multiplier * Mod multiplier) / 25)]
He Ang CTB

fidget spinners

He Ang Erika wrote:

Why not ( '-')
Might be loud for the room though.
project diva?

45Traeath wrote:

He Ang Erika wrote:

Why not ( '-')
Might be loud for the room though.
omg yeah, this is way too loud. shouldn't be easy to play with it tho..

new top play for me but i choked near the end. i'm happy with this result anyway
[Super Shock]_old
I quit ctb

[Super Shock] wrote:

I quit ctb
how to quit
[Super Shock]_old

- Magic Bomb - wrote:

how to quit
Use EZ.
Night of Terror

Total dominance over fellow CTB no mod spinners
Unbanned finally :)
Ayyy welcome back
3.5~4.0 star HR jump is hard..
Pixeljumps everywhere :thinking:

MBomb wrote:

how to quit

you don't
hihi :3
A Moon Gust

DakkyChan wrote:

hihi :3
Welcome back DakkyChan.
His wish finally came true

Sub Class wrote:

His wish finally came true
Yaaa but only thanks to all your and other people help :)

DakkyChan wrote:

Sub Class wrote:

His wish finally came true
Yaaa but only thanks to all your and other people help :)
I and you ended with good results xD I always feel indebted to you!
why is everyone so good at this game?

squaggly wrote:

why is everyone so good at this game?
Competitive psychology.

I think 2012~2014 season, that Competition has intensified.

Maybe... pp system? They want get unique record more more..

Sub Class wrote:

squaggly wrote:

why is everyone so good at this game?
Competitive psychology.

I think 2012~2014 season, that Competition has intensified.

Maybe... pp system? They want get unique record more more..
but still, I'm in the top 99.95% of people in the game and yet everyone is better than me. The only people who play this game are the top 99.99% and they can play maps 3 times the star difficulty I can
Ibuki Mioda

Sub Class wrote:

squaggly wrote:

why is everyone so good at this game?
Competitive psychology.

I think 2012~2014 season, that Competition has intensified.
Maybe... pp system? They want get unique record more more..
but still, I'm in the top 99.95% of people in the game and yet everyone is better than me. The only people who play this game are the top 99.99% and they can play maps 3 times the star difficulty I can
Lol only ones I ever see anymore or the same ones on the ctb maps and pretty much no one on hardly on conversion maps anymore. Conversions do help though. Idk guess the pp system just doesn't work for lower star maps so people lose motivation for new comers since think that last one I did was a 4.68 star dt at almost ar10 and barely got 30pp added.

Ibuki Mioda wrote:

Lol only ones I ever see anymore or the same ones on the ctb maps and pretty much no one on hardly on conversion maps anymore. Conversions do help though. Idk guess the pp system just doesn't work for lower star maps so people lose motivation for new comers since think that last one I did was a 4.68 star dt at almost ar10 and barely got 30pp added.
My thoughts is even if the players aim for pp sometimes,some of them or including me just focus to get on scoreboard or to keep the consistent accuracy on maps which not being SS or FC. To me,they want to get known and being good at it at the same time. I do agree some plays for pp or ranks or other stuffs and despite pp isn't something really definite enough to supports people's play but more to sources of players motivation. IF they gain nothing,it is same as like they didn't do much to achieve it.
By the way,any thoughts and criticism by others is acceptable. Hope that give some good reviews on others too. :idea:

That's all from me...
i'm bad teach me
im new how to play pls teech

Seph wrote:

im new how to play pls teech
How to SS Airman my friend ^)
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